pro azam_hinodesp, directory, winfree=winfree ;+ ; procedure: wrapper for azam to select sub-areas of large maps ; ; purpose: use interactive cursor to disambiguate azimuth in ; directories with a_* files ; ; author: lites@ucar 4/10, modified from codes by paul@ncar, 6/93 ;- ; Check number parameters. if(n_params() gt 1) then begin print print, "usage: azam_hinodesp [, dir ]" print print, " Use interactive cursor to disambiguate azimuth in" print, " directories with a_* files." print print, " Arguments" print, " directory - directory path (string;" print, " def=use current working directory)" print print, " Keywords" print, " winfree - set to open windows position free" return endif ; common area for usage in common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ maxsz,ntran,mscatt ; Define some standard parameters for Hinode data (used in MERLIN) iwstrt = [15,61] ; starting wavelength pixel for each line iwend = iwstrt + 30 - 1 ; 30 wavelength steps for each line dispers = double([21.549,21.549]) ; dispersion for each line, mA wavlngth = double([6301.5091,6302.5017]) ; approximate line center wavelength basewav = double([6301.20741,6302.19867]) ; wavelength at start of each active range etaratio = [2.8,1.0] ; ratio of line center wavelengths vbroad = 0.7083 ; equivalent velocity of instrumental width, km/sec maxsz = 112 ; wavelength pixels for Hinode ntran = 128 ; next higher power of 2 for FFT arrays mscatt = 0 ; set to zero for fill fraction formulation. This is ; standard for MERLIN/Hinode. ASP formulation, use mscatt=1 ; set variable full_directory to the directory for the ASP files for ; the full map full_directory = directory ; If no directory given, use current working directory. if(n_elements(directory) eq 0) then cd, current = directory ; Append directory path with '/'. if(strmid(directory, strlen(directory)-1, 1) ne '/') then begin directory = directory + '/' endif ; Read header, check for existence. header = read_floats(directory+'a___header', error) if(error ne 0) then begin print, !err_string print, 'a_* files may not exit or directory path wrong' return endif ; Get the size of the map. cct = azam_a_image(directory+'a__cct', kk, r='i') szimg = size(cct) ; set the default image sizes to the map size xllo = 0 & yllo = 0 xuro = szimg(1)-1 & yuro = szimg(2)-1 ; Get the screen resolution. szscr = get_screen_size() ; Test to see if map will fit within available screen size, leave edge margin ; for taskbars, plot headers etc. pedge = 0.90 jump13: loadct,0 if(azam_fitsOnScreen(szimg[1], szimg[2]) eq 'true') then begin ; determine if necessary to re-select window clk = pop_cult(/string, xpos=100,ypos=100 $ , title = 'Process a Sub-Area?' $ ,['^rProcess Subarea','^gEntire Area']) if clk eq 'Process Subarea' then goto,jump14 if clk eq 'Entire Area' then goto,jump15 endif else begin clk = pop_cult(/string, xpos=100,ypos=100 $ , title = ' Sub-Area Processing Mandatory ' $ ,['^gSelect a Sub-Area','^rExit AZAM']) if clk eq 'Select a Sub-Area' then goto,jump14 if clk eq 'Exit AZAM' then goto,jump17 endelse jump14: ; Processing of subarea manditory if whole area does not fit on screen ; Open a temporary directory for reduced image a_files tdir = 'tempazamdir' tempDirectory = directory + tdir file_mkdir, tempDirectory, /noexpand_path ; Display the LOS flux image on an appropriately reduced scale. ; First use the ASP software to read in the appropriate images fld = azam_a_image(directory+'a_fld', kk, r='i') psi = azam_a_image(directory+'a_psi', kk, r='i') alpha = azam_a_image(directory+'a_alpha', kk, r='i') ;flux = fld*cos(psi*!dtor)*(1.