pro get_st, ttype, bspot, olist, cal_suf, k_suf, xy_suf, $ x1=x1, x2=x2, y1=y1, y2=y2, xx1=xx1, xx2=xx2, xe1=xe1, xe2=xe2, $ yr1=yr1, yr2=yr2, yr3=yr3, yr4=yr4, outp=outp, outn=outn, $ wr1=wr1, wr2=wr2, wr3=wr3, wr4=wr4, $ k_sufps=k_sufps, a_sufps=a_sufps, b_sufps=b_sufps, $ tfile=tfile, v101=v101, fscan=fscan, lscan=lscan, $ verbose=verbose, vfile=vfile, tfact=tfact, thold=thold ;+ ; ; procedure: get_st ; ; purpose: calculate St info for use in 'ttt' ; ; author: rob@ncar, 9/92 ; ; notes: 1) run gainit before running get_st ; ; 2) remember that fscan/lscan parameters are "sequential scan" ; numbers of the file in question (important if scans were ; eliminated during gainit, for example) ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() ne 6 then begin usage: print print, "usage: get_st, ttype, bspot, olist, cal_suf, k_suf, xy_suf" print print, " Calculate St info for use in 'ttt'." print print, " Arguments" print, " ttype - T matrix type (see" print, " bspot - output binary image of spot" print, " (e.g., display it with tvwin)" print, " olist - array of operation numbers to use" print, " cal_suf - suffix of input calibrated maps" print, " k_suf - suffix of input K save files" print, " xy_suf - suffix of input XY files" print print, " Keywords" print, " x1, x2 - column indices (wavelength) to use" print, " in avgprof_st (defs=0,last)" print, " y1, y2 - row indices to use" print, " in avgprof_st (defs=85,155)" print, " xx1, xx2 - wavelength range for 6149 V" print, " (defs=30,70)" print, " xe1, xe2 - column range for V extremum" print, " in avgprof_st (defs=210,235)" print, " outp, outn - output file names of neg. and pos." print, " extrema (defs="614[+|-]")" print, " fscan,lscan - scan range to consider" print, " (defs=first to last)" print, " tfile - T matrix parameter file" print, " (set this if ttype is 0)" print, " tfact - factor used in generating thold" print, " via 'thold = tfact * meanV'" print, " where meanV is calculated by" print, " (default tfact=0.3)" print, " thold - threshold to use in" print, " (def=use tfact to generate thold)" print, " v101 - set to force version 101 --" print, " used in call to" print, " (def=use version # in op hdr)" print print, " verbose - if set, print much run-time" print, " info to 'vfile' and make plots" print, " vfile - file for 'verbose' prints" print, " (def='get_st.verb')" print, " yr1 to yr4 - y ranges for Ki, Kq, Ku, Kv plot" print, " (defs=[0.,3.e4],[-.006,.006]," print, " yr2,[-.006,.006])" print, " wr1 to wr4 - y ranges for 6149 I,Q,U,V plot" print, " (defs=[0,20000],[-40,40]," print, " [-40,40],[-600,600])" print, " k_sufps - suffix of K PostScript plot" print, " (def='')" print, " a_sufps - suffix of 1st avg prof PS plot" print, " (def='')" print, " b_sufps - suffix of 2nd avg prof PS plot" print, " (def='')" print print print, " ex: get_st, 3, bspot, [48,49], '.gainit', $" print, " '', '.xy', /verb" print return endif ;- ; ; Set operations to process. ; nops = n_elements(olist) nops1 = nops - 1 ; ; Set general parameters. ; true = 1 false = 0 do_verbose = false if keyword_set(verbose) then do_verbose = true if n_elements(vfile) eq 0 then vfile = 'get_st.verb' if n_elements(thold) gt 0 then begin use_thold = true endif else begin use_thold = false if n_elements(tfact) eq 0 then tfact = 0.215 endelse ; ; Set version number ('get_version' uses operation header). ; if keyword_set(v101) then version = 101 else version = get_version() ; ; Set T parameters. ; if ttype eq 0 then begin if n_elements(tfile) eq 0 then begin print print, 'ttype/tfile error ...' goto, usage endif do_tfile = true endif else begin if n_elements(tfile) ne 0 then begin print print, 'ttype/tfile error ...' goto, usage endif do_tfile = false endelse ; ; Set output