function tostr,value return, strcompress(string(fix(value)),/remove_all) end function chopr, svalue, n if strlen(svalue) lt n then n = strlen(svalue) return, strmid(svalue, strlen(svalue)-n,n) end function nmean, data_array ave = 0.0 for i=long(0),n_elements(data_array)-1 do ave=ave+data_array(i) ave = ave/float(n_elements(data_array)) return, ave end dename = ! dirin = '' ext = '' filein = '' linein = '' line = '' smax = 99900. fmt = '(f8.1,3f8.2,1x,e12.4,f9.2,f8.2,f9.2,2f8.2)' read, 'Enter directory of files to process : ',dirin if strmid(dirin,strlen(dirin)-1,1) ne '/' then dirin=dirin+'/' read, 'Enter files to process (example *.remca) : ',ext list = findfile(dirin+ext) nf = n_elements(list) print,'total files = ',n_elements(list) psfile = '' print, 'Enter postscript file name (return to plot to screen) :' read, psfile ndays = 0 print, 'Enter number of days to plot :' read, ndays ppp = 0 print, 'Enter number of magnetometers per page to plot : ' read, ppp line = '' for i=0,399 do line = line+' ' data = fltarr(nf,4,long(1440)*ndays) + 99999.0 stat = strarr(nf,4) if n_elements(list) gt 0 then for ll=0,n_elements(list)-1 do begin npt = 0 filein = list(ll) print, 'Reading ',filein close,1 openr,1,filein readf,1,linein readf,1,linein readf,1,linein readf,1,linein readf,1,linein done = 0 while not eof(1) do begin readf,1,line if eof(1) or npt ge ndays*1440 then done = 1 $ else begin if npt eq 0 and ll eq 0 then begin itime = intarr(6) itime(0) = strmid(line,0,2) itime(1) = strmid(line,2,2) itime(2) = float(strmid(line,4,2)) itime(3) = float(strmid(line,6,2)) itime(4) = float(strmid(line,8,2)) itime(5) = 0 sitime = itime c_a_to_r, itime, stime etime = stime + double(ndays)*double(24.0*60.0*60.0) - 1.0 c_r_to_a, eitime, etime endif if npt eq 0 then begin stat(ll,0) = strmid(line,10,3)+strmid(line,14,1) stat(ll,1) = strmid(line,10,3)+strmid(line,15,1) stat(ll,2) = strmid(line,10,3)+strmid(line,16,1) endif data(ll,0,npt) = float(strmid(line,17,6)) data(ll,1,npt) = float(strmid(line,23,6)) data(ll,2,npt) = float(strmid(line,29,6)) npt = npt + 1 endelse endwhile endfor if strlen(psfile) gt 0 then setdevice, psfile, 'l', 4, 0.95 $ else window,1, xsize=800, ysize=600 time = findgen(long(1440)*ndays)*60.0 title = '' time_axis, sitime, eitime, btr, etr, $ xtickname, xtitle, xtickvalue, xminor, xtickn space = 0.02 xmin = 0.02 xmax = 0.99 ymin = 0.00-space ymax = 1.00 if ppp eq 1 then begin filen = 0 while filen le nf-1 do begin range = 0.0 ii = filen dy = (ymax-ymin)/3.0 for icomp = 0, 2 do begin loc = where(data(ii,icomp,*) lt 99999.0,count) if count gt 0 then begin d = data(ii,icomp,loc) maxd = max(d) mind = min(d) endif else begin mind = 0.0 maxd = 0.0 endelse if (maxd - mind gt range) then begin range = maxd - mind endif endfor range = float(fix((1.33*range+99.0)/100.0))*100.0 if (range lt 100.0) then range = 100.0 for icomp = 0, 2 do begin if (icomp eq 0) then plotdumb pos = [xmin,ymax-float(icomp+1)*dy+space,xmax, ymax-float(icomp)*dy] if (icomp eq 2) then begin xtickna = xtickname xtitl = xtitle endif else begin xtickna = strarr(n_elements(xtickname)) + ' ' xtitl = ' ' endelse d = data(ii,icomp,*) loc = where(d lt 99999.0,count) if count gt 0 then begin maxd = max(d(loc)) mind = min(d(loc)) m = nmean(d(loc)) endif else begin d = fltarr(n_elements(time))+99999.0 mind = 0.0 maxd = 0.0 m = 0.0 endelse rs = range - (maxd-mind) m1 = maxd + rs/2.0 m2 = mind - rs/2.0 plot, [btr,etr],[m1,m2], $ xstyle = 1, $ ystyle = 1, $ pos = pos, $ /nodata, $ /noerase, $ xtickname = xtickna, $ xtitle = xtitl, $ xtickv = xtickvalue, $ xminor = xminor, $ xticks = xtickn, $ title = title oplot, time, d, max_value = 99998.0 for i=long(0),max(time),1440.0*60.0 do $ oplot,[i,i],[m1,m2],linestyle=2 oplot, [btr,etr],[m,m], linestyle = 2 xyouts, [etr+etr/100],[(m1+m2)/2.0], $ strmid(stat(ii,icomp),3,1) + ' mean : ' + $ tostrf(m) + ' nT', $ alignment=0.5, orientation=270 if (icomp eq 0) then begin xyouts, [btr],[(m1+m2)/2.0 + range*0.55], $ strmid(stat(ii,icomp),0,3), charsize = 1.5 xyouts, [1.03],[0.5], $ 'Plot Scale : '+tostrf(range)+' nT', $ /norm, $ alignment=0.5, orientation=270, charsize = 0.9 endif for i=1,ndays-1 do begin t = btr+float(i)*24.0*3600.0 oplot, [t,t],[m1,m2], linestyle = 1 endfor endfor filen = filen + 1 if ((filen le nf-1) and (! ne 'PS')) then prompt_for_next endwhile endif else begin range = 0 for ii=0,nf-1 do begin for icomp = 0, 2 do begin loc = where(data(ii,icomp,*) lt 99999.0,count) if count gt 0 then begin d = data(ii,icomp,loc) maxd = max(d) mind = min(d) endif else begin mind = 0.0 maxd = 0.0 endelse if (maxd - mind gt range) then begin range = maxd - mind endif endfor endfor range = float(fix((1.33*range+99.0)/100.0))*100.0 if (range lt 100.0) then range = 100.0 if (range gt 1000.0) then range = 1000.0 offset = range ytickname = strarr(ppp+1)+' ' ytickvalue = findgen(ppp+1)*offset yminor = 10 ytickn = ppp xspa = space dx = (xmax-xmin)/float(3) filen = 0 while filen le nf-1 do begin for icomp = 0, 2 do begin sfile = filen efile = filen + ppp - 1 if efile ge nf-1 then efile = nf-1 if (icomp eq 0) then plotdumb pos = [xmin+float(icomp)*dx,ymin,xmin+float(icomp+1)*(dx)-xspa, ymax] plot, [btr,etr], [0,offset*float(ppp+1)], $ xstyle = 1, $ ystyle = 1, $ pos = pos, $ /nodata, $ /noerase, $ xtickname = xtickname, $ xtitle = xtitle, $ xtickv = xtickvalue, $ xminor = xminor, $ xticks = xtickn, $ ytickname = ytickname, $ ytickv = ytickvalue, $ yminor = yminor, $ title = title, $ yticks = ytickn print, max(time),1440.0*60.0 for i=long(0),max(time),1440.0*60.0 do $ oplot,[i,i],[0,offset*float(ppp+1)],linestyle=2 for ii = sfile, efile do begin offp = offset*float(ppp-(ii-sfile)) d = data(ii,icomp,*) loc = where(d lt 99998.0,count) if count gt 0 then begin m = nmean(d(loc)) d(loc) = d(loc) - m + offp endif else begin m = nmean(d) endelse oplot, time, d, max_value=99998.0 xyouts, [etr+etr/100],[offp], tostrf(m), $ alignment=0.5, orientation=270, charsize = 0.7 if (icomp eq 0) then begin xyouts, [btr-etr/20],[offp], $ strmid(stat(ii,icomp),0,3)+strmid(stat(ii,icomp),4,1), $ alignment=0.5, orientation=90, charsize=0.8 endif xyouts, [btr+etr/50],[offp+offset/5.0], $ strmid(stat(ii,icomp),3,1) endfor for i = sfile, sfile+ppp-1 do begin offp = offset*float(ppp-(i-sfile)) oplot, [btr,etr],[offp, offp], $ linestyle=2 endfor if icomp eq 2 then begin xyouts, 1.0, 0.5, $ 'Division between baselines is '+tostrf(offset)+' nT', $ /norm, alignment = 0.5, orientation = 270.0 endif endfor filen = efile + 1 if (! eq 'X' and filen le nf-1) then prompt_for_next endwhile endelse if strlen(psfile) gt 0 then begin device, /close set_plot, dename endif end