pro azam_ps_usage ;+ ; ; procedure: azam_ps ; ; purpose: from AZAM output PostScript files of azam images ; ; authors: paul@ncar 5/95 rob@ncar 1/93 lites@ncar 11/10 ; MODIFIED BY LITES 11/10 FOR NEW AZAM THAT OUTPUTS ONLY ; SINGLE IMAGES ; ; routines: azam_ps_usage azam_ps_extend azam_mm_inch ; azam_ps_files azam_ps ; ;============================================================================== ; if 1 then begin print print, "usage: azam_ps, aa, hh" print print, " From AZAM output PostScript files of ASP images" print print, " Arguments" print, " aa - input azam data set structure" print, " hh - input highlight structure" print print, " ;related UNIX" print, " $ pageview -dpi 72 -left &" print, " $ lpr -Phaocolor" print, " $ hcprint *.ps ### high quality printing ###" return endif ;- end ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; For reference the complete ; call is. ; ; azam_ps_image, cct, c $ ; , bw=bw, landscape=landscape, portrait=portrait $ ; , encapsulated=encapsulated $ ; , ref_frame=ref_frame $ ; , mm_per_inch = mm_per_inch, mm_inch_std = mm_inch_std $ ; , origin_xy=origin_xy, hold_origin=hold_origin, inches_xy=inches_xy $ ; , LLxy=LLxy, URxy=URxy, ABOUTxy=ABOUTxy $ ; , bkg=bkg, white_bkg=white_bkg, black_bkg=black_bkg $ ; , gray=gray, invert=invert, wrap=wrap $ ; , min=min, max=max $ ; , title=title, symbolsize=symbolsize $ ; , frame=frame, tick=tick, xnumber=xnumber, ynumber=ynumber $ ; , arrow=arrow, a_length=a_length $ ; , ambigs=ambiguous, reversal=reversal, sight_reversal=sight_reversal $ ; , azm=azm, psi=psi, azimuth=azimuth, zenith=zenith ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_ps_extend ; ; purpose: prompt user for file name extension ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_ps_extend, aa, f_extend, encapsulated ;Prompt if encapsulated. encapsulated = 1L-pop_cult(['yes','^gno'], winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Want encapsulated PostScript ?') e = (['','e'])(encapsulated) ;Prompt for PostScript file name extension. ext = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='click on file name extension' $ ;" , $ ['.'+e+'ps','^g'+'_rm_me.'+e+'ps' $ ,['_0.','_1.','_2.','_3.','_4.','_5.','_6.','_7.','_8.','_9.']+e+'ps' $ ,'^g** DEFAULT **','** HELP **','','WIDGET ENTRY','' $ ,['_10.','_11.','_12.','_13.','_14.','_15.','_16.']+e+'ps' $ ] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ [" *ps* - picks a file name extension for output PostScript files."$ ," '' is recomended; other users should feel free"$ ," to remove or overwrite files named '*'."$ ," WIDGET ENTRY - user to type file name extension in widget that pops up"$ ,"** DEFAULT ** - same as clicking other green button"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) ;Set default. if ext eq '** DEFAULT **' then ext='_rm_me.'+e+'ps' ;Return click value if not keyboard entry. if ext ne 'WIDGET ENTRY' then begin ;f_extend = '.'+ext f_extend = ext return end ;Prompt for widget entry. f_extend = '.'+azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter file name extension' ) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_mm_inch ; ; purpose: prompt user for image scale in megameters/inch ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_mm_inch, aa, land_xy, just_fit, mm_per_inch, rframe ; FOR NEW AZAM, common area with X-, Y-pixel sizes for image displays common psimages,delx,dely ;Plot ranges in megameters. x_mm = (aa.xdim-1.) / aa.pix_deg * aa.mm_per_deg y_mm = (aa.ydim-1.) / aa.pix_deg * aa.mm_per_deg ; FOR NEW AZAM, X-, Y-ranges in arcseconds if (aa.stretch eq 0) then begin x_mm = (aa.xdim-1.)*delx y_mm = (aa.ydim-1.)*dely endif ;Pop up window with choices. if (aa.stretch ne 0) then begin ; FOR NEW AZAM, this case for Zenith reference frame rframe = 'zenith' ;Scale that will just fit. just_fit = (x_mm/land_xy(0)) > (y_mm/land_xy(1)) whole = stringit(just_fit)+' just fits' clk = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='pick printer xy scale' $ , [ '^g10. megameters/inch', whole, '' $ , '^g** DEFAULT **', '** HELP **', 'WIDGET ENTRY' ] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ [" 10. megameters/inch - this scale works well for ASP data."$ ," The scale is what comes out on the printers in the"$ ," one image per page format. For four images per"$ ," page the scale will be about 20. meganeters/inch."$ ," xxxx just fits - this is the scale in megameters/inch that will"$ ," scale the images to the PostScript page size."$ ," Note - the default 10. megameters/inch will clip"$ ," the images if xxxx is greater than 10."$ ," WIDGET ENTRY - user to enter scale in widget that pops up"$ ," ** DEFAULT ** - same as clicking other green button"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) ;Return click value if not keyboard entry. case clk of '** DEFAULT **' : begin mm_per_inch = 10. return end '10. megameters/inch' : begin mm_per_inch = 10. return end whole : begin mm_per_inch = just_fit return end else : end endif else begin ; FOR NEW AZAM, this case for Instrument reference frame rframe = 'instrument' ;Scale that will just fit. just_fit = (x_mm/land_xy(0)) > (y_mm/land_xy(1)) whole = stringit(just_fit)+' just fits' clk = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='pick printer xy scale' $ , [ '^g10. arcseconds/inch', whole, '' $ , '^g** DEFAULT **', '** HELP **', 'WIDGET ENTRY' ] $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ [" 10. arcseconds/inch - this scale works well for ASP data."$ ," The scale is what comes out on the printers in the"$ ," one image per page format. For four images per"$ ," page the scale will be about 20. meganeters/inch."$ ," xxxx just fits - this is the scale in arcseconds/inch that will"$ ," scale the images to the PostScript page size."$ ," Note - the default 10. arcseconds/inch will clip"$ ," the images if xxxx is greater than 10."$ ," WIDGET ENTRY - user to enter scale in widget that pops up"$ ," ** DEFAULT ** - same as clicking other green button"$ ," ** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) ;Return click value if not keyboard entry. case clk of '** DEFAULT **' : begin mm_per_inch = 10. return end '10. arcseconds/inch' : begin mm_per_inch = 10. return end whole : begin mm_per_inch = just_fit return end else : end endelse ;Prompt for widget entry. on_ioerror, ioerror0 ioerror0: mm_per_inch = 0. if (aa.stretch ne 0) then begin reads, azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter megameters/inch scale' ), mm_per_inch endif else begin reads, azam_text_in( aa, 'Enter arcseconds/inch scale' ), mm_per_inch endelse end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_ps_files ; ; purpose: prompt for what files to output. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_ps_files, aa, roots, psFiles ;Names of output files. ; FOR NEW AZAM, do not prompt for two or four per page psNames = $ ;[ roots, '', 'iiii', '', 'two on one page' $ ;, 'bw_'+roots, '', 'bw_iiii', '', 'bw two on one page' ] [ roots $ , 'bw_'+roots ] ;Prompt user for PostScript file names. psFiles = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='pick files to output & continue' $ , [ psNames, '^ycontinue', '** HELP **' ], 100, rows=n_elements(roots)+4 $ , help='azam', arg0='window', arg1=aa, arg2= $ [" name - select this file to be output in PostScript"$ ," continue - click continue after all files have been selected"$ ,"** HELP ** - print this information"$ ] ) ;Return if no files selected. if psFiles(0) eq 'continue' then return ;Check if ALL was clicked. whr = where( psFiles eq '** ALL **', nwhr ) if nwhr ne 0 then begin psFiles = psNames return end ;Truncate string at continue. whr = where( psFiles eq 'continue' ) psFiles = psFiles( 0 : whr(0)-1 ) end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: azam_ps ; ; purpose: output PostScript files of azam images ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pro azam_ps, aa, hh ; Modified FOR NEW AZAM to accept either instrument or local frame images ; FOR NEW AZAM, common area for remembering widget input for ticks common popticks,popmajor,popminor,clktk,clkmtk popmajor = ' ' & popminor = ' ' & clktk = ' ' & clkmtk = ' ' ;Check number of parameters. if n_params() eq 0 then begin azam_ps_usage return end ;Set some variables locally. t = aa.t xdim = aa.xdim ydim = aa.ydim txdim = t*xdim ;Standard template structure. ps_tplate, tpl ;Minimum margin. mrg = tpl.xmrg ;Landscape image size and margin for one ;image per page format. xdev0=tpl.xdevice & lft0=tpl.lft & rgt0=tpl.btm ydev0=tpl.ydevice & btm0=tpl.btm & ;Inches available in xy for ploting image. land_xy = [ xdev0-lft0-rgt0, ydev0-btm0-top0 ] ;Prompt for output directory path. if azam_out_dir( aa, o_dir ) eq 0 then return ;Prompt for file name extension. azam_ps_extend, aa, f_extend, encapsulated ;Prompt for xy image scale in ;mega meters per inch. azam_mm_inch, aa, land_xy, just_fit, mm_per_inch, rframe ;Prompt for area of interest. if mm_per_inch lt just_fit then begin azam_click_xy, aa, 'Click on area of interest', xctr, yctr ABOUTxy = [xctr,yctr] end else begin ABOUTxy = [xdim/2,ydim/2] end ;Set mu value string. tmp = azam_a_image( aa.dty+'a__mu', aa ) < .99 muStr = '!M'+string("155B)+'!X ' $ ;" + strmid(string(tmp(xdim/2,ydim/2),format='(f4.2)'),1,3) ;Set date string. month = round(aa.head(0)) day = round(aa.head(1)) year = round(aa.head(2)) tmp = [' zip' $ ,' Jan ',' Feb ',' Mar ',' Apr ',' May ',' Jun ' $ ,' Jul ',' Aug ',' Sep ',' Oct ',' Nov ',' Dec ' ] dateStr = stringit(day)+tmp(month)+stringit(year) ;Compute highlight structure. tmp = azam_image( 0, aa, hh ) ;Flag if arrow points are present ;(note: make long, byte value 0 ;interpreted as true color index). arrow_on = long( (hh.arrow.hi)(0) ge 0 or (hh.arrow.lo)(0) ge 0 ) ;Unmagnify contour where arrays, 0th color. if (hh.hi)(0) ge 0 then begin tmp = hh.hi yy = tmp/txdim xx = tmp-yy*txdim yy = yy/t xx = xx/t tmp = lonarr(xdim,ydim) tmp( yy*xdim+xx ) = 1 whrA = where( tmp ) end ;Unmagnify contour where arrays, 1th color. ;Append defroi outline. if (hh.lo)(0) ge 0 or (hh.outlineroi)(0) ge 0 then begin case 1 