pro azam_ps_image_usage ;+ ; ; procedure: azam_ps_image ; ; purpose: output PostScript image of a_* file ; ; routines: azam_ps_image_usage ; azam_ps_line_color ; azam_ps_image_arrow ; azam_ps_image_frame ; azam_ps_key_set ; azam_ps_image ; ; authors: paul@ncar 6/95 rob@ncar 1/93 ; ;============================================================================== ; if 1 then begin print print, "usage: azam_ps_image, aspdata, c" print print, " Output PostScript image of a_* file." print print, "Arguments:" print print, " aspdata - aspdata can take three forms:" print, " (1) String -" print, " path to a_* file." print, " (2) Integer or floating point -" print, " neighbor interpolated array" print, " consistant with already" print, " computed c structure." print, " (3) Byte -" print, " neighbor interpolated array" print, " consistant with already" print, " computed c structure." print, " NOTE, tvasp is not called" print, " if aspdata is a byte image;" print, " color table is not modified." print, " c - ASP data set structure of the" print, " nieghbor interpolated type." print, "Keywords:" print, " bw - output file in no color 0-255" print, " black & white." print, " encapsulated - set for encapsulated PostScript" print, " tplate - template structure" print, " see" print, " whole - Set if aspdata is integer or" print, " floating and data is all points" print, " (def: assume data valid for solved" print, " points only)." print, " landscape - Open new file for PostScript output." print, " Input this keyword as a string used" print, " as path to the new file. The file" print, " opens in 11.x8.5 landscape mode." print, " (Def, don't open file)" print, " portrait - Open new file for PostScript output." print, " Input this keyword as a string used" print, " as path to the new file. The file" print, " opens in 8.5x11. portrait mode." print, " (Def, don't open file)" print, " ref_frame - Selects reference frame used to" print, " neighbor interpolated images." print, " Recognized values are 'instrument'," print, " 'zenith' or 'disk'. This keyword" print, " is used only if azam_ps_image reads the" print, " data from a file. (Def 'zenith')" print, " (First character only 'i', 'z'" print, " or 'd' has to be correct)." print, " bkg - Value set in data array where there" print, " is no data. This keyword is used" print, " only if azam_ps_image reads the data" print, " from a file. (Def 0.0)" print print, " mm_per_inch - input scaler:" print, " Sun megameters per printer" print, " page inch. Ignored if" print, " keyword mm_inch_std is input." print, " output scaler:" print, " If undefined set scale so that" print, " one dimension just fits space" print, " available. If keyword" print, " mm_inch_std is input," print, " mm_per_inch will be set to" print, " actual value used." print, " mm_inch_std - input this keyword to get standard" print, " image proportions based on the one" print, " landscape image per page format." print, " Input value is used for megameters" print, " per printer page inch that comes" print, " out on the one image format." print, " origin_xy - input two vector:" print, " [x_origin,y_origin] position" print, " in inches of available area" print, " for image on page" print, " (def [0.,0.])" print, " output two vector:" print, " Origin adjusted to center on" print, " space available." print, " inches_xy - input two vector:" print, " [x_inches,y_inches] size in" print, " inches available for plotting" print, " an image (def: [8.5,11.] or" print, " [11.,8.5])" print, " output two vector:" print, " [x_inches,y_inches] size in" print, " inches to be used for plotting" print, " an image." print, " LLxy - input two vector:" print, " [X0,Y0] lower left index" print, " for sub arrays to plot" print, " output two vector:" print, " Round off if input; otherwise" print, " determine appropriate to info" print, " available." print, " URxy - input two vector:" print, " [X1,Y1] upper right index" print, " for sub arrays to plot." print, " Ignored if LLxy is not input." print, " output two vector:" print, " Round off if input; it