pro azam_tools_usage ;+ ; ; procedure: azam_tools ; ; purpose: compile several azam routines ; ; author: paul@ncar, 10/93 (minor mod's by rob@ncar) ; ; routines: azam_tools_usage ; tw avg_azm ; azam_tools azam_message ; azam_click_xy azam_text_in ; azam_wpermit azam_out_dir ; azam_image_names azam_flipa azam_a_azm ; azam_cursor azam_a_read azam_average ; azam_flick azam_spectra ; azam_clevels azam_contour azam_mgfy ; azam_c_bar azam_display azam_image_color ; azam_typeroi azam_defroi ; azam_tools ; ;============================================================================== ; if 1 then begin print print, "usage: @azam_tools" print print, " Compile several azam routines." print return endif ;- end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: tw ; ; purpose: set window and do tv procedure ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro tw, window, image, x, y wset, window tv, image, x, y end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: avg_azm ; ; purpose: return average azimuth ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function avg_azm, ar_ray ;Get number or array elements. n = n_elements(ar_ray) if n eq 0 then return, 0. if n eq 1 then return, ar_ray(0) ;Return average azimuth. ang = ar_ray*(!pi/180.) return, atan( total( sin(ang) ), total( cos(ang) ) )*(180./!pi) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_message ; ; purpose: print message in azam button window. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_message, aa, message, color=color ;Set to azam button window. wset, aa.winb & wshow, aa.winb ;Set default margin color. if n_elements(message) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(color) eq 0 then end else begin if n_elements(color) eq 0 then color=aa.yellow end ;Erase window with color index. erase, color ;Check if there is a message. nmess = n_elements(message) if nmess ne 0 then begin ;Set character color. if color eq then c_color=aa.white else ;Print message. for k=0L,nmess-1 do begin xyouts, 3*aa.blt, (nmess-1-k)*aa.bwd+aa.btm, message(k) $ , /device, align=0.5, charsize=aa.csiz, color=c_color end end ;Wait for no mouse button pressed. repeat cursor, xx, yy, /device, /nowait until !err eq 0 end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; procedure: azam_text_in ; ; purpose: open text widget and input character string ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function azam_text_in, aa, title ;Set default prompt. if n_elements(title) eq 0 then title='Enter character string' ;Open base widget. base = widget_base( title=title ) ;Open text widget. text = widget_text( base, /editable, ysize=1, xsize=90, font='10x20' ) ;Realize the widget. widget_control, base, /realize ;Wait for event. event = widget_event( text ) ;Get character string. widget_control, text, get_value=buff ;Destroy the widget. widget_control, base, /destroy ;Erase user prompt. azam_message, aa ;Return character string. return, buff(0) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; function: azam_wpermit ; ; purpose: determine if directory is write permited ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_wpermit, dir, err_string ;Path to scratch file. if dir ne '' then file=dir+'/junk_bunk_crap' else file='junk_bunk_crap' ;Enable i/o error return. on_ioerror, ioerror ;Open scratch file. openw, /get_lun, unit, file, /delete free_lun, unit ;Normal return. err_string = '' return, 1 ;Abnormal return. ioerror: err_string = !err_string return, 0 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; function: azam_out_dir ; ; purpose: prompt user for output directory path ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_out_dir, aa, o_dir ;Try repeatedly. while 1 do begin ;Last 25 characters of last widget entry. lth = strlen(aa.ps_dir) ps_lbl = strmid( aa.ps_dir, 0 > (lth-26), 0 > ( (lth-1) < 25 ) ) if ps_lbl eq '' then ps_lbl='cwd' ;Set labels for pop_cult. ;Prompt user for PostScript file ;name extension. lbs = [ 'a_* file directory', 'current directory' $ , 'tilde home directory', '/d disk directory', ps_lbl $ , '^y** DISMISS **', '** DEFAULT **','** HELP **', '', 'WIDGET ENTRY' ] ;Check write permits. if azam_wpermit(aa.dty) $ then lbs([0,6]) = '^g'+lbs([0,6]) $ else lbs([0,6]) = '^x'+lbs([0,6]) if azam_wpermit('' ) eq 0 then lbs(1) = '^x'+lbs(1) if azam_wpermit('~' ) eq 0 then lbs(2) = '^x'+lbs(2) if azam_wpermit('/d') eq 0 then lbs(3) = '^x'+lbs(3) if azam_wpermit(aa.ps_dir) eq 0 then lbs(4) = '^x'+lbs(4) ext = pop_cult( lbs, /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='click output directory path' $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ ["a_* file directory - output postScript files to a_* directory"$ ,"current directory - output postScript files to current directory"$ ,"tilde home directory - output postScript files to user home directory"$ ,"/d disk directory - output postScript files to user /d disk"$ , ps_lbl+" - same output directory as last widget entry"$ ," WIDGET ENTRY - user types directory path in pop up widget"$ ," ** DISMISS ** - give up on this"$ ," ** DEFAULT ** - same as clicking other green button"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) ;Select button. case 1 of ;Abnormal return. ext eq '** DISMISS **': return, 0 ;a_* file directory. ext eq 'a_* file directory' or $ ext eq '** DEFAULT **': o_dir = aa.dty ;Current directory. ext eq 'current directory': o_dir = '' ;Home directory. ext eq 'tilde home directory': o_dir = '~/' ;/d disk directory. ext eq '/d disk directory': o_dir = '/d/' ;Last widget entry. ext eq ps_lbl: o_dir = aa.ps_dir ;Prompt for widget entry. else: begin o_dir = strcompress( /remove_all $ , azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter directory path' ) ) if o_dir ne '' $ then if strmid(o_dir,strlen(o_dir)-1,1) ne '/' then o_dir=o_dir+'/' aa.ps_dir = o_dir end end ;Check write permit for normal return. if azam_wpermit(o_dir,err_string) then return, 1 ;Print error message & try agian. print, err_string end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_click_xy ; ; purpose: prompt for and return azam image cooridnate click ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_click_xy, aa, message, x, y, w3, img3, state=state ;Print message in button window. azam_message, aa, message ;Loop till mouse buttons up then down. for clk=0,1 do begin repeat azam_cursor, aa, xerase, yerase $ , aa.ww(0).win, aa.ww(1).win, aa.ww(2).win, w3, undef $ , img3, undef $ , eraser0, eraser1, eraser2, eraser3, undef $ , x, y, state $ , likely=likely $ , maybe=w3 $ , no_ttack=no_ttack $ , delay=.2 $ until ((state > < 1) eq clk end ;Restore windows. if xerase ge 0 then begin tw, aa.ww(0).win, eraser0, xerase, yerase tw, aa.ww(1).win, eraser1, xerase, yerase tw, aa.ww(2).win, eraser2, xerase, yerase if n_elements(w3) then tw, w3, eraser3, xerase, yerase end ;Wait up mouse buttons. wset, likely repeat cursor, x0,y0, /device, /nowait until (!err eq 0) or (x0 eq -1) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; function: azam_image_names ; ; purpose: return string array with recognized azam image names ; for prompts. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_image_names, aa, protect=protect_ ;On keyword protect most parameters. protect = ([ '', '^x' ])(keyword_set(protect_)) ;Return string array. return, $ [ protect+aa.pp(aa.cct).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.fld).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.flx).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.jz).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.alpha).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.cen1).name $ , '' $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.azm).name $ , '' $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.azz).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.azz_orig).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.azz_ref).name $ , '' $ , aa.pp(aa.extra0).name $ , '^g** DISMISS **' $ , '** HELP **' $ , '' $ , '' $ , '' $ , '' $ , '' $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.psi).name $ , '' $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.zen_orig).name $ , protect+aa.pp(aa.zen_ref).name $ , '' $ , aa.pp(aa.extra1).name $ ] end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_flipa ; ; purpose: flip azimuth in azam structure based on where array. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_flipa, aa, chg ;Check for null where array. if chg(0) eq -1 then return ;Comparison array for original & reference. aa.rslv(chg) = (aa.rslv(chg)+1) and aa.sdat(chg) ;Flip data in 2D arrays. tmp = aa.pp(0:4).value(chg) aa.pp(0:4).value(chg) = aa.pp(aa.azm:aa.azm+4).value(chg) aa.pp(aa.azm:aa.azm+4).value(chg) = tmp ;Flip colors in 2D images. tmp = aa.pp(0:4).img(chg) aa.pp(0:4).img(chg) = aa.pp(aa.azm:aa.azm+4).img(chg) aa.pp(aa.azm:aa.azm+4).img(chg) = tmp ;Flag renew highlights. aa.rehi = 1L end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; function: azam_a_azm ; ; purpose: return current azimuth solution as a stream vector ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function azam_a_azm, aa ;Check if working with stretched images. if aa.stretch then begin ;Get copy of original azimuth stream ;vector from directory. ;This is to assures that all solved ;data points are present. tmp = read_floats(aa.dty+'a_azm') ;Set current azimuth resolution. tmp(aa.vec_sxy) = aa.pp(aa.azm).value(aa.sxy) ;Return stream vector of current azimuth. return, tmp end else begin ;Return stream vector of current azimuth. return, aa.pp(aa.azm).value(aa.sxy) end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_cursor ; ; purpose: do most details of computed cursor. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_cursor, aa, xerase, yerase $ , w0, w1, w2, w3, w4 $ , img3, img4 $ , eraser0, eraser1, eraser2, eraser3, eraser4 $ , xc, yc, state $ , likely=likely $ , maybe=maybe_ $ , no_ttack=no_ttack $ , delay=delay $ , xcyc = xcyc ;Often used parameters. t = aa.t xdim = aa.xdim ydim = aa.ydim txdim = t*xdim tydim = t*ydim ;Offset of computed cursor. c_off = 28L ;Initialize undefined variables. if n_elements(likely) eq 0 then begin xc = -1L yc = -1L xerase = -1L yerase = -1L state = 0L no_ttack = 0L likely = aa.ww(0).win end ;Initialize interactive button window ;status as being off window. aa.bx = -1L = -1L = 0L ;Set images cursor may be on. maybe = [ aa.ww(*).win,, aa.winb ] if n_elements(maybe_) ne 0 then maybe = [ maybe, maybe_ ] ;Get mouse status from possible images. start = where( likely eq maybe ) ntry = n_elements(maybe) i = 0 repeat begin likely = maybe((i+start(0)) mod ntry) wset, likely & cursor, xxxx, yyyy, /device, /nowait i = i+1 end until (i eq ntry) or (xxxx ne -1) ;Check if on button window or no window. if n_elements(xcyc) ne 2 and ( xxxx eq -1 or likely eq aa.winb ) then begin ;Mouse status on button window. if xxxx ge 0 and likely eq aa.winb then begin aa.bx = xxxx = yyyy = !err end ;Erase old crusors and ascii window. wset, aa.wina & erase, aa.white if xerase ge 0 then begin tw, w0, eraser0, xerase, yerase tw, w1, eraser1, xerase, yerase tw, w2, eraser2, xerase, yerase if n_elements(w3) then tw, w3, eraser3, xerase, yerase if n_elements(w4) then tw, w4, eraser4, xerase, yerase end ;Null returns for cursor not on images. xerase = -1L xc = -1L yc = -1L state = 0L ;Delay on keyword if cursor off windows. if xxxx lt 0 then if n_elements(delay) ne 0 then wait, delay return end ;Check if cursor on magnified continuum. if likely eq and xxxx ne -1 then begin xxxx = (xxxx/aa.mgfy.mag) < aa.xdim yyyy = (yyyy/aa.mgfy.mag) < aa.ydim xxxx = (xxxx+aa.mgfy.x0)*aa.t+c_off yyyy = (yyyy+aa.mgfy.y0)*aa.t end ;Get mouse button state. state = !err ;Get unmagnified coordinates. xi = 0 > ((xxxx-c_off)/t) < (xdim-1) yi = 0 > (yyyy/t) < (ydim-1) ;Check for coordinates from keyword. if n_elements(xcyc) eq 2 then begin xi = xcyc(0) yi = xcyc(1) state = 0L end ;Check if position has changed. if xi eq xc and yi eq yc then return ;Set new coordinates. xc = xi yc = yi ;Return if displays not changed. if no_ttack then return ;Save cursor informtion common to ;entire run. common azam_cursor_com, cradius, cdim, xcirc, ycirc, xspin if n_elements(cradius) eq 0 then begin cradius = 12 cdim = 2*cradius+1 circum = round(2.*!pi*(cradius-1)) tmp = indgen(circum)*2.*!pi/circum ycirc = (cradius-1)*sin(tmp) xcirc = (cradius-1)*cos(tmp) xspin = lindgen(cradius-2)+1. end ;Set bounds. xcenter = t*xc+t/2 ycenter = t*yc+t/2 xx0 = 0 > (xcenter-cradius) yy0 = 0 > (ycenter-cradius) xx1 = (xcenter+cradius) < (txdim-1) yy1 = (ycenter+cradius) < (tydim-1) ;Blank cursor image without valid colors. pad = replicate( -1, cdim, cdim ) if aa.sdat(xc,yc) then begin ;Compute where arrays for tack. agl = ( aa.pp(aa.azz).value(xc,yc)-aa.angxloc )*!pi/180. snn = sin(agl) csn = cos(agl) xrast = xcirc*cos(aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value(xc,yc)*!pi/180.) xprim = round( csn*xrast-snn*ycirc + cradius ) yprim = round( snn*xrast+csn*ycirc + cradius ) gyro = yprim*cdim+xprim xprim = round( csn*xspin + cradius ) yprim = round( snn*xspin + cradius ) spdl = yprim*cdim+xprim ;Check for local frame reversal. if aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value(xc,yc) le 90. then begin ;Tack and outline colors. colr = aa.yellow outl = ;Set tack head colors. pad(gyro+1 ) = outl pad(gyro-1 ) = outl pad(gyro+cdim ) = outl pad(gyro+cdim+1) = outl pad(gyro+cdim-1) = outl pad(gyro-cdim ) = outl pad(gyro-cdim+1) = outl pad(gyro-cdim-1) = outl pad(gyro ) = colr ;Set tack spindle colors. pad(spdl+1 ) = outl pad(spdl-1 ) = outl pad(spdl+cdim ) = outl pad(spdl+cdim+1) = outl pad(spdl+cdim-1) = outl pad(spdl-cdim ) = outl pad(spdl-cdim+1) = outl pad(spdl-cdim-1) = outl pad(spdl ) = colr end else begin ;Tack and outline colors. colr = aa.white outl = ;Set tack spindle colors. pad(spdl+1 ) = outl pad(spdl-1 ) = outl pad(spdl+cdim ) = outl pad(spdl+cdim+1) = outl pad(spdl+cdim-1) = outl pad(spdl-cdim ) = outl pad(spdl-cdim+1) = outl pad(spdl-cdim-1) = outl pad(spdl ) = colr ;Set tack head colors. pad(gyro+1 ) = outl pad(gyro-1 ) = outl pad(gyro+cdim ) = outl pad(gyro+cdim+1) = outl pad(gyro+cdim-1) = outl pad(gyro-cdim ) = outl pad(gyro-cdim+1) = outl pad(gyro-cdim-1) = outl pad(gyro ) = colr end