	*** This Release of ASP IDL Code 05 11 July 1997 ***

- add keyword "custom" to flat_filtd.pro, gen_filtd.pro, makefiltd.pro to
  allow interactive specification of frequency ranges for fringe
  correction in 2nd order gain tables filtd

- correct some typos in first explanatory information for routines
  gen_pmap.pro, ccor.pro, shgint.pro that prevented proper HTML documentation

- correct problems in calib_gncal.pro and ofstc3.pro which caused
  divide by zero errors for the merged cal dark images

- add cbar_azimuth.pro, cbar_zenith.pro as stand-alone routines for creating
  the color bars for the azimuth and zenith angles

- for shgint.pro, add 'fmap/lmap' keywords, set to 0 in call to shg.pro.
  Should not affect data that's not in multi-map mode, and is correct 
  for multi-map mode data that otherwise gives i/o errors.

- profile4.pro updated to add indicators on plots for wavelength positions
  (sugg. by Pevtsov, modified from his version to mark all 4 Stokes profiles)

- add plot_4g.pro which combines the operations of shg.pro, rem_clouds.pro,
  and plot_4.pro to make images of Stokes spectra with corresponding intensity
- Add deslant.pro and modify calibrate.pro to allow removing slant of spectrum
  lines.  After application of deslant, the Stokes spectra have teluric lines
  fall at a fixed pixel position along the slit.  Requires specification of keywords
  ilo, ihi, and should also specify firstwl, and lastwl.  The keyword halfwidth
  may usually take on the default value, therefore it is optional.  Also requires
  use of yh2 and yh3: yh3 could have been arbitrary in previous versions of 
  calibrate.pro if one hairline was not being fit.  Deslant should be used
  routinely from now on.


	*** This Release of ASP IDL Code 05 January 1996 ***

- update calibrate.pro for optional handling of pmap, i.e. generating
  maps without X- and T-matrix computation.  New keywords xstl,xendl,
  ystl,yendl added to allow intensity equalization of the two cameras
  for a restricted part of the images, and keyword pmap for pmap computation.

- add calib_xt1.pro: used by the new calibrate.pro in pmap generation to
  use X=1=T, remove skew, but not correct for residual I -> QUV crosstalk.

- update calmerge.pro to perform standard gain/dark before merging, to 
  optionally allow equalization of the intensity for a small part of the
  image (to get pvecs accuractely for sunspot radiant points in T-matrix
  computation, to sharpen up the usage of clear port data in this intensity
  equalization, removed xst,xend,yst,yend variables from hardwire to 
  accomodate possible errors within active area that should be avoided.

- update wlcross.pro to work with new calmerge.pro, relegating calcross.pro
  to obselescence.

- add calib_gncal.pro: modified version of calib_gain.pro for use with 
  new calmerge.pro -- optionally allows flipping of the image in wavelength.

- add plot_cal.pro and plot_pts.pro to plot results of xttx.f fits to
  calibration and sunspot umbral data, respectively.

- add p_vecs.pro:  routine to extract from a "pmap" the Stokes vectors
  in form suitable for processing by xttx.f

- add gen_pmap.pro to allow one to generate a polarimeter-vector ASP data
  format file: a file which is corrected for gain/dark etc., but not for
  X- and T-matrix.

- add ccor.pro:  called by gen_pmap.pro to cross-correlate continuum intensity
  spectroheliograms for estimating field radiant points in umbra.

- add shgint.pro: stand-alone program to generate continuum spectroheliograms
  to be used in ccor.pro/gen_pmap.pro

- add pplot.pro to do interactive plot of Stokes profiles by moving cursor
  in a continuum spectroheliogram.  Displays both raw and calibrated profiles.

- add xttx_plot_cal.pro and xttx_plot_s.pro xttx_read.pro routines to read
  and plot xttx.f input and output

- add bi_combine.pro and bi_map.pro routines to combine two *bi files

- flat_gain.pro: modify the output file name to agree with new standard,
  update and clarify the internal documentation.

