pro c_s_to_a, timearray, strtime timearray = intarr(6) mon='JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC' timearray(2) = fix(strmid(strtime,0,2)) smon = strmid(strtime,3,3) bs = byte(smon) loc = where((bs ge 97) and (bs lt 122), count) if count gt 0 then bs(loc) = bs(loc)-byte(32) smon = string(bs) for j=0,11 do $ if strmid(mon,j*3,3) eq smon then timearray(1)=j+1 timearray(0)=fix(strmid(strtime,7,2))+1900 if (fix(strmid(strtime,7,2)) lt 65) then $ timearray(0)=fix(strmid(strtime,7,2))+1900+100 if (strlen(strmid(strtime,10,2)) gt 0) and $ (strmid(strtime,10,2) ne ' ') then $ timearray(3)=fix(strmid(strtime,10,2)) $ else timearray(3) = 0 if (strlen(strmid(strtime,13,2)) gt 0) and $ (strmid(strtime,13,2) ne ' ') then $ timearray(4)=fix(strmid(strtime,13,2)) $ else timearray(4) = 0 if (strlen(strmid(strtime,16,6)) gt 0) and $ (strmid(strtime,16,2) ne ' ') then $ timearray(5)=fix(strmid(strtime,16,6)) $ else timearray(5) = 0 RETURN END