pro azam_spectra, aa, hh ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_spectra ; ; purpose: display data spectra. ; ; lites:modified 16 Aug 2010 for Hinode data input ; Original code for 2-component fit remains, but is commented ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; INPUTS: ; xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro = Input corner pixels of reduced map ; aa = I/O azam data set structure ; hh = I/O highlight structure ; common area for usage in common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ maxsz,ntran,mscatt ; calculate the pixel ranges for wavelength cutouts nline = n_elements(iwstrt) ; nlinr = ranges of pixels for output array for each spectrum line nlinr = intarr(nline,2) ; nwave = total number of wavelengths to output nwave = 0 for kk = 0,nline-1 do begin nwlin = (iwend(kk)-iwstrt(kk) + 1) nlinr(kk,0) = nwave nlinr(kk,1) = nlinr(kk,0) + nwlin - 1 nwave = nwave + nwlin endfor ;Save system variables. sav_p = !p ;Ask if user wants new file. if aa.spectra ne '' then $ if pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Use Hinode spectra file already entered ?' $ , ['^gyes','no','^g** DEFAULT **','** HELP **'] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ ["If the path to the Hinode spectra file is the same as for the last"$ ,"'menu'-->'spectra'; 'yes' saves retyping the path."$ ,""$ ," yes - use same file path as last 'menu'-->'spectra'"$ ," no - user enters Hinode specta file path in a widget that"$ ," that pops up"$ ,"** DEFAULT ** - same as clicking other green button"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) $ eq 'no' then aa.spectra='' ;Get file path. if aa.spectra eq '' then begin path = azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter path Hinode map fits directory)') if path eq '' or path eq 'q' then return ; For consistency, append directory path with '/'. if(strmid(path, strlen(path)-1, 1) ne '/') then path = path + '/' print,'level1 data path: ',path end else begin path = aa.spectra end ; Get observed spectra for image area being displayed print,'Collecting observed Stokes profiles....' derf = file_search(path, '*SP3D*.fits') nfile = sizeof_sbsp(derf) print,'number of files = ',nfile ; Get image dimensions readl1_sbsp,derf(0),obstks,hdr sz = size(obstks) numx = sz(1) & nsl = sz(2) & nstks = sz(3) nstk1 = nstks-1 ; Dimensions of reduced array nmstep = xuro-xllo+1 numy = yuro-yllo+1 ; Create observed data array print, 'creating observed spectra data base...' obsdat = lonarr(numx,nstks,nmstep,numy) for kk = xllo,xuro do begin readl1_sbsp,derf(kk),obstks,hdr for jj = yllo,yuro do begin for istk = 0,nstk1 do begin obsdat(*,istk,kk-xllo,jj-yllo) = long(obstks(*,jj,istk)) endfor endfor endfor ; Get the scattered light profile from this directory flnm_stksimg = file_search(path, '*') restore,flnm_stksimg ; Set first scan number to 0, using full reduced sizearray snum0 = 0 ; for computing profiles on the fly, setup the input parameters in ; common com_mefitparams azam_unno_setup,aa,scatlp ; get number of wavelength ranges nwrng = n_elements(iwstrt) aa.spectra = path ;Set plot charsize. charsize = .5*aa.csiz ;x axis ramp array. vecx = indgen(numx) ;Get instrument frame structure. void, azam_b_image( aa.dty+'a__cct', b_str=b ) ;Read a_bzero file. bzero = azam_a_image( aa.dty+'a_bzero',aa) ;Form instrument map of xy locations. tmp = replicate(-1L,b.npoints) tmp(aa.vec_pxy) = (lindgen(aa.xdim,aa.ydim))(aa.pxy) off_xy = replicate(-1L,b.xdim,b.ydim) off_xy(b.pxy) = tmp off_x0 = b.x0 off_y0 = b.y0 off_x1 = b.x0+b.xdim-1 off_y1 = b.y0+b.ydim-1 tmp=0 & b=0 ;Old cursor postions. xsav = -2 ysav = -1 ;Initially no instructions. azam_message, aa, in_red = 1 ;Initialize automatic scaling. fix_i=0. & max_i=0. fix_q=0. & max_q=0. fix_v=0. & max_v=0. ;Initially do not do crossing spectra. alongy = 0 ;Open window spectra image. if aa.winfree then begin window, /free, xsize=4*numx, ysize=numy+20, title='scan step' end else begin window, /free, xsize=4*numx, ysize=numy+20, title='scan step' $ , xpos=1130-2*(numx > nmstep), ypos=890-20-2*numy-50 end wg = !d.window ;Open windows for profile plots. sz = 300 ;if twoComp then begin ; if aa.winfree then begin ; window, /free, xsize=2*sz, ysize=2*sz, title='two component' ; end else begin ; window, /free, xsize=2*sz, ysize=2*sz, title='two component' $ ; , xpos=1130-3*sz, ypos=40+40 ; end ; wt = !d.window ;end if aa.winfree then begin window, /free, xsize=2*sz, ysize=2*sz, title='(x,y) profiles' end else begin window, /free, xsize=2*sz, ysize=2*sz, title='(x,y) profiles' $ , xpos=1130-2*sz, ypos=40 end wu = !d.window window, /free, xsize=2*sz, ysize=2*sz, /pixmap wp = !d.window have_un = 0L ;Infinite loop. infinity: ;Presume coodinates are off windows. xs = -1 ys = -1 ;Check for initialization pass. if xsav eq -2 then begin if aa.xrpnt(aa.xdim/2,aa.ydim/2) ge 0 then begin xs = aa.xrpnt(aa.xdim/2,aa.ydim/2) ys = aa.yrpnt(aa.xdim/2,aa.ydim/2) end err_ = 1 xstep = -1 ystep = -1 end else begin ;Print instructions. if in_red then begin azam_message, aa $ , 'left(scan_step) middle(rescale) right(menu)' in_red = 0 end ;Get cursor status on scan step image. wset,wg & cursor,xg,yg,/device,/nowait & errg=!err xj = -1 if alongy then begin wset,wj & cursor,xj,yj,/device,/nowait & errj=!err end ;Cursor on profile image. if xg ge 0 or xj ge 0 then begin if xg ge 0 then begin err_ = errg xs = xstep & if yg gt 2*numy then xs=-1 ys = yg mod numy end else begin err_ = errj xs = (xj mod nmstep)+snum0 ys = ystep & if yj gt 2*numx then xs=-1 end ;Get (x,y) coordinates for computed cursor. xcyc = 0 if xs ge off_x0 and xs le off_x1 $ and ys ge off_y0 and ys le off_y1 then begin tmp = off_xy( xs-off_x0, ys-off_y0 ) ycc = tmp/aa.xdim xcc = tmp-ycc*aa.xdim if tmp ge 0 then xcyc=[xcc,ycc] end ;Do computed cursor. azam_cursor, aa, xerase, yerase $ ,aa.ww(0).win,aa.ww(1).win,aa.ww(2).win, undef,undef $ , undef,undef $ , eraser0, eraser1, eraser2, undef,undef $ , xc, yc, state $ , likely=likely $ , no_ttack=no_ttack, xcyc=xcyc end else begin ;Do computed field cursors. azam_cursor, aa, xerase, yerase $ ,aa.ww(0).win,aa.ww(1).win,aa.ww(2).win, undef,undef $ , undef,undef $ , eraser0, eraser1, eraser2, undef,undef $ , xc, yc, state $ , likely=likely $ , no_ttack=no_ttack ;Button state. err_ = state > ;Cursor on main windows. if xc ge 0 then begin if aa.xrpnt(xc,yc) ge 0 then begin xs = aa.xrpnt(xc,yc) ys = aa.yrpnt(xc,yc) end end end end ;Process mouse button state. case err_ of ;Plot scan_step if left button clicked. ;(redo all spectra plots) 1: xsav = -1 ;Rescale if middle button clicked. 2: begin fix_i = max_i fix_q = max_q fix_v = max_v xsav = -1 end ;Put up menu on right button click. 4: begin ; Select the observed and fitted profiles for this point ; Observed profiles i_obs = obsdat(*,0,xs,ys) q_obs = obsdat(*,1,xs,ys) u_obs = obsdat(*,2,xs,ys) v_obs = obsdat(*,3,xs,ys) ; adjust for pixel offsets of sub=area unno_sgl,xllo+xs,yllo+ys,scatlp,mefit_sgl,ifit_sgl,nounnofit have_un = 0 if nounnofit eq 0 then begin i_mag = mefit_sgl(*,0) i_fit = ifit_sgl(*) q_fit = mefit_sgl(*,1) u_fit = mefit_sgl(*,2) v_fit = mefit_sgl(*,3) have_un = 1L endif ;Clear instructions. azam_message, aa, in_red = 1 ;Pop up menu. btn = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Click on one.' $ , ['auto scaling','cross spectra' $ , (['^x',''])(have_un)+'postScript' $ , (['^x',''])(have_un)+'encapsulated' $ , '^g** DISMISS **','^yEXIT SPECTRA','** HELP **',''] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ [" auto scaling - plot spectra with auto scaling"$ ," cross spectra - enable Y pixel images (takes time)"$ ," postScript - Output postScript file for point"$ ,"encapsulated - Output encapsulated postScript file"$ ,"** DISMISS ** - continue with spectra"$ ," EXIT SPECTRA - return to regular azam"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) case btn of 'auto scaling': begin fix_i = 0. fix_q = 0. fix_v = 0. end 'cross spectra': begin if alongy eq 0 then begin ;Open window for crossing spectra image. if aa.winfree then begin window, /free $ ,xsize=2*nmstep $ ,ysize=2*numx+20 $ ,title='along slit' end else begin window, /free $ ,xsize=2*nmstep $ ,ysize=2*numx+20 $ ,title='along slit' $ ,xpos=1130-2*(numx>nmstep)-20 $ ,ypos=890-20-2*numx end wj = !d.window end alongy = 1 xsav = -1 err_ = 1 end 'postScript': begin noImag = pop_cult( [ '^gyes', 'no' ] $ , title='plot i-magnetic profile ?' $ , winfree=aa.winfree ) if azam_out_dir( aa, o_dir ) then $ ps_profiles,i_obs,q_obs,u_obs,v_obs,have_un,i_mag,i_fit, $ q_fit,u_fit,v_fit,have_un,xs,ys,noImag=noImag end 'encapsulated': begin noImag = pop_cult( [ '^gyes', 'no' ] $ , title='plot i-magnetic profile ?' $ , winfree=aa.winfree ) if azam_out_dir( aa, o_dir ) then $ ps_profiles,i_obs,q_obs,u_obs,v_obs,have_un,i_mag,i_fit, $ q_fit,u_fit,v_fit,have_un,xs,ys,/encapsulated, $ noImag=noImag end 'EXIT SPECTRA': goto, break0 else: end end else: end ;Check if spectra position unchanged. if xs eq xsav and ys eq ysav then begin wait, .005 goto, infinity end ;Erase windows if off data. if xs lt 0 then begin if xsav ge 0 then begin wset, wu erase, aa.white ; if twoComp then begin ; wset, wt ; erase, aa.white ; end end xsav = -1 have_un = 0 wait, .005 goto, infinity end ;Save spectra position. xsav = xs ysav = ys ; Observed profiles i_obs = obsdat(*,0,xs,ys) q_obs = obsdat(*,1,xs,ys) u_obs = obsdat(*,2,xs,ys) v_obs = obsdat(*,3,xs,ys) ; compute ME fits on the fly ; adjust for pixel offsets of sub=area unno_sgl,xllo+xs,yllo+ys,scatlp,mefit_sgl,ifit_sgl,nounnofit have_un = 0 if nounnofit eq 0 then begin i_mag = mefit_sgl(*,0) i_fit = ifit_sgl(*) q_fit = mefit_sgl(*,1) u_fit = mefit_sgl(*,2) v_fit = mefit_sgl(*,3) have_un = 1L endif ; ;Read 2nd Unno component. ; if twoComp then begin ; i_2nd = as_fb(offfb+5) ; q_2nd = as_fb(offfb+6) ; u_2nd = as_fb(offfb+7) ; v_2nd = as_fb(offfb+8) ; ; ;Swap bytes for !version.os ; ;(linux known to do this). ; ;if !version.os eq 'linux' then begin ; ;i_2nd = swap_endian( i_2nd ) ; ;q_2nd = swap_endian( q_2nd ) ; ;u_2nd = swap_endian( u_2nd ) ; ;v_2nd = swap_endian( v_2nd ) ; ;end ; ; ;Recover 1st Unno component. ; b0 = bzero(zxc,zyc)*aa.pp(aa.cct).value(zxc,zyc) ; i_1st = i_mag-i_2nd-b0 ; q_1st = q_fit-q_2nd ; u_1st = u_fit-u_2nd ; v_1st = v_fit-v_2nd ; end ;Factor to allow margin. fm = 1.05 ;Plot unsolved point. if not have_un then begin ;Do plotting in pixmap window. wset, wp ;Plot i profile. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ] max_i = max(i_obs) mx = fm*max_i plot, [0,numx-1], [0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, plots, vecx, i_obs, ;Plot q profile. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 ] max_q = max(abs(q_obs)) > max(abs(u_obs)) if fix_q ne 0. then mx=fix_q else mx=max_q plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, plots, vecx, q_obs, ;Plot u profile. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ] plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, plots, vecx, u_obs, ;Plot v profile. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ] max_v = max(abs(v_obs)) if fix_v ne 0. then mx=fix_v else mx=max_v plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, plots, vecx, v_obs, ;Print some information. ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, /device, align=.5, sz, sz-3, $ , '('+stringit(xllo+xs)+','+stringit(yllo+ys)+')', charsize=1.7 ;Copy pixmap to screen. wset, wu & device, copy=[0,0,2*sz,2*sz,0,0,wp] ; if twoComp then begin ; wset, wt & device, copy=[0,0,2*sz,2*sz,0,0,wp] ; end end ;Plot profiles & Unno fit. if have_un then begin ;Do plotting in pixmap window. wset, wp ;Plot i profiles with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ] max_i = max(i_obs) > max(i_fit) mx=max_i plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin ; plot fitted i_mag in blue plots, vecx(iwstrt(iline):iwend(iline)), $ i_mag(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), plots, vecx(iwstrt(iline):iwend(iline)), $ i_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), endfor ; bypass magnetic only I-profile plotting ; plots, vecx, i_mag, plots, vecx, i_obs, ;Plot q profile with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 ] max_q = max(abs(q_obs)) > max(abs(u_obs)) $ > max(abs(q_fit)) > max(abs(u_fit)) ; if twoComp then $ ; max_q = max_q $ ; > max(abs(q_1st)) > max(abs(u_1st)) $ ; > max(abs(q_2nd)) > max(abs(u_2nd)) if fix_q ne 0. then mx=fix_q else mx=max_q plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin plots, vecx(iwstrt(iline):iwend(iline)), $ q_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), endfor plots, vecx, q_obs, ;Plot u profile with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ] plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin plots, vecx(iwstrt(iline):iwend(iline)), $ u_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), endfor plots, vecx, u_obs, ;Plot v profile with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ] max_v = max(abs(v_obs)) > max(abs(v_fit)) ; if twoComp then $ ; max_v = max_v > max(abs(v_1st)) > max(abs(v_2nd)) if fix_v ne 0. then mx=fix_v else mx=max_v plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin plots, vecx(iwstrt(iline):iwend(iline)), $ v_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), endfor plots, vecx, v_obs, ;Print some information. ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, /device, align=.5, sz, sz-3, $ , '('+stringit(xllo+xs)+','+stringit(yllo+ys)+')', charsize=1.7 ;Copy pixmap to screen. wset, wu & device, copy=[0,0,2*sz,2*sz,0,0,wp] end ;Plot two component fit. ; if have_un and twoComp then begin ; ; ;Do plotting in pixmap window. ; wset, wp ; ; !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ] ; mx = max_i ; plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ ; , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, ; plots, vecx, i_mag, ; plots, vecx, i_1st, ; plots, vecx, i_2nd, ; plots, vecx, i_fit, ; plots, vecx, i_obs, ; ; ;Plot q profile with Unno fit. ; !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 ] ; if fix_q ne 0. then mx=fix_q else mx=max_q ; plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ ; , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, ; plots, vecx, q_1st, ; plots, vecx, q_2nd, ; plots, vecx, q_obs, ; ; ;Plot u profile with Unno fit. ; !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ] ; plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ ; , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, ; plots, vecx, u_1st, ; plots, vecx, u_2nd, ; plots, vecx, u_obs, ; ; ;Plot v profile with Unno fit. ; !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ] ; if fix_v ne 0. then mx=fix_v else mx=max_v ; plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ ; , charsize=charsize, background=aa.white, ; plots, vecx, v_1st, ; plots, vecx, v_2nd, ; plots, vecx, v_obs, ; ; ;Print some information. ; xyouts, /device, align=.5, sz, sz-3, $ ; , '('+stringit(xs)+','+stringit(ys)+')', charsize=1.7 ; ; ;Copy pixmap to screen. ; wset, wt & device, copy=[0,0,2*sz,2*sz,0,0,wp] ; end ;Do gray scale plot if clicked. if err_ eq 1 then begin ;Erase instructions. azam_message, aa, in_red = 1 ;Flag so (x,y) plot will not erase. xsav = -1 ;Save profile image step postion number. xstep = xs ystep = ys ;Read and plot slit position image. if alongy then begin wset, wj & erase, aa.white i_obs = lonarr(nmstep,numx,/nozero) q_obs = lonarr(nmstep,numx,/nozero) u_obs = lonarr(nmstep,numx,/nozero) v_obs = lonarr(nmstep,numx,/nozero) temp = lonarr(nmstep,numx,/nozero) temp(*,*) = transpose(obsdat(*,0,*,ys)) iscale = 32767./max(temp) i_obs(*,*) = long(temp*iscale) ;i_obs(*,*) = transpose(obsdat(*,0,*,ys)) q_obs(*,*) = transpose(obsdat(*,1,*,ys)) u_obs(*,*) = transpose(obsdat(*,2,*,ys)) v_obs(*,*) = transpose(obsdat(*,3,*,ys)) tvasp, long(i_obs) and '0000FFFF'XL, 0, numx $ , /gray & i_obs=0 mx = max(abs(q_obs)) > max(abs(u_obs)) tvasp, q_obs, nmstep, numx, min=-mx, max=mx $ , /gray & q_obs=0 tvasp, u_obs, 0, 0, min=-mx, max=mx $ , /gray & u_obs=0 mx = max(abs(v_obs)) tvasp, v_obs, nmstep, 0, min=-mx, max=mx $ , /gray & v_obs=0 ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, nmstep, 2*numx+3, 'slit pix '+stringit(yllo+ys) $ , /device, align=.5,, charsize=1.7 q_obs = replicate(aa.white,1,20) ;tv, q_obs, xs-snum0, 2*numx-20 ;tv, q_obs, nmstep+xs-snum0, 2*numx-20 tv, q_obs, xs-snum0, numx-20 tv, q_obs, nmstep+xs-snum0, numx-20 tv, q_obs, 2*nmstep+xs-snum0, numx-20 tv, q_obs, 3*nmstep+xs-snum0, numx-20 end ;Read and plot I profile scan_step. ; point_lun, unit, 512+(xs-snum0)*rcd+512 ; i_obs = intarr(numx,numy,/nozero) & readu, unit, i_obs i_obs = intarr(numx, numy, /nozero) temp = lonarr(numx,numy, /nozero) temp(*,*) = obsdat(*,0,xs,*) iscale = 32767./max(temp) i_obs(*,*) = fix(temp*iscale) wset, wg & erase, aa.white ;tvasp, long(i_obs) and '0000FFFF'XL, 0, numy, /gray tvasp, long(i_obs) and '0000FFFF'XL, 0, 0, /gray i_obs = 0 ;Read QUV scan steps. q_obs = intarr(numx, numy, /nozero) q_obs(*,*) = obsdat(*,1,xs,*) u_obs = intarr(numx, numy, /nozero) u_obs(*,*) = obsdat(*,2,xs,*) v_obs = intarr(numx, numy, /nozero) v_obs(*,*) = iscale*obsdat(*,3,xs,*) ;Plot QUV to same gray scale. mx = max(abs(q_obs)) > max(abs(u_obs)) tvasp, q_obs, numx, 0, min=-mx, max=mx, /gray tvasp, u_obs,2*numx, 0, min=-mx, max=mx, /gray mx = max(abs(v_obs)) tvasp, v_obs, 3*numx, 0, min=-mx, max=mx, /gray ;Plot position along slit. ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, 2*numx,numy+3, 'scan pix '+stringit(xllo+xs) $ , /device, align=.5,, charsize=1.7 q_obs = replicate(aa.white,20) tv, q_obs, numx-20, ys tv, q_obs, numx-20, numy+ys tv, q_obs, 2*numx-20, ys tv, q_obs, 2*numx-20, numy+ys ;Print some information. ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, numx, 2*numy+3, 'step '+stringit(xllo+xs) $ , /device, align=.5,, charsize=1.7 end ;Go to beginning of infinite loop. goto, infinity ;I/O error exit. error0: print, !err_string aa.spectra='' ;Normal exit. break0: wset, aa.winb & erase ;Delete windows. if n_elements(wt) ne 0 then wdelete, wt if n_elements(wu) ne 0 then wdelete, wu if n_elements(wp) ne 0 then wdelete, wp if n_elements(wg) ne 0 then wdelete, wg if n_elements(wj) ne 0 then wdelete, wj ;Restore display windows. tw, aa.ww(0).win, aa.ww(0).img, 0, 0 tw, aa.ww(1).win, aa.ww(1).img, 0, 0 tw, aa.ww(2).win, aa.ww(2).img, 0, 0 ;Restore system variables. !p = sav_p end