-------- September 25, 1995 -------------------

- new program make_help.pro to make routines.html documentation file

- new program aview.pro as an aspview.pro with a graphical user interface

- modified tvwin[p].pro to accept most TV keywords

- added "set_plot, 'x'" to c.pro

- removed old routines (genibfz.pro, genibpg.pro, geniebb.pro, genivdd.pro,
  pltibfz.pro, pltibpg.pro, pltiebb.pro, pltivdd.pro)


- put old or obsolete routines in subdirectory OBS

- fixed bug in calibrate.pro to do plots when 'b_only' specified

- fixed bug in shgview.pro to correctly use fscan

- modified plot_4.pro to have default 3rd title for PostScript output
  (old default was to have *no* 3rd title); new title contains
  date, op number, scan number, mu, wavelength, e.g.,
  "29 Sep 1994 (06.043), u=0.55, 630 nm"

- fixed aspedit.pro bug where didn't skip frames properly via 'fmap*' keywords

- added KD's new pf_qplot.pro for plotting observed/solved spectra

- added ysts,yends keywords to calibrate.pro (differentiated from yst,yend)
  and ysts,yends arguments to wlcross.pro

- new procedure undefine.pro to undefine up to 20 arguments

-------- April 28, 1995 -------------------


- the 'run' keyword has been added to several routines to key run-specific
  processing; in general, if an ASP file is input, the run will default to
  the date found in the operation header; otherwise, run default is 'may94'

- new options to calibrate.pro:
     run             - run date (default=use op header date)
     noflip          - if set, don't flip wavelength (default=do flip)
     xp1,xp2,yp1,yp2 - ranges for plotting (to clip off non-data regions)

- new routines:
     flat_gain.pro   - make gaintable for input to calibrate.pro (run > 1992)
     filtfreq.pro    - filter specified frequencies in Fourier domain
     pwspec.pro      - determine average (x direction) power spectrum

     asp_new.pro     - show what's new in an ASP IDL release
     c.pro           - retall, close all files, delete all windows
     get_nscan_read.pro - return number of scans in given file
     mm4.pro         - print min and max values of 4 (equal-sized) inputs
     pathfile.pro    - separate string into file and directory parts
     strsubp.pro     - do string substitution in file part of a path
     strwlen.pro     - return wavelength from operation header

     get_run.pro     - return the run (string) given an ASP file
     run_year.pro    - return the year (int) from given ASP run string
     comp_runs.pro   - compare two ASP run dates (chronologically)

     check_usage.pro - check that usage.pro is up to date
     purpose.pro     - print one-line description of IDL codes

- made 'rev_scan' keyword to calibrate.pro a 6-element vector that includes
  end-date as well as start-date for scan reversal (added exception for
  3/8/95 as changed back to E->W scans mid-day -- starting with operation 10)

- added 'full' keyword to ffterpol.pro to optionally extend data to 256 values

- renamed filt.pro to makefiltd.pro and revised it heavily

- renamed buildgn[2].pro to gen_gain[2].pro;
  renamed genfiltd.pro   to gen_filtd.pro

- merged shsl.pro into shslit.pro with various speedup/cleanup

- added 'interp' keyword to gncorr.pro to do old-style (interpolation)
  application of gaintable; default is new-style (linear) correction

- rewrote flatav.pro (added colored labels, numerous keywords, etc.;
  see flat_gain.pro for example use

- revised calib_xmat.pro to more conveniently generate names of X files (for
  Camera B and merged data -- string substitution on file part of path only)

- modified hist.pro to take 'title' as an optional keyword, optionally
  return histogram array, and use new 'noplot' keyword

- sped up SPAWNS by converting to /NOSHELL option in 'ls.pro', 'shgview.pro',
  'calibrate.pro', 'run_shg.pro', etc.

- fixed bug in aspview.pro of incorrect SEQ. SCAN in /automatic mode;
  no longer put raw tape name in window title

- added x1,x2,y1,y2 keywords to prof4.pro, tvwin[p].pro for image cropping

- changed error return for function strsub.pro to be '(error)'

- tvwinp.pro now prints the ranges of the array values

- made shg.pro output 'image' parameter optional

- added 'dot' flag to strdate() to return date in yy.mm.dd format,
        'dot' flag to strcam()  to return camera as 'a', 'b', or '-'

- removed old routines maxit.pro and minit.pro, as can use IDL's < and >

- renamed pprun to plot_4.run

- prepended "zz-" to filenames of obsolete routines
  (note these are no longer supported, thus may not work):

	zz-abmerge.pro          zz-genibpg.pro          zz-pltibpg.pro
	zz-gain_merge_xt3.pro   zz-geniebb.pro          zz-pltiebb.pro
	zz-gain_xt.pro          zz-genivdd.pro          zz-pltivdd.pro
	zz-gain_xt3.pro         zz-gncorr.orig1.pro     zz-rabin.pro
	zz-gainit.pro           zz-gncorr.orig2.pro     zz-rabin2.pro
	zz-genibfz.pro          zz-pltibfz.pro


- updated ls.pro to allow specification of file/directory to list,
  and 'ls' options

- added 'ignore' keyword to aspedit.pro to ignore scan header errors

- minor modification (changed PRINT/STOP to MESSAGE) in fftrp.pro
  (had incorrect routine name in PRINT, but MESSAGE handles that automatically)

- added 'scale' keyword to plot_4.pro for scaling spectra based on
  maximum-I; simplified code that scales Q and U together

- new routine aspmovie.pro to manipulate movies; currently separates
  multiple-map movie files into separate files called <input>.1, <input>.2, ...

- made scan renumbering optional now via new 'fscan0' keyword in aspedit.pro

- added 'raw_nscan' keyword to calibrate.pro for setting op header extension
  'orig_nscan' field (used by the inversion code), explicitly for version 100
  short operations (truncated with aspedit)

- modified aspedit.pro to set the op header extension values;
  added 'exten' keyword for versatile control of this setting

- modified read_op_hdr.pro to not zero the extension part of op headers
  (was doing so for all but 'Gain[XT]'-type operations)

- a new Unix script 'idl-asp-new' exists to allow users to run IDL
  with the pre-release ASP codeset (NOT recommended for general use)

-------- December 12, 1994 ----------------

- modified aspedit.pro to save original nscan information
  (only if it's not already in the header)

- modified calibrate.pro to save original nscan information *only if* it's not
  already in the header; have it *accumulate* input_x1 and input_y1 information

- upgraded bell.pro to permit ringing the bell a specified number of times

- added 'count' argument to get_words.pro, filed bug, and improved usage

- upgraded in_set.pro (returns count, better error checking, faster)

- new routine check_readme.pro to check that ASP IDL README file is up to date;
  README file made up to date

- modified stringit.pro to keep internal spaces

- added nopause keyword to pause.pro for nicer menuing


- modified plot_4.pro to accept a negative 'xscan' implying a thick (3-pixel)
  line be drawn as opposed to the 1-pixel line that was sometimes not visible
  in PostScript due to scaling; fixed bug where min/max values were incorrect
  (were in pixel space rather than in raw data units)

-------- November 4, 1994 -----------------

- new routine rem_clouds.pro to remove clouds

- increased structure field name maximum length in helps.pro, used in h.pro

- added information to helplist.pro listing


- added new routine rev_scans.pro to reverse scan order and numbering

- added rev_scan keyword to calibrate.pro; made calibrate by default reverse
  scan order on maps recorded after 1 November 1993

- rewrote float_str.pro to round on either side of decimal point (negative
  as well as positive 'ndigits'), and not have side effect

- rewrote roundit.pro to work for arrays as well as scalars, removed
  side-effect of modifying the input value, and now can round on either
  side of the decimal point

- wrote truncit.pro to *truncate* floats to a specified number of digits
  (rather than *round* to a number of digits as roundit.pro does)

- added 'noaa' and 'qnoaa' keywords to shg.pro for NOAA active region numbers;
  modified shgplot.pro to use the NOAA numbers saved by shg.pro

-------- October 13, 1994 -----------------

- added laser_sl.pro to create laser profile for inversion code

- added gauss1.pro for RSI's CURVEFIT (used in laser_sl.pro)


- fixed bug in calibrate.pro checking the number of parameters

- fixed bug in flip[x|y].pro (off-by-1 on even dimensioned arrays, thus
  middle [cols|rows] were not flipped -- actually flipped then flipped back)

-------- September 27, 1994 ---------------

- removed clears from calibrate.pro (and calib_res.pro) since they are
  no longer used (note argument list shortened!)

