/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- astring.h a number of c codes which do things that I am used to in IDL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern char* c_int_str(int value, int length); /* converts an integer into a string */ extern char* c_long_str(long value, int length); /* converts a long into a string */ extern char* c_flt_str(long value, int ndig, int length); /* converts a float into a string */ extern char* c_dbl_str(long value, int ndig, int length); /* converts a long into a string */ extern char* strmid(char *instr, int start, int length); /* strips off part of a string */ extern char* strpad(char *instr, int length); /* pads a string with spaces to make it length characters long */ extern char* strcompress(char *instr, int nspace); /* removes excessive spaces from a string - only allows nspace spaces in a row */ extern int strloc(char *instr, char *ccheck); /* copairs ccheck to instr. If ccheck is a subset of instr, it returns the numerical position of the starting character. */ extern int strpos(char *instr, char *ccheck); /* strpos = strloc - 1. to make it the same as in IDL */ extern char* mklower(char *instr); /* converts uppers case letters to lower case letters */ extern char* mkupper(char *instr); /* converts lower case letters to upper case letters */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- End if flatfile.h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */