pro azam_help_usage ;+ ; ; procedure: azam_help ; ; purpose: print help info about azam procedure ; ; routines: azam_help_usage ; azam_help_win azam_help_yellow azam_help_button ; azam_help ; ; author: paul@ncar, 3/95 (minor mod's by rob@ncar) ; ;============================================================================== ; if 1 then begin print print, "usage: azam_help, branch, labels, title, aa, rows, bwd, blt" print print, " Print help info about azam procedure." return endif ;- end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure: azam_help_win ; ; purpose: open window and print help text ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro azam_help_win, aa, message ;Maximum text lines per window. lmax = 40 ;Text lines per page. pmax = lmax*2/3 ;Open window for text output. wsav = !d.window xsize = aa.blt*6 ysize = aa.bwd*lmax if aa.winfree then begin window, title='AZAM HELP' $ , /free, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize end else begin window, title='AZAM HELP' $ , /free, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize $ , xpos=1140-xsize, ypos=900-(ysize+3*aa.bwd+40) end ;Append message to instructions. mess = ["CLICK left(continue) center(continue) right(dismiss)","",message] ;Get number of text lines. void, n_dims( mess, nline ) ;Loop through windows of text. for j=0,((nline+pmax-1)/pmax)-1 do begin ;Line number range to print this window. first = j*pmax last = ( ((j+1)*pmax+lmax-pmax) < nline ) - 1 ;Erase window. erase, aa.white ;Outline paging. if last lt nline-1 then begin yll = aa.bwd*(lmax-pmax)-2 tmp = replicate(,xsize) tv, tmp, 0, ysize-1 tv, tmp, 0, ysize-2 tv, tmp, 0, yll tmp = replicate(,1,aa.bwd*pmax) tv, tmp, 0, yll tv, tmp, xsize-1, yll end ;Print text window. for i=first,last do begin ;Print text line. xyouts, 10, ysize-(i-first+1)*aa.bwd+2, mess(i) $ , /device, align=0.0,, charsize=aa.csiz end ;Wait for user to click on window. cursor, xc, yc, 4, /down, /device mouse_state = !err repeat cursor, xc, yc, 4, /device, /nowait until !err eq 0 if mouse_state eq 4 or last eq nline-1 then goto, break0 end ;Restore active window. break0: wdelete, !d.window if wsav ge 0 then wset, wsav end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure: azam_help_yellow ; ; purpose: return append message about interactive yellow buttons ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function azam_help_yellow return, [""$ ," The three yellow buttons go together. They refer to interactive"$ ," criteria enabled for the left, center, right mouse buttons."$ ,""$ ," Usually the left yellow button refers to ambiguity resolution"$ ," by some criterion with the middle button refering to the anti-criterion."$ ," Clicking the left or center button will cycle through"$ ," 'original'/'anti original', 'reference'/'anti reference',"$ ," 'up down'/'anti up down', 'azimuth'/'anti azimuth', 'reference/smooth'."$ ,""$ ," The right yellow button refers to the criterion enabled for the right"$ ," mouse button. Clicking this button will cycle through 'wads', 'smooth',"$ ," 'no change', 'average'."$ ] end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure: azam_help_button ; ; purpose: print help info about an azam button ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro azam_help_button, labels, branch, aa $ , xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos, rows=rows, bLength=bLength, bWidth=bWidth ;Prompt for button number. nlab = pop_cult( '^b'+labels, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='What do you want help with?' $ , xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos, rows=rows, bLength=bLength, bWidth=bWidth ) ;Get button label. lbl = labels(nlab) ;Strip label of escapes. while strmid(lbl,0,1) eq '^' do lbl=strmid(lbl,2,1000) ;Label string with quotes. QlabelQ = ''''+lbl+'''' ;Initialize message to one line. message = [ QlabelQ+':' ] ;Select help message depending on case. case 1 of '** DISMISS **' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Do not take further action on this request. Return to some higher" $ ," level procudure." $ ]] '** EXIT AZAM **' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Do sequence that will return from AZAM to calling program (usually" $ ," the user interactive dialog)." $ ,"" $ ," The exit sequence goes as follows:" $ ," 1. Compare in core line of sight azimuth array with the" $ ," file 'a_azm'." $ ," 2. If core line of sight file does not agree with file 'a_azm'" $ ," prompt user if the set of files 'a_azm', 'a_1azm', 'a_1incl'," $ ," 'a_2azm', 'a_2incl' are to be updated." $ ," 3. At user's ok, update the 'a_*' files." $ ," 4. Update file 'AZAM' as a copy of file 'a_azm' if needed." $ ," 5. Do various clean up and return to calling program." $ ]] 'menu' eq lbl: message = ["Pick option from menu that pops up."] 'read a_* file' eq lbl: $ message = $ [" Read an a_* image file or one of same length into azam."$ ,""$ ," A menu will pop up with name of most a_* files." $ ," If the file name you want to read is not present you"$ ," can click 'WIDGET ENTRY' and enter the file path."$ ,""$ ," There are presently two structures in azam available"$ ," to process user read files. You will be prompted for which"$ ," one to overwrite."