- modified plotting in calibrate.pro:
	now choose between (no plotting | plotting | plotting with pauses)
	now get plots of final calibrated spectra
	removed plotting inefficiencies

- removed plotting from wlcross.pro (was a buggy duplicate of what was
  done correctly in 'calibrate'); removed inefficiencies and formatted

- added 'ans' keyword to pause.pro so can do simple menuing with it

-------- September 22, 1994 ---------------

- modified calibrate.pro so can calculate slope for de-skewing based
  generically on one hairline or two (i.e., the one hairline may be
  the top or bottom one)

- added 'cameras' keyword to calibrate (and calib_res and calib_xmat) so
  can process A only, B only, or both cameras

- fixed bug in calibrate.pro so it correctly plots the difference btw A & B


- modified fix_rec.pro so it can work for any run year

- have aspcal.pro read 4 blank lines of X matrix so works like calibrate.pro

-------- August 31, 1994 ------------------

- collapsed functionality of flat_filtd/genfiltd/get_filtd/buildgn2 to
  flat_filtd/genfiltd (removed get_filtd and buildgn2)

- made 'nend' an optional keyword in flat_filtd/genfiltd

- added 3rd level of verbosity to flat_filtd.pro, flatavg2.pro, and

- simplified flat_filtd.pro as it can simply pass arguments to flatavg2
  and genfiltd and let them do error checking and default setting;
  did similar thing with flatavg2

- modified flatavg2.pro to have 'bads' be optional keyword, rather than
  a parameter; thus could/did simplify the call in flat_filtd.pro
  (note that optional parameters are best as keywords !)

- updated comments in various codes concerning gainit vs. calibrate


- fixed extend.pro to handle nst=0

-------- August 26, 1994 ------------------

- added procedure 'pwspec.pro' from Bruce to determine average power spectrum;
  note there are two methods for apodization (see 'apod' keyword)

- fixed bug in 'apod.pro' so that it generates a quarter period cosine bell,
  rather than a multi-period one; sped it up by replacing loop with array
  operations; added 'nomean' keyword and functionality to subtract mean; etc.

- modified 'extend.pro' by replacing loops with array operations for speed;
  various commenting/cleanup/etc.

- added procedure 'split_spec.pro' to split spectra by wavelength into 2 files

- removed unused 'tree.pro' (was a list of routines rather than a routine)

- modification to 'shsl.pro' by Sku to handle ixst >= 15


- added procedure bell.pro to ring the bell

- modified Makefile for Solaris compilation of gncorrc.so for gncorr.pro

- modified run_shg.pro to use lp rather than lpr (for Solaris)

- added 'mstepsz' keyword to shgplot.pro for when map step size is zero

-------- June 3, 1994 ---------------------

- rewrote aspedit.pro to be more versatile in processing movies;
  note the argument list has changed

- removed fixrs.pro because fixr.pro now handles scalars as well as arrays

- bomb with error message now if try to skip too far with skip_scan.pro

- new routines put_version, put_nmap, get_nmap to work with op header values

- using p.pro on undefined variables will return to caller now

- modified low level routine read_op_hdr.pro to print "Map Movie Frames"
  rather than "Filter Steps Stepsize" to better reflect the actual use
  of the operation header

- small mod's to shg[plot].pro to ensure nfstep is a long integer


- added another example to 'aspedit' usage (for fixing short files)

- mod's to filt.pro to correct indexing errors by Bruce

- simplified fixr.pro to make use of new 'round' function

- modified codes so keyword 'run' accepts 'mar92' or anything-else(def),
  rather than just 'mar92'(def) or 'jun92'
  [buildgn2.pro genfiltd.pro get_filtd.pro filt.pro flat_filtd.pro]

- fixed bug in flatav[g].pro:  added newct.com and newct.set

- added comments to shgplot.pro for when can't fit movie onto one page

- updated fix_rec.pro to handle movies

- made nsearch a keyword for calibrate.pro

- updated in_set.pro to return indexes of match

- added set_sub[2].pro to subtract one set from another;
  added rem_index.pro to remove a value from a vector (written for set_sub)

- added encapsulated keword to shgplot.pro; added note to shg.pro usage

- changed 'fix' to 'floor' in float_str.pro to handle larger numbers

-------- April 6, 1994 --------------------

- modified routines for proper use of /v101 and get_version() since there
  are versions other than simply 100 and 101 now
	(asplist.pro aspmeanv.pro aspview.pro avgprof.pro avgprof_st.pro
	 avgscans_i.pro calibrate.pro flat_filtd.pro flatav.pro flatavg.pro
	 flatavg2.pro gain_merge_xt3.pro gain_xt.pro gain_xt3.pro gainit.pro
	 get_st.pro plot_hval.pro plot_meansc.pro readscan.pro shg.pro
	 shg_darks.pro shgview.pro writscan.pro)
	(aspcomp.pro aspedit.pro)