may be" print, " reset if space is not" print, " available depending on" print, " mm_per_inch scale." print, " ABOUTxy - input two vector:" print, " [XA,YA] index in images about" print, " where to plot." print, " Ignored if LLxy is input" print, " (def: image center)" print, " white_bkg - Set to color missing data areas" print, " white. This keyword is ignored if" print, " input data is a 2D byte array." print, " (Def: treat background a though it" print, " were data)" print, " black_bkg - Set to color missing data areas" print, " black. This keyword is ignored if" print, " input data is a 2D byte array." print, " (Def, treat background a though it" print, " were data)" print, " gray - Set for to use gray" print, " scale portion of color table." print, " (Def, use color scale)" print, " invert - Set fot to invert" print, " color table. (Def, don't invert)." print, " wrap - Set for to wrap color" print, " table. (Def, don't wrap)" print, " min - Data value scales to low" print, " color table index. (Def, use data" print, " minimum)" print, " max - Data value scales to high" print, " color table index. (Def, use data" print, " maximum)" print, " title - Title string for image." print, " symbolsize - Global symbol size factor effecting" print, " labels, numbers & arrow point" print, " lengths" print, " frame - Set to draw box about image." print, " tick - Set and if frame is set draw tick" print, " marks" print, " xnumber - Set to number x azis; value is used" print, " as an additional factor to" print, " symbolsize." print, " ynumber - Set to number y azis; value is used" print, " as an additional factor to" print, " symbolsize." print, " arrow set to draw arrow points." print, " Input may be scaler or a two vector." print, " Values effects color." print, " t_arrow a special patch set to draw arrows" print, " on a large poster image. Presently" print, " used only by paul's" print, " a_length scale factor for arrow point size." print, " ambigs set to draw ambigs lines." print, " Value effects color." print, " reversal set to draw zenith frame reversal." print, " Value effects color; see below." print, " sight_reversal set to draw instrument frame" print, " Value effects color." print, " azm - input/output instrument azimuth." print, " Read from c.dty+'a_azm' as needed." print, " psi - input/output instrument psi angle." print, " Read from c.dty+'a_psi' as needed." print, " azimuth - input/output zenith frame azimuth." print, " Read from c.dty+'a_1azm' as needed." print, " zenith - input/output zenith angle." print, " Read from c.dty+'a_1incl' as needed." print, " whrA - input where array to connect" print, " adjacent points by vectors." print, " colA - input color for vectors drawn with" print, " whrA array." print, " whrB - input where array to connect" print, " adjacent points by vectors." print, " colB - input color for vectors drawn with" print, " whrB array." print, " whrC - input where array to connect" print, " adjacent points by vectors." print, " colC - input color for vectors drawn with" print, " whrC array." print return endif ;- end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; ; ;________________ Procedure to output a ASP image to a PostScript ;| procedure: | file. ;| | ;---------------- Examples: ; | ; | ; | Author: paul@ncar 6/95 ; | ;_______V________ _________________ If keyword landscape/portrait ;|Open file ? | yes |Open file | is set a PostScript file is ;| (landscape) |------>| (landscape) | opened. If landscape/portrait ;| (portrait) | | (portrait) | is a string, it is used for ;---------------- | (bw) | the file path (default path is ; | no ----------------- ''). ; | | ; | | If bw keyword is set the device ; | | is opened for black & white ; |<----------------------- lithograph; i.e., no color ~ ; | 'device, color=0, ...' ; | ;_______V________ _________________ Read a_* file and form 2D ;|Is aspdata | yes |Read a_* file | asp data array. The structure ;|file path |------>| (bkg) | (2nd argument) is computed ;|string ? | | (ref_frame) | if needed. ;---------------- ----------------- ; | no | If bkg keyword is set its ; | | value is used for background ;_______V_______________ | data (def 0.). ;|Program bombs if asp | | ;|structure not input | | Keyword ref_frame selects ;----------------------- | reference frame; 'instrument', ; | | 'zenith' or 'disk'. If frame ; |<----------------------- is not already set in asp ; | structure the default is ; | 'zenith'. Only the first ; | is checked: 'i', 'z' or 'd'. ; | ;_______V________ _________________ Scale to byte image using ;|Is data 2D | yes |Byte scale the | ''. ;|non byte |------>|image with | ;|array ? | |'' | If keyword bw is set the ;---------------- | (bw) | 0B_255B black_white scale ; | already | (gray) | is used; otherwise the tvasp ; | byte | (min) | color table is loaded to which ; | | (max) | the image is scaled. ; | | (invert) | ; | | (wrap) | The gray keyword scales the ; | | (white_bkg) | image to the black_white ; | | (black_bkg) | portion of the tvasp color ; | | (whole) | table (gray is ignored if ; | ----------------- keyword bw is set). ; | | ; | | Keywords min & max are data ; |<----------------------- values that correspond to the ; | color table limits (def: use ; | data min & max). ; | ; | Keyword invert inverts the ; | data corresponding to the ; | color table; black_white ; | becomes white_black; yellow_ ; | red_magenta_blue_cyan becomes ; | cyan_blue_magenta_red_yellow. ; | ; | Keyword wrap returns a byte ; | image that appears wraped ; | around. Gray scale is returned ; | black_white_black. Color ; | scale is returned green_yellow_ ; | red_magenta_blue_cyan_green. ; | ; | Keyword white_bkg sets array ; | elements to the white index ; | for locations where there is ; | no data (see whole below). ; | ; | Keyword black_bkg sets array ; | elements to the black index ; | for locations where there is ; | no data (see whole below). ; | ; | Keyword whole applies only ; | if the input data type is ; | 2D non byte numeric. Set ; | if data is present for the ; | whole image and not just ; | solved points. ; | ;______ V________ Calculate image size and bounds; '' is called. ;|Size the image| ;| (mm_per_inch)| mm_per_inch - Input scaler: ;| (mm_inch_std)| Megameters on the Sun corresponding ;| (origin_xy) | to inches on the printer page. ;| (hold_origin)| Ignored if mm_inch_std is input. ;| (inches_xy) | Output scaler: ;| (LLxy) | If undefined on input set scale so ;| (URxy) | that one demension just fits space ;| (ABOUTxy) | available on printed page. ;---------------- If mm_inch_std input, mm_per_inch ; | is output with the actual value used. ; | ; | mm_inch_std - Input this keyword to get standard image ; | proprotions based on the one image per page ; | format. Input value is megameters per inch ; | that prints on standard one image per ; | landscape page format. ; | ; | origin_xy - Input two vector: ; | [x_origin,y_origin] position in inches ; | of lower left corner of area available ; | for image on page (def [0.,0.]). ; | Output two vector: ; | Origin adjusted for image centered on ; | space available. ; | ; | hold_origin - Set to keep keyword origin_xy i/o the same. ; | ; | inches_xy - Input two vector: ; | [x_inches,y_inches] size in inches ; | available for plotting the image ; | (def: [8.5,11.] or [11.,8.5]) ; | Output two vector: ; | [x_inches,y_inches] size in inches ; | actually used to plot the image. ; | ; | LLxy - Input two vector: ; | [X0,Y0] lower left index of sub array ; | to plot. ; | Output two vector: ; | If defined on input, output is rounded ; | to long integers. If undefined, ; | determine appropriate to info ; | available. ; | ; | URxy - Input two vector: ; | [X1,Y1] upper right index of sub array ; | to plot. Ignored if LLxy is not input. ; | Output two vector: ; | If defined on input, output is rounded ; | to long integers. It may be reset ; | if space is not available depending on ; | mm_per_inch scale. If undefined, ; | determine appropriate to info ; | available. ; | ; | ABOUTxy - Input two vector: ; | [XA,YA] index in the image of about ; | where to plot. Ignored if LLxy is ; | input. (Def: image center.) ;_______V________ ;|Output image | ;|to PostScript | ;---------------- ; | ; | ;_______V________ Ambigs lines are drawn if keyword ambigs is set. ;|Draw ambigs | Calculation require line of sight azimuth ;|lines | array 'azm'. Line of sight azimuth array ;| (ambigs) | can be input by keyword '...,azm=azm,...'