files. ; ; negative extremum for entrance V if n_elements(outn) eq 0 then outn = '' ; ; positive extremum for entrance V if n_elements(outp) eq 0 then outp = '' ; openw, outn_unit, outn, /get_lun openw, outp_unit, outp, /get_lun if do_verbose then $ openw, verb_unit, vfile, /get_lun ; "verbose" output file ; ; Specify common blocks. ; ; ; Set print formats. ; format1 = '(I4, 4F10.3, I10)' format2 = '(4F10.5)' format3 = '(I19, 4F13.5)' format4 = '(4F11.5)' format5 = '(I4,4F10.5)' ;THIS FORMAT TO BE USED FOR RAW DATA format6 = '(4F10.3)' format7 = '(F10.3,3F10.5)' ; ; Set other parameters. ; iconfig = 1000 dashes = '-----------------------------------------------' ;----------------------------------------------------- ; DO THE FOLLOWING FOR EACH MAP ;----------------------------------------------------- for iop = 0, nops1 do begin ; ; Set file names. ; op_num = olist(iop) sopnum = stringit(op_num) ; string of op number calibfile = sopnum + cal_suf kfile = sopnum + k_suf xyfile = sopnum + xy_suf ; ; Print status header. ; print, dashes print, 'MAP: ' + calibfile if do_verbose then begin printf, verb_unit, dashes printf, verb_unit, 'MAP: ' + calibfile printf, verb_unit endif ; ; Run gainit (see the procedure). ; ; [DONE ALREADY] ; ;;gainit, mapfile, ..., outfile=calibfile, xfile=xfile ; ; Get first and last sequential scans to process. ; readscan, calibfile, 0, i, q, u, v, /nohead nscan = get_nscan() if n_elements(fscan) eq 0 then fscan_use = 0 $ else fscan_use = fscan if n_elements(lscan) eq 0 then lscan_use = nscan - 1 $ else lscan_use = lscan ; ; Set ranges to be used in calculating average profiles. ; if n_elements(x1) eq 0 then x1_use = 0 $ else x1_use = x1 if n_elements(x2) eq 0 then x2_use = sizeof(i, 1) - 1 $ else x2_use = x2 if n_elements(y1) eq 0 then y1_use = 85 $ else y1_use = y1 if n_elements(y2) eq 0 then y2_use = 155 $ else y2_use = y2 if n_elements(xe1) eq 0 then xe1_use = 210 $ else xe1_use = xe1 if n_elements(xe2) eq 0 then xe2_use = 235 $ else xe2_use = xe2 ; ; Get threshold to be used in calculating average profiles. ; ;if not use_thold then begin ; meanv = aspmeanv(calibfile, $ ; x1=x1_use, x2=x2_use, y1=y1_use, y2=y2_use, $ ; fscan=fscan_use, lscan=lscan_use, v101=do_v101, verbose=false) ; thold = tfact * meanv ; print, ' Vmax: ' + stringit(meanv) ;endif ;print, ' Threshold: ' + stringit(thold) ; ; Get average profiles and other info used in calculating . ; ; NOTE;TO USE XY-MAP DROP THOLD=THOLD & subsequent FROM LIST ; if do_tfile then begin avgprof_st, calibfile, kfile, 0, $ is, qs, us, vs, tt, kk, as, ay, nsum, bspot, v101=do_v101, $ title=calibfile, /noplot, /noverb, tfile=tfile,xyfile=xyfile, $ x1=x1_use, x2=x2_use ; $ ;,thold=thold, y1=y1_use, y2=y2_use, $ ;,xe1=xe1_use, xe2=xe2_use, $ ;fscan=fscan_use, lscan=lscan_use endif else begin avgprof_st, calibfile, kfile, ttype, $ is, qs, us, vs, tt, kk, as, ay, nsum, bspot, v101=do_v101, $ title=calibfile, /noplot, /noverb,xyfile=xyfile, $ x1=x1_use, x2=x2_use ; $ ;,thold=thold, y1=y1_use, y2=y2_use, $ ;xe1=xe1_use, xe2=xe2_use, $ ;fscan=fscan_use, lscan=lscan_use endelse ; ; Get geometry of center scan of spot. ; readscan, calibfile, as, i, q, u, v, /nohead vttaz = float(s_vtt(0)) vttel = float(s_vtt(1)) tblpos = float(s_vtt(2)) print, ' Spot center elev, azim, tblpos: ' + $ float_str(vttel, 3) + ', ' + float_str(vttaz, 3) + ', ' + $ float_str(tblpos, 3) ; ; Get mean continuum value isc = mean(is(140:180)) ; ;if not use_thold then begin ; nn = nsum * meanv / isc ; print, ' Numberprof * Vmax / isc: ' + float_str(nn, 1) ;endif ; ; Get negative extremum of V at 6149 line and corresponding ; values of I, Q, and U for Sapp (=(1-K)(xt)^-1*Ppol where Ppol ; is POLARIMETER RESPONSE 4-params) if n_elements(xx1) eq 0 then xx1_use = 30 $ else xx1_use = xx1 if n_elements(xx2) eq 0 then xx2_use = 70 $ else xx2_use = xx2 vmin = min(vs(xx1_use:xx2_use), ixmin) ixmin = ixmin + xx1_use vsmin = mean(vs(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) ismin = mean(is(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) qsmin = mean(qs(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) usmin = mean(us(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) ; ; Get positive extremum of V at 6149 line and corresponding ; values of I, Q, and U for Sapp( =(1-K)(xt)^-1*p ) where ; p=polarimeter 4-response vmax = max(vs(xx1_use:xx2_use), ixmax) ixmax = ixmax + xx1_use vsmax = mean(vs(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) ismax = mean(is(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) qsmax = mean(qs(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) usmax = mean(us(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) ; ; ; Output verbose info, including K and average profile plots. ; if do_verbose then begin ; ; Set names of plot files. if n_elements(k_sufps) eq 0 then k_sufps_use = '' $ else k_sufps_use = k_sufps if n_elements(a_sufps) eq 0 then a_sufps_use = '' $ else a_sufps_use = a_sufps if n_elements(b_sufps) eq 0 then b_sufps_use = '' $ else b_sufps_use = b_sufps fileps1 = sopnum + k_sufps_use fileps2 = sopnum + a_sufps_use fileps3 = sopnum + b_sufps_use ; ; Print spot info. s = ', ' ; if use_thold then begin ; printf, verb_unit, ' Threshold used = ' + stringit(thold) ; endif else begin ; printf, verb_unit, ' Trshold = ' + stringit(thold) + $ ; ' (tfact = ' + stringit(tfact) + ', Vmax = ' + $ ; stringit(meanv) + ')' ; endelse ; printf, verb_unit, ' Num of profs summed = ' + stringit(nsum)+ $ ; ',' + ' Numprof * Vmax / Ic = ' + float_str(nn, 1) ; ; printf, verb_unit, ' Center of spot is scan, Y = ' + $ ; stringit(as) + ', ' + stringit(ay) ; printf, verb_unit, ' Output file of spot (scan, Y)''s = ' + xyfile ; printf, verb_unit, ' Plot files = ' + fileps1 + s + fileps2 + s + $ ; fileps3 ; printf, verb_unit, ' Spot center elev, azim, tblpos = ' + $ ; float_str(vttel, 3) + s + float_str(vttaz, 3) + s + $ ; float_str(tblpos, 3) printf, verb_unit, 'S(614)- Max/Min = ' printf, verb_unit, ixmax, ismax, qsmax, usmax, vsmax,$ format=format1 printf, verb_unit, ixmin, ismin, qsmin, usmin, vsmin,$ format=format1 ; ; Calculate & printf normalized S-vector for QUALITY test of XT solution qsmin = qsmin / ismin usmin = usmin / ismin vsmin = vsmin / ismin qsmax = qsmax / ismax usmax = usmax / ismax vsmax = vsmax / ismax ismin = 1.0 ismax = 1.0 printf, verb_unit, ixmax, ismax, qsmax, usmax, vsmax,$ format=format5 printf, verb_unit, ixmin, ismin, qsmin, usmin, vsmin,$ format=format5 ; ; Restore K file. ksi=0 & ksq=0 & ksu=0 & ksv = 0 restore, kfile ksi_m = fltarr(nscan, /nozero) ksq_m = ksi_m ksu_m = ksi_m ksv_m = ksi_m ; ; Calculate a mean k for each scan by averaging over Y. ay1 = ay - 5 ay2 = ay + 5 for jscan = 0, nscan-1 do begin ksi_m(jscan) = mean(ksi(jscan, ay1:ay2)) ksq_m(jscan) = mean(ksq(jscan, ay1:ay2)) ksu_m(jscan) = mean(ksu(jscan, ay1:ay2)) ksv_m(jscan) = mean(ksv(jscan, ay1:ay2)) endfor ; ; Plot K(q), K(u), and K(v). t1 = 'Ki' t2 = 'Kq' t3 = 'Ku' t4 = 'Kv' title = 'Mean K ' + s +strdate() + s + $ 'Op ' + sopnum + s + strcam()+ s +'X&Tit4' if n_elements(yr1) eq 0 then yr1_use = [0.0, 2.0e5] $ else yr1_use = yr1 if n_elements(yr2) eq 0 then yr2_use = [-.006, .006] $ else yr2_use = yr2 if n_elements(yr3) eq 0 then yr3_use = yr2_use $ else yr3_use = yr3 if n_elements(yr4) eq 0 then yr4_use = [-.006, .006] $ else yr4_use = yr4 plot_m4, ksi_m, ksq_m, ksu_m, ksv_m, $ t1=t1, t2=t2, t3=t3, t4=t4, $ yr1=yr1_use, yr2=yr2_use, yr3=yr3_use, yr4=yr4_use, $ title=title, fileps=fileps1, /ps,/noverb ; ; Plot average