A series of benchmark runs are made for each release of the TIEGCM (since v1.93). Job scripts and namelist input files for these runs are available in subdirectories in the tests/ directory.
Netcdf files with the first history of each benchmark run are available in the data download file. These files can be used as start-up SOURCE files to reproduce the runs. The namelist input files and job scripts used to make the runs are provided in the tests/ directory of the release.
Full history file output for version 1.94 of the runs is available in subdirectories of http://download.hao.ucar.edu/pub/tgcm/tiegcm1.94 (single-history start-up files are also at this location). See also the *.control files in each subdirectory for a summary of dates and times of histories on each file. Links to individual benchmark runs are also provided below.
For version 1.94, the following benchmark runs were made:
control: 5-day control runs, started from steady-state histories at both equinoxes and both solstices, and at solar minimum and maximum conditions:
mareqx: March Equinox (day 80)
junsol: June Solstice (day 172)
sepeqx: September Equinox (day 264)
decsol: December Solstice (day 355)
Solar Minimum:
POWER = 18.
F107 = 70.
F107A = 70.
Solar Maximum:
POWER = 39.
F107 = 200.
F107A = 200.
climatology: Full-year Climatology with constant solar forcing:
Heelis potential model with constant solar forcing:
POWER = 18.
F107 = 100.
F107A = 100.
dec2006: December, 2006 “AGU” storm case:
nov2003: November 1-6 (days 305-310), 2003 storm case:
whi2008: Whole Heliosphere interval (WHI) (March 21 to April 16, 2008)