$ ] 'all clear' eq lbl: $ message = $ [" Clear all representation of:"$ ," ambigs, reversal, sight reveral, contour, defroi, arrow points"$ ] (where( [ 'magnify', 'short arrows', 'no magnify' ] eq lbl ))(0) ge 0: $ message = $ [" This interactive button has states:" $ ,""$ ," magnify ~ enable mouse updates of magnified window"$ ," short arrows ~ enable mouse updates of magnified window"$ ," no magnify ~ disable mouse updates of magnified window"$ ,""$ ,"Enable mouse updates of magnified window to see magnified changes"$ ,"immediately or move area displayed."$ ,""$ ," Magnified window has 38x38 raster points with 14x resolution."$ ," Arrows are surface tangent field; length proportionate to strength."$ ," Contours are flux; 250 Gauss resolution."$ ,""$ ] (where([ 'clear', 'ambigs', 'reversal', 'sight reversal' ] eq lbl ))(0) ge 0: $ message = $ [" User chooses one high light from set:" $ ,""$ ," clear ~ use no high light from this set"$ ," ambigs ~ high light obtuce point to point instrument frame azimuth"$ ," reversal ~ high light zenith frame field reversal"$ ," sight reversal ~ high light instrument frame field reversal"$ ,""$ ," Choice is available both locally with interactive mouse and globally" $ ," from 'menu'. Interactive mouse high light type is reset by clicking on" $ ," interactive button than cycles through these states. When azam loads"$ ," 'ambigs' is selected."$ ] (where( [ 'defroi', 'clear defroi' ] eq lbl ))(0) ge 0: $ message = $ [" IDL has a procedure defroi to 'define a region of interest'."$ ," Clicking defroi invokes azam's application of IDL's defroi."$ ," 'azam' has some added features such as adding two regions."$ ," Methods to output/input defroi files are also avialable."$ ,""$ ," 'defroi files' are in the same format as a_* image files."$ ," These files have 1.'s to define the region, 0.'s otherwise."$ ," Users can ASP routine to read a 'defroi file'."$ ] 'image color' eq lbl: $ message = $ [" Users have some control over color for all azam images."$ ," Internally this is done by resetting keywords."$ ,""$ ," A file read by menu item 'read a_* file' usually will"$ ," not have good color resolution. Use 'image color' to"$ ," adjust."$ ] (where(['1x1','2x2','4x4','8x8','16x16'] eq lbl) ge 0)(0): $ message = [ message, '', $ [" This button determines the size of the image area effected about where"$ ," the mouse is drug. Clicking this button cycles through sizes"$ ," 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16."$ ]] 'original' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion restores the 'original' (when the"$ ," program began) azimuth resolution."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'anti original' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion sets the 'anti original' (opposite to"$ ," when the program began) azimuth resolution."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'reference' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion restores the 'reference' azimuth resolution."$ ,""$ ," 'reference' is the azimuth resolution saved in core the last time"$ ," 'set reference' was clicked. If 'set reference' has not been clicked,"$ ," 'reference' is the same as the 'original'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'anti reference' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion sets the 'anti reference' (opposite to"$ ," 'reference') azimuth resolution."$ ,""$ ," 'reference' is the azimuth resolution saved in core the last time"$ ," 'set reference' was clicked. If 'set reference' has not been clicked,"$ ," 'reference' is the same as the 'original'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'up down' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion resolves azimuth by picking the most"$ ," vertical magnetic field (either away or into the solar surface)."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'anti up down' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion resolves azimuth by picking the magnetic"$ ," field most horizontal to the solar surface."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'azimuth' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion resolves azimuth by picking in the local"$ ," solar frame the field azimuth most away from a 'center'."$ ,""$ ," Azimuth 'center' is set with option 'menu'-->'center'. If you try"$ ," 'azimuth'/'anti azimuth' without setting 'center', you will be"$ ," prompted to set 'center'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'anti azimuth' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion resolves azimuth by picking in the local"$ ," solar frame the field azimuth most toward a 'center'."$ ,""$ ," Azimuth 'center' is set with option 'menu'-->'center'. If you try"$ ," 'azimuth'/'anti azimuth' without setting 'center', you will be"$ ," prompted to set 'center'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'wads' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This criterion resolves azimuth from continuity of"$ ," dot products of magnetic field point to point."$ ,""$ ," There are similar criteria 'wads' and 'smooth'. 