end else begin ;Cursor is not on a data point. ;Set cross with outline. pad(*,cradius-1:cradius+1) = pad(cradius-1:cradius+1,*) = pad(*,cradius) = aa.white pad(cradius,*) = aa.white end ;Set center to image color. tt = t < 3 xy0 = cradius-tt/2 xy1 = xy0+tt-1 pad(xy0:xy1,xy0:xy1) = -1 ;Truncate due to array bounds. pad = pad( cradius+xx0-xcenter:cradius+xx1-xcenter $ , cradius+yy0-ycenter:cradius+yy1-ycenter ) ;Translate cursor to where array form. whrcrs = where( pad ge 0 ) whrcrs(0) = 0 > whrcrs(0) crs = pad( whrcrs ) ;Erase old crusors. if xerase ge 0 then begin tw, w0, eraser0, xerase, yerase tw, w1, eraser1, xerase, yerase tw, w2, eraser2, xerase, yerase if n_elements(w3) then tw, w3, eraser3, xerase, yerase if n_elements(w4) then tw, w4, eraser4, xerase, yerase end ;Update cursor coordinates. xerase = xx0 yerase = yy0 ;Plot cursor in window 0. eraser0 = aa.ww(0).img(xx0:xx1,yy0:yy1) tmp = eraser0 tmp( whrcrs ) = crs tw, w0, tmp, xerase, yerase ;Plot cursor in window 1. eraser1 = aa.ww(1).img(xx0:xx1,yy0:yy1) tmp = eraser1 tmp( whrcrs ) = crs tw, w1, tmp, xerase, yerase ;Plot cursor in window 2. eraser2 = aa.ww(2).img(xx0:xx1,yy0:yy1) tmp = eraser2 tmp( whrcrs ) = crs tw, w2, tmp, xerase, yerase ;Plot cursor in window 3. if n_elements(w3) then begin eraser3 = img3(xx0:xx1,yy0:yy1) tmp = eraser3 tmp( whrcrs ) = crs tw, w3, tmp, xerase, yerase end ;Plot cursor in window 4. if n_elements(w4) then begin eraser4 = img4(xx0:xx1,yy0:yy1) tmp = eraser4 tmp( whrcrs ) = crs tw, w4, tmp, xerase, yerase end ;Print data near cursor. azam_average, aa, xc,yc, xc,yc, xc,yc ;Set window where cursor is at. wset, likely end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_a_read ; ; purpose: read a_* file and install as extra0 or extra1 parameter. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_a_read, aa, hh ;Names of some a_* files. file_names = $ [ '^la_1azm' $ , '^la_1incl' $ , '^la_2azm' $ , '^la_2incl' $ , '^la__cct' $ , '^la__dclntn' $ , '^la__latitude' $ , '^la__longitude' $ , '^la__mu' $ , '^la__pip' $ , '^la__pvpv' $ , '^la__rgtasn' $ , '^la__utime' $ , '^la_alpha' $ , '^la_alpha_er' $ , '^la_azm' $ , '^la_azm_er' $ , '^la_b1mu' $ , '^la_b1mu_er' $ , '^la_bzero' $ , '^la_bzero_er' $ , '^la_cen1' $ , '^la_cen1_er' $ , '^la_cen2' $ , '^la_cen2_er' $ , '^g** DISMISS **' $ , '** HELP **' $ , '' $ , 'WIDGET ENTRY' $ , '' $ , '^la_chi' $ , '^la_chi_ii' $ , '^la_chi_qq' $ , '^la_chi_uu' $ , '^la_chi_vv' $ , '^la_delta' $ , '^la_delta_er' $ , '^la_dmp' $ , '^la_dmp_er' $ , '^la_dop' $ , '^la_dop_er' $ , '^la_eta0' $ , '^la_eta0_er' $ , '^la_fld' $ , '^la_fld_er' $ , '^la_icmag' $ , '^la_iters' $ , '^la_psi' $ , '^la_psi_er' $ , '^la_vint' ] ;Help message for file name input. file_help = $ [" a_* - read already named a_* fileg"$ ,"WIDGET ENTRY - user enters path of file to be read in a widget"$ ," that pops up"$ ,"** DISMISS ** - return to interactive azam" $ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ;Help info for widget entry file name. wdgt_help =$ ["Is file in directory with a_* files?:"$ ,""$ ," yes - this is the usual case where the data file to be read"$ ," is in the same directory as the a_* files."$ ," no - click 'no' if the file to be read resides somewhere other"$ ," than the directory with the a_* files."$ ," ** DEFAULT ** - same as pressing other green button"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ;Loop for valid file entry or dismiss. error = 1 while error ne 0 do begin ;Prompt for file name. error = 0 a_name = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Click on file name' $ , file_names $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2=file_help $ ) if a_name eq '** DISMISS **' then return ;Enter file name from widget. cdty = aa.dty if a_name eq 'WIDGET ENTRY' then begin clk = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title = 'Is file in directory with a_* files?' $ ,['^gyes','no','^g** DEFAULT **','** HELP **']$ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa $ , arg2=wdgt_help $ ) if clk eq '** DEFAULT **' $ or clk eq 'yes' then begin a_name = azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter file name (q=quit)' ) if a_name eq 'q' then return end else begin ;Read full file path. a_file = azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter file path (q=quit)' ) if a_file eq 'q' then return ;Isolate directory path. jj = 0 kk = 0 while kk ne -1 do begin kk = strpos( a_file, '/', kk ) if kk ne -1 then begin kk = kk+1 jj = kk end end ;Seperate directory and name. cdty = strmid( a_file, 0, jj ) a_name = strmid( a_file, jj, 1000 ) end end ;Try to read file. tmp = read_floats( cdty+a_name, error ) if error ne 0 then begin azam_click_xy, aa $ , [ a_name+': read error','click to continue'] end else begin ;Check for correct number of points. npnts = n_elements(tmp) if npnts ne aa.npoints $ and npnts ne aa.nsolved then begin azam_click_xy, aa $ , [ a_name+': file is wrong size','click to continue'] error = 1 end end end ;Get parameter to overwrite. iname = pop_cult( /string, azam_image_names(aa,/protect) $ , title='click parameter to overwrite' $ , help='azam', arg0='names', arg1=aa, winfree=aa.winfree ) if iname eq '** DISMISS **' then return ;Select parameter to overwrite if iname eq aa.pp(aa.extra0).name then iprm=aa.extra0 else iprm=aa.extra1 ;Read 2D data array. aa.pp(iprm).value = s_image( cdty+a_name, aa ) aa.pp(iprm).name = a_name aa.pp(iprm).a_np = npnts if npnts eq aa.npoints $ then aa.pp(iprm).color.min = min( aa.pp(iprm).value(aa.pxy), max=mx ) $ else aa.pp(iprm).color.min = min( aa.pp(iprm).value(aa.sxy), max=mx ) aa.pp(iprm).color.max = mx aa.pp(iprm).color.gray = 1L aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(iprm).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(iprm).color.back = aa.white aa.pp(iprm).bar = 'bar' ;Set a__pip same as if a_name eq 'a__pip' then begin aa.pp(iprm).color.min = 0. aa.pp(iprm).color.max = 12. aa.pp(iprm).color.invert = 1L aa.pp(iprm).color.gray = 0L aa.pp(iprm).color.back = aa.white end ;Set original color. aa.pp(iprm).color0 = aa.pp(iprm).color ;Compute parameter image array. azam_op_image, aa, iprm end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_average ; ; purpose: average and print data near cursor. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_average, aa, xc,yc, x0,y0, x1,y1 ; common area for usage in ; included here to allow printing of original coordinates of full map ; instead of relative coordinates common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ maxsz,ntran,mscatt ;Erase ascii pixmap window. wset, aa.winp erase, aa.white ;Print coordinates. xrp = aa.xrpnt(xc,yc) yrp = aa.yrpnt(xc,yc) if xrp ge 0 then begin megmx = string( (aa.b__e_w(xc,yc)-aa.mn_e_w)*aa.mm_per_deg $ , format='(f9.2)' ) megmy = string( (aa.b__lat(xc,yc)-aa.mn_lat)*aa.mm_per_deg $ , format='(f9.2)' ) xyouts, 4, aa.btm $ , strcompress( /remove_all $ , string('(',xc+aa.x0,',', yc+aa.y0,')(' $ , xllo+xrp,',',yllo+yrp,')(' $ , megmx,',',megmy,')Mm') )$ , align=0.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz end else begin xyouts, 4, aa.btm $ , strcompress( /remove_all $ , string('(',xc+aa.x0,',', yc+aa.y0,')') ) $ , align=0.