pro avgprof_st, infile, kfile, ttype, ii, qq, uu, vv, $ tt, kk, as, ay, nsumy, barray, fscan=fscan, lscan=lscan, v101=v101, $ x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, xe1=xe1, xe2=xe2, tfile=tfile, $ thold=thold, title=title, xyfile=xyfile, noplot=noplot, noverb=noverb ;+ ; ; procedure: avgprof_st ; ; purpose: calculate average profile in a spot, St version ; ; author: rob@ncar, 9/92 ; ; ex: avgprof_st,'48.gainit.242','',3,i,q,u,v,t,k,s,y,n,b, ; thold=660.0,xe1=200,xe2=250,x1=0,x2=254,y1=50,y2=175, ; title='48.gainit.242',xyfile='rob.xy' ; ; ex: avgprof_st,'48.gainit.242','',3, ; ii,qq,uu,vv,tt,kk,ss,yy,nn,bb, ; title='48.gainit.242',xyfile='rob.xy' ; ; notes: 1) This procedure is based on, but outputs ; more information for calculating . ; ; = * invert() * ; ; = average xx in spot [6149 data] ; ; T = 4x4 telescope matrix, tt (dim = 4x4) ; K = 4x4 k matrix, made from kk (dim = 4) ; S_calib = average calibrated Stokes profiles, ii-vv ; ; 2) info will be used in program ttt (see get_st). ; ; notes for 6149 data: ; ; - try 6151 line for extremum [defined in xe1,xe2 below] ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() ne 13 then begin usage: print print, "usage: avgprof_st, infile, kfile, ttype, $" print, " ii, qq, uu, vv, tt, kk, as, ay, nsum, barray" print print, " Calculate average prof. in a spot, St version." print print, " Arguments" print, " infile - input file" print, " kfile - k save file from" print, " containing ksq, ksu, ksv" print, " ttype - T matrix type (see" print, " ii-vv - output average I, Q, U, V profiles" print, " tt - output average T matrix" print, " kk - output average k 4-vector" print, " as - output avg. scan (spot center)" print, " ay - output avg. Y of 'as' (spot center)" print, " nsum - output # of profiles summed" print, " barray - output binary image of spot" print print, " Keywords" print, " tfile - T matrix parameter file" print, " (set it if ttype is 0)" print, " xyfile - file for X,Y's of spot, where" print, " X = scan, and Y = pixels along slit" print, " (def = op#.xy; see 'thold')" print, " x1, x2 - column indices (wavelength) to use" print, " (defs=0,last)" print, " title - window title (def=let IDL choose)" print, " noplot - if set, do not plot the profiles" print, " noverb - if set, do not print run-time info" print, " v101 - set to force version 101" print, " (def=use version # in op hdr)" print print, " Use the following only if setting 'thold':" print print, " thold - profiles with [(mean of V extrema" print, " in range xe1 to xe2) > thold] will" print, " be averaged, and corresponding" print, " X,Y's will be written to 'xyfile'" print, " (def=read 'xyfile' of points to" print, " average)" print, " fscan - first seq. scan to check (def=0)" print, " lscan - last seq. scan to check (def=last)" print, " y1, y2 - row range to check (defs=0,last)" print, " xe1 - starting col. for extremum (def=x1)" print, " xe2 - ending col. for extremum (def=x2)" print return endif ;- ; ; Get k's from gainit save file. ; ksq = 0 ksu = 0 ksv = 0 restore, kfile ; ; Specify common blocks. ; ; ; Set types and sizes of common block variables. ; @op_hdr.set @scan_hdr.set ; ; Set general parameters. ; true = 1 false = 0 do_verb = true if keyword_set(noverb) then do_verb = false stdout_unit = -1 max_yps = 256 ; maximum number of Y's per scan in spot yps = intarr(max_yps) format1 = '(256(I4, :))' ; ; Check threshold parameters. ; if n_elements(thold) eq 0 then begin if (n_elements(fscan) ne 0) or (n_elements(lscan) ne 0) or $ (n_elements(xe1) ne 0) or (n_elements(xe2) ne 0) or $ (n_elements(y1) ne 