pro azam_b_image_usage ;+ ; ; function: azam_b_image ; ; purpose: return a 2D array of an a_* file dumped by program "bite" ; expansions of *.bi files with the -x option ; ; routines: azam_b_image_usage azam_b_image_str azam_b_image ; ; author: paul@ncar, 4/93 (minor mod's by rob@ncar) ; ;============================================================================== ; if 1 then begin print print, "usage: image = azam_b_image( a_file )" print print, " Return a 2D array of a_* file dumped by program 'bite'" print, " expansions of *.bi files with the -x option." print print, " Arguments" print, " a_file - string variable with file path" print, " (the directory must hold several" print, " other a_* files for the function" print, " to work; the a_file is assumed to" print, " be imageable)" print, " Keywords" print, " bkg - input background value (def=0.)" print, " b_str - output structure of data and" print, " directory (def=not output)" print, " reuse - reuse b_str if it exists," print, " do not recompute b_str." print, " Must be same directory." print print, " ex:" print, " a_path = '/hilo/d/asp/data/red/92.06.19/op9/a_1incl'" print, " b_1incl = azam_b_image( a_path, bkg=90., b_str=b )" print return endif ;- end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_b_image_str ; ; purpose: return structure for producing 2D images from ; expansions of *.bi files with the -x option ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_b_image_str, b, a_file ; ;Isolate directory path by finding last '/'. ; j = -1 i = 0 while i ne -1 do begin i = strpos( a_file, '/', i ) if i ne -1 then begin j = i i = i+1 end end ; FOR NEW AZAM, common area with X-, Y-pixel sizes for image displays common psimages,delx,dely dty = strmid( a_file, 0, j+1 ) ; ;Read header(0:127) to get y-dimension used to ;generate raster point numbers. ; ;Warning, header(0:127) isn't all floating point. ;IDL's "help, header" will look funny. ; a___header = read_floats( dty+'a___header' ) ; ;Y-dimension is element 57 of a___header(0:127). ;For ASP these are positions along the slit. ;Inversion code gets this value from model files. ;Default (at this time) in the inversion code is 256. ;Recomend 256 be even if all slit positions aren't kept. ; nspan = round( a___header(57) ) ; ;Read the array of raster point numbers. ;These may not have a corresponding stokes inversion ;depending on polarization. ;These are used to number the raster points ;in a__* files (note two underscores). ; a__points = round( read_floats( dty+'a__points' ) ) ; ;Read the array of raster point numbers that. ;have a corresponding stokes inversion. ;These are used to number the raster points ;in a_* files (note one underscore). ; a_solved = round( read_floats( dty+'a_solved' ) ) ; ;Convert the raster point numbers to x & y values. ;x corresponds to an ASP steps. ;y corresponds to a postions along the slit. ;y varies fastest (reversed below for 2D images). ; xpnt = a__points/nspan ypnt = a__points-xpnt*nspan xslv = a_solved/nspan yslv = a_solved-xslv*nspan ; ;Find ranges of x and y. ; x0 = min( xpnt, max=x1 ) y0 = min( ypnt, max=y1 ) ; ;Get image dimensions. ;IDL coordinates will agree with ASP coordinates ;iff asp scan numbers are not truncated from x=0 ;and position along the slit are not truncated ;from y=0. ; xdim = x1-x0+1 ydim = y1-y0+1 ; ;Form where() arrays used to move a_vectors to b_images. ;Note that x varies fastest. ; pxy = (ypnt-y0)*xdim + (xpnt-x0) sxy = (yslv-y0)*xdim + (xslv-x0) ; ;Form where arrays for background locations. ; tmp = replicate( 1, xdim, ydim ) tmp( sxy ) = 0 sbkg = where( tmp ) tmp( pxy ) = 0 pbkg = where( tmp ) ; ;Length of stream files. ; npxy = long( n_elements(pxy) ) nsxy = long( n_elements(sxy) ) ; ;Read continuum data file. ; a_data = read_floats( dty+'a__cct' ) ; ;Find continuum min max away from hair lines. ; whr = where( ypnt gt 50 and ypnt lt 180, nwhr ) if nwhr ne 0 $ then cct_min = min( a_data(whr), max=cct_max ) $ else cct_min = min( a_data, max=cct_max ) ; ; arcsec per pixel in X, - Y directions. delx = a___header(110) dely = a___header(111) ; ;Pixels per degree along slit (valid at disk center). ;ASP resolution along slit is .370 arc seconds. ; ;pix_deg = 2.*!pi*a___header(102)/.370/360. ; REVISE pix_deg FOR NEW AZAM ;TAKE MEAN OF DELX, DELY FOR HINODE pix_deg = 2.*!pi*a___header(102)/(0.5*(delx+dely))/360. ; ;Set structure of the image and directory. ; b = $ { index : 0L $ , stretch : 0L $ , npoints : npxy $ , nsolved : nsxy $ , npxy : npxy $ , nsxy : nsxy $ , x0 : x0 $ , y0 : y0 $ , xpnt : xpnt $ , ypnt : ypnt $ , cct_min : cct_min $ , cct_max : cct_max $ , mxfld : 4000L $ , head : a___header $ , xdim : xdim $ , ydim : ydim $ , pxy : pxy $ , sxy : sxy $ , vec_pxy : lindgen( npxy ) $ , vec_sxy : lindgen( nsxy ) $ , pbkg : pbkg $ , sbkg : sbkg $ , pix_deg : pix_deg $ , mm_per_deg : 12.148 $ , dty : dty $ , rframe : 'instrument' $ , fname : '' $ , fdim : 0L $ } end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; function: azam_b_image ; ; purpose: return a 2D array of an a_* file dumped by program "bite" ; expansions of *.bi files with the -x option ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_b_image, a_file, bkg=bkg, b_str=b, reuse=reuse ; ;Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() eq 0 then begin azam_b_image_usage return, 0 end ; ;On reuse keyword skip b_str calculation. ; if n_elements(reuse) eq 0 then reuse = 0 if n_elements(b ) eq 0 then reuse = 0 if reuse eq 0 then azam_b_image_str, b, a_file ; ;Return 2D image. ; return, s_image( a_file, b, bkg=bkg ) ; end