- added keyword inheritance for PLOT in all graph*.pro procedures
  (i.e., all PLOT keywords are now permitted for the graph*.pro routines)

-------- November 29, 1993 ----------------

- added sign.pro function to return the sign of a number

- added 'i_scl -> v_scl' parameters to 'aspview.pro' so can scale the
  spectra arbitrarily and independently (also added those parameters to
  'plot_cbars.pro', and added 'srange' parameter to 'newct_tvscl.pro');
  improved print of raw data range in 'aspview.pro' (i.e., 'xs1 to ys2')

- improved 'plot_4.pro' (much better code & comments; removed profiling);
  improved 'pprun' (code and comments)

- added 'ca.pro' to close all files

- added 'rca.pro' to do a RETALL and close all files

- added 'path.pro' to print !PATH in readable format

- added 'helplist.pro' to print useful help-related information

- modified 'h.pro' to print structure fields (via new routine 'helps.pro')

-------- October 25, 1993 -----------------

- fixed bug in gain_merge_xt3.pro (automatically adjust bad_a,bad_b arrays
  now if input fscan:  scans removed in gainit.pro; bad_* used in abmerge.pro)

- removed get_s.pro (unfinished and not to be used)
- removed asp_scale.pro (no longer used)

- replaced make_help.pro with 'make_help' script (does clean-up editing now;
  took prints out of mk_asp_help.pro that reminded to do clean-up)

- modified all *.pro routines with examples to use new naming convention


- modified newct_tvscl.pro and plot_cbars.pro to handle zero'ed images
  (such as the dark of a merged cal)

-------- October 15, 1993 -----------------

- fixed bug in gain_merge_xt3.pro so code works if not de-skewing;
  added 'keep' and 'time' keywords

- new procedure calibrate.pro to replace gain_merge_xt3.pro
  (faster and doesn't output temporary files; subsidiary routines
   calib_res, calib_xmat, calib_gain, calib_xt)

- new general function strsub.pro for substring substitution

- added 'title' keword to aspview.pro

- checked usage of 'ixst' in all routines and added warning comment (i.e.,
  for raw-wavelength OR flipped-wavelength orientation)

- removed 'ixst' from calcross.pro and calmerge.pro (not used)

- sped up hair, ofstc2, etc. (e.g., redundant initializations of arrays)

- combined hair and onehair into new hair.pro; reversed usage of ixst so
  hair works on wavelength-flipped data now <-- note that hair.pro was
  used incorrectly in gain_xt3.pro (data was flipped, but hair assumed NOT)

- modified aspcomp.pro to order spectra being compared (i,ii), (q,qq), etc.

- new function 'timer' to return elapsed time in int array of [hours,mins,secs]


- upgraded run_shg.pro to be more versatile and have better instructions for
  current usage

- modified routines to use 'nfstep' only for MAPs (i.e., movies):
  aspedit, shg, aspview, asplist

- rewrote fits_idl.pro for Andy's use

- fixed flatav.pro ('label_iquv' was missing an argument)

	*** Previous Releases ***

-------- August 30, 1993 ------------------

- new aspview.pro and related routines (new labels, colormaps, and menus)


- updated aspedit.pro to handle movies

-------- August 9, 1993 -------------------

- modified plot_4.pro (added /sps option)

- new procedure traceback.pro

- fixed errors in gain_merge_xt3.pro (modify x* and y* params due to
  clipping and reversal of wavelength direction in gainit.pro)

- modified read_sc_hdr, read_sc_data, writ_op_hdr (added 'on_ioerror')

- modified aspedit (close files, do traceback, & stop on I/O errors)

------- July 22, 1993 ---------------------

- new procedure ps_asp.pro

- new procedure mk_asp_help.pro

- new procedure strip_q.pro

- added "currw" parameter to tvasp

- modifications to azam*.pro routines


- new procedure shgview.pro (and modifications to aspview.pro as needed for it)

- new procedure medfilt.pro


- gain_xt3.pro does a lot more (see it for details)

- shg.pro now handles fscan/lscan for maps within movie operations
  (UNTESTED !!!)