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz end ;Get where array for continuum. wct = where( aa.pp(aa.cct).value(x0:x1,y0:y1) ne 0., nct ) ;Check if there is data. if nct gt 0 then begin ;Convert where array to full image. xdm = x1-x0+1 yyy = wct/xdm xxx = wct-yyy*xdm wct = (y0+yyy)*aa.xdim+(x0+xxx) ;Average continuum cct = total(aa.pp(aa.cct).value(wct))/nct ;Print continuum. xyouts $ , [ 1, 2]*aa.blt $ , 12*aa.bwd+aa.btm $ , strcompress( /remove_all, $ [ 'continuum', string(cct,fo='(f12.1)') ] ) $ , align=1.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz ;Print number data points. if nct ne 1 then $ xyouts $ , 2*aa.blt+10 $ , 12*aa.bwd+aa.btm $ , strcompress( string(nct), /remove_all )+' points' $ , align=0.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz ;Print extra0 extra1 image averages. for ixtr=0,1 do begin iprm = ([ aa.extra1, aa.extra0 ])(ixtr) if aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints then begin cst = total(aa.pp(iprm).value(wct))/nct xyouts, [1,2]*aa.blt , (7+ixtr)*aa.bwd+aa.btm $ , strcompress( /remove_all $ , [ aa.pp(iprm).name, string(cst) ] ) $ , align=1.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz end end ;Where array for solved points. wdt = where( aa.sdat(x0:x1,y0:y1), ndt ) ;Check if there is solved data. if ndt gt 0 then begin ;Convert where array to full image. yyy = wdt/xdm xxx = wdt-yyy*xdm wdt = (y0+yyy)*aa.xdim+(x0+xxx) ;Averages. azm = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azm ).value(wdt)) aza = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azm_amb).value(wdt)) az1 = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azz ).value(wdt)) az2 = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).value(wdt)) psi = total( aa.pp(aa.psi ).value(wdt))/ndt in1 = total( aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value(wdt))/ndt in2 = total( aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).value(wdt))/ndt cn1 = total( aa.pp(aa.cen1 ).value(wdt))/ndt alp = total( aa.pp(aa.alpha ).value(wdt))/ndt fld = total( aa.pp(aa.fld ).value(wdt))/ndt flx = total( aa.pp(aa.flx ).value(wdt))/ndt fxa = total( aa.pp(aa.flx_amb).value(wdt))/ndt jz = total( aa.pp(aa.jz ).value(wdt))/ndt jza = total( aa.pp(aa.jz_amb ).value(wdt))/ndt ;Print info in window. xyouts $ , [ 1, 2, 1, 2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3]*aa.blt $ , [11,11,10,10,9,9,7,6,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1]*aa.bwd $ + aa.btm $ , strcompress( /remove_all, $ [ 'field',string(fld,fo='(f12.1)') $ , 'Doppler',string(cn1,fo='(f12.4)') $ , '1-fill',string(alp,fo='(f12.4)') $ , 'ambig' $ , 'flux',string(flx,fo='(f12.1)') $ , string(fxa,fo='(f12.1)') $ , 'Jz',string( jz,fo='(f12.1)') $ , string(jza,fo='(f12.1)') $ , 'azimuth',string(azm,fo='(f12.2)') $ , string(aza,fo='(f12.2)') $ , 'incline',string(psi,fo='(f12.2)') $ , 'zenith_azimuth',string(az1,fo='(f12.2)') $ , string(az2,fo='(f12.2)') $ , 'zenith_angle',string(in1,fo='(f12.2)') $ , string(in2,fo='(f12.2)') $ ] ) $ , align=1.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz ;Print number data points. if ndt ne 1 then $ xyouts $ , 2*aa.blt+10 $ , 9*aa.bwd+aa.btm $ , strcompress( string(ndt), /remove_all )+' points' $ , align=0.0,, /device, charsize=aa.csiz ;Print extra0 extra1 image averages. for ixtr=0,1 do begin iprm = ([ aa.extra1, aa.extra0 ])(ixtr) if aa.pp(iprm).a_np ne aa.npoints then begin cst = total(aa.pp(iprm).value(wdt))/ndt xyouts, [1,2]*aa.blt , (7+ixtr)*aa.bwd+aa.btm $ , strcompress( /remove_all $ , [ aa.pp(iprm).name, string(cst) ] ) $ , align=1.0, /device, charsize=aa.csiz $ , end end end end ;Copy pixmap to screen. wset, aa.wina & device, copy=[0,0,3*aa.blt+10,13*aa.bwd,0,0,aa.winp] end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_flick ; ; purpose: blink an image on azam display images ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_flick, aa, hh, sub=sub ;Popular variables. t = aa.t xdim = aa.xdim ydim = aa.ydim txdim = t*xdim tydim = t*ydim win0 = aa.ww(0).win win1 = aa.ww(1).win win2 = aa.ww(2).win ;Sub array dimension. if keyword_set(sub) then xsub=180 else xsub=txdim > tydim ;Get image name. iname = pop_cult( /string, azam_image_names(aa), title='click on one' $ , help='azam', arg0='names', arg1=aa, winfree=aa.winfree ) if iname eq '** DISMISS **' then return ;Set hidden pixmap windows. img3 = azam_image( iname, aa, hh ) window, /free, /pixmap, xsize=txdim, ysize=tydim w3 = !d.window tv, img3, 0, 0 window, /free, /pixmap, xsize=txdim, ysize=tydim w4 = !d.window tv, aa.ww(0).img, 0, 0 window, /free, /pixmap, xsize=txdim, ysize=tydim w5 = !d.window tv, aa.ww(1).img, 0, 0 window, /free, /pixmap, xsize=txdim, ysize=tydim w6 = !d.window tv, aa.ww(2).img, 0, 0 ;Print instructions. azam_message, aa, 'left(faster) middle(slower) right(stop)' ;Flink images. rate = 2.25 faster = 0 x0 = 0 y0 = 0 while 1 do begin ;Loop for time interval. t0 = systime(1) while systime(1)-t0 lt 1./rate do begin ;Do computed field cursors. azam_cursor, aa, xerase, yerase $ , w4, w5, w6, w3, undef $ , img3, undef $ , eraser0, eraser1, eraser2, eraser3, undef $ , xc, yc, state $ , likely=likely $ , no_ttack=no_ttack $ , delay=1./rate ;Process mouse button state. case state > of 0: faster = faster mod 8 1: if faster eq 0 then faster = 1 2: if faster eq 0 then faster = 2 4: goto, break0 else: end ;Set sub array locations. if xc ge 0 then begin x0 = 0 > ( (t*xc-90) < (txdim-xsub) ) y0 = 0 > ( (t*yc-90) < (tydim-xsub) ) end x1 = (x0+xsub-1) < (txdim-1) y1 = (y0+xsub-1) < (tydim-1) ;Copy flick image from pixmap window. wset, win0 & device, copy=[x0,y0,x1-x0+1,y1-y0+1,x0,y0,w3] wset, win1 & device, copy=[x0,y0,x1-x0+1,y1-y0+1,x0,y0,w3] wset, win2 & device, copy=[x0,y0,x1-x0+1,y1-y0+1,x0,y0,w3] end ;Loop for time interval. t0 = systime(1) while systime(1)-t0 lt 1./rate do begin ;Do computed field cursors. azam_cursor, aa, xerase, yerase $ , w4, w5, w6, w3, undef $ , img3, undef $ , eraser0, eraser1, eraser2, eraser3, undef $ , xc, yc, state $ , likely=likely $ , no_ttack=no_ttack $ , delay=1./rate ;Process mouse button state. case state > of 0: faster = faster mod 8 1: if faster eq 0 then faster = 1 2: if faster eq 0 then faster = 2 4: goto, break0 else: end ;Copy flick image from pixmap window. wset, win0 & device, copy=[0,0,txdim-1,tydim-1,0,0,w4] wset, win1 & device, copy=[0,0,txdim-1,tydim-1,0,0,w5] wset, win2 & device, copy=[0,0,txdim-1,tydim-1,0,0,w6] end ;Adjust cycle rate. if faster ne 0 then begin if faster eq 1 then rate = rate*1.5 if faster eq 2 then rate = rate/1.5 faster = 8 end end break0: ;Delete extra windows. wdelete, w4, w5, w6, w3 ;Restore display windows. tw, win0, aa.ww(0).img, 0, 0 tw, win1, aa.ww(1).img, 0, 0 tw, win2, aa.ww(2).img, 0, 0 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_clevels ; ; purpose: compute contour where arrays hi & lo for levels in ; highlight structure hh ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_clevels, aa, hh, hi, lo, x0, x1, y0, y1 ;Initial null contour where arrays. hi = -1L lo = -1L ;Check if contours present. if (hh.iprm)(0) lt 