/* T E M P L A T E P A R S E R H E A D E R F I L E ===================================================== by Jerzy.Borkowski@obs.unige.ch Integral Science Data Center ch. d'Ecogia 16 1290 Versoix Switzerland 14-Oct-98: initial release 16-Oct-98: reference to fitsio.h removed, also removed strings after #endif directives to make gcc -Wall not to complain 20-Oct-98: added declarations NGP_XTENSION_SIMPLE and NGP_XTENSION_FIRST 24-Oct-98: prototype of ngp_read_line() function updated. 22-Jan-99: prototype for ngp_set_extver() function added. 20-Jun-2002 Wm Pence, added support for the HIERARCH keyword convention (changed NGP_MAX_NAME from (20) to FLEN_KEYWORD) */ #ifndef GRPARSER_H_INCLUDED #define GRPARSER_H_INCLUDED #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* error codes - now defined in fitsio.h */ /* common constants definitions */ #define NGP_ALLOCCHUNK (1000) #define NGP_MAX_INCLUDE (10) /* include file nesting limit */ #define NGP_MAX_COMMENT (80) /* max size for comment */ #define NGP_MAX_NAME FLEN_KEYWORD /* max size for KEYWORD (FITS limits it to 8 chars) */ /* except HIERARCH can have longer effective keyword names */ #define NGP_MAX_STRING (80) /* max size for various strings */ #define NGP_MAX_ARRAY_DIM (999) /* max. number of dimensions in array */ #define NGP_MAX_FNAME (1000) /* max size of combined path+fname */ #define NGP_MAX_ENVFILES (10000) /* max size of CFITSIO_INCLUDE_FILES env. variable */ #define NGP_TOKEN_UNKNOWN (-1) /* token type unknown */ #define NGP_TOKEN_INCLUDE (0) /* \INCLUDE token */ #define NGP_TOKEN_GROUP (1) /* \GROUP token */ #define NGP_TOKEN_END (2) /* \END token */ #define NGP_TOKEN_XTENSION (3) /* XTENSION token */ #define NGP_TOKEN_SIMPLE (4) /* SIMPLE token */ #define NGP_TOKEN_EOF (5) /* End Of File pseudo token */ #define NGP_TTYPE_UNKNOWN (0) /* undef (yet) token type - invalid to print/write to disk */ #define NGP_TTYPE_BOOL (1) /* boolean, it is 'T' or 'F' */ #define NGP_TTYPE_STRING (2) /* something withing "" or starting with letter */ #define NGP_TTYPE_INT (3) /* starting with digit and not with '.' */ #define NGP_TTYPE_REAL (4) /* digits + '.' */ #define NGP_TTYPE_COMPLEX (5) /* 2 reals, separated with ',' */ #define NGP_TTYPE_NULL (6) /* NULL token, format is : NAME = / comment */ #define NGP_TTYPE_RAW (7) /* HISTORY/COMMENT/8SPACES + comment string without / */ #define NGP_FOUND_EQUAL_SIGN (1) /* line contains '=' after keyword name */ #define NGP_FORMAT_OK (0) /* line format OK */ #define NGP_FORMAT_ERROR (1) /* line format error */ #define NGP_NODE_INVALID (0) /* default node type - invalid (to catch errors) */ #define NGP_NODE_IMAGE (1) /* IMAGE type */ #define NGP_NODE_ATABLE (2) /* ASCII table type */ #define NGP_NODE_BTABLE (3) /* BINARY table type */ #define NGP_NON_SYSTEM_ONLY (0) /* save all keywords except NAXIS,BITPIX,etc.. */ #define NGP_REALLY_ALL (1) /* save really all keywords */ #define NGP_XTENSION_SIMPLE (1) /* HDU defined with SIMPLE T */ #define NGP_XTENSION_FIRST (2) /* this is first extension in template */ #define NGP_LINE_REREAD (1) /* reread line */ #define NGP_BITPIX_INVALID (-12345) /* default BITPIX (to catch errors) */ /* common macro definitions */ #ifdef NGP_PARSER_DEBUG_MALLOC #define ngp_alloc(x) dal_malloc(x) #define ngp_free(x) dal_free(x) #define ngp_realloc(x,y) dal_realloc(x,y) #else #define ngp_alloc(x) malloc(x) #define ngp_free(x) free(x) #define ngp_realloc(x,y) realloc(x,y) #endif /* type definitions */ typedef struct NGP_RAW_LINE_STRUCT { char *line; char *name; char *value; int type; char *comment; int format; int flags; } NGP_RAW_LINE; typedef union NGP_TOKVAL_UNION { char *s; /* space allocated separately, be careful !!! */ char b; int i; double d; struct NGP_COMPLEX_STRUCT { double re; double im; } c; /* complex value */ } NGP_TOKVAL; typedef struct NGP_TOKEN_STRUCT { int type; char name[NGP_MAX_NAME]; NGP_TOKVAL value; char comment[NGP_MAX_COMMENT]; } NGP_TOKEN; typedef struct NGP_HDU_STRUCT { int tokcnt; NGP_TOKEN *tok; } NGP_HDU; typedef struct NGP_TKDEF_STRUCT { char *name; int code; } NGP_TKDEF; typedef struct NGP_EXTVER_TAB_STRUCT { char *extname; int version; } NGP_EXTVER_TAB; /* globally visible variables declarations */ extern NGP_RAW_LINE ngp_curline; extern NGP_RAW_LINE ngp_prevline; extern int ngp_extver_tab_size; extern NGP_EXTVER_TAB *ngp_extver_tab; /* globally visible functions declarations */ int ngp_get_extver(char *extname, int *version); int ngp_set_extver(char *extname, int version); int ngp_delete_extver_tab(void); int ngp_strcasecmp(char *p1, char *p2); int ngp_strcasencmp(char *p1, char *p2, int n); int ngp_line_from_file(FILE *fp, char **p); int ngp_free_line(void); int ngp_free_prevline(void); int ngp_read_line_buffered(FILE *fp); int ngp_unread_line(void); int ngp_extract_tokens(NGP_RAW_LINE *cl); int ngp_include_file(char *fname); int ngp_read_line(int ignore_blank_lines); int ngp_keyword_is_write(NGP_TOKEN *ngp_tok); int ngp_keyword_all_write(NGP_HDU *ngph, fitsfile *ffp, int mode); int ngp_hdu_init(NGP_HDU *ngph); int ngp_hdu_clear(NGP_HDU *ngph); int ngp_hdu_insert_token(NGP_HDU *ngph, NGP_TOKEN *newtok); int ngp_append_columns(fitsfile *ff, NGP_HDU *ngph, int aftercol); int ngp_read_xtension(fitsfile *ff, int parent_hn, int simple_mode); int ngp_read_group(fitsfile *ff, char *grpname, int parent_hn); /* top level API function - now defined in fitsio.h */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif