pro azam_unno_setup,aa,scatlp ; Sets up the data for computing profiles on the fly ; this routine now does all the preliminary stuff before the mouse ; starts moving ; This routine hardwired for standard Hinode Level2 data reduction ; purpose: Compute Unno Stokes profiles from MERLIN output ; parameters. This version inputs arrays of parameters ; and performs operations for arrays of dimension [npix = nx*nsl] ; Unno spectra calculated in same way as ASP inversion code, but ; modified for either scattered light/fill fraction formulation ; INPUT: ; aa - AZAM input structure ; scatlp - observed hinode scattered light profile ; OUTPUTS: ; Outputs are to common com_mefitparams ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; some constants specific to standard Hinode data output ccc = 299792.458D ; light speed in km/sec ; common area for usage in common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ maxsz,ntran,mscatt ; common area for storing the inversion results and other parameters ; that will be used for the display of ME profiles common com_mefitparams, nlinr,nwave,ctrwav,fld,eta0,dmp,dop,bzero, $ b1mu,cen1,cen2,alpha,cct,delta,ffscat,cos2azm,sin2azm,csn, $ ffinst,mask1,mask2,isolv nwl1 = maxsz-1 ; calculate the pixel ranges for wavelength cutouts nline = n_elements(iwstrt) ; nlinr = ranges of pixels for output array for each spectrum line nlinr = intarr(nline,2) ; nwave = total number of wavelengths to output nwave = 0 for kk = 0,nline-1 do begin nwlin = (iwend(kk)-iwstrt(kk) + 1) nlinr(kk,0) = nwave nlinr(kk,1) = nlinr(kk,0) + nwlin - 1 nwave = nwave + nwlin endfor ; compute wavelengths of line centers in mA from 0th pixel ctrwav = float(iwstrt)*dispers + 1000.*(wavlngth - basewav) ; read in the data from the temporary ASP-like files fld = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_fld',bb,r='i') psi = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_psi',bb,r='i') azm = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_azm',bb,r='i') eta0 = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_eta0',bb,r='i') dmp = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_dmp',bb,r='i') dop = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_dop',bb,r='i') bzero = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_bzero',bb,r='i') b1mu = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_b1mu',bb,r='i') ; note: like MERLIN inversions, line center positions are assumed ; to be in km/sec with redshift positive cen1 = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_cen1',bb,r='i') cen2 = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_cen2',bb,r='i') alpha = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_alpha',bb,r='i') cct = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a__cct',bb,r='i') delta = azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_delta',bb,r='i') solv = long(azam_a_image(full_directory+'a_solved',bb,r='i')) ; get dimensions of input map sz = size(fld) nx = sz(1) & ny = sz(2) ; the solv array is non-zero if a point is solved but starts at ; zero for the [0,0] position. Check to see if that point is ; solved by examining inversions isolv = bytarr(nx,ny) isolv(*,*) = 1 whr = where(solv eq 0L) isolv(whr) = 0 if (fld(0,0) ne 0. and dop(0,0) ne 0.) then isolv(0,0) = 1 ; define temporary 1-D arrays dmpp = fltarr(ny) & dopp = fltarr(ny) & fldd = fltarr(ny) ctr = dblarr(ny) & etaz = fltarr(ny) & csnn = fltarr(ny) ; temporary array for full fitted profile ifit = lonarr(maxsz) ; compute fourier transform of scattered light profile for ; fourier shifting. First step is to extend to ntran scatsh = fltarr(ntran) scatsh(0:nwl1) = scatlp scatsh = extend_sbsp(scatsh,0,nwl1) ; now fourier transform ffscat = fft(scatsh,-1) ; convert azimuth to radians, get sines, cosines azz = azm*!dtor cos2azm = cos(2.*azz) sin2azm = sin(2.*azz) ; get cosine of inclination to LOS csn = cos(psi*!dtor) ; construct an analytic fourier transform of the Gaussian gausstrans,wavlngth,ntran,vbroad,dispers,ffinst ; generate the mask functions for extension of data to ntran pixels maskgen,ntran,iwstrt,iwend,maxsz,mask1,mask2 return end