. ;| (azm) | As needed 'azm' is read from file ;| (bw) | "c.dty+'a_azm'" and returnable by keyword. ;| (gray) | ;---------------- For bw=1 line color is 'white'. ; | For bw=0, gray=1 line color is 'blue'. ; | For bw=0, gray=0 line color is 'black'. ; | Seek other info on how to change line color. ; | ;_______V________ Reversal lines are drawn if keyword reversal is set. ;|Draw reversal | Calculation require zenith angle array ;|lines | 'zenith'. Zenith angle array can be input by ;| (reversal) | keyword '...,zenith=zenith,...'. As needed ;| (zenith) | 'zenith' is read from file "c.dty+'a_1incl'" ;| (bw) | and returnable by keyword. ;| (gray) | ;---------------- For bw=1 line color is 'white'. ; | For bw=0, gray=1 line color is 'yellow'. ; | For bw=0, gray=0 line color is 'black'. ; | Seek other info on how to change line color. ; | ;_______V___________ Sight reversal lines are drawn if keyword ;|Draw sight | sight_reverasl is set. Calculation require ;|reversal lines | psi angle array 'psi'. Psi angle array can be input ;| (sight_reversal)| by keyword '...,psi=psi,...'. As needed ;| (psi) | 'psi' is read from file "c.dty+'a_psi'" ;| (bw) | and returnable by keyword. ;| (gray) | ;------------------- For bw=1 line color is 'white'. ; | For bw=0, gray=1 line color is 'yellow'. ; | For bw=0, gray=0 line color is 'black'. ; | Seek other info on how to change line color. ; | ;_______V________ Arrow points are drawn if keyword arrow is set. ;|Draw arrow | Calculation require local frame 'azimuth' and ;|points | 'zenith' angle arrays. Arrays can be input ;| (arrow) | by keywords '...,azimuth=azimuth,zenith=zenith,...'. ;| (azimuth) | As needed the arrays are read from ;| (zenith) | files "c.dty+'a_1azm'" & "c.dty+'a_1incl'" ;| (a_length) | and returnable by keywords. ;| (bw) | ;| (gray) | Set keyword 'a_length' to scale arrow point length. ;---------------- Arrow point length will be a_length*.125 inches. ; | ; | For bw=1 point color 'white' on plus field. ; | For bw=1 point color 'black' on minus field. ; | For bw=0, gray=1 point color 'red' on plus field. ; | For bw=0, gray=1 point color 'yellow' on minus field. ; | For bw=0, gray=0 point color 'white' on plus field. ; | For bw=0, gray=0 point color 'black' on minus field. ; | Seek other info on how to change color. ; | ;_______V________ Draw lines based on where() array 'whrA'. Vectors ;|Draw where() | are drawn connecting adjacent points pointed to ;|array lines | by the where() array. Example to draw 1000 gauss ;| (whrA) | field coutours (assume c already defined): ;| (colA) | ;| (bw) | whrA=cont(a_image(c.dty+'a_fld',c),c.sxy,1000.) ;| (gray) | ;---------------- For bw=1 line color is 'white'. ; | For bw=0, gray=1 line color is 'red'. ; | For bw=0, gray=0 line color is 'white'. ; | Seek other info on how to change line color, colA. ; | ;_______V________ Draw lines based on where() array 'whrB'. Same as ;|Draw where() | 'whrA' except for default line color. ;|array lines | ;| (whrB) | For bw=1 line color is 'gray'. ;| (colB) | For bw=0, gray=1 line color is 'blue'. ;| (bw) | For bw=0, gray=0 line color is 'gray'. ;| (gray) | Seek other info on how to change line color, colB. ;---------------- ; | ; | ;_______V________ Draw lines based on where() array 'whrC'. Same as ;|Draw where() | 'whrA' except for default line color. ;|array lines | ;| (whrC) | For bw=1 line color is 'white'. ;| (colC) | For bw=0, gray=1 line color is 'yellow'. ;| (bw) | For bw=0, gray=0 line color is 'black'. ;| (gray) | Seek other info on how to change line color, colC. ;---------------- ; | ; | ;_______V________ _________________ Draw box about the image ;|Draw frame ? | yes |Draw image | if keyword frame is set. ;| (frame) |------>|frame and scale| ;---------------- | (frame) | Draw