0) or (n_elements(y2) ne 0) then begin print print, 'keyword set that should not be ...' goto, usage endif do_thold = false endif else begin do_thold = true endelse ; ; Set T parameters. ; if ttype eq 0 then begin if n_elements(tfile) eq 0 then begin print print, 'ttype/tfile error ...' goto, usage endif do_tfile = true endif else begin if n_elements(tfile) ne 0 then begin print print, 'ttype/tfile error ...' goto, usage endif do_tfile = false endelse ; ; Set input file. ; openr, infile_unit, infile, /get_lun ; ; Read and possibly list operation header. ; if read_op_hdr(infile_unit, stdout_unit, do_verb) eq 1 then return ; ; Set I,Q,U,V arrays. ; (uses dnumx and dnumy from op header common block) ; set_iquv ; ; Set version number ('get_version' uses operation header). ; if keyword_set(v101) then version = 101 else version = get_version() ; ; Set X and Y ranges (dnumx and dnumy is in op header common block). ; if n_elements(x1) eq 0 then x1 = 0 if n_elements(y1) eq 0 then y1 = 0 if n_elements(x2) eq 0 then x2 = dnumx - 1 if n_elements(y2) eq 0 then y2 = dnumy - 1 nx = x2 - x1 + 1 ny = y2 - y1 + 1 ny1 = y2 - y1 if (x1 gt x2) or (y1 gt y2) or $ (x1 lt 0) or (y1 lt 0) or $ (x2 gt dnumx-1) or (y2 gt dnumy-1) then begin print print, 'Error specifying x1,x2 and/or y1,y2.' print return endif ; ; Set extremum range. ; if n_elements(xe1) eq 0 then xe1 = x1 if n_elements(xe2) eq 0 then xe2 = x2 if (xe1 gt xe2) or (xe1 lt x1) or (xe2 gt x2) then begin print print, 'Error specifying xe1,xe2.' print return endif xxe1 = xe1 - x1 xxe2 = xe2 - x1 ; ; Set XY file. ; if n_elements(xyfile) eq 0 then xyfile = stringit(opnum) + '.xy' ; if do_thold then begin ; XY output openw, xyfile_unit, xyfile, /get_lun endif else begin ; XY input openr, xyfile_unit, xyfile, /get_lun str = '' readf, xyfile_unit, str ; (read 1st line) line = str2int(str, num_line) ; (num_line = scan + #Y's) fscan = line(0) scan_read_xy = fscan ; (scan read from XY file) endelse ; ; Set scan parameters (get_nscan uses op header common block). ; nscan_avail = get_nscan() if n_elements(fscan) eq 0 then fscan = 0 if n_elements(lscan) eq 0 then lscan = nscan_avail - 1 nscan = lscan - fscan + 1 ; if (fscan lt 0) or (nscan lt 1) or (lscan gt nscan_avail-1) then begin print print, 'Error in specifying fscan, lscan; print, stringit(nscan_avail) + ' scans available.' print return endif ; ; Set more parameters. ; barray = bytarr(nscan_avail, dnumy) avgy = fltarr(nscan) isum = dblarr(nx) ; zero profiles qsum = isum usum = isum vsum = isum tsum = fltarr(4, 4) ; zero T matrix sum ksum = fltarr(4) ; zero k vector sum nsumy = 0 ; zero total number of profiles summed avgscan = 0L ; the scan of spot center seq_scan = -1 if do_verb then print ; ; Jump to location of first scan to view. ; skip_scan, infile_unit, fscan=fscan ; ;-------------------------------------------------- ; ; LOOP FOR EACH SCAN IN SPOT. ; for iscan = fscan, lscan do begin ; ; Increment sequential scan number. seq_scan = seq_scan + 1 ; ; Read scan header. if read_sc_hdr(infile_unit, stdout_unit, false, $ version=version) eq 1 then return ; ; Read scan data. if read_sc_data(infile_unit) eq 1 then return ; ; Chop out middle to use. ii = i(x1:x2, y1:y2) qq = q(x1:x2, y1:y2) uu = u(x1:x2, y1:y2) vv = v(x1:x2, y1:y2) ; ; Initialize counter of summed profiles. nsy = 0 ; ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; >>> Sum in profile ... ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; ; ... if mean of V extrema is greater than threshold (for do_thold=true) ; if do_thold then begin ; for y = 0, ny1 do begin minv = min( vv(xxe1:xxe2,y) , max=maxv) meanv = 0.5 * (abs(minv) + abs(maxv)) if meanv gt thold then begin ; ; Calculate actual Y. y_act = y + y1 ; ; Fill binary image of spot. barray(iscan, y_act) = 1B ; ; Save Y's of spot for this scan. yps(nsy) = y_act ; ; Sum Y's for calculating average Y. avgy(seq_scan) = avgy(seq_scan) + y_act ; ; Sum profiles for calculating average profile. isum = isum + ii(*, y) qsum = qsum + qq(*, y) usum = usum + uu(*, y) vsum = vsum + vv(*, y) ; ; Sum in k's. ksum(0) = ksum(0) + ksi(iscan, y_act) ksum(1) = ksum(1) + ksq(iscan, y_act) ksum(2) = ksum(2) + ksu(iscan, y_act) ksum(3) = ksum(3) + ksv(iscan, y_act) ; ; Increment number of Y's summed. nsy = nsy + 1 endif endfor ; ; ... if xyfile says the point is in the spot (for do_thold=false) ; endif else begin ; ; Read next line from XY file if necessary. if eof(xyfile_unit) then goto, continue if iscan gt scan_read_xy then begin readf, xyfile_unit, str line = str2int(str, num_line) scan_read_xy = line(0) endif ; ; Process the scan if it's in the spot according to the XY file. if iscan eq scan_read_xy then begin nsy = num_line - 1 ; # Y's to sum ; for i = 1, nsy do begin ; ; Grab actual Y. y_act = line(i) ; ; Fill binary image of spot. barray(iscan, y_act) = 1B ; ; Set relative Y. y = y_act - y1 ; ; Sum Y's for calculating average Y. avgy(seq_scan) = avgy(seq_scan) + y_act ; ; Sum profiles for calculating average profile. isum = isum + ii(*, y) qsum = qsum + qq(*, y) usum = usum + uu(*, y) vsum = vsum + vv(*, y) ; ; Sum in k's. ksum(0) = ksum(0) + ksi(iscan, y_act) ksum(1) = ksum(1) + ksq(iscan, y_act) ksum(2) = ksum(2) + ksu(iscan, y_act) ksum(3) = ksum(3) + ksv(iscan, y_act) endfor ; endif endelse ; ; Increment T, k, and avgscan sums. ; (Note same T and k used for every profile of a scan.) if nsy gt 0 then begin if do_tfile then begin tsum = tsum + nsy * get_t(0, $ float(s_vtt(0)), float(s_vtt(1)), $ float(s_vtt(2)), tfile) endif else begin tsum = tsum + nsy * get_t(ttype, $ float(s_vtt(0)), float(s_vtt(1)), $ float(s_vtt(2))) endelse avgscan = avgscan + nsy * s_snum ; ; Calculate average Y of the scan. avgy(seq_scan) = avgy(seq_scan) / nsy ; ; Output scan and Y's of spot to file. if do_thold then $ printf, xyfile_unit, s_snum, yps(0:nsy-1), $ format=format1 endif ; ; Increment grand sum and print scan status. nsumy = nsumy + nsy if do_verb then print, 'Scan ' + stringit(s_snum) + $ ': ' + stringit(nsy) + ' summed' ; endfor ;-------------------------------------------------- ; continue: ; ; Close files and free unit numbers. ; free_lun, infile_unit, xyfile_unit ; ; Check number of profiles averaged. ; if nsumy eq 0 then begin print print, ' No profiles found above threshold.' print return endif ; ; Divide sums to get averages. ; fnum = float(nsumy) ii = isum / fnum qq = qsum / fnum uu = usum / fnum vv = vsum / fnum tt = tsum / fnum kk = ksum / fnum as = fix(avgscan/fnum + 0.5) ay = fix(avgy(as - fscan) + 0.5) ; ; Print status information. ; print, ' Number of profiles summed: ' + stringit(nsumy) print, ' Center of spot is scan, Y: ' + stringit(as) + ', ' + $ stringit(ay) ;;if do_thold then print, 'Output file of spot (scan, Y)''s: ' + xyfile ; ; Plot profiles. ; if not keyword_set(noplot) then begin ; ; Open a window. if keyword_set(title) then begin window, /free, title=title endif else begin window, /free endelse ; ; Plot profiles. !p.multi = [0, 2, 2, 0, 0] ; set to 2x2 plots plot, ii, title='Average I' plot, qq, title='Average Q' plot, uu, title='Average U' plot, vv, title='Average V' !p.multi = 0 ; reset to one plot per page endif ; ; Done. ; end