;+ ; NAME: r_coord ; ; PURPOSE: Given a linear array index and a centroid this will ; return the radial distance in pixels. This will work ; on individual indices, but is more effectively used on ; a whole array at once. A linear index can be generated ; using LINDGEN(xdim,ydim). ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: radius=r_coord(linind,imgwdth,cent) ; ; PARAMETERS: linind is the linear index into an array, FLOAT ; imgwdth is the image width ; cent is a two component vector with the centroid ; ; NOTES: Use on an image array returns a negative intensity image. ; ; RETURN TYPE: FLOAT ; ; CALLS: MODD ; ; ;- FUNCTION r_coord,linind,imgwdth,cent x = modd(linind,imgwdth) + 0.5 ;correct to center of pixel y = fix(linind/imgwdth) + 0.5 ; cent=float(cent) return, sqrt((x-cent(0))*(x-cent(0)) + (y-cent(1))*(y-cent(1))) end