'wads' is more bold"$ ," because it does not perserve continuity to outside the boundary"$ ," where it is invoked; 'smooth' perserves this continuity."$ ," It is usually recomended to use 'wads' before 'smooth'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'smooth' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. (Its also in the main 'menu' to work on the whole"$ ," data set). This criterion resolves azimuth from continuity of"$ ," dot products of magnetic field point to point."$ ,""$ ," There are similar criteria 'wads' and 'smooth'. 'wads' is more bold"$ ," because it does not perserve continuity to outside the boundary"$ ," where it is invoked; 'smooth' perserves this continuity."$ ," It is usually recomended to use 'wads' before 'smooth'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'no change' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This is the null azimuth resolution criterion. Its permits,"$ ," without changing azimuth resolution, painting over some part of the"$ ," display with other data. What is painted on the display images is picked"$ ," by the three red buttons."$ ,""$ ," NOTE: if a red button is clicked the right yellow button"$ ," automatically changes to 'no change'."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'average' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [ QlabelQ+" is a criterion invoked interactively by the mouse on small"$ ," image areas. This is a null azimuth resolution criterion. The average"$ ," data values about the cursor is printed in the ASCII window."$ ], azam_help_yellow() ] 'lock drag' eq lbl or 'unlock drag' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Clicking this button shows two states 'lock drag' and 'unlock drag'."$ ,""$ ," Drag means to hold a mouse button down and move the cursor about."$ ," This is done a lot in AZAM and holding a button down is fatiguing."$ ," With 'lock drag', a mouse button is not held down; the user releases"$ ," the button and still has the drag effect. Click a mouse button to"$ ," release a locked drag."$ ]] 'bulk' eq branch and $ ( aa.pp(aa.ww(0).drag).name eq lbl or aa.pp(aa.ww(1).drag).name eq lbl $ or aa.pp(aa.ww(2).drag).name eq lbl ): $ message = [ message, '', $ [" Three red buttons pick what paints on the display where the mouse is"$ ," drug. The left red button picks what paints on the azimuth image; the"$ ," right red button picks what paints on the incline image. With right"$ ," red button saying 'local incline' and with the local incline image"$ ," displayed, you'll see the colors change with azimuth disambiguation."$ ," With right red button set 'continuum' and with the local incline image"$ ," displayed, you'll see the continuum paint on the image where the mouse"$ ," is drug."$ ,""$ ," WARNING: this get confusing."$ ,""$ ," NOTE: clicking a red button automatically changes the right yellow"$ ," button to the 'no change' criterion. Dragging the right button then"$ ," paints what's picked without changing the current azimuth resolution."$ ]] 'set reference' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Clicking of this button saves in core the current azimuth resolution"$ ," as the 'reference'."$ ,""$ ," The starting 'reference' is the same as the 'original' azimuth" $ ," at the beginning."$ ,""$ ," To recover an entire 'reference' click:"$ ," 'menu'-->'recover reference'"$ ,""$ ," To restore 'reference' on limited area:"$ ," (1) Click left yellow button in button window till it says"$ ," 'reference'."$ ," (2) Move cursor to area to be changed."$ ," (3) Drag mouse over area to restore."$ ]] '* OTHER OP *' eq lbl : message = [ message, '', $ [" AZAM can load two data sets."$ ,""$ ," If a second data set is not already present; OTHER OP loads the second"$ ," data set; there will be interactive dialog."$ ,""$ ," If a second data set is already present; OTHER OP will switch to"$ ," working on the other data set."$ ]] 'primer' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Chooses another image for display. The image names menu will pop"$ ," up; click on your choice. Another button set will pop up to"$ ," asking where to display the image."$ ,"" $ ," WARNING - overwriting one the two main display images with a"$ ," original (or reference) azimuth (or incline) image can be"$ ," very confussing."$ ]] 'clear' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Paints back the current solution, free of all 'highlights'." $ ," This will clear any painting you may have done with, say," $ ," the continuum over an image of local azimuth." $ ]] 'recomended modes' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Configure AZAM with recomended modes displaying local frame azimuth"$ ," and local frame incline."$ ]] 'zoom' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Zooms in area chosen by mouse with 6x6 screen pixels per image" $ ," pixel. Mouse functions (wads, etc.) work in zoom mode, too." $ ,"" $ ," To return to un-zoomed mode, click 'menu' and click 'EXIT ZOOM'." $ ," There may be prompts for saving changes made, etc." $ ,"" $ ," WARNING: don't close zoom windows by hand." $ ]] '** EXIT ZOOM **' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Returns to un-zoomed mode." $ ," There may be prompts for saving changes made, etc." $ ]] 'static window' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Open a static (abandoned by AZAM) window to display an image." $ ," Image displayed is picked from the names popup menu." $ ,"" $ ," Delete static windows by hand. AZAM does not maintain static" $ ," windows." $ ]] 'profiles' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Plots profiles of the image selected from image names popup menu."