pro azam_init_hinode, merlin_fits_file, data_directory=data_directory, $ azam_source_directory=azam_source_directory ; Initialize AZAM for Hinode ; INPUTS: ; merlin_fits_file - path to MERLIN inversion FITS file ; KEYWORDS: ; data_directory - path to output directory for AZAM results ; default = current directory ; azam_source_directory - path to AZAM source code to be used here ; If directory not passed, use current working directory. if keyword_set(data_directory) then begin print,' using current directory to output AZAM results' cd, current = data_directory endif else begin data_directory = './' endelse ; For consistency, append directory path with '/'. if(strmid(data_directory, strlen(data_directory)-1, 1) ne '/') then begin data_directory = data_directory + '/' endif ; Prepend source to SSW path. path = './' if keyword_set(azam_source_directory) then begin ssw_path, azam_source_directory, /full_prepend path = azam_source_directory endif ; Prepend source to IDL path. ;path = azam_source_directory path_separator = path_sep(/search_path) !path = expand_path('+'+path) + path_separator + !path ; prepare the ASP-like a_* files for AZAM ; check to see if AZAM file exists in data_directory. If it does, ; then bypass the azam_prep_hinode and continue to the main part of ; azam azam_file = read_floats( data_directory+'AZAM', error ) if error ne 0 then begin azam_prep_hinode, merlin_fits_file, afiles_dir = data_directory endif ; run the AZAM code adapted for Hinode azam_hinodesp, data_directory end