close,1 filenm=' ' mywin=0 rpB=0 rpB=bytarr(512,512) fpos=0 fpos=lonarr(1000) & ftmp=long(0) & ii=0 _a=0 & _b=0 & _c=0 _a=intarr(256) & _b=intarr(256) & _c=intarr(256) ; Open a window device,window_state=winst if(winst(mywin) eq 0)then window,mywin,xsize=512,ysize=512 spawn,'/bin/rm' print,$ 'Enter in a filename of the image you wish to view.' print,'The name should include the entire path to the image.' read,filenm print,' ' print,'The image in file: ',filenm,' will now be displayed.' print,' ' print,' ' read_gif,filenm,rpB,_a,_b,_c tvlct,_a,_b,_c wset,mywin & tv,rpB print,'Image presently displayed is: ',filenm print,'This image will now be converted to postscript and printed' print,' out to haocolor.' set_plot,'ps' device,/color,/portrait,/inches,xsize=6.0,ysize=6.0,$ xoffset=1.25,yoffset=3.0,bits_per_pixel=8,$ filename='' tv,rpB device,/close set_plot,'x' spawn,'tekprint -pq haocolor | lp -dhaocolor' end