;+ ; NAME fv.pro ; ; PURPOSE Display a sequence of FITS images. ; ; SYNTAX fv, fits_image_list ; ; HISTORY Andrew L. Stanger HAO/NCAR 15 Oct 1998 ; 14 Sep 2001: Use dispmin & dispmax for intensity scaling. ;- pro fv, list next = '' fts_name = '' fts_hdu = '' tscope = 'sun' loadct, 0 ;lct, '/home/stanger/color/bwy.lut' ; load color table. ;--- File list loop. CLOSE, 1 OPENR, 1, list WHILE (NOT EOF (1)) DO $ BEGIN ;{ ;--- Read FITS image header & pixel data. READF, 1, fts_name ; Get file name. print, 'fts_name: ', fts_name fts_img = readfits (fts_name, fts_hdu) ; Read FITS image. ;--- Extract information from header. fts_date = fxpar (fts_hdu, "DATE-OBS") fts_time = fxpar (fts_hdu, "TIME-OBS") fts_day = strmid (fts_date, 0, 2) fts_month = strmid (fts_date, 3, 2) fts_year = strmid (fts_date, 6, 2) fts_hour = strmid (fts_time, 0, 2) fts_minute = strmid (fts_time, 3, 2) dispmin = fxpar (fts_hdu, 'DISPMIN') dispmax = fxpar (fts_hdu, 'DISPMAX') fts_min = MIN (fts_img, max=fts_max) print, FORMAT = '("fts_min/max: ", E10.3, E10.3)', fts_min, fts_max ;--- Convert to byte pixels. ;--- Display image. ; byt_img = bytscl (fts_img, min=fts_min, max=fts_max, top=249) byt_img = bytscl (fts_img, min=dispmin, max=dispmax, top=249) tv, byt_img ; Display image. read, 'next> ', next END ;} CLOSE, 1 END