tick marks if keyword ; | | (tick) | tick is set. Ignored unless ; | | (xnumber) | frame is set. ; | | (ynumber) | ; | | (symbolsize) | Set keyword xnumber to print ; | ----------------- image scale below the image. ; | | Ignored unless tick is set. ; | | ; | | Set keyword ynumber to print ; |<----------------------- image scale to left of image. ; | Ignored unless tick is set. ; | ; | Set keyword symbolsize to ; | value used to scale printed ; | characters. ; | ;_______V________ Set keyword title to character string that prints ;|Print title | above top center of the image. ;| (title) | ;| (symbolsize) | Set keyword symbolsize to value used to scale printed ;---------------- characters. ; | ; | ; V ; done ; ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; function: azam_ps_image_color ; ; purpose: get tvasp color index from string or use default index. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_ps_line_color, keycolor, bw, bwcolor, gray, ongray, offgray ;Common with ''. ;Determine input type. ndim = n_dims( keycolor, type=type ) ;Return byte type directly. if type eq 'Byte' then return, keycolor ;Returns for black & white. if bw then begin if type eq 'String' then str=keycolor else str=bwcolor case str of 'white' : return, 255B 'gray' : return, 128B 'black' : return, 0B else : return, 255B end end ;Use string if supplied else default ;depending on gray scale. if type eq 'String' then begin str = keycolor end else begin if keyword_set(gray) then str=ongray else str=offgray end ;Set if needed. if n_elements(tvasp) eq 0 then tvasp, lindgen(2,2), /notv ;Match to tvasp colors. case str of 'white' : return, tvasp.ix_white 'yellow': return, tvasp.ix_yellow 'red' : return, tvasp.ix_red 'green' : return, tvasp.ix_green 'blue' : return, tvasp.ix_blue 'gray' : return, tvasp.ix_gray 'black' : return, tvasp.ix_black else : return, tvasp.ix_black end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_ps_image_arrow ; ; purpose: draw arrow points on PostScript images ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_ps_image_arrow, c, bw $ , arrow, gray, a_length, symsz, azimuth, zenith, tpl $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, t_arrow=t_arrow ;Set some local variables. xorg=origin_xy(0) & xinches=inches_xy(0) & xx0=LLxy(0) & xx1=URxy(0) yorg=origin_xy(1) & yinches=inches_xy(1) & yy0=LLxy(1) & yy1=URxy(1) ;Set arrow point color. upc = azam_ps_line_color( arrow( 0) $ , bw, 'white', gray, 'red', 'white' ) dnc = azam_ps_line_color( arrow(n_elements(arrow)-1) $ , bw, 'black', gray, 'yellow', 'black' ) ;If undefined get azimuth and zenith angle. if n_elements(azimuth) ne c.xdim*c.ydim $ then azimuth = azam_a_image( c.dty+'a_1azm', c ) if n_elements(zenith) ne c.xdim*c.ydim $ then zenith = azam_a_image( c.dty+'a_1incl', c ) ;Array with data locations. ifdata = lonarr(c.xdim,c.ydim) ifdata(c.sxy) = 1 if n_elements(t_arrow) eq 0 then begin ;Arrow point length in inches. if n_elements(a_length) eq 1 then alth=a_length else alth=1. alth = alth*symsz*1./8. ;Loop over two spacial dimensions. for ix = alth/2., xinches-alth/2., 1.2*alth do begin for iy = alth/2., yinches-alth/2., 1.2*alth do begin xc = round(xx0+(xx1-xx0+1)*ix/xinches) yc = round(yy0+(yy1-yy0+1)*iy/yinches) if ifdata(xc,yc) then begin ;Compute arrow point. xrast = [ -alth/2., alth/2., -alth/2. ] $ * sin(zenith(xc,yc)*!pi/180.) yrast = [ alth/4., 0., -alth/4. ] cn = cos(azimuth(xc,yc)*!pi/180.) sn = sin(azimuth(xc,yc)*!pi/180.) xprm = cn*xrast-sn*yrast yprm = sn*xrast+cn*yrast ;Draw arrow point. if zenith(xc,yc) le 90. then col=upc else col=dnc ps_plots, xorg+ix+xprm, yorg+iy+yprm, color=col, tplate=tpl end end end return end ;Draw tanget arrows. fld = azam_a_image( c.dty+'a_fld', c ) for xc = xx0+1,xx1-1 do begin for yc = yy0+1,yy1-1 do begin ix = (.5+xc-xx0)*xinches/(xx1-xx0+1) iy = (.5+yc-yy0)*yinches/(yy1-yy0+1) if ifdata(xc,yc) then begin ;Approximate max arrow length. alth = 2.*xinches/(xx1-xx0+1) ;Arrow length scaled by tangent field. lth = alth*sin(zenith(xc,yc)*!pi/180.)*fld(xc,yc)/2500. wth = (.05*alth) > (.15*lth) ;Compute arrow. xrast = [ 0., lth, lth-2.