$ ," This option works similar to the IDL library ''." $ ,""$ ," Click left mouse button to cycle rows/column profiles."$ ," Click right mouse button to exit."$ ]] 'spectra' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Reads ASP data files, displays polarization profiles a la aspview" $ ," but w/o the grey-scale image; needs calibrated data file." $ ]] 'flick' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Flickers image requested in subsequent menu with the two main" $ ," display windows." $ ]] 'sub flick' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Flickers sub-image requested in subsequent menu with the two main" $ ," display windows. Sub-image is tracked by the mouse." $ ," (play to see how this works)" $ ]] 'blink' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Choose two images from the popup names menu, and it opens" $ ," another window & blinks them." $ ]] 'arrow points' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Draws arrow points on images in the direction of the magnetic field."$ ,"" $ ," Arrow points may differ in color depending on field vector polarity."$ ," They are shortened to give perspective of field incline."$ ,"" $ ," 'arrow points' are not kept current with azimuth resolution."$ ,"" $ ," Erased by 'clear' option."$ ]] 'contour' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Draws the contour level on images. The user selects, from the image"$ ," names popup menu, on what data the contour is run. A window opens and"$ ," selected data is displayed."$ ,""$ ," Click left button on point to spawn the contour."$ ," Click center button to enter contour in popup text widget."$ ," Click right button to exit contouring."$ ,""$ ," Erased by 'clear' or 'clear contour' option."$ ]] 'clear contour' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Clear contour set by 'contour' option."$ ]] '** REPLACE OP **' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Starts all over with a new dataset." $ ]] 'PostScript' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Output PostScript files." $ ]] 'UH potential field' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Computes potential field using the longitudinal field as a" $ ," boundary condition, then does the ambiguity resolution so as" $ ," to agree most closely with can then opt to have this" $ ," resolution solution become the current solution." $ ,"" $ ," WARNING - the a__rgtasn and a__dclntn files" $ ," must be present." $ ]] 'up down everywhere' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Do azimuth disambiguation so that the field is most vertical." $ ]] 'center' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Asks you to click on a magnetic field azimuth center (i.e., center" $ ," of a nice round sunspot)." $ ,"" $ ," The center is used to disambiguate azimuth choosing what best" $ ," agrees radially to/from the center." $ ,"" $ ," The user is given the option to disambiguate the entire data set" $ ," based on the azimuth center." $ ]] 'other azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Whatever azimuth you've got, puts up the opposite choice for the" $ ," entire data set." $ ]] 'recover reference' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Restore either original azimuth or what was last stored in memory" $ ," via the 'set reference' button." $ ]] 'recover original' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Recover azimuth loaded in core at the beginning." $ ]] 'write azimuth file' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Output current azimuth resolution to a file. The file will have the"$ ," resolved line of sight azimuth values. The azimuth resolution could"$ ," later be recovered with option 'read azimuth file'."$ ,""$ ," The user is prompted for the output file name (defaults to 'AZAM')."$ ]] 'BACKUP' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Output current azimuth resolution to a file named 'BACKUP'. The file"$ ," will have the resolved line of sight azimuth values. The azimuth"$ ," resolution could later be recovered with option 'read azimuth file'."$ ]] 'read azimuth file' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Read 'AZAM' file or another line of sight azimuth file." $ ]] 'update a_* files' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Write out your new ambiguity resolution with what you've come" $ ," up with." $ ]] 'another inversion azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Applies ambiguity solution from anohter inversion of the same op." $ ]] 'palette' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Invokes IDL library pocedure ''." $ ,"" $ ," This option lets the user tinker with the color table. It is" $ ," intended to aid the user to understand how ASP codes that use" $ ," '' handle color." $ ,"" $ ," Restore tvasp color table with menu option 'tvasp color table'" $ ]] 'tvasp color table' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ [" Restores tvasp color table; the table might have been changed" $ ," with 'palette'" $ ]] 'continuum' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'continuum' is a gray scale image of maximum intensity observed in"$ ,"ASP profiles."