pro azam_sunframe, iyr, imth, iday, utimed, $ ra, dec, $ sunlong, sunlat, valuemu, $ ras, dcs, gsdt, b0ang, peeang, ctrlong, r0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure: azam_sunframe ; ; purpose: translate from line of sight coordinates to solar ; longitude and latitude. In doing so find mu value ; and do solar ephemeris. ; ; authors: paul@ncar, modified for IDL by BWL (30 Aug. 2007) ; modified 17Jan2012 by BWL for AZAM vector/array inputs for AZAM ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INPUTS: ; ; iyr = year (i.e. 2007) ; imth = month (1-12) ; iday = day of month ; utimed= universal time of day (hours). ; ; ra = E-W heliocentric coordinate wrt sun center (arcsecs) ; (positive westward). ; dec = N-S heliocentric coordinate wrt sun center (arcsecs) ; (positive northward). ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; sunlong = solar longitude positive west of disk center(radians). ; sunlat = solar latitude positive north of equator(radians). ; valuemu = mu-value of location of observation on disk. ; ; ras = right ascension disk center(radians). ; dcs = declination disk center(radians). ; gsdt = right ascension from central meridian(radians). ; b0ang = b0-angle(radians). ; peeang = p-angle(radians). ; ctrlong = carrington longitude disk center(radians). ; r0 = solar radius (arcsecs). djd = 0.d iy = long(iyr) im = long(imth) id = long(iday) ; --