0 then return ;Loop through contour levels. for ip=0L,n_elements(hh.iprm)-1 do begin ;Parameter to take contour on. iprm = hh.iprm(ip) ;Skip if parameter swapped out. if eq aa.pp(iprm).name then begin ;Check if working on sub area. if n_elements(x0) then begin ;Get where array for contour. if aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints then begin azam_cont, aa.pp(iprm).value(x0:x1,y0:y1) $ , aa.pdat(x0:x1,y0:y1) $ , (hh.level)(ip), aa.t, whr end else begin azam_cont, aa.pp(iprm).value(x0:x1,y0:y1) $ , aa.sdat(x0:x1,y0:y1) $ , (hh.level)(ip), aa.t, whr end end else begin ;Get where array for contour. if aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints then begin azam_cont, aa.pp(iprm).value, aa.pdat $ , (hh.level)(ip), aa.t, whr end else begin azam_cont, aa.pp(iprm).value, aa.sdat $ , (hh.level)(ip), aa.t, whr end end ;Append to hi or lo depending on ;color toggle. if whr(0) ge 0 then begin if (hh.toggle)(ip) then begin if hi(0) ge 0 $ then hi = [ hi, whr ] $ else hi = whr end else begin if lo(0) ge 0 $ then lo = [ lo, whr ] $ else lo = whr end end end end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_contour ; ; purpose: compute contours and install in highlight structure hh ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_contour, aa, hh, iprm, level ;Set flag for defrio return. defroi = n_params() ge 4 ;Prompt for data image. slab = pop_cult( azam_image_names(aa), /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Select data array for contour levels' $ , help='azam', arg0='names', arg1=aa ) if slab eq '** DISMISS **' then return ;Parameter number. iprm = (where( slab eq ))(0) ;Open window if data is not displayed. if iprm ne aa.ww(0).iprm and iprm ne aa.ww(1).iprm $ and iprm ne aa.ww(2).iprm then begin if aa.winfree then begin window, /free, xsize=aa.t*aa.xdim+3*aa.bwd $ , ysize=300 > aa.t*aa.ydim $ , title=aa.pp(iprm).name end else begin window, /free, xsize=aa.t*aa.xdim+3*aa.bwd $ , ysize=300 > aa.t*aa.ydim $ , xpos=100, ypos=40 $ , title=aa.pp(iprm).name end w3 = !d.window img3 = azam_image( iprm, aa, hh ) tw, w3, img3, 0, 0 azam_c_bar, w3, iprm, aa end ;Infinite loop till right button clicked. while 1 do begin ;Flag to redo high lights. aa.rehi = 1L ;Initial flag next contour not appended. append = 0 ;Index of next an last contour. if (hh.iprm)(0) ge 0 $ then next = n_elements(hh.iprm) $ else next = 0 last = next-1 ;Messages for user. prior = '' mssg = 'left(click contour) center(append contour) right(menu/exit)' if last ge 0 then begin tmp = (' '+stringit((hh.level)(last)) prior='(last contour: '+tmp+')' mssg = [ prior, mssg ] end ;Get (x,y) from window click. repeat azam_click_xy, aa, mssg, xc, yc, w3, img3, state=state $ until state gt 0 or ge 2 ;Erase button window. wset, aa.winb & erase, ;Select state. case state > of ;Left button: contour click. 1: clvl = aa.pp(iprm).value(xc,yc) ;Center button: append contour. 2: begin clvl = aa.pp(iprm).value(xc,yc) append = 1 end ;Right button: menu/exit. else: begin ;Prompt with contour menu. x = (['','^x'])(defroi) bttn = $ pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title = 'click on choice '+ prior $ , [ x+'clear contours', x+'toggle line color','','','','' $ , '^g** DISMISS **', '^yEXIT CONTOUR','** HELP **' $ , '', 'WIDGET ENTRY', x+'APPEND WIDGET ENTRY'] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ [" clear contours - delete all contours"$ ," toggle line color - change color of last and "$ ," subsequent contour lines"$ ," ** DISMISS ** - return to interactive contouring"$ ," EXIT CONTOUR - return to interactive azam"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ," WIDGET ENTRY - replace last contour level by"$ ," value typed in widget"$ ,"APPEND WIDGET ENTRY - append new contour level with"$ ," value typed in widget"$ ] ) ;Check for appended widget entry. if bttn eq 'APPEND WIDGET ENTRY' then begin append = 1 bttn = 'WIDGET ENTRY' end case bttn of '** DISMISS **': goto, break31 'EXIT CONTOUR': begin if n_elements(w3) then wdelete, w3 return end 'clear contours': begin hh = { hi:-1, lo:-1 $ , iprm:-1, name:'', level:0., toggle:0L $ , outlineroi:hh.outlineroi, arrow:hh.arrow $ , laluz:hh.laluz } goto, break30 end 'toggle line color': begin if n_elements(hh.toggle) eq 1 $ then hh.toggle = (hh.toggle+1) mod 2 $ else hh.toggle(last) = (hh.toggle(last)+1) mod 2 goto, break30 end ;Read contour from widget. 'WIDGET ENTRY': begin mess = 'Enter contour '+prior+' (def: clear contour)' on_ioerror, ioerror0 ioerror0: txt = azam_text_in(aa $ , 'Enter contour'+prior+' (def: dismiss)' ) ;Default contour clear. if txt eq '' then goto, break31 ;Read contour from text. clvl = 0. reads, txt, clvl end else: goto, break31 end end end ;Return contour level for defroi min max. if defroi then begin level = clvl if n_elements(w3) then wdelete, w3 return end if append eq 0 then begin ;Set 0th contour level. if n_elements(hh.iprm) eq 1 then begin hh = { hi:-1, lo:-1 $ , iprm:iprm, name:slab, level:clvl, toggle:1L $ , outlineroi:hh.outlineroi, arrow:hh.arrow $ , laluz:hh.laluz } ;Replace last contour. end else begin hh.iprm( last) = iprm last) = slab hh.level(last) = clvl end end else begin ;Set 0th contour level. if (hh.iprm)(0) lt 0 then begin hh = { hi:-1, lo:-1 $ , iprm:iprm, name:slab, level:clvl, toggle:1L $ , outlineroi:hh.outlineroi, arrow:hh.arrow $ , laluz:hh.laluz } ;Append contour level. end else begin hh = { hi:-1, lo:-1 $ , iprm: [ hh.iprm, iprm ] $ , name: [, slab ] $ , level: [ hh.level, clvl ] $ , toggle: [ hh.toggle, (hh.toggle)(last) ] $ , outlineroi:hh.outlineroi, arrow:hh.arrow $ , laluz:hh.laluz } end end ;Display contour image. break30: if n_elements(w3) then begin img3 = azam_image( iprm, aa, hh ) tw, w3, img3, 0, 0 end ;Display azam images. for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh break31: end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_mgfy ; ; prupose: Update plot of magnified continuum in window winc. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_mgfy, aa, xc_, yc_ ;Return if not 2D array. if aa.xdim lt 2 or aa.ydim lt 2 then return ;Set window to magnified continuum. wsav = !d.window wset, ;Continuum magnification factor. mf = aa.mgfy.mag ;Dimensions of magnified image. dx = aa.mgfy.siz < aa.xdim dy = aa.mgfy.siz < aa.ydim ;Pixels per Gauss for arrow lengths. if aa.mgfy.bttn eq 'short arrows' then pix_G=.00005*mf else pix_G=.00015*mf ;(x,y) of lower left corner of image. if n_params() eq 3 then begin aa.mgfy.xc = xc_ aa.mgfy.yc = yc_ x0 = 0 > ( (aa.mgfy.xc-dx/2) < (aa.xdim-dx) ) & aa.mgfy.x0 = x0 y0 = 0 > ( (aa.mgfy.yc-dy/2) < (aa.ydim-dy) ) & aa.mgfy.y0 = y0 end else begin x0 = aa.mgfy.x0 y0 = aa.mgfy.y0 end ;(x,y) of upper right corner of image. x1 = (x0+dx-1) < (aa.xdim-1) y1 = (y0+dy-1) < (aa.ydim-1) ;Sub array of data. fl = aa.pp(aa.fld).value( x0:x1,y0:y1) az = aa.pp(aa.azz).value( x0:x1,y0:y1)*(!pi/180.) ps = aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value(x0:x1,y0:y1)*(!pi/180.) cc = aa.pp(aa.cct).value( x0:x1,y0:y1) ;Transverse field. lg = fl*sin(ps) ;Flux. ls = aa.pp(aa.flx).value(x0:x1,y0:y1) ;Sin & cosine of field azimuth. sa = sin(az) ca = cos(az) & az=0 ;Output underlying image. if (dx (aa.t*aa.ydim) ;Select color scale type. case aa.pp(iprm).bar of ;Plot color bar 'bar': begin x0 = aa.t*aa.xdim+aa.bwd y0 = ysz/2-125 tv, replicate(,aa.bwd+2,252), x0-1, y0-1 tvasp, /notable, lindgen(aa.bwd,250)/aa.bwd, x0, y0 $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert ;Print min max scale values. xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+aa.btm, y0, stringit(aa.pp(iprm).color.min) $ , /device, align=1.0, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white, orient=270. xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+aa.btm, y0+250, stringit(aa.pp(iprm).color.max) $ , /device, align=0.0, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white, orient=270. ;Print name. xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+2*aa.bwd+aa.btm, y0+125, aa.pp(iprm).name $ , /device, align=0.5, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white, orient=270. end ;Plot azimuth color scale. 'azimuth': begin xdim = 3*aa.bwd tv, cbar_azimuth( D0=xdim, /notable, /black_bkg $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert ) $ , aa.t*aa.xdim, ysz/2-xdim/2 xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+xdim/2, ysz/2+[ -xdim/2-aa.bwd, xdim/2 ]+aa.btm $ , [ '-90', '90' ] $ , /device, align=0.5, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white ;Print name. xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+2*aa.bwd+aa.btm, ysz-2, aa.pp(iprm).name $ , /device, align=0.0, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white, orient=270. end ;Plot zenith color scale. 'zenith': begin xdim = 3.*aa.bwd-2 tv, cbar_zenith( D0=2*xdim, /notable, /black_bkg $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert ) $ , aa.t*aa.xdim+1, ysz/2-xdim xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+2, ysz/2+[ -xdim-aa.bwd, xdim ]+aa.btm $ , [ '180', '0' ] $ , /device, align=0.0, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white ;Print name. xyouts, aa.t*aa.xdim+2*aa.bwd+aa.btm, ysz-2, aa.pp(iprm).name $ , /device, align=0.0, charsize=aa.csiz, color=aa.white, orient=270. end else: end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_display ; ; purpose: magnify and display interactive image ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_display, inum, aa, hh ;Erase button window. wset, aa.winb & erase, ;Parameter number. iprm = aa.ww(inum).iprm ;Magnify images and install high lights. aa.ww(inum).img = azam_image( iprm, aa, hh ) ;Display the image. wset, aa.ww(inum).win & erase, tv, aa.ww(inum).img, 0, 0 ;Plot color bar. azam_c_bar, aa.ww(inum).win, iprm, aa end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_image_color ; ; purpose: reset image color ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_image_color, aa, hh ;Popular variables. t = aa.t xdim = aa.xdim ydim = aa.ydim txdim = t*xdim tydim = t*ydim white = aa.white black = ;Get image name. iname = pop_cult( /string, azam_image_names(aa), title='click on one' $ , help='azam', arg0='names', arg1=aa, winfree=aa.winfree ) if iname eq '** DISMISS **' then return ;Get parameter number. iprm = (where( iname eq aa.pp(*).name ))(0) ;Open window for image. xsize = txdim+3*aa.bwd ysize = 300 > tydim if aa.winfree then begin window, /free, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, title=iname end else begin window, /free, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, title=iname $ , xpos=1144-xsize, ypos=40 end w3 = !d.window ;Show ascii window. wshow, aa.wina ;image color menu. amenu = $ [ '^loriginal color' $ , '' $ , '^lgray off' $ , '^lgray on' $ , '' $ , '^linvert off' $ , '^linvert on' $ , '' $ , '^lwrap off' $ , '^lwrap on' $ , '^g** DISMISS **' $ , '^yEXIT IMAGE COLOR' $ , '** HELP **' $ , '' $ , '^lscale minimum' $ , '^lscale maximum' $ , '' $ , '^lwhite background' $ , '^lblack background' $ , '^ldata background' $ ] ;Menu striped of escapes. bmenu = amenu for ii=0,n_elements(bmenu)-1 do $ while strmid( bmenu(ii), 0, 1 ) eq '^' do $ bmenu(ii)=strmid( bmenu(ii), 2, 1000 ) ;Help information for image color. menu_help = $ [" scale minimum - reset minimum data value aligned to scale bar."$ ," scale maximum - reset maximum data value aligned to scale bar."$ ,""$ ," gray off - produce color byte image."$ ," gray on - produce black & white byte image."$ ,""$ ," invert off - produce positive image."$ ," invert on - produce negative image."$ ,""$ ," wrap off - produce wrap around byte image."$ ," wrap on - produce direct scale byte image."$ ,""$ ," white background - set background for unsolved data to white."$ ," black background - set background for unsolved data to black."$ ," data background - use data value entered by user for background."$ ,""$ ," original color - reset image color to original."$ ,""$ ," ** DISMISS ** - dismiss; do not invoke a menu option."$ ," EXIT IMAGE COLOR - return to regular azam."$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information."$ ] ;Loop till user clicks right button. while 1 do begin ;Compute byte image. img3 = azam_image( iprm, aa, hh ) ;Display image. wset, w3 & erase, black tv, img3, 0, 0 ; Plot color bar azam_c_bar, w3, iprm, aa ;Do computed cursors till right ;button clicked. break8: azam_click_xy, aa, 'click for menu', xc, yc, w3, img3, state=state ;Erase AZAM button window. wset, aa.winb & erase, ;Copy of menu. cmenu = amenu ;Color current state buttons yellow. whr = where( bmenu eq 'gray off' ) + aa.pp(iprm).color.gray cmenu(whr) = '^y'+cmenu(whr) whr = where( bmenu eq 'invert off' ) + aa.pp(iprm).color.invert cmenu(whr) = '^y'+cmenu(whr) whr = where( bmenu eq 'wrap off' ) + aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap cmenu(whr) = '^y'+cmenu(whr) ;Color yellow button representing ;current background. bwhr = where( bmenu eq 'black background' ) wwhr = where( bmenu eq 'white background' ) dwhr = where( bmenu eq 'data background' ) case aa.pp(iprm).color.back of black: cmenu(bwhr) = '^y'+cmenu(bwhr) white: cmenu(wwhr) = '^y'+cmenu(wwhr) else: cmenu(dwhr) = '^y'+cmenu(dwhr) end ;Prompt for choice. case pop_cult( /string, cmenu, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title = 'Pick one (yellow is present case)' $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2=menu_help $ ) $ of ;Continue on with image color. '** DISMISS **': goto, break8 ;Exit image color. 'EXIT IMAGE COLOR': goto, break51 ;Reset original color. 'original color': aa.pp(iprm).color = aa.pp(iprm).color0 ;Set gray off/on. 'gray off': aa.pp(iprm).color.gray = 0 'gray on': aa.pp(iprm).color.gray = 1 ;Set invert off/on. 'invert off': aa.pp(iprm).color.invert = 0 'invert on': aa.pp(iprm).color.invert = 1 ;Set wrap off/on. 'wrap off': aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap = 0 'wrap on': aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap = 1 ;Set backgroud color. 'data background': begin on_ioerror, ioerror3 ioerror3: rd = 0. reads, azam_text_in(aa,'Enter background value'), rd aa.pp(iprm).color.back = -1 if aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints $ then if (aa.pbkg)(0) ge 0 then aa.pp(iprm).value(aa.pbkg)=rd $ else if (aa.sbkg)(0) ge 0 then aa.pp(iprm).value(aa.sbkg)=rd end ;Set black background. 