pro azam_op_usage ;+ ; ; procedure: azam_op ; ; purpose: compute azam structure & display an ASP op ; ; routines: azam_op_usage azam_op_image azam_op ; ; author: paul@ncar 6/93 ;- ; Check number of parameters. if(1) then begin print print, "usage: azam_op_hmi, aa, hh" print print, " Compute azam structure & display an ASP op." print print, " Arguments" print, " aa - output azam data set structure." print, " Some info from the input aa is" print, " relayed to output aa. Input aa.dty" print, " must be path to directory with" print, " a_* files." print, " hh - output highlight structure" print return endif end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; procedure: azam_op_image ; ; purpose: install byte image in azam parameter structure ; ; usage: azam_op_image, aa, iprm ; ; aa - input azam structure. ; iprm - input parameter number. ; ; There are aa.nprm parameter structures 'aa.pp(*)'. ; Parameter structure iprm includes floating point array ; 'aa.pp(iprm).value'. '' keyword values to ; produce a byte image are in structure 'aa.pp(iprm).color'. ; azam_op_image uses color coding aa.pp(iprm).color to ; produce a byte image of aa.pp(iprm).value and store ; the image in 'aa.pp(iprm).img'. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_op_image, aa, iprm case 1 of ; All raster points on white background. aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints and aa.pp(iprm).color.back eq aa.white: $ tvasp, aa.pp(iprm).value, bi=tmp, /notable, /notv $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert $ , wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , white=aa.pbkg ; Solved raster points on white background. aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.nsolved and aa.pp(iprm).color.back eq aa.white: $ tvasp, aa.pp(iprm).value, bi=tmp, /notable, /notv $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert $ , wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , white=aa.sbkg ; All raster points on black background. aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints and aa.pp(iprm).color.back eq $ tvasp, aa.pp(iprm).value, bi=tmp, /notable, /notv $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert $ , wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , black=aa.pbkg ; Solved raster points on black background. aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.nsolved and aa.pp(iprm).color.back eq $ tvasp, aa.pp(iprm).value, bi=tmp, /notable, /notv $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert $ , wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap $ , black=aa.sbkg ; Use data background. else: tvasp, aa.pp(iprm).value, bi=tmp, /notable, /notv $ , min=aa.pp(iprm).color.min, max=aa.pp(iprm).color.max $ , gray=aa.pp(iprm).color.gray, invert=aa.pp(iprm).color.invert $ , wrap=aa.pp(iprm).color.wrap endcase ; Install byte image in parameter structure. aa.pp(iprm).img = tmp end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; procedure: azam_op_hmi ; ; purpose: compute azam structure & display an ASP op ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_op_hmi, aa, hh ; Check number of parameters. if(n_params() eq 0) then begin azam_op_usage return endif ; Common info about tvasp color table. ; FOR NEW AZAM, common area with X-, Y-pixel sizes for image displays common psimages,delx,dely ; common area for azam spectra. Needed here for mscatt flag for ; fill fraction/scattered light formulation for flux determination below common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ maxsz,ntran,mscatt ; ADDED 8/4/2010 if 2x or 3x magnification will not fit on screen, ; disable buttons. instrument2x = 'instrument 2x' instrument3x = 'instrument 3x' ; Get the size of the map. cct = azam_a_image(aa.dty+'a__cct', kk, r='i') szimg = size(cct) ; Defined in xDimension = szimg[1] yDimension = szimg[2] if(azam_fitsOnScreen(xDimension * 2, yDimension * 2) eq 'false') then begin instrument2x = '^xinstrument 2x' instrument3x = '^xinstrument 3x' endif else begin if(azam_fitsOnScreen(xDimension * 3, yDimension * 3) eq 'false') then begin instrument3x = '^xinstrument 3x' endif endelse ; END ADDED ; Get reference frame and magnification. aa.what_now = pop_cult(/string, rows=3, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Click reference frame & magnification' $ ;+ ' (zenith frame required for PostScript)' $ , ['^ginstrument 1x', instrument2x, instrument3x $ , 'zenith 1x', 'zenith 2x', 'zenith 3x' $ , '^g** DEFAULT **', '** HELP **', '^r** EXIT AZAM **'] $ , help='azam', arg0='type', arg2= $ [" instrument ~ Use instrument reference frame. Images displayed"$ , " on rectangular grid the way it was taken."$ , " zenith ~ Use zenith reference frame. Images displayed"$ , " for observer normal to solar surface."$ , " 1x,2x,3x ~ Magnification of displayed images."$ , " ** DEFAULT ** ~ Same as clicking other green button."$ , " ** HELP ** ~ Print this information."$ , "** EXIT AZAM ** ~ Exit AZAM."]) case aa.what_now of '** EXIT AZAM **': return 'instrument 1x': begin stretch = 0 t = 1 end 'instrument 2x': begin stretch = 0 t = 2 end 'instrument 3x': begin stretch = 0 t = 3 end 'zenith 1x': begin stretch = 1 t = 1 end 'zenith 2x': begin stretch = 1 t = 2 end 'zenith 3x': begin stretch = 1 t = 3 end else: begin stretch = 0 t = 1 end endcase ; Retain whats needed from input structure. ; Frees memory if aa is being replaced. aa = $ { dty: aa.dty $ ;Path to a_* file directory. , wina: aa.wina $ ;Window number displaying ASCII values. , winp: aa.winp $ ;Window number of pixmap copied to wina. , winb: aa.winb $ ;Interaxtive winb window number. , blt: aa.blt $ ;Interactive winb window button length. , bwd: aa.bwd $ ;Interactive winb window button width. , btm: aa.btm $ ;Interactive winb window button text marg. , csiz: aa.csiz $ ;Character size for IDL's xyouts. , winfree: aa.winfree $ ;Set to open windows position free. } ; Read continuum data. if(stretch) then rframe = 'zenith' else rframe = 'instrument' b__cct = azam_a_image(aa.dty+'a__cct', b, ref_frame=rframe) ; Local dimension & size variables. xdim = b.xdim ydim = b.ydim txdim = t*xdim tydim = t*ydim ; Interactive image sizes. ; There are extra right margins for color ; bars and computed cursor offset. xsz = txdim + 3 * aa.bwd ysz = 300 > tydim ; Open window for azam image 2. if(aa.winfree) then begin window, /free, xsize=xsz, ysize=ysz, title=aa.dty endif else begin window, /free, xsize=xsz, ysize=ysz, title=aa.dty, xpos=0, ypos=900 - (6+3*aa.bwd+ysz) - 80 endelse win2 = !d.window ; Compute and display continuum image. tvasp, b__cct, /notv, bi=i__cct, /gray, min=b.cct_min, max=b.cct_max, white=b.pbkg tv, puff(i__cct,t) ; Compute vertical current. a_jz, jzl, jzt, aa.dty, a_str=b, dbzl=dbzl, dbzt=dbzt ; Patch in line to replace Jz by d(Bz)/dx. ; jzl=dbzl & jzt=dbzt ; Read azimuth data. b_azm = s_image(aa.dty+'a_azm', b) ; Read longitude and latitude. tmp1 = read_floats(aa.dty+'a__utime') tmp = read_floats(aa.dty+'a__longitude') tmp0 = read_floats(aa.dty+'a__latitude') ; 2D images of ut longitude latitude. b__ut = fltarr(xdim,ydim) & b__ut(b.pxy) = tmp1(b.vec_pxy) b__lon = fltarr(xdim,ydim) & b__lon(b.pxy) = tmp(b.vec_pxy) b__lat = fltarr(xdim,ydim) & b__lat(b.pxy) = tmp0(b.vec_pxy) ; Great circle approximation of longitude. lng_min = min(tmp, max=lng_max) tmp = (tmp-.5 * (lng_min+lng_max)) * cos((!pi/180.) * tmp0) ; Form 2D images of east-west. mn_e_w = min(tmp) mn_lat = min(tmp0) b__e_w = fltarr(xdim,ydim) & b__e_w(b.pxy) = tmp( b.vec_pxy) ; For unstretched images find angle CCW ; to local frame x-axis. angxloc = 0. if(stretch eq 0 and (xdim < ydim) gt 1) then begin i0 = xdim/2 j0 = ydim/2 ; Some datasets like Hinode have noise in latitude. Smooth with ; linear surface fit surfit = sfit(b__lat,2) ; angxloc = atan( b__lat(i0+1,j0)-b__lat(i0,j0) $ angxloc = atan( surfit(i0+1,j0)-surfit(i0,j0) $ , b__e_w(i0+1,j0)-b__e_w(i0,j0) )*(180./!pi) print print, 'Angle CCW to stretched display is about', angxloc endif ; Logical 2D array for solved data points. pdat = bytarr(xdim,ydim) sdat = pdat pdat(b.pxy) = 1B sdat(b.sxy) = 1B ; Structure to control color for parameters. ; This one for continuum to be replicated. color_str = $ { min: b.cct_min $ ; min keyword. , max: b.cct_max $ ; max keyword. , gray: 1L $ ; gray keyword. , wrap: 0L $ ; wrap keyword. , invert: 0L $ ; invert keyword. , back: long( tvasp.ix_white ) $ ;Background color index, -1 to use data. } ; Structure for a parameter. ; This one for continuum to be replicated. pp = $ { value: b__cct $ ;Floating point data array. , img: byte(i__cct) $ ;Byte image. , a_np: b.npoints $ ;Number of points in a_* file. , color: color_str $ ;Color structure. , color0: color_str $ ;Original color structure. , name: 'continuum' $ ;Name of parameter. , bar: 'bar' $ ;Type of color scale to draw. } ; Structure for an image window. ; To be replicated 3 times. ww = $ { win: win2 $ ;IDL window number. , img: bytarr(txdim,tydim,/nozero)$ ;Byte array of image with magnification. , iprm: (cct=16L) $ ;Number of parameter being displayed. , drag: cct $ ;Number of parameter painted on with mouse. } ; Structure for magnified image. mgfy = $ { win: -1L $ ;IDL window number. , siz: (mgfy_siz=38L) $ ;Dimension of sub array. , mag: (mgfy_mag=14L) $ ;Screen resolution of one pixel. , xc: xdim/2 $ ;x location of last cursor location. , yc: ydim/2 $ ;y location of last cursor location. , x0: 0L > (xdim/2-mgfy_siz/2) $ ;Sub array lower left x location. , y0: 0L > (ydim/2-mgfy_siz/2) $ ;Sub array lower left y location. , iprm: cct $ ;Number of parameter being displayed. , bttn: 'no magnify' $ ;Interactive if 'magnify' or 'short arrows' } ; Create azam structure. aa = $ { index: 2L $ ;Index for standard azam structure. , stretch: stretch $ ;1 for zenith frame, 0 for instrument frame. , angxloc: angxloc $ ; , npoints: b.npoints $ ;Number of points in an a__* file. , nsolved: b.nsolved $ ;Number of points in an a_* file. , xdim: xdim $ ;x dimension of parameter arrays. , ydim: ydim $ ;y dimension of parameter arrays. , pxy: b.pxy $ ;Maps vector to 2D arrays for a__* files. , sxy: b.sxy $ ;Maps vector to 2D arrays for a_* files. , pbkg: b.pbkg $ ;Background map for a__* 2D arrays. , sbkg: b.sbkg $ ;Background map for a_* 2D arrays. , head: b.head $ ;Copy of a___header file. , vec_pxy: b.vec_pxy $ ;Maps vector to stretched vector for a__*. , vec_sxy: b.vec_sxy $ ;Maps vector to stretched vector for a_*. , mm_per_deg: b.mm_per_deg $ ;Mega meters per degree on solar surface. , wina: aa.wina $ ;Window number displaying ASCII values. , winb: aa.winb $ ;Interaxtive winb window number. , winp: aa.winp $ ;Window number of pixmap copied to wina. , mgfy: mgfy $ ;Structure for magnified image. , bx: -1L $ ;Cursor x on interactive winb. , by: -1L $ ;Cursor y on interactive winb. , bs: 0L $ ;Mouse button state on interactive winb. , black: tvasp.ix_black $ ; color index for black. , gray: tvasp.ix_gray $ ; color index for gray. , white:tvasp.ix_white $ ; color index for white. , yellow: tvasp.ix_yellow $ ; color index for yellow. , red: tvasp.ix_red $ ; color index for red. , blue: tvasp.ix_blue $ ; color index for blue. , green: tvasp.ix_green $ ; color index for green. , cen_lat: -999. $ ;Lat for azimuth center disambiguation. , cen_e_w: -999. $ ;Long for azimuth center disambiguation. , pix_deg: b.pix_deg $ ;Pixels per degree on stretched images. , zoom: 0L $ ;Set to 1 if zoom structure. , x0: 0L $ ;Set to lower left x in zoom. , y0: 0L $ ;Set to lower left y in zoom. , xrpnt: replicate(-1,xdim,ydim) $ ;original x raster point numbers. , yrpnt: replicate(-1,xdim,ydim) $ ;original y raster point numbers. , nprm: (nprm=21L) $ ;Number of parameter structures. , azm_amb: 0L $ ;Parameter number ambiguous azimuth. , azz_amb: 1L $ ;Parameter number ambiguous zenith azimuth. , zen_amb: 2L $ ;Parameter number ambiguous zenith angle. , jz_amb: 3L $ ;Parameter number ambiguous current. , flx_amb: 4L $ ;Parameter number ambiguous flux. , azz_orig: 5L $ ;Parameter number original zenith azimuth. , azz_ref: 6L $ ;Parameter number reference zenith azimuth. , zen_orig: 7L $ ;Parameter number original zenith angle. , zen_ref: 8L $ ;Parameter number reference zenith angle. , azm: 9L $ ;Parameter number instrument azimuth. , azz: 10L $ ;Parameter number zenith azimuth. , zen_ang: 11L $ ;Parameter number zenith angle. , jz: 12L $ ;Parameter number of current. , flx: 13L $ ;Parameter number flux. , psi: 14L $ ;Parameter number instrument field incline. , fld: 15L $ ;Parameter number field strength. , cct: cct $ ;Parameter number continuum. , alpha: 17L $ ;ASP: Parameter number 1-fill, Hinode is fill , cen1: 18L $ ;Parameter number doppler velocity. , extra0: 19L $ ;Parameter number extra parameter 0. , extra1: 20L $ ;Parameter number extra parameter 1. , ww: replicate(ww,3) $ ;Array of structures for displayed images. , pp: replicate(pp,nprm)$ ;Array of parameter structures. , b__ut: b__ut $ ;2D array latitude. , b__lon: b__lon $ ;2D array latitude. , b__lat: b__lat $ ;2D array latitude. , b__e_w: b__e_w $ ;2D array east to west great circle. , pdat: pdat $ ;2D array if data present for a__* files. , sdat: sdat $ ;2D array if data present for a__* files. , rfrnc: sdat $ ;Reference array of azimuth resolution. , rslv: sdat $ ;Ongoing array of azimuth resolution. , defroi: replicate(255B,xdim,ydim)$;Define region of interest array. , mn_lat: mn_lat $ ;Latitude of lower left corner. , mn_e_w: mn_e_w $ ;Longitude of lower left corner. , blt: aa.blt $ ;Interactive winb window button length. , bwd: aa.bwd $ ;Interactive winb window button width. , btm: aa.btm $ ;Interactive winb window button text marg. , csiz: aa.csiz $ ;Character size for IDL's xyout. , winfree: aa.winfree $ ;Set to open windows position free. , t: t $ ;Resolution of raster point on screen. , t0: t $ ;Original raster point resolution. , pwr: 4L $ ;2 to pwr is mouse box interaction size. , lock: 'lock drag' $ ;Otherwise 'unlock drag' mouse drag