TESTING AZAM directories under /Users/lites/temp/ azam_5 - present working directory with code Mods in azam_2 directory -- In azam_image.pro, changed call to sizeof to sizeof_sbsp -- In azam_area_sel.pro, change tvwin commands to window, tv -- reset all the azam routines supposedly not logic-modified to their original versions (keeping azam_bulk.pro, azam_menu.pro, azam_op.pro, as per Rob). The profiles option now works on Hinode data using the old azam_profiles.pro. The new azam_profiles.pro does not work on ASP data. -- UH POTENTIAL FIELD needs files a__rgtasn, a__dclntn, but these were not passed to the temporary directory by azam_large.pro. Corrected that. Also corrected azam_cleanup.pro to delete those temporary files on exit of AZAM. -- Palette function does not seem to work properly with either new version or on old ASP data with old version. Investigating that. Mods in azam_2 directory -- modified azam_hinode2afiles.pro to output a__rgtasn, a__dclntn -- modified azam_large to add a__rgtasn, a__dclntn to the temporary directory. Also modified azam_cleanup to delete those two files. -- need the following routines from the ASP IDL library: a_image.pro b_image.pro, c_image.pro s_image.pro. tvasp.pro -- modified to not have variable name exist, which seems to exist in SSW delwin.pro pop_cult.pro ndims.pro puff.pro -- modified to use sizeof_sbsp These are put in idl_extras/ -- changed fitsonscreen.pro to azam_fitsonscreen.pro. Changed calls to it in azam_large.pro, azam_op.pro -- changed convert_to_local.pro to azam_convertolocal.pro, and changed call to the routine in azam_hinode2afiles.pro -- azam_image.pro; changed call to sizeof to sizeof_sbsp -- azam_area_sel.pro; change tvwin commands to window, tv. -- azam_prep_hinode.pro; change to temporarily not output byte_ambig array, will need to be implemented later -- moved back the original azam_findvrtx.pro so that it works. had incorrect number of arguments. -- Put sample_a___header into azam_extras. This needs to reside there in all future distributions -- new version of azam_initialize that works -- revised azam_area_sel.pro to open a selection window for repeat selection. Cleaned up azam_findvrtx.pro -- pulled azam_spectra.pro out of azam_tools.pro to work on it separately. Installed azam_tools.pro as revised without azam_spectra.pro. -- revised azam_menu.pro to not have SPECTRA x-ed out in widgit display -- added the rest of the fitted variables to azam_large.pro, azam_hinode2afiles.pro, and azam_cleanup.pro. These additions include dop, dmp, eta0, bzero, b1mu, delta. These are needed for spectra computation -- revised azam_unno_sbsp.pro to output all the parameters needed for SPECTRA, including delta. Output directory is passed through the common com_azamspectra -- revised azam_spectra.pro to display the Stokes spectral images side-by-side -- revised azam_spectra. to plot just the fitted wavelengths of fitted profiles This involved changing the contents of com_azamspectra in azam_spectra.pro, azam_unno_sbsp.pro, and azam_large.pro -- revised azam_unno_sbsp.pro to write out only fitted wavelengths. Modified also to write i_mag and i_fits = total fitted Stokes-I profile including shifted scattered light. These are then extracted and plotted by a modified azam_spectra.pro -- revised azam_spectra.pro to display cursor coordinates relative to original full map -- revised azam_tools.pro (component azam_average.pro) to output the original coordinates of the full map in the second set of coordinates at the bottom of the ascii data output for the cursor position. This involved placing common com_azamspectra in azam_average.pro in order to pass the routine the lower left coordinates of the subarea, xllo and yllo. -- redefined undefine.pro to undefine_sbsp.pro so as to avoid conflict with SSW. -- revised azam_large.pro to restore the B/W color table at end of a processing of a sub-area, and allow for doing several subareas in one run of AZAM -- revised azam_area_sel.pro to delete previous image of entire area when revising the selected area -- revised azam_hinode2afiles.pro to include chisq-parameters, pip, and pvpv in the output directory -- revised azam_area_sel.pro to ask for re-selection if two vertices are identical -- Modifications for PostScript output: -- azam_hinode2afiles.pro: determine the X-, Y-pixel spacing in arcseconds and write them into the AZAM a___header -- renamed b_image.pro to azam_b_image.pro: create psimages common area for pixel sizes delx, dely. Get them from the a___header -- azam_menu.pro: disable the code to prevent PostScript images for instrument frame observations, update calls to azam_b_image.pro -- azam_op.pro: Add psimages common to access X-, Y-pixel spacing, then add those parameters into the azam aa-structure. Change scaling of output images for MERLIN fill factor output instead of scattered light fraction and change plot header from 1-Fill to Fill, change for MERLIN output of PIP as fraction instead of percent, and scale PIP output images 0 - 0.15 -- azam_ps.pro: many changes. Removed capability of plotting multiple images on one page. Add psimages common. Adjust annotations so that output image can be cropped out, multiple mods to allow for Zenith or Instrument frame images. Add prompts to user to select tick mark spacing, Eliminate heading of images and NSEW symbol, offset color bars from image to allow them to be cropped out (or not) -- Add azam_ps_image.pro, modified from ASP ps_image.pro. Multiple changes. Rename all subroutines azam_* to distinguish them from those in ps_image.pro. Pass aa.winfree to azam_ps_image.pro. Add common popticks for control of input of tick spacing. Implement user-specified tick spacing, allow for minor ticks, plot X-ticks even if in Instrument frame, pass the reference frame designation to various routines for proper scaling -- Add azam_ps_asp_size.pro, modified from ASP ps_asp_size.pro. Multiple changes. Rename all subroutines azam_* to distinguish them from those in ps_asp_size.pro. Adjust scaling of output images to be appropriate for Zenith or Instrument frames, taking into account that Instrument X-, Y- pixel spacing is different. -- azam_cleanup.pro: allow routine to move images from the sub-area tempazamdir to the main directory. Works for either .ps or .eps files. -- Modifications for output of ambiguity resolution to a FITS file -- renamed azam_large.pro to azam_hinodesp.pro, replace calls to a_image.pro to the new name azam_a_image.pro, add code to output azimuth solution to a FITS file. -- in azam_initialize, replace call to azam_large.pro to azam_hinodesp.pro -- modified merlin_fits_read to save the MERLIN FITS file header in the directory containing the current a_* files. This is saved as and IDL-save file. The MERLIN FITS header is used as a header for the new ambiguity resolution FITS file. Note that this entailed passing the a_files directory path name down from azam_prep_hinode.pro -> rdmerlinfits.pro -> merlin_fits_read.pro -- renamed a_image.pro to azam_a_image.pro -- renamed b_image.pro to azam_b_image.pro, and also all routines therein renamed with azam_* -- renamed c_image.pro to azam_c_image.pro, and also all routines therein renamed with azam_* -- in azam_menu.pro, replace a_image, b_image with azam_a_image, azam_b_image -- added the following routines unaltered from the ASP IDL library needed for plots, etc: pot_field.pro, ps_plots.pro, ps_tplate.pro, ps_where_lines.pro, ps_xyouts.pro, r_frame_sphduo.pro, r_frame_sphtri0.pro, s_image.pro Mods in azam_4 directory -- Modify routines to compute the spectra on the fly instead of creating an entire array of unno-fit profiles. This seems to work fast enough. In addition to azam_spectra.pro, the following routines were added: azam_unno_setup.pro unno_sgl.pro and the following routines replace their *_vec.pro counterparts for computing a single profile at a time: etarho_sgl.pro smear_sgl.pro srcftn_sgl.pro vgtv_sgl.pro voigt_sgl.pro The old vector routines for computing the entire array of fit profiles are retained, and the old calling routine is renamed azam_spectra.pro.vec. -- Modify azam_spectra.pro for output of individual Stokes spectra and fits to postscript files. Requires addition of ps_profiles.pro. -- Modify azam_spectra.pro to correctly output the cross-spectra display. Now coordinates of the intersection point of the cursor for display of regular and cross spectra are shown at the tops of the respective windows. Mods in azam_5 directory -- Modify routine azam_menu.pro to call xpalette instead of palette. The latter did not work, but the former is not interactive when in AZAM for some reason -- Modify routines azam_bulk.pro, azam_bttn.pro, azam.pro to disable the "OTHER OP" option. To do: 1. Examine input dummy Stokes data set, see if it can be reduced in size. 2. Transfer data files to the ssw Hinode data file areas