pro graph1, y, ps=ps, fileps=fileps, title=title, xtitle=xtitle, $ ytitle=ytitle, subtitle=subtitle, xfirst=xfirst, ticks=ticks, $ point_sym=point_sym, yrange=yrange, _extra=e ;+ ; ; procedure: graph1 ; ; purpose: Graph an array to X Windows or PostScript file. ; ; author: rob@ncar, 1/92 ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() lt 1 then begin print print, "usage: graph1, y" print print, " Graph an array to X Windows or a PostScript file." print print, " Arguments" print, " y - Y array to plot" print print, " Keywords" print, " ps - if set, output to PostScript file" print, " (else output to X Windows)" print, " fileps - PostScript file (def =" print, " title - main title" print, " xtitle - X-axis title" print, " ytitle - Y-axis title" print, " subtitle - title under xtitle" print, " xfirst - first X value (def = 1)" print, " ticks - if set, tick on each x value" print, " point_sym - point symbol (def = no symbol)" print, " yrange - Y-axis range (def = IDL decides)" print print, " note: Keyword inheritance has been implemented, thus" print, " any valid PLOT keyword is now permitted." print return endif ;- ; ; Set variables. ; true = 1 false = 0 plot_ps = false if keyword_set(ps) then plot_ps = true numx = n_elements(y) if n_elements(fileps) eq 0 then fileps = '' if n_elements(title) eq 0 then title = '' if n_elements(xtitle) eq 0 then xtitle = '' if n_elements(ytitle) eq 0 then ytitle = '' if n_elements(subtitle) eq 0 then subtitle = '' if n_elements(xfirst) eq 0 then xfirst = 1 xticks = 0 if keyword_set(ticks) then xticks = numx - 1 if n_elements(point_sym) eq 0 then point_sym = 0 if n_elements(yrange) eq 0 then yrange = [0, 0] ; ; Set up for PostScript. ; if plot_ps then begin set_plot, 'ps' device, filename=fileps endif ; ; Set x array. ; x = indgen(numx) + xfirst ; ; Plot array. ; if (yrange(0) eq 0) and (yrange(1) eq 0) then begin plot, x, y, /ynoz, title=title, xstyle=1, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, _extra=e, $ subtitle=subtitle, xminor=-1, xticks=xticks, psym=point_sym endif else begin plot, x, y, /ynoz, title=title, xstyle=1, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, $ subtitle=subtitle, xminor=-1, xticks=xticks, psym=point_sym, $ ystyle=1, yrange=yrange, _extra=e endelse ; ; Close PS device and restore X Windows. ; if plot_ps then begin print print, ' Plot to file ' + stringit(fileps) print device, /close_file set_plot, 'x' endif ; ; Done. ; end