*wth, lth, lth-2.*wth ] yrast = [ 0., 0., wth, 0., -wth ] cn = cos(azimuth(xc,yc)*!pi/180.) sn = sin(azimuth(xc,yc)*!pi/180.) xprm = cn*xrast-sn*yrast yprm = sn*xrast+cn*yrast ;Draw arrow point. ps_plots, xorg+ix+xprm[0:1], yorg+iy+yprm[0:1] $ , color=0, thick=.25, tplate=tpl ps_plots, xorg+ix+xprm[2:4], yorg+iy+yprm[2:4] $ , color=0, thick=.25, tplate=tpl end end end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_ps_image_frame ; ; purpose: draw frame about Postscript image with tick marks and ; number scale. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; FOR NEW AZAM, pass AZAM structure winfre = aa.winfree pro azam_ps_image_frame, rframe, winfre, xorg, yorg, xinches, yinches, mm_per_inch $ , tick, xnumber, ynumber, symsz, tpl ; FOR NEW AZAM, common area for remembering widget input for ticks common popticks,popmajor,popminor,clktk,clkmtk ;Draw box about image. ps_plots, color=black, tplate=tpl $ , [ 0., 0., xinches, xinches, 0. ]+xorg $ , [ 0., yinches, yinches, 0., 0. ]+yorg ;Draw tick marks. if keyword_set(tick) then begin ;Interval for axis numbers and tick marks. interval = 10./mm_per_inch ; FOR NEW AZAM, allow for input tick interval ;Prompt for PostScript file name extension. if (rframe eq 'instrument') then titl = 'Select ' + rframe + ' MAJOR tick interval, arcsec' if (rframe eq 'zenith') then titl = 'Select ' + rframe + ' MAJOR frame tick interval, Mm' if popmajor ne 'savclktk' then begin clktk = pop_cult( /string, winfree=winfre $ , title=titl, $ ['1','5','^g10','20','50','100','^g** DEFAULT **']) popmajor = 'savclktk' endif ;Set default. case clktk of '** DEFAULT **' : interval = 10./mm_per_inch '1' : interval = 1./ mm_per_inch '5' : interval = 5./ mm_per_inch '10' : interval = 10./ mm_per_inch '20' : interval = 20./ mm_per_inch '50' : interval = 50./ mm_per_inch '100' : interval = 100./ mm_per_inch endcase tickdel = round(interval*mm_per_inch) ; FOR NEW AZAM, allow for input minor tick interval ;Prompt for PostScript file name extension. titl = 'Select MINOR ticks per major tick interval' if popminor ne 'savclkmtk' then begin clkmtk = pop_cult( /string, winfree=winfre $ , title=titl, $ ['^g1','2','4','5','10','^g** DEFAULT **']) popminor = 'savclkmtk' endif ;Set default. case clkmtk of '** DEFAULT **' : minortk = interval/1. '1' : minortk = interval/1. '2' : minortk = interval/2. '4' : minortk = interval/4. '5' : minortk = interval/5. '10' : minortk = interval/10. endcase ;Tick length. ticklen = .04*( xinches < yinches ) ; FOR NEW AZAM, X-axis minor Tick length. mticklen = .02*( xinches < yinches ) mnlbl = long(xinches/minortk) ;Draw x-axis tick marks. nlbl = long(xinches/interval) ; FOR NEW AZAM, plot X-ticks even if Instrument frame ;if rframe ne 'instrument' and nlbl ne 0 then begin if nlbl ne 0 then begin lgen = lindgen(nlbl)+1 tk = xorg+lgen*interval for i=0,nlbl-1 do begin ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , tk(i), [0., ticklen]+yorg ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , tk(i), [0.,-ticklen]+yorg+yinches end ;Number x-azis. if keyword_set(xnumber) then begin sz = symsz*xnumber ps_xyouts, charsize=sz*1.75*tpl.mfy $ , align=0.0, tplate=tpl $ , xorg, yorg-sz*1./4.*tpl.mfy $ , '0' ps_xyouts, charsize=sz*1.75*tpl.mfy $ , align=0.5, tplate=tpl $ , tk, yorg-sz*1./4.*tpl.mfy $ , stringit(tickdel*lgen) end ; FOR NEW AZAM, plot minor ticks on X-axis lgen = lindgen(mnlbl)+1 tk = xorg+lgen*minortk for i=0,mnlbl-1 do begin ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , tk(i), [0., mticklen]+yorg ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , tk(i), [0.,-mticklen]+yorg+yinches end end ;Draw y-axis tick marks. nlbl = long(yinches/interval) ; FOR NEW AZAM, Y-axis minor Tick length. mnlbl = long(yinches/minortk) if nlbl ne 0 then begin lgen = lindgen(nlbl)+1 tk = yorg+lgen*interval for i=0,nlbl-1 do begin ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , [0., ticklen]+xorg, tk(i) ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , [0.,-ticklen]+xorg+xinches, tk(i) end ;Number y-azis. if keyword_set(ynumber) then begin sz = symsz*ynumber ps_xyouts, charsize=sz*1.75*tpl.mfy $ , align=1.0, tplate=tpl $ , xorg-sz*1./16.