effect. , cri: 'reference' $ ;Drag effect of left mouse button. , anti: 'anti reference' $ ;Drag effect of center mouse button. , prime: 'wads' $ ;Drag effect of right mouse button. , rehi: 1L $ ;True if to redo highlights. , hilite: 'ambigs' $ ;Type of highlight to draw. , spectra: '' $ ;Path to calibrated data file. , dty: aa.dty $ ;Path to directory with a_* files. , ps_dir: aa.dty $ ;Path to directory for PostScript output. , rframe: rframe $ ;'instrument' or 'zenith' reference frame. , fname: '' $ ;Name of last a_* file read. , fdim: 0L $ ;Vector dimension of last a_* file read. , what_now: '' $ ;Instruction for called or calling program. ; FOR NEW AZAM, ADD X-, Y-PIXEL SCALES , delx: delx $ ; X-pixel scale in arcseconds , dely: dely $ ; Y-pixel scale in arcseconds } ; Velocity of light (km/sec). ; Initial guess for line center (pixel). ; Dispersion (mA/pixel). ; Line wavelength (A). ; Velocity per pixel ((km/sec)/pixel). cee = 299792.458 cen0 = b.head(36) disper = b.head(39) wavlth = b.head(40) km_sec_pixel = disper*cee/(1000.*wavlth) ; Compute Doppler shift. b_cen1 = s_image(aa.dty + 'a_cen1', b) tmp = b_cen1(aa.sxy) cen_avg = total(tmp) / n_elements(tmp) b_cen1(aa.sxy) = -(b_cen1(aa.sxy)-cen_avg) * km_sec_pixel print print, ' initial center guess ', cen0 print, 'average fitted center ', cen_avg ; Structure for Doppler. aa.pp(aa.cen1).value = b_cen1 aa.pp(aa.cen1).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.cen1).color.min = -2. aa.pp(aa.cen1).color.max = 2. aa.pp(aa.cen1).color.gray = 0L aa.pp(aa.cen1).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.cen1).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(aa.cen1).color.back = tvasp.ix_white aa.pp(aa.cen1).name = 'Doppler' azam_op_image, aa, aa.cen1 ; Structure for line of sight azimuth. aa.pp(aa.azm).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_azm', b) aa.pp(aa.azm).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.azm).color.min = -180. aa.pp(aa.azm).color.max = 180. aa.pp(aa.azm).color.gray = 0L aa.pp(aa.azm).color.wrap = 1L aa.pp(aa.azm).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(aa.azm).color.back = tvasp.ix_white aa.pp(aa.azm).name = 'sight azimuth' aa.pp(aa.azm).bar = 'azimuth' azam_op_image, aa, aa.azm ; Structure for ambig line of sight azimuth. aa.pp(aa.azm_amb).value = (((aa.pp(aa.azm).value+360.) mod 360.)-180.)*sdat aa.pp(aa.azm_amb).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.azm_amb).color = aa.pp(aa.azm).color aa.pp(aa.azm_amb).name = 'ambig los az' aa.pp(aa.azm_amb).bar = 'azimuth' azam_op_image, aa, aa.azm_amb ; Structure for local frame azimuth. aa.pp(aa.azz).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_1azm', b) aa.pp(aa.azz).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.azz).color = aa.pp(aa.azm).color aa.pp(aa.azz).name = 'local azimuth' aa.pp(aa.azz).bar = 'azimuth' azam_op_image, aa, aa.azz ; Structure for ambig local frame azimuth. aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_2azm', b) aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).color = aa.pp(aa.azm).color aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).name = 'ambig azimuth' aa.pp(aa.azz_amb).bar = 'azimuth' azam_op_image, aa, aa.azz_amb ; Structure for psi. aa.pp(aa.psi).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_psi', b, bkg=90.) aa.pp(aa.psi).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.psi).color.min = 0. aa.pp(aa.psi).color.max = 180. aa.pp(aa.psi).color.gray = 0L aa.pp(aa.psi).