$ ]] 'field' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'field' is a gray scale image of the magnetic field strength."$ ]] 'fill factor' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'fill factor' is a gray scale image of the quiet sun filling factor."$ ]] 'Doppler' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'Doppler' is a color image of velocities along the line of sight."$ ,"Velocity is determined from the spectra line centers. Zero velocity"$ ,"is the image average."$ ]] 'sight azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'sight azimuth' is a color image of the magnetic field azimuth in the"$ ,"telescope frame. Azimuth resolution is the current solution held"$ ,"in core."$ ]] 'local azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'local azimuth' is a color image of the magnetic field azimuth in the"$ ,"local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is the current solution held"$ ,"in core."$ ]] 'ambig azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'ambig azimuth' is a color image of the magnetic field azimuth in the"$ ,"local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is opposite everywhere from the"$ ,"current solution held in core."$ ]] 'original azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'original azimuth' is a color image of the magnetic field azimuth in the"$ ,"local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is what was present when"$ ,"the program began."$ ]] 'reference azimuth' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'reference azimuth' is a color image of the magnetic field azimuth in the"$ ,"local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is what was present in core when"$ ,"'set reference' was last clicked. If 'set reference' has not been"$ ,"clicked, 'refer incline' and 'original incline' are the same."$ ]] 'sight incline' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'sight incline' is a color image of the magnetic field incline away from"$ ,"the line of sight. This image does not depend on azimuth resolution."$ ]] 'local incline' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'local incline' is a color image of the magnetic field incline away from"$ ,"the zenith in the local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is the current"$ ,"solution held in core."$ ]] 'ambig incline' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'ambig incline' is a color image of the magnetic field incline away from"$ ,"the zenith in the local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is opposite"$ ,"everywhere from the current solution held in core."$ ]] 'original incline' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'local incline' is a color image of the magnetic field incline away from"$ ,"the zenith in the local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is what was"$ ,"present when the program began."$ ]] 'refer incline' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ,""$ ,"'local incline' is a color image of the magnetic field incline away from"$ ,"the zenith in the local solar frame. Azimuth resolution is what was"$ ,"present in core when 'set reference' was last clicked. If 'set reference'"$ ,"has not been clicked, 'refer azimuth' and 'original azimuth' are the"$ ,"same."$ ]] 'flux' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ]] '1-fill' eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the "+QlabelQ+" image."$ ]] aa.pp(aa.extra0).name eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the extra image which is presently named"$ ,+QlabelQ+"."$ ]] aa.pp(aa.extra1).name eq lbl: message = [ message, '', $ ["Selects for an AZAM option the extra image which is presently named"$ ,+QlabelQ+"."$ ]] else: message = [ message, '', $ [" We are sorry; help text not yet written."$ ]] end ;Print message in window. azam_help_win, aa, message end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure: azam_help ; ; purpose: print help info about azam procedure ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro azam_help, labels, branch, aa, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 $ , title=title, xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos, rows=rows, bLength=bLength, bWidth=bWidth ;Check number of parameters. if n_params() eq 0 then begin azam_help_usage return end ;Pick branch. case branch of ;Type help message. 'type': begin print & print & print print,"///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" print,title+":" print for i=0,n_elements(arg2)-1 do print, arg2(i) end ;Open window and print message. 'window': $ azam_help_win, aa, arg2 ;Select help from button window. else: azam_help_button, labels, branch, aa $ , xpos=xpos, ypos=ypos, rows=rows, bLength=bLength, bWidth=bWidth end end