pro make_help, dummy, codedir=codedir, outfile=outfile ;+ ; ; procedure: make_help ; ; purpose: make ASP "routines.html" documentation file ; ; author: rob@ncar, 9/95 ; ; note: This routine replaces the 'make_help' shell script that ; produced the old (pre-IDL version 4.0) IDL help files. ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() ne 0 then begin print print, "usage: make_help" print print, " Make ASP 'routines.html' documentation file." print print, " Arguments" print, " (none)" print print, " Keywords" print, " codedir - directory containing IDL code" print, " (def='/home/stokes/src/idl')" print print, " outfile - output documentation file" print, " (def='/home/stokes/doc/routines.html')" print return endif ;- ; ; Set some variables. ; if n_elements(codedir) eq 0 then codedir = '/home/stokes/src/idl' if n_elements(outfile) eq 0 then outfile = '/home/stokes/doc/routines.html' date = systime() user = getenv('USER') & if user eq '' then user = 'unknown-user' link1 = '' link3 = ' ' link4 = '
' ; ; Create one-liners in temp file. ; message, 'making temporary file...', /info purpose, codedir, outfile=outfile, /noverb ; ; Read lines from temp file and insert breaks. ; message, 'reading temporary file...', /info openr, unit, outfile, /get_lun s = '' s_array = [s] line = 0 while not eof(unit) do begin readf, unit, s if line ge 4 then begin words = get_words(s) name = strlowcase(words(0)) + '.pro' purpose = '' for i = 1, sizeof(words)-1 do $ purpose = purpose + words(i) + ' ' link = link1 + name + link2 + name + link3 + purpose + link4 s_array = [s_array, link] endif line = line + 1 endwhile free_lun, unit ; ; Insert header and footer HTML. ; s_array = ['ASP Routines', $ ' ', $ '

 ', $ ' ', $ 'ASP Routines

', $ ' ', $ s_array, $ ' ', $ '

 ', $ 'ASP Documentation', $ ' ', $ ' ', $ '- Updated (', date, ') by ', user, $ '.' ] ; ; Rewrite temp file. ; message, 'rewriting final output over temporary file...', /info openw, unit, outfile, /get_lun printf, unit, s_array free_lun, unit end