*tpl.mfy, yorg $ , '0' ps_xyouts, charsize=sz*1.75*tpl.mfy $ , align=1.0, tplate=tpl $ , xorg-sz*1./16.*tpl.mfy, tk-sz*3./32. $ , stringit(tickdel*lgen) end ; FOR NEW AZAM, plot minor ticks on Y-axis lgen = lindgen(mnlbl)+1 tk = yorg+lgen*minortk for i=0,mnlbl-1 do begin ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , [0., mticklen]+xorg, tk(i) ps_plots, color=0, tplate=tpl $ , [0.,-mticklen]+xorg+xinches, tk(i) end end end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; function: azam_ps_key_set ; ; purpose: check if arrow, ambigs, or reversal keyword is valid ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_ps_key_set, key ndim = n_dims( key, type=type ) case type of 'Undefined': return, 0 'Byte': return, 1 'String': return, 1 'Structure': return, 0 else: return, key(0) ne 0 end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_ps_image ; ; purpose: output PostScript image of a_* file ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_ps_image, aspdata, c, whole=whole $ , bw=bw_, landscape=landscape, portrait=portrait, encapsulated=encapsulated_ $ , tplate=tpl_, ref_frame=ref_frame $ , mm_per_inch = mm_per_inch, mm_inch_std=mm_inch_std $ , origin_xy=origin_xy, hold_origin=hold_origin, inches_xy=inches_xy $ , LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, ABOUTxy=ABOUTxy $ , bkg=bkg, white_bkg=white_bkg, black_bkg=black_bkg $ , gray=gray, invert=invert, wrap=wrap $ , min=min, max=max $ , title=title, symbolsize=symbolsize $ , frame=frame, tick=tick, xnumber=xnumber, ynumber=ynumber $ , arrow=arrow, a_length=a_length, t_arrow=t_arrow $ , ambigs=ambiguous, reversal=reversal, sight_reversal=sight_reversal $ , azm=azm, psi=psi, azimuth=azimuth, zenith=zenith $ , whrA=whrA, colA=colA, whrB=whrB, colB=colB, whrC=whrC, colC=colC ;Check number of parameters. if n_params() eq 0 then begin azam_ps_image_usage return end ; FOR NEW AZAM, set reference frame rframe = ref_frame ;Get black & white keyword. bw = keyword_set(bw_) ;Get encapsulated keyword. encapsulated = keyword_set(encapsulated_) ;Get symbol size factor. if n_elements(symbolsize) eq 1 then symsz=symbolsize else symsz=1. ;Check for landscape of portrait keyword ;to open PostScript file. case 1 of ;Open PostScript device in landscape mode. keyword_set(landscape): begin !p.thick = 5. !p.font = 0 set_plot, 'ps' fi_le = '' ndim = n_dims( landscape, type=type ) if type eq 'String' then fi_le=landscape ;Get template structure. if n_elements(tpl_) eq 0 $ then ps_tplate, tpl $ else tpl = tpl_ ;Open PostScript file. device, file=fi_le, bits_per_pixel=8, /inches $ , xoffset=0., yoffset=tpl.xdevice $ , xsize=tpl.xdevice, ysize=tpl.ydevice $ , color=1-bw, /times, /bold, /landscape $ , encapsulated=encapsulated end ;Open PostScript device in portrait mode. keyword_set(portrait): begin !p.thick = 5. !p.font = 0 set_plot, 'ps' fi_le = '' ndim = n_dims( portrait, type=type ) if type eq 'String' then fi_le=portrait ;Get template structure. if n_elements(tpl_) eq 0 $ then ps_tplate, tpl, /portrait $ else tpl = tpl_ ;Open PostScript file. device, file=fi_le, bits_per_pixel=8, /inches $ , xoffset=0., yoffset=0. $ , xsize=tpl.xdevice, ysize=tpl.ydevice $ , color=1-bw, /times, /bold, /portrait $ , encapsulated=encapsulated end else: end ;Set template structure if not present. if n_elements(tpl_) eq 0 $ then ps_tplate, tpl, portrait=!d.y_size gt !d.x_size $ else tpl = tpl_ ;Determine input type. ndim = n_dims( aspdata, type=type ) ;Proceed depending on data type. case type of 'Byte' : byte_image = aspdata 'Integer' : data_image = aspdata 'Longword integer' : data_image = aspdata 'Floating point' : data_image = aspdata 'Double precision floating' : data_image = aspdata 'String' : else: begin print print, type+' data type not allowed.' stop end end ;Input file for string type. if type eq 'String' then begin ;Get reference frame. if n_elements(ref_frame) ne 0 $ then rframe = ref_frame $ else begin rframe = 'zenith' if n_elements(c) ne 0 then rframe=c.rframe end ;Check first character only. case strmid(rframe,0,1) of 'i': rframe='instrument' 'z': rframe='zenith' 'd': rframe='disk' else: begin stop, '; invalid ref_frame; '+ref_frame return end end data_image = azam_a_image( aspdata, c, bkg=bkg, ref_frame=rframe ) end ;Compute byte image. if n_elements(byte_image) eq 0 then begin ;Set background arrays. w_bkg = -1 b_bkg = -1 if keyword_set(white_bkg) or keyword_set(black_bkg) then begin tmp = replicate( 1, c.xdim, c.ydim ) if type eq 'String' then begin if c.fdim eq c.npoints $ then tmp(c.pxy)=0 else tmp(c.sxy)=0 end else begin if keyword_set(whole) $ then tmp(c.pxy)=0 else tmp(c.sxy)=0 end if keyword_set(white_bkg) then w_bkg=where(tmp) if keyword_set(black_bkg) then b_bkg=where(tmp) tmp = 0 end ;Compute byte image. tvasp, bw=bw, /notv, data_image, bi=byte_image $ , min=min, max=max $ , invert=invert, gray=gray, wrap=wrap $ , white=temporary(w_bkg), black=temporary(b_bkg) end ;Get image size and location. azam_ps_asp_size, c, rframe $ , mm_per_inch = mm_per_inch $ , mm_inch_std = mm_inch_std $ , origin_xy = origin_xy $ , hold_origin = hold_origin $ , inches_xy = inches_xy $ , LLxy = LLxy $ , URxy = URxy $ , ABOUTxy = ABOUTxy ;Set local variables with better names. xorg=origin_xy(0) & xinches=inches_xy(0) & xx0=LLxy(0) & xx1=URxy(0) yorg=origin_xy(1) & yinches=inches_xy(1) & yy0=LLxy(1) & yy1=URxy(1) ;Output PostScript image. tv, byte_image(xx0:xx1,yy0:yy1), xorg, yorg $ , xsize=xinches, ysize=yinches, /inches ;Draw ambiguous lines. if azam_ps_key_set(ambiguous) then begin ;Read sight azimuth if undefined. if n_elements(azm) ne c.xdim*c.ydim $ then azm = azam_a_image( c.dty+'a_azm', c ) ;Get ambigs where array & draw lines. ps_where_lines, c.xdim, c.ydim, ambigs( azm, c.sxy ) $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, tplate=tpl $ , color = azam_ps_line_color( ambiguous $ , bw, 'white', gray, 'blue', 'black' ) end ;Draw reversal lines. if azam_ps_key_set(reversal) then begin ;Read zenith angle if undefined. if n_elements(zenith) ne c.xdim*c.ydim $ then zenith = azam_a_image( c.dty+'a_1incl', c ) ;Get reversal where array & draw lines. ps_where_lines, c.xdim, c.ydim, cont( zenith, c.sxy, 90. ) $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, tplate=tpl $ , color = azam_ps_line_color( reversal $ , bw, 'white', gray, 'yellow', 'black' ) end ;Draw sight reversal lines. if azam_ps_key_set(sight_reversal) then begin ;Read psi angle if undefined. if n_elements(psi) ne c.xdim*c.ydim $ then psi = azam_a_image( c.dty+'a_psi', c ) ;Get reversal where array & draw lines. ps_where_lines, c.xdim, c.ydim, cont( psi, c.sxy, 90. ) $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, tplate=tpl $ , color = azam_ps_line_color( sight_reversal $ , bw, 'white', gray, 'yellow', 'black' ) end ;Draw arrow points. if keyword_set(t_arrow) then arrow=1 if azam_ps_key_set(arrow) ne 0 $ then azam_ps_image_arrow, c, bw $ , arrow, gray, a_length, symsz, azimuth, zenith, tpl $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, t_arrow=t_arrow ;Draw where lines whrA. ps_where_lines, c.xdim, c.ydim, whrA $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, tplate=tpl $ , color = azam_ps_line_color( colA, bw, 'white', gray, 'red', 'white' ) ;Draw where lines whrB. ps_where_lines, c.xdim, c.ydim, whrB, tplate=tpl $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy $ , color = azam_ps_line_color( colC, bw, 'gray', gray, 'blue', 'gray' ) ;Draw where lines whrC. ps_where_lines, c.xdim, c.ydim, whrC $ , origin_xy, inches_xy, LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, tplate=tpl $ , color = azam_ps_line_color( colB, bw, 'white', gray, 'yellow', 'black' ) ;Frame image. ; FOR NEW AZAM, pass AZAM structure parameter aa.winfree if keyword_set(frame) $ then azam_ps_image_frame, c.rframe,c.winfree, xorg, yorg, xinches, yinches, mm_per_inch $ , tick, xnumber, ynumber, symsz, tpl ;Print title. if keyword_set(title) $ then ps_xyouts, charsize=symsz*1.75*tpl.mfy, align=0.5, tplate=tpl $ , xorg+.5*xinches, yorg+yinches+symsz*1./8.*tpl.mfy, title end