'black background': aa.pp(iprm).color.back = black ;Set white background. 'white background': aa.pp(iprm).color.back = white ;Set scale bar minimum. 'scale minimum': begin on_ioerror, ioerror0 mess = 'Enter minimum (was '+stringit(aa.pp(iprm).color.min)+')' ioerror0: tmp = 1. reads, azam_text_in(aa,mess), tmp aa.pp(iprm).color.min = tmp end ;Set scale bar maximum. 'scale maximum': begin on_ioerror, ioerror1 mess = 'Enter maximum (was '+stringit(aa.pp(iprm).color.max)+')' ioerror1: tmp = 1. reads, azam_text_in(aa,mess), tmp aa.pp(iprm).color.max = tmp end else: end ;Set 2D color image. azam_op_image, aa, iprm end ;Erase AZAM button window. break51: wset, aa.winb & erase ;Global azimuth color update. prms = [ aa.azm-aa.azm, aa.azm, aa.azz, aa.azz_orig, aa.azz_ref, aa.azz_amb ] if (where( iprm eq prms ))(0) ge 0 then begin for k=0L,n_elements(prms)-1 do begin aa.pp(prms(k)).color = aa.pp(iprm).color azam_op_image, aa, prms(k) end end ;Global incline color update. prms = [ aa.psi, aa.zen_ang, aa.zen_orig, aa.zen_ref, aa.zen_amb ] if (where( iprm eq prms ))(0) ge 0 then begin for k=0L,n_elements(prms)-1 do begin aa.pp(prms(k)).color = aa.pp(iprm).color azam_op_image, aa, prms(k) end end ;Global flux color update. if iprm eq aa.flx then begin aa.pp(aa.flx-aa.azm).color = aa.pp(iprm).color azam_op_image, aa, aa.flx-aa.azm end ;Restore display images. for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh azam_mgfy, aa ;Delete extra window wdelete, w3 end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_typeroi ; ; purpose: type out defroi parameter averages. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_typeroi, aa, pwhr, swhr, file np = n_elements(pwhr) if swhr(0) ge 0 then ns=n_elements(swhr) else ns=0 ;Isolate last 14 characters of ;extra parameter names. name0 = aa.pp(aa.extra0).name name0 = strmid( name0, (strlen(name0)-14) > 0, 14 ) name1 = aa.pp(aa.extra1).name name1 = strmid( name1, (strlen(name1)-14) > 0, 14 ) ;Compute various averages for (x,y). xq = float( total( (pwhr mod aa.xdim)+aa.x0 ) )/np yq = float( total( (pwhr / aa.xdim)+aa.y0 ) )/np xrpq = float( total( aa.xrpnt(pwhr) ) )/np yrpq = float( total( aa.yrpnt(pwhr) ) )/np xmmq = (total(aa.b__e_w(pwhr))/np-aa.mn_e_w)*aa.mm_per_deg ymmq = (total(aa.b__lat(pwhr))/np-aa.mn_lat)*aa.mm_per_deg ctmq = total( aa.pp(aa.cct).value(pwhr))/np ex0q = total( aa.pp(aa.extra0).value(pwhr))/np ex1q = total( aa.pp(aa.extra1).value(pwhr))/np utq = total( aa.b__ut(pwhr) )/np lnq = total( aa.b__lon(pwhr) )/np ltq = total( aa.b__lat(pwhr) )/np if ns ne 0 then begin x = float( total( (swhr mod aa.xdim)+aa.x0 ) )/ns y = float( total( (swhr / aa.xdim)+aa.y0 ) )/ns xrp = float( total( aa.xrpnt(swhr) ) )/ns yrp = float( total( aa.yrpnt(swhr) ) )/ns xmm = (total(aa.b__e_w(swhr))/ns-aa.mn_e_w)*aa.mm_per_deg ymm = (total(aa.b__lat(swhr))/ns-aa.mn_lat)*aa.mm_per_deg ctm = total( aa.pp(aa.cct).value(swhr) )/ns fld = total( aa.pp(aa.fld).value(swhr) )/ns flx = total( aa.pp(aa.flx).value(swhr) )/ns dvd = total( aa.pp(aa.cen1).value(swhr) )/ns alf = total( aa.pp(aa.alpha).value(swhr) )/ns jz = total( aa.pp(aa.jz).value(swhr) )/ns jza = total( aa.pp(aa.jz_amb).value(swhr) )/ns psi = total( aa.pp(aa.psi).value(swhr) )/ns zen = total( aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value(swhr) )/ns zea = total( aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).value(swhr) )/ns azm = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azm).value(swhr) ) azz = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azz).value(swhr) ) aza = avg_azm(aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).value(swhr)) aaz = ( (azm+180.+180.) mod 360. ) - 180. ex0 = total( aa.pp(aa.extra0).value(swhr) )/ns ex1 = total( aa.pp(aa.extra1).value(swhr) )/ns ut = total( aa.b__ut(swhr) )/ns ln = total( aa.b__lon(swhr) )/ns la = total( aa.b__lat(swhr) )/ns end else begin x = 0. y = 0. xrp = 0. yrp = 0. xmm = 0. ymm = 0. ctm = 0. fld = 0. flx = 0. dvd = 0. alf = 0. jz = 0. jza = 0. psi = 0. zen = 0. zea = 0. azm = 0. azz = 0. aza = 0. aaz = 0. ex0 = 0. ex1 = 0. ut = 0. ln = 0. la = 0. end if aa.pp(aa.extra0).a_np eq aa.nsolved then ex0q=ex0 if aa.pp(aa.extra1).a_np eq aa.nsolved then ex1q=ex1 ;Formats. gg = '(a14,g14.6,g26.6)' f1 = '(a14,f14.1,f12.1,f14.1,f12.1)' f2 = '(a14,f14.2,f12.2,f14.2,f12.2)' f4 = '(a14,f14.4,f12.4,f14.4,f12.4)' if n_elements(file) eq 0 then begin print,'AZAM defroi averages ------------------------------------------------' print, aa.head(2) mod 100,'.',aa.head(0),'.',aa.head(1) $ , ' solved points all points' $ , fo='(i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a)' print,'universal time', ut, utq, fo='(a14,f14.4,f26.4)' print,'number points ', ns, np, fo='(a14,i14,i26)' print,'image (x,y) ', x, y, xq, yq, fo=f2 print,' asp (x,y) ', xrp, yrp, xrpq, yrpq, fo=f2 print,' Mm (x,y) ', xmm, ymm, xmmq, ymmq, fo=f2 print,'longitude lat ', ln, la, lnq, ltq, fo=f4 print, name0 , ex0, ex0q, fo=gg print, name1 , ex1, ex1q, fo=gg print,'continuum ', ctm, ctmq, fo='(a14,f14.1,f26.1)' print,'field ', fld, fo=f1 print,'flux ', flx, fo=f1 print,'Doppler ', dvd, fo=f4 print,'1-fill ', alf, fo=f4 print,' ambiguous' print,'Jz ', jz, jza, fo=f1 print,'azimuth ', azm, aaz, fo=f2 print,'incline ', psi, fo=f2 print,'zenith azimuth', azz, aza, fo=f2 print,'zenith angle ', zen, zea, fo=f2 print return end ;Output ascii defrio file. openw, u, file, /get_lun printf,u,'AZAM defroi averages ------------------------------------------------' printf,u, aa.head(2) mod 100,'.',aa.head(0),'.',aa.head(1) $ , ' solved points all points' $ , fo='(i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a)' printf,u,'universal time', ut, utq, fo='(a14,f14.4,f26.4)' printf,u,'number points ', ns, np, fo='(a14,i14,i26)' printf,u,'image (x,y) ', x, y, xq, yq, fo=f2 printf,u,' asp (x,y) ', xrp, yrp, xrpq, yrpq, fo=f2 printf,u,' Mm (x,y) ', xmm, ymm, xmmq, ymmq, fo=f2 printf,u,'longitude lat ', ln, la, lnq, ltq, fo=f4 printf,u, name0 , ex0, ex0q, fo=gg printf,u, name1 , ex1, ex1q, fo=gg printf,u,'continuum ', ctm, ctmq, fo='(a14,f14.1,f26.1)' printf,u,'field ', fld, fo=f1 printf,u,'flux ', flx, fo=f1 printf,u,'Doppler ', dvd, fo=f4 printf,u,'1-fill ', alf, fo=f4 printf,u,' ambiguous' printf,u,'Jz ', jz, jza, fo=f1 printf,u,'azimuth ', azm, aaz, fo=f2 printf,u,'incline ', psi, fo=f2 printf,u,'zenith azimuth', azz, aza, fo=f2 printf,u,'zenith angle ', zen, zea, fo=f2 free_lun, u end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_defroi ; ; purpose: define region of interest aa.defroi ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_defroi, aa, hh ;Infinite loop till dismiss request. while 1 do begin ;Where array for aa.defroi. pwhr = -1L if aa.defroi(0,0) ne 255B then pwhr = where(aa.defroi) swhr = -1L if pwhr(0) ge 0 then begin ;Where array for inverted points. swhr = where( aa.defroi and aa.sdat ) ;Type out defroi averages. azam_typeroi, aa, pwhr, swhr end ;Set flag for uninverted points. if n_elements(pwhr) gt n_elements(swhr) then begin uninv = 1L end else begin uninv = 0L if pwhr(0) ge 0L