; IDL common for hardwired instrument parameters used in calibration ; of maps ;!!!these values should be made as seldom-changed parameters ; Note that the pixel indices along the slit direction are reversed from ; those during pre-launch testing. The images are now reversed in ; the vertical direction during reformatting. Also, pixel indices in ; the header like SPCCDIX0, SPCCDIX1 refer to the pre-launch CCD coordinates, ; not the coordinates of LEVEL0 data. ; constants for HINODE SP cccc = 2.99792e8 ; speed of light, m/sec disper = 21.549 ; pixel spectral spacing, mA wavl = 6302.0 ; wavelength center of bandpass, A ; nxtnd is number of points to which to extend spectral range. MUST BE POWER OF 2! nxtnd = 128 ; search range of pixels for cross-correlation, used in corshft_sbsp.pro ; and slitshft_sbsp.pro nsearch = 15 ; spectral pixel range for averaging reference ; variation of continuum along slit, used in slitshft_sbsp.pro cc1 = 6 & cc2 = 12 ; number of pixels at ends of array to be apodized with cosine bell, used ; in slitshft_sbsp.pro ; !! Not used for Solar-B ; napod = 50 ; range of spectral pixels to cross-correlate, isolate strong lines, used in ; specshft_sbsp.pro wc1 = 10 & wc2 = 108 ; hardwired CCD pixel range along the slit for fitting curvature, used in ; specross_sbsp.pro. Also used in calib_sbsp.pro to avoid ends of array ; when finding residual spectral shifts between ccdsides. Given in terms ; of LEVEL0 data image coordnates sr1 = 20 & sr2 = 1000 ; hardwired spectral range around spectrum lines for cross-correlation, ; used in specross_sbsp.pro wl1 = 10 & wl2 = 108 ; Active spectral pixel range of area after merging for removing spectral ; curvature. This range avoids vignetted areas on either extreme ; of the spectrum. msh1 = 1 msh2 = 111 ; fixed image ranges for two polarization image areas to process spectrally. ; ranges outside this are are flat-fielded without regard to division by ; spectral lines. Both CCDSIDEs should have the same number of pixels ; in each dimension. ; sp1 refers to bottom of spectrum for each side (bottom, top spectral images) ; spectral ranges sp1,sp2 are selected so as the lines occur at roughly ; the same pixels in each image sp1 = [1,1] ; bottom (start) of spectrum for each CCDSIDE sp2 = [111,111] ; top (end) of spectrum for each CCDSIDE ; the following given in terms of LEVEL0 image coordinates sl1 = [0,0] ; left (start) along slit for each CCDSIDE ; lo res has some vignetting at top, so cut it at 640 ; sl2 = [1021,1021] ; right (end) along slit for each CCDSIDE ; sl2 corrected 4 Mar 2015 because of larger vignetting range sl2 = [1015,1015] ; right (end) along slit for each CCDSIDE ; Range of spectral pixels of CCDSIDE1 to shift spectrally in order to ; merge the two CCDSIDES. Range is restricted as such to avoid vignetted ; areas, which are left unshifted. ssh1 = 1 ssh2 = 111 ; Parameters for finding and rectifying the thermal spectral drift, and ; finding the thermal drift along the slit. Used in thermd_sbsp.pro, ; sp_prep.pro, calib_sbsp.pro stdlnctr = 29.0 ; standard line center after corrrection, 6301.5 ondisk = 1000. ; minimum slit-averaged continuum intensity for ; cross-correlation for drift along slit. This ; value is for standard map 4.8 sec integration dsknorm= 5000. ; minimum continuum intensity for normalization of ; the 2nd derivative of the continuum intensity. ; For intensities < dsknorm, normalize by dsknorm ; in order to not enhance noise of 2nd derivative in ; umbra. This value is for standard map 4.8 sec integration nlag = 41 ; search range for cross-correlation of 2nd derivatives ; is +/- nlag/2 napod2dr= 15 ; apodization range for 2nd derivative to condition the ; end along the slit. This avoids vignetting, etc. avoidumb= 0.6 ; avoid umbrae when correcting for residual crosstalk ; in calib_sbsp.pro, thermd_sbsp.pro when intensities ; are less than this factor times the median along the slit avoidpen = 0.90 ; same as avoidumb, but for avoiding most of thepenumbra, ; but accepting granular lanes (Kubo-san recommendation) mfltrang= 15 ; range for median filtering of thermal drifts, pixels, ; used in sp_prep.pro nsmoothr= 50 ; smoothing range for thermal drifts, used in sp_prep.pro