;+ IDL PROCEDURE ; ; NAME ftscan.pro ; ; PURPOSE Perform an azimuthal scan using a FITS image [cartesian coord]. ; ; SYNTAX ftscan, fits_file, radius, thmin, thmax, thinc ; ; PARAMETERS REQUIRED: ; fits_file name of FITS file. ; radius radius value [Rsun units] ; thmin beginning angle [degrees] ; thmax ending angle [degrees] ; thinc angle increment [degrees] ; ; OPTIONAL: ; ymin Y-axis minimum value ; ymax Y-axis maximum value ; ; EXT.ROUTINES tscan.pro Performs azimuthal (theta) scan. ; lct.pro loads a color table from an ASCII file. ; rcoord.pro converts between [r,th] and [x,y] coordinates. ; ; NOTE This procedure works best in private colormap mode (256 levels). ; ; AUTHOR Andrew L. Stanger HAO/NCAR 08 Feb 2001 ; ; HISTORY 7 Jun 2001 Adapt for SOHO/LASCO C2 (French version). ;- PRO ftscan, fits_file, radius, thmin, thmax, thinc, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax SET_PLOT, 'X' ;--- Load color table. stars = '***' date_obs = '' time_obs = '' lct, '/home/stanger/color/bwcp.lut' lct, '/home/stanger/color/bwy.lut' red = bytarr (256) green = bytarr (256) blue = bytarr (256) tvlct, red, green, blue, /get ; Read color table into arrays. ;--- Read FITS image into memory. img = readfits (fits_file, hdu) imin = min (img, max=imax) print, 'imin/imax: ', imin, imax ;--- Get parameters from FITS header. telescop = fxpar (hdu, 'TELESCOP') ; Telescope name instrume = fxpar (hdu, 'INSTRUME') ; Instrument name detector = fxpar (hdu, 'DETECTOR') ; Detector name date_obs = fxpar (hdu, 'DATE-OBS') ; observation date time_obs = fxpar (hdu, 'TIME-OBS') ; observation time xdim = fxpar (hdu, 'NAXIS1') ; X dimension ydim = fxpar (hdu, 'NAXIS2') ; Y dimension xcen = fxpar (hdu, 'CRPIX1') ; X center ycen = fxpar (hdu, 'CRPIX2') ; Y center type_obs = fxpar (hdu, 'TYPE-OBS') ; Observation type (e.g., pb) bunit = fxpar (hdu, 'BUNIT') ; Brightness unit (e.g., Bsun) roll = fxpar (hdu, 'CROTA1') ; rotation angle (degrees). crradius = fxpar (hdu, 'CRRADIUS') ; pixels/Rsun pixrs = crradius IF (xcen LT 0.0) THEN xcen = (xdim - 1) / 2.0 IF (ycen LT 0.0) THEN ycen = (ydim - 1) / 2.0 telescop = STRLOWCASE (STRCOMPRESS (telescop, /remove_all)) instrume = STRLOWCASE (STRCOMPRESS (instrume, /remove_all)) detector = STRLOWCASE (STRCOMPRESS (detector, /remove_all)) ;--- LASCO C2 uses different keywords. IF (detector EQ 'c2') THEN $ BEGIN PRINT, 'detector: ', detector date_obs = fxpar (hdu, 'DATE_OBS') time_obs = fxpar (hdu, 'TIME_OBS') xcen = fxpar (hdu, 'XSUN') ycen = fxpar (hdu, 'YSUN') roll = 0.0 crradius = fxpar (hdu, 'RSUN_PIX') pixrs = crradius img = img * 1.0e-10 ; French B/Bsun scaling factor. type_obs = '' bunit = 'Pixel Intensity' END ylab = type_obs + ' [' + bunit + ']' PRINT, 'date_obs: ', date_obs PRINT, 'time_obs: ', time_obs PRINT, 'xdim/ydim: ', xdim, ydim PRINT, 'xcen/ycen: ', xcen, ycen PRINT, 'crradius: ', crradius ;--- Convert numerical values to strings. srad = STRING (radius, FORMAT='(F5.2)') srad = STRTRIM (srad, 2) sthmin = STRING (thmin, FORMAT='(F7.2)') sthmin = STRTRIM (sthmin, 2) sthmax = STRING (thmax, FORMAT='(F7.2)') sthmax = STRTRIM (sthmax, 2) ;--- Do theta scan. tscan, namimg, img, crradius, roll, xcen, ycen, $ thmin, thmax, thinc, radius, $ scan, scandx, ns ;FOR i = 0, ns - 1 DO $ ;BEGIN ; print, 'scandx: ', scandx [i], ' scan: ', scan [i] ;END ;--- Reduce image size for display (if needed). sizimg = SIZE (img) WHILE (sizimg [1] GT 1000 OR sizimg [2] GT 1000) DO $ BEGIN img = REBIN (img, xdim/2, ydim/2) xdim = xdim / 2 ydim = ydim / 2 xcen = xcen / 2.0 ycen = ycen / 2.0 pixrs = pixrs / 2.0 sizimg = SIZE (img) END ;--- Display image. WINDOW, xsize=xdim, ysize=ydim imin = MIN (img, max=imax) imgb = BYTSCL (img, min=imin, max=imax, top=249) TV, imgb ;--- Label image. XYOUTS, 2, ydim-10, fits_file, /device, color=250, charsize=0.6 XYOUTS, 2, ydim-25, telescop, /device, color=250, charsize=0.6 XYOUTS, xdim-110, ydim-10, date_obs, /device, color=250, charsize=0.6 XYOUTS, xdim-110, ydim-25, time_obs + ' UT', /device, color=250, charsize=0.6 XYOUTS, 2, 20, srad + ' Rsun', /device, color=250, charsize=0.6 XYOUTS, 2, 5, sthmin + ' - ' + sthmax + ' deg.', $ /device, color=250, charsize=0.6 ;--- Plot scan on image. th = thmin - thinc FOR i = 0, ns - 1 DO $ BEGIN ;{ th = th + thinc ierr = rcoord (radius, th, x, y, 1, roll, xcen, ycen, pixrs) ixg = FIX (x + 0.5) iyg = FIX (y + 0.5) PLOTS, [ixg, ixg], [iyg, iyg], /device, color=254 END ;} ;--- Draw a dotted circle (10 degree increments) at 1.0 Rsun. th = -10.0 r = 1.0 FOR i = 0, 360, 10 DO $ BEGIN th = th + 10.0 ierr = rcoord (r, th, x, y, 1, roll, xcen, ycen, pixrs) ixg = FIX (x + 0.5) iyg = FIX (y + 0.5) PLOTS, [ixg, ixg], [iyg, iyg], /device, color=251 END ;--- Draw a dotted line (0.2 Rsun increments) at 0.0 degrees. r = -0.2 th = 0.0 FOR i = 0, 5 DO $ BEGIN r = r + 0.2 ierr = rcoord (r, th, x, y, 1, roll, xcen, ycen, pixrs) ixg = FIX (x + 0.5) iyg = FIX (y + 0.5) PLOTS, [ixg, ixg], [iyg, iyg], /device, color=251 END ;--- Draw a dotted line (0.2 Rsun increments) at 90.0 degrees. r = -0.2 th = 90.0 FOR i = 0, 5 DO $ BEGIN r = r + 0.2 ierr = rcoord (r, th, x, y, 1, roll, xcen, ycen, pixrs) ixg = FIX (x + 0.5) iyg = FIX (y + 0.5) PLOTS, [ixg, ixg], [iyg, iyg], /device, color=251 END ;--- Draw a dotted line (0.2 Rsun increments) at 180.0 degrees. r = -0.2 th = 180.0 FOR i = 0, 5 DO $ BEGIN r = r + 0.2 ierr = rcoord (r, th, x, y, 1, roll, xcen, ycen, pixrs) ixg = FIX (x + 0.5) iyg = FIX (y + 0.5) PLOTS, [ixg, ixg], [iyg, iyg], /device, color=251 END ;--- Draw a dotted line (0.2 Rsun increments) at 270.0 degrees. r = -0.2 th = 270.0 FOR i = 0, 5 DO $ BEGIN r = r + 0.2 ierr = rcoord (r, th, x, y, 1, roll, xcen, ycen, pixrs) ixg = FIX (x + 0.5) iyg = FIX (y + 0.5) PLOTS, [ixg, ixg], [iyg, iyg], /device, color=251 END ;--- Read displayed image into 2D array. imgnew = TVRD () extpos = STRPOS (fits_file, ".fts") gif_name = STRMID (fits_file, 0, extpos) + '.r' + srad + '.gif' PRINT, 'gif_name: ', gif_name ;--- Write GIF image to disk. WRITE_GIF, gif_name, imgnew, red, green, blue ;--- Plot theta scan to a postscript file. ps_name = STRMID (fits_file, 0, extpos) + '.r' + srad + '.ps' PRINT, 'plot name: ', ps_name SET_PLOT, 'PS' DEVICE, filename=ps_name yminset = 0 ymaxset = 0 IF (KEYWORD_SET (ymin)) THEN yminset = 1 ELSE ymin = 0.0 IF (KEYWORD_SET (ymax)) THEN ymaxset = 1 ELSE ymax = 0.0 print, 'ymin/ymax: ', ymin, ymax IF (yminset OR ymaxset) THEN $ BEGIN print, 'yrange: ', ymin, ymax PLOT, scandx, scan, $ title = 'Theta Scan ' + fits_file + ' ' + srad + ' Rsun', $ xtitle = 'Position Angle', $ ytitle = ylab, $ yrange = [ymin, ymax] END $ ELSE $ PLOT, scandx, scan, $ title = fits_file + ' Theta Scan @' + srad + ' Rsun', $ xtitle = 'Position Angle', $ ytitle = ylab DEVICE, /close SET_PLOT, 'X' END