pro rdmerlinfits,directory,merdat ; procedure input the inversion results from MERLIN, save ; in a common area, including UT ; INPUTS: directory = AZAM data directory ; merdat = path name to the Merlin output fits file ; common area for outputs common com_merlinresults, $ fld, psi, azm, eta0, dmp, dop,$ bzero, b1mu, vmac, cen1, cen2, alpha, $ delta, cct, chisq, chisq_i, chisq_q, $ chisq_u, chisq_v, signed_v, niter, occt, $ rconv, netpol, netpol_full, $ fld_er, psi_er, azm_er, eta0_er, dmp_er, dop_er, $ bzero_er, b1mu_er, vmac_er, cen1_er, cen2_er, $ alpha_er, delta_er,xx,yy,slat,slong, $ yr,mnth,dy,hr,minit,sec ; MERLIN data strr = azam_merlin_fits_read(directory,merdat) ; setup arrays fld = strr.field_strength psi = strr.field_inclination azm = strr.field_azimuth eta0 = strr.line_strength dmp = strr.damping dop = strr.doppler_width bzero = strr.source_function b1mu = strr.source_function_gradient vmac = strr.macro_turbulence cen1 = strr.doppler_shift1 cen2 = strr.doppler_shift2 alpha = strr.stray_light_fill_factor delta = strr.stray_light_shift cct = strr.continuum_intensity occt = strr.original_continuum_intensity chisq = strr.chisq_total chisq_i = strr.chisq_i chisq_q = strr.chisq_q chisq_u = strr.chisq_u chisq_v = strr.chisq_v signed_v = strr.stokesv_magnitude niter = strr.number_of_iterations rconv = strr.fitting_attribute netpol = strr.polarization ;mer_netpol_full = dblarr(nmer,nsl) fld_er = strr.field_strength_error psi_er = strr.field_inclination_error azm_er = strr.field_azimuth_error eta0_er = strr.line_strength_error dmp_er = strr.damping_error dop_er = strr.doppler_width_error bzero_er = strr.source_function_error b1mu_er = strr.source_function_gradient_error vmac_er = strr.macro_turbulence_error cen1_er = strr.doppler_shift1_error cen2_er = strr.doppler_shift2_error alpha_er = strr.stray_light_fill_factor_error delta_er = strr.stray_light_shift_error xx = strr.x_coordinate yy = strr.y_coordinate ; get some dimensions npix = n_elements(xx) sz = size(xx) nxx = sz(1) & nyy = sz(2) ; get the time information from the FITS file timez = strr.times.times yr=fix(strmid(timez,0,4)) mnth=fix(strmid(timez,5,2)) dy=fix(strmid(timez,8,2)) hr=fix(strmid(timez,11,2)) minit=fix(strmid(timez,14,2)) sec=float(strmid(timez,17,6)) ; find the solar latitude,longitude from XX, YY mdpt = n_elements(hr)/2 timmm = timez(mdpt) ; get a 2-D string array for time to enable more precise ; ephemeris calculations throughout maps time2d = strarr(nxx,nyy) for jj = 0,nyy-1 do time2d(*,jj) = timez ; xy2lonlat calculates its own ephemeris values based on times arcvec = fltarr(2,npix) arcvec(0,*) = xx arcvec(1,*) = yy lonlat = xy2lonlat(arcvec,time2d) slong = fltarr(nxx,nyy) & slat = fltarr(nxx,nyy) slong(*,*) = lonlat(0,*) slat(*,*) = lonlat(1,*) return end