profiles. title = 'Avg s(614-5) ' + s + strdate() + s + $ 'Op ' + sopnum + s + strcam()+ s +'X&Tit4' plot_m4, is, qs, us, vs, t1='I', t2='Q', t3='U', t4='V', $ title=title, fileps=fileps2, /ps,/noverb ; ; Plot 6149 region of average profiles. title = 'Avg s(6149) ' + s + strdate() + s + $ 'Op ' + sopnum + s + strcam()+ s +'X&Tit4' if n_elements(wr1) eq 0 then wr1_use = [0,20000] $ else wr1_use = wr1 if n_elements(wr2) eq 0 then wr2_use = [-20,20] $ else wr2_use = wr2 if n_elements(wr3) eq 0 then wr3_use = [-20,20] $ else wr3_use = wr3 if n_elements(wr4) eq 0 then wr4_use = [-600,600] $ else wr4_use = wr4 plot_m4, title=title, fileps=fileps3, /ps,/noverb, $ is(20:80), t1='I', yr1=wr1_use, $ qs(20:80), t2='Q', yr2=wr2_use, $ us(20:80), t3='U', yr3=wr3_use, $ vs(20:80), t4='V', yr4=wr4_use endif ; ; Calculate average St. ; ; = * invert() * ; ; Note: Since the K's are small, and (1-K)^(-1) = (1 + K) ; to first order, we will not have to invert K. ; ;;K = [ [1.0, kk(1), kk(2), kk(3)], $ ; transpose of K for IDL ;; [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], $ ;; [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ], $ ;; [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ] ] K = get_imat(4) ; iiii = K(0,0)*is + K(0,1)*qs + K(0,2)*us + K(0,3)*vs qqqq = K(1,0)*is + K(1,1)*qs + K(1,2)*us + K(1,3)*vs uuuu = K(2,0)*is + K(2,1)*qs + K(2,2)*us + K(2,3)*vs vvvv = K(3,0)*is + K(3,1)*qs + K(3,2)*us + K(3,3)*vs ; ii = tt(0,0)*iiii + tt(0,1)*qqqq + tt(0,2)*uuuu + tt(0,3)*vvvv qq = tt(1,0)*iiii + tt(1,1)*qqqq + tt(1,2)*uuuu + tt(1,3)*vvvv uu = tt(2,0)*iiii + tt(2,1)*qqqq + tt(2,2)*uuuu + tt(2,3)*vvvv vv = tt(3,0)*iiii + tt(3,1)*qqqq + tt(3,2)*uuuu + tt(3,3)*vvvv ; ; Get St @ negative extremum of 6149 line .Use ixmin from S_app ; vmin = mean(vv(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) imin = mean(ii(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) qmin = mean(qq(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) umin = mean(uu(ixmin-1:ixmin+1)) ; ; Get St @ positive extremum of 6149 line .Use ixmax from S_app ; vmax = mean(vv(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) imax = mean(ii(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) qmax = mean(qq(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) umax = mean(uu(ixmax-1:ixmax+1)) ; ; Print verbose min and max St values. ; if do_verbose then begin printf, verb_unit, ' St-(0) = ', imin,' St+(0) = ', imax endif ; ; Normalize by the I component. ; COMMENT OUT THIS NORMALIZATION IF DERIVING RAW CALIB VECTORS qmin = qmin / imin umin = umin / imin vmin = vmin / imin qmax = qmax / imax umax = umax / imax vmax = vmax / imax imin = 1.0 imax = 1.0 ; ; Print remaining verbose information. ; if do_verbose then begin ; printf, verb_unit, ' St- (norm) =' ; printf, verb_unit, ixmin, imin, qmin, umin, vmin, format=format3 ; printf, verb_unit, ' St+ (norm) =' ; printf, verb_unit, ixmax, imax, qmax, umax, vmax, format=format3 printf, verb_unit, ' K ' printf, verb_unit, kk(0),kk(1),kk(2),kk(3),format=format7 endif ; print, ' T =' print, transpose(tt), format=format4 print, ' K =' print,kk(0),kk(1),kk(2),kk(3), format=format7 ; Write info into files to be read by ttt. ; printf, outn_unit, iconfig, vttel, vttaz, tblpos, 0.0, nsum, format=format1 printf, outn_unit, imin, qmin, umin, vmin, format=format2 ;printf, outn_unit, imin, qmin, umin, vmin, format=format6 printf, outp_unit, iconfig, vttel, vttaz, tblpos, 0.0, nsum, format=format1 printf, outp_unit, imax, qmax, umax, vmax, format=format2 ;printf, outp_unit, imax, qmax, umax, vmax, format=format6 ; ; endfor ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ; Free output units. ; free_lun, outn_unit, outp_unit if do_verbose then free_lun, verb_unit ; ; Done. ; end