and swhr(0) lt 0L then uninv=1L end ;Some menu strings. clearDefroi = 'clear defroi' addDefroi = 'add defroi' subDefroi = 'subtract defroi' xorDefroi = 'xor defroi' andDefroi = 'and defroi' delUninv = 'delete uninverted points' writeDefroi = 'write defroi file' readDefroi = 'read defroi file' mincontour = 'minimum contour' maxcontour = 'maximum contour' ;Disable menu items for empty defroi. if pwhr(0) lt 0 then begin clearDefroi = '^x'+clearDefroi addDefroi = '^x'+addDefroi subDefroi = '^x'+subDefroi xorDefroi = '^x'+xorDefroi andDefroi = '^x'+andDefroi delUninv = '^x'+delUninv writeDefroi = '^x'+writeDefroi end ;If none present, disable delete of ;uninverted points. if uninv eq 0L then delUninv='^x'+delUninv ;Disable read/write defroi in zoom. if aa.index eq 3 then begin readDefroi = '^x'+readDefroi writeDefroi = '^x'+writeDefroi end ;Pop up menu. mlab = pop_cult( /string, title='Click on choice', winfree=aa.winfree $ , [ clearDefroi, 'one point defroi', '^greset defroi' $ , '', addDefroi, subDefroi, andDefroi, xorDefroi, '', delUninv $ , '^y** DISMISS **', '** HELP **', '', mincontour, maxcontour, '', '' $ , '', writeDefroi, readDefroi ] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ ["" $ ,"'clear defroi' ~ remove already defined region"$ ,"'one point defroi' ~ set region to one point only"$ ,"'reset defroi' ~ reset region with IDL's defroi"$ ,"" $ ,"'add defroi' ~ add to region with IDL's defori"$ ,"'subtract defroi' ~ subtract region with IDL's defori"$ ,"'and defroi' ~ and with IDL's defori"$ ,"'xor defroi' ~ exclusive or with IDL's defori"$ ,"" $ ,"'delete uninverted points' ~ remove all uninverted points"$ ,"" $ ,"'minimum contour' ~ remove points below contour level" $ ,"'maximum contour' ~ remove points above contour level" $ ,"" $ ,"'write defroi file' ~ output file of 1.'s & 0.'s; a_* format"$ ,"'read defroi file' ~ input a_* format file; non-zero is true"$ ,"" $ ,"'** DISMISS **' ~ return to interactive azam"$ ,"'** HELP **' ~ print this information"$ ] ) case 1 of ;Normal return. '** DISMISS **' eq mlab: return ;Write defroi file. 'write defroi file' eq mlab: begin mess = 'Enter output file name (q=quit) (Return=DEFROI)' error = 1 while error ne 0 do begin error = 0 ;Prompt for file name. azam_file = strcompress( azam_text_in(aa,mess) $ , /remove_all ) if azam_file eq 'q' then return if azam_file eq '' then azam_file = 'DEFROI' ;Protect a_* files. if strmid( azam_file, 0, 2 ) eq 'a_' then begin mess = 'REENTER, ' $ + 'output to a_file not allowed (q=quit)' error = 1 end end ;Set output vector. if uninv then begin vector = fltarr(aa.npoints) vector(aa.vec_pxy) = aa.defroi(aa.pxy) end else begin vector = fltarr(aa.nsolved) vector(aa.vec_sxy) = aa.defroi(aa.sxy) end ;Output stream file. o_dir = aa.dty if write_floats( o_dir+azam_file, vector, err ) then $ if azam_out_dir( aa, o_dir ) then $ i = write_floats( o_dir+azam_file, vector ) ;Output ascii file. azam_typeroi, aa, pwhr, swhr, o_dir+azam_file+'.av' end ;Read defroi file. 'read defroi file' eq mlab: begin mess = 'Enter "path" defroi file (q=quit) (Return=DEFROI)' error1: error = 1 while error ne 0 do begin ;Prompt for file name. azam_file = strcompress( azam_text_in(aa,mess) $ , /remove_all ) if azam_file eq 'q' then return if azam_file eq '' then azam_file = 'DEFROI' ;Try to read file. a_azam = read_floats( azam_file, error ) if error ne 0 then print, !err_string if error eq 0 then begin ;Check if file is right length. np = n_elements(a_azam) if np ne aa.npoints $ and np ne aa.nsolved then begin mess = 'REENTER, ' $ + 'file is wrong length (q=quit)' error = 1 end end end ;Set 2D defroi array. aa.defroi = bytarr(aa.xdim,aa.ydim) if np eq aa.npoints $ then aa.defroi(aa.pxy) = a_azam(aa.vec_pxy) ne 0. $ else aa.defroi(aa.sxy) = a_azam(aa.vec_sxy) ne 0. aa.rehi = 1L for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh end ;Get click for one point defroi. 'one point defroi' eq mlab: begin azam_click_xy, aa, 'click defroi point', xc, yc aa.defroi = 0B aa.defroi(xc,yc) = 1B aa.rehi = 1L for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh end ;Delete uninverted points. 'delete uninverted points' eq mlab: begin aa.rehi = 1L aa.defroi = aa.defroi and aa.sdat for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh end ;Clear defroi array and return. 'clear defroi' eq mlab: begin aa.defroi = 255B hh.outlineroi = -1L for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh return end ;Reset defroi to contour level. 'minimum contour' eq mlab or $ 'maximum contour' eq mlab: begin undefine_sbsp, iprm, level azam_contour, aa, hh, iprm, level if n_elements(level) ne 0 then begin ;If empty, fill defroi array. if pwhr(0) lt 0 then begin aa.defroi(*,*) = 0 if aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints $ then aa.defroi(aa.pxy) = 1 $ else aa.defroi(aa.sxy) = 1 end if 'minimum contour' eq mlab $ then aa.defroi $ = aa.defroi and aa.pp(iprm).value ge level $ else aa.defroi $ = aa.defroi and aa.pp(iprm).value lt level ;Restore display. aa.rehi = 1L for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh end end ;Rerun IDL's defroi. 'add defroi' eq mlab or $ 'subtract defroi' eq mlab or $ 'and defroi' eq mlab or $ 'xor defroi' eq mlab or $ 'reset defroi' eq mlab: begin ;Prompt for data image. slab = pop_cult( azam_image_names(aa), /string $ , winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Select data array for defroi' $ , help='azam', arg0='names', arg1=aa ) if slab eq '** DISMISS **' then return ;Parameter number. iprm = (where( slab eq ))(0) ;Print instructions. azam_message, aa $ , [ 'Left button to mark point (at least 3)' $ , 'Middle button to erase previous point' $ , 'Right button to close region' ] ;Open window for defroi. txdim = aa.t*aa.xdim tydim = aa.t*aa.ydim if aa.winfree then begin window, /free, xsize=txdim, ysize=tydim $ , title='DEFROI' end else begin window, /free, xsize=txdim, ysize=tydim $ , title='DEFROI' $ , xpos=100, ypos=40 end w3 = !d.window img3 = azam_image( iprm, aa, hh ) tv, img3, 0, 0 ;Run IDL's defroi. whr = defroi( txdim, tydim, 0, 0, /restore ) wdelete, w3 ;Set new defroi. newroi = bytarr(aa.xdim,aa.ydim) if whr(0) ge 0 then begin y = whr/txdim x = whr-y*txdim y = y/aa.t x = x/aa.t newroi(y*aa.xdim+x) = 1B end ;Reset or add or subtract defroi. if aa.defroi(0,0) eq 255B then aa.defroi=0B case mlab of addDefroi: aa.defroi = aa.defroi or newroi subDefroi: aa.defroi = aa.defroi-(aa.defroi and newroi) andDefroi: aa.defroi = aa.defroi and newroi xorDefroi: aa.defroi = aa.defroi xor newroi else: aa.defroi = newroi end ;Check for unsolved points. aa.defroi = aa.defroi and aa.pdat whr = where( aa.defroi ne (aa.defroi and aa.sdat) ) if whr(0) ge 0 then begin if 1 - pop_cult( ['^gyes','no'], title $ = 'Delete uninverted raster points?' $ , winfree=aa.winfree ) $ then aa.defroi = aa.defroi and aa.sdat end ;Restore display. aa.rehi = 1L for inum=0,2 do azam_display, inum, aa, hh end else: stop end end end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_tools ; ; purpose: compiles azam_tools if needed and print usage ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_tools azam_tools_usage end