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.psi).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(aa.psi).color.back = tvasp.ix_white aa.pp(aa.psi).name = 'sight incline' aa.pp(aa.psi).bar = 'zenith' azam_op_image, aa, aa.psi ; Structure for zenith angle. aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_1incl', b, bkg=90.) aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).color = aa.pp(aa.psi).color aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).name = 'local incline' aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).bar = 'zenith' azam_op_image, aa, aa.zen_ang ; Structure for ambig zenith angle. aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_2incl', b, bkg=90.) aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).color = aa.pp(aa.psi).color aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).name = 'ambig incline' aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).bar = 'zenith' azam_op_image, aa, aa.zen_amb ; Structure for scattered light. aa.pp(aa.alpha).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_alpha', b, bkg=1.) aa.pp(aa.alpha).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.alpha).color.min = 0. aa.pp(aa.alpha).color.max = 1. aa.pp(aa.alpha).color.gray = 1L aa.pp(aa.alpha).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.alpha).color.invert = 1L aa.pp(aa.alpha).color.back = tvasp.ix_black ; FOR NEW AZAM FOR HMI, alpha is fill factor ; mscatt hardwired to 0 for HMI inversions mscatt = 0 if mscatt ne 0 then begin aa.pp(aa.alpha).name = '1-fill' endif else begin aa.pp(aa.alpha).name = 'fill' endelse azam_op_image, aa, aa.alpha ; Structure for field strength. aa.pp(aa.fld).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a_fld', b) aa.pp(aa.fld).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.fld).color.min = 0. aa.pp(aa.fld).color.max = 2500. aa.pp(aa.fld).color.gray = 1L aa.pp(aa.fld).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.fld).color.invert = 1L aa.pp(aa.fld).color.back = tvasp.ix_white aa.pp(aa.fld).name = 'field' azam_op_image, aa, aa.fld ; Structure for flux. ; FOR NEW AZAM HINODE, the fill factor is alpha-parameter if mscatt ne 0 then begin aa.pp(aa.flx).value = (1.-aa.pp(aa.alpha).value)*aa.pp(aa.fld).value $ *cos(aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value*(!pi/180.)) endif else begin aa.pp(aa.flx).value = aa.pp(aa.alpha).value*aa.pp(aa.fld).value $ *cos(aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value*(!pi/180.)) endelse aa.pp(aa.flx).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.flx).color.min = -2000. aa.pp(aa.flx).color.max = 2000. aa.pp(aa.flx).color.gray = 1L aa.pp(aa.flx).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.flx).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(aa.flx).color.back = -1L aa.pp(aa.flx).name = 'flux' azam_op_image, aa, aa.flx ; Structure for ambig flux. ; FOR NEW AZAM HINODE, the fill factor is alpha-parameter if mscatt ne 0 then begin aa.pp(aa.flx_amb).value = (1.-aa.pp(aa.alpha).value)*aa.pp(aa.fld).value $ *cos(aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).value*(!pi/180.)) endif else begin aa.pp(aa.flx_amb).value = aa.pp(aa.alpha).value*aa.pp(aa.fld).value $ *cos(aa.pp(aa.zen_amb).value*(!pi/180.)) endelse aa.pp(aa.flx_amb).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.flx_amb).color = aa.pp(aa.flx).color aa.pp(aa.flx_amb).name = 'ambig flux' azam_op_image, aa, aa.flx_amb ; Structure for current. aa.pp(aa.jz).value = jzl+jzt aa.pp(aa.jz).a_np = b.nsolved aa.pp(aa.jz).color.min = -600. aa.pp(aa.jz).color.max = 600. aa.pp(aa.jz).color.gray = 1L aa.pp(aa.jz).