-alpha) ; NOTE!!! Hinode MERLIN inversions use fill fraction for alpha!! flux = fld*cos(psi*!dtor)*alpha cen1 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_cen1', kk, r='i') cen2 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_cen2', kk, r='i') azm1 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_1azm', kk, r='i') incl1 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_1incl', kk, r='i') azm2 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_2azm', kk, r='i') incl2 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_2incl', kk, r='i') azm0 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_azm0', kk, r='i') azm = azam_a_image(directory+'a_azm', kk, r='i') eta0 = azam_a_image(directory+'a_eta0', kk, r='i') dop = azam_a_image(directory+'a_dop', kk, r='i') dmp = azam_a_image(directory+'a_dmp', kk, r='i') bzero = azam_a_image(directory+'a_bzero', kk, r='i') b1mu = azam_a_image(directory+'a_b1mu', kk, r='i') delta = azam_a_image(directory+'a_delta', kk, r='i') ; Get where-array of fitted points. whrfit = kk.sxy ; Determine factor to reduce size of flux image in order to display entire ; image on screen with 10% margin. redfac = min([pedge * szscr(0) / szimg(1), pedge * szscr(1) / szimg(2)]) ; Reduced size flux image. redflux = congrid(flux,szimg(1) * redfac, szimg(2) * redfac, /interp) ; Display the flux image. redflux = bytscl(redflux, min=-1500., max=1500.) ; Select sub-area. jump53: azam_area_sel, redflux, redfac, xll, yll, xur, yur ; Get the reduced image coordinates in original image pixels. xllo = round(xll/redfac) & yllo = round(yll/redfac) xuro = round(xur/redfac) & yuro = round(yur/redfac) ; Restrain values to within original range. if(xllo lt 0) then xllo = 0 if(yllo lt 0) then yllo = 0 if(xuro gt szimg(1) - 1) then xuro = szimg(1) - 1 if(yuro gt szimg(2) - 1) then yuro = szimg(2) - 1 ; Check to see if sub-area fits in the available screen area. xwdth = xuro-xllo+1 if(xwdth gt szscr(0)) then begin print,'x-dimension of sub-area (',xwdth,') exceeds screen area (',szscr(0),'), select again' goto, jump53 endif ywdth = yuro-yllo+1 if(ywdth gt szscr(1)) then begin print,'y-dimension of sub-area (',ywdth,') exceeds screen area (',szscr(0),'), select again' goto, jump53 endif ; Write the ASP-style header to the temporary directory. nspansav = header(57) header(57) = yuro - yllo + 1 ; Set nspan in header err = write_floats(tempDirectory + '/a___header', header) header(57) = nspansav ; Find the solved where array for the the sub-area. temp = azam_a_image(directory + 'a_solved', kk, r='i') temp(*,*) = -1. temp(whrfit) = 1. temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) whrfnew = where(temp gt 0.) ; Reformulate the a__points array for the sub-area. nxn = xuro - xllo + 1 nyn = yuro - yllo + 1 fnxn = float(nxn) & fnyn = float(nyn) tsolv = fltarr(nxn, nyn) for ix = 0, nxn-1 do for iy = 0, nyn-1 do begin tsolv(ix,iy) = float(ix)*fnyn + float(iy) endfor kk.sxy = whrfnew err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__points', tsolv) ; Reformulate the a_solved array for the sub-area. asolnew = tsolv(whrfnew) ;kk.sxy = whrfnew err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_solved', asolnew) ; Now go through all the variables used by AZAM, reducing the ; size and writing them to a_* files in the temporary directory ; first do the variables already read in. temp = fld(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_fld', temp) temp = psi(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_psi', temp) temp = alpha(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_alpha', temp) ; variables defined for fitted points only temp = cen1(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_cen1', temp) temp = cen2(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_cen2', temp) temp = azm0(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_azm0', temp) temp = azm(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_azm', temp) temp = azm1(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_1azm', temp) temp = azm2(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_2azm', temp) temp = incl1(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_1incl', temp) temp = incl2(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_2incl', temp) ; variables used by ME profile generation temp = eta0(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_eta0', temp) temp = dop(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_dop', temp) temp = dmp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_dmp', temp) temp = bzero(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_bzero', temp) temp = b1mu(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_b1mu', temp) temp = delta(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) & temp = temp(whrfnew) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a_delta', temp) ; Continue with other needed variables not yet read in ; variables defined over whole area. temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__cct', kk, r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__cct', temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__utime', kk, r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__utime', temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__mu', kk, r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__mu', temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__pip', kk, r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__pip', temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__longitude', kk, r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__longitude', temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__latitude', kk, r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro, yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__latitude', temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__rgtasn',kk,r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__rgtasn',temp) temp = azam_a_image(directory+'a__dclntn',kk,r='i') & temp = temp(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) err = write_floats(tempDirectory+'/a__dclntn',temp) delwin ; Perform AZAM function on reduced area. azam, tempDirectory delwin ; After AZAM function on reduced area, replace affected files into original. n_azm = azam_a_image(tempDirectory+'/a_azm', r='i') azm(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) = n_azm & azm = azm(whrfit) err = write_floats(directory+'n_a_azm', azm) n_1azm = azam_a_image(tempDirectory+'/a_1azm', r='i') azm1(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) = n_1azm & azm1 = azm1(whrfit) err = write_floats(directory+'n_a_1azm', azm1) n_2azm = azam_a_image(tempDirectory+'/a_2azm', r='i') azm2(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) = n_2azm & azm2 = azm2(whrfit) err = write_floats(directory+'n_a_2azm', azm2) n_1incl = azam_a_image(tempDirectory+'/a_1incl', r='i') incl1(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) = n_1incl & incl1 = incl1(whrfit) err = write_floats(directory+'n_a_1incl', incl1) n_2incl = azam_a_image(tempDirectory+'/a_2incl', r='i') incl2(xllo:xuro,yllo:yuro) = n_2incl & incl2 = incl2(whrfit) err = write_floats(directory+'n_a_2incl', incl2) ; Cleanup the temporary directory and delete it, move the altered disambiguation files. azam_cleanup, directory, tempDirectory goto,jump16 ; Run the normal AZAM routine if image fits within the display. jump15: azam, directory delwin jump16: ; check to process another area clk = pop_cult(/string, xpos=100,ypos=200 $ , title = 'Process another Area?' $ ,['^rYES, Process Area','^gNO, CONTINUE']) if clk eq 'YES, Process Area' then goto,jump13 if clk eq 'NO, CONTINUE' then goto,jump17 jump17: ; reset the color table to B/W loadct,0 ; prompt to output a FITS ambiguity resolution file clk = pop_cult(/string, xpos=100,ypos=200 $ , title = 'Write an AZAM ambiguity resolution FITS file?' $ ,['^rYES, Write FITS file','^gNO, END AZAM']) if clk eq 'YES, Write FITS file' then goto,jump18 if clk eq 'NO, END AZAM' then goto,jump19 jump18: ; output the ambiguity solution to a FITS file. This will be a ; byte array containing 0 where the resolution matches the original ; inversion output, and 1 where it differs from the original. azzorig = azam_a_image(directory+'a_azm0') ; read in original azimuth azz = azam_a_image(directory+'a_azm') ; read in original azimuth sz = size(azz) nnx = sz(1) & nny = sz(2) azam_ambig_resol = bytarr(nnx,nny) azam_ambig_resol(*,*) = 0 temp = azzorig-azz whr = where(abs(temp) gt 1.) azam_ambig_resol(whr) = 1 ; read in the original Hinode FITS header restore,directory+'' ; write FITS file ;fits_write,'AZAM_ambig_resol.fits',azam_ambig_resol,header ; modification to just write a simple FITS header (drop header from ; argument list of fits_write) ; This file is written in the local working AZAM directory fits_write,'AZAM_ambig_resol.fits',azam_ambig_resol jump19: return end