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.jz).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(aa.jz).color.back = -1L aa.pp(aa.jz).name = 'Jz' azam_op_image, aa, aa.jz ; Structure for ambig current. aa.pp(aa.jz_amb) = aa.pp(aa.jz) aa.pp(aa.jz_amb).value = jzl-jzt aa.pp(aa.jz_amb).name = 'ambig Jz' azam_op_image, aa, aa.jz_amb ; Structure for extra parameter 0. ; Initially set to a__pip. ; FOR HMI, SET TO 0.15*(FIELD STRENGTH)/2800. ; to approximate the PIP variable ;aa.pp(aa.extra0).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a__pip', b) aa.pp(aa.extra0).value = (0.15/2800.)*s_image(aa.dty+'a_fld', b) aa.pp(aa.extra0).a_np = b.npoints aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.min = 0. ; FOR NEW AZAM, pip is fraction, not percent, incr. to 15 pct ; was 12 percent for ASP ;aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.max = 12. aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.max = 0.15 aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.gray = 0L aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.invert = 1L aa.pp(aa.extra0).color.back = tvasp.ix_white aa.pp(aa.extra0).name = 'a__pip' azam_op_image, aa, aa.extra0 ; Structure for extra parameter 1. ; Initially set to a__mu. aa.pp(aa.extra1).value = s_image(aa.dty+'a__mu', b) aa.pp(aa.extra1).a_np = b.npoints aa.pp(aa.extra1).color.min = min(aa.pp(aa.extra1).value(aa.pxy), max=mx) aa.pp(aa.extra1).color.max = mx aa.pp(aa.extra1).color.gray = 1L aa.pp(aa.extra1).color.wrap = 0L aa.pp(aa.extra1).color.invert = 0L aa.pp(aa.extra1).color.back = tvasp.ix_white aa.pp(aa.extra1).name = 'a__mu' azam_op_image, aa, aa.extra1 ; Structures for original & reference az-el. aa.pp(aa.azz_orig)=aa.pp(aa.azz) & aa.pp(aa.azz_orig).name= 'orig azimuth' aa.pp(aa.azz_ref)=aa.pp(aa.azz) & aa.pp(aa.azz_ref).name='refer azimuth' aa.pp(aa.zen_orig)=aa.pp(aa.zen_ang) & aa.pp(aa.zen_orig).name= 'orig incline' aa.pp(aa.zen_ref)=aa.pp(aa.zen_ang) & aa.pp(aa.zen_ref).name='refer incline' ; Save original color keys. aa.pp(*).color0 = aa.pp(*).color ; Set arrays for raster point numbers. aa.xrpnt(aa.pxy) = b.xpnt(b.vec_pxy) aa.yrpnt(aa.pxy) = b.ypnt(b.vec_pxy) ; Open magnified window. if(aa.winfree) then begin window, /free, xsize=mgfy.siz*mgfy.mag, ysize=mgfy.siz*mgfy.mag, title=aa.dty endif else begin window, /free, xsize=mgfy.siz*mgfy.mag, ysize=mgfy.siz*mgfy.mag, $ xpos=1144-mgfy.siz*mgfy.mag, ypos=0, title=aa.dty endelse = !d.window ; Open Interactive windows. if aa.winfree then begin window, /free, xsize=xsz, ysize=ysz, title=aa.dty end else begin window, /free, xsize=xsz, ysize=ysz, title=aa.dty $ , xpos=(txdim+3*aa.bwd+8)<(1144-(txdim+3*aa.bwd)) $ , ypos=900-(6+3*aa.bwd+ysz) endelse aa.ww(1).win = !d.window aa.ww(1).iprm = aa.zen_ang aa.ww(1).drag = aa.zen_ang if(aa.winfree) then begin window, /free, xsize=xsz, ysize=ysz, title=aa.dty endif else begin window, /free, xsize=xsz, ysize=ysz, title=aa.dty, xpos=0, ypos=900-(6+3*aa.bwd+ysz) endelse aa.ww(0).win = !d.window aa.ww(0).iprm = aa.azz aa.ww(0).drag = aa.azz ; Set null highlight arrays. hh = { hi:-1, lo:-1, iprm:-1, name:'', level:0., toggle:1L, $ outlineroi: -1L, arrow:{ hi:-1, lo:-1 }, laluz:-1L } ; Display azimuth, incline, continuum ; and magnified images. for inum = 0, 2 do begin azam_display, inum, aa, hh endfor azam_mgfy, aa end