of (hh.lo)(0) ge 0 and (hh.outlineroi)(0) ge 0: $ tmp = [ hh.lo, hh.outlineroi ] (hh.outlineroi)(0) ge 0: tmp = hh.outlineroi else: tmp = hh.lo end yy = tmp/txdim xx = tmp-yy*txdim yy = yy/t xx = xx/t tmp = lonarr(xdim,ydim) tmp( yy*xdim+xx ) = 1 whrB = where( tmp ) end ;Unmagnify ambigs or reversal where array. if hh.laluz(0) ge 0 then begin yy = hh.laluz/txdim xx = hh.laluz-yy*txdim yy = yy/t xx = xx/t laluz0 = yy*xdim+xx tmp = lonarr(xdim,ydim) tmp(laluz0) = 1 laluz0 = where( tmp ) end ;Load tvasp color table. tvasp, /notv, lindgen(2,2) ;Get local copies of field angles. aa_azm = aa.pp(aa.azm).value aa_psi = aa.pp(aa.psi).value aa_azimuth = aa.pp(aa.azz).value aa_zenith = aa.pp(aa.zen_ang).value ;One image/page parameters indices. iprms = $ [ aa.cct $ , aa.fld $ , aa.flx $ , aa.jz $ , aa.cen1 $ , aa.azm $ , aa.psi $ , aa.azz $ , aa.zen_ang $ , aa.alpha $ , aa.extra0 $ , aa.extra1 $ ] ;One image/page file name roots. roots = $ [ 'cct' $ , 'fld' $ , 'flux' $ , 'jz' $ , 'cen1' $ , 'azm' $ , 'psi' $ , '1azm' $ , '1incl' $ , 'fill' $ , aa.pp(aa.extra0).name $ , aa.pp(aa.extra1).name $ ] ;One image/page titles. titles = $ [ 'Continuum Intensity' $ , 'Field Magnitude' $ , 'Magnetic Flux' $ , 'Jz' $ , 'Doppler Shift' $ , 'Observed Azimuth' $ , 'Observed Incline' $ , 'Field Azimuth' $ , 'Zenith Angle' $ ; FOR NEW HINODE AZAM, alpha is fill factor ;, '1.0-Fill' $ , 'Fill' $ , aa.pp(aa.extra0).name $ , aa.pp(aa.extra1).name $ ] ;One image/page color bar scales. scales = $ [ 'Instrument scale' $ , 'Gauss' $ , 'Gauss' $ , 'Gauss/Mm' $ , 'km/sec' $ , 'degrees' $ , 'degrees' $ , 'degrees' $ , 'degrees' $ , '' $ , '' $ , '' $ ] ;One image/page formats for color bar range. formats = $ [ 'integer' $ , 'integer' $ , 'integer' $ , 'integer' $ , '(f10.2)' $ , '(f10.2)' $ , '(f10.2)' $ , '(f10.2)' $ , '(f10.2)' $ , '(f10.2)' $ , '' $ , '' $ ] ;Prompt for files to output. infinity: wset, aa.winb & erase azam_ps_files, aa, roots, psFiles ;Return if no files selected. if psFiles(0) eq 'continue' then return ;Save active window & !p system variables. wset, aa.winb & erase, w_sav = !d.window p_sav = !p ;Start one per page outputs. ; FOR NEW AZAM, prompt user for tick marks on plots tick = 1 clk = pop_cult( /string, winfree=aa.winfree $ , title='Plot tick marks on images?' $ , ['^gDefalult YES','^rNO']) if clk eq 'Default YES' then tick = 1 if clk eq 'NO' then tick = 0 ;Loop over color and black & white. for bw=0,1 do begin ;Loop over parameter indices. for pass=0L,n_elements(iprms)-1 do begin ;Filename root. root = ([ '', 'bw_' ])(bw) + roots(pass) ;Test if file is requested for output. if total( psFiles eq root ) ge 1 then begin ;Parameter index. iprm = iprms( pass ) ;Color structure for parameter. clr = aa.pp(iprm).color ;Invert color scale for bw_ incline. if clr.gray eq 0 then $ if titles(pass) eq 'Zenith Angle' $ or titles(pass) eq 'Observed Incline' $ then clr.invert = (clr.invert+bw) mod 2 ;PostScript device size and margin. xdev=xdev0 & lft=lft0 & rgt=rgt0 ydev=ydev0 & btm=btm0 & top=top0 ;Set variable origin_xy & inches_xy so ;azam_ps_image can return actual values used. origin_xy = [ lft, btm ] inches_xy = [ xdev-lft-rgt, ydev-btm-top ] ;Call azam_ps_image with selected keyword i/o. azam_ps_image, aa.pp(iprm).value, aa $ , bw=bw, landscape = o_dir+root+f_extend, encapsulated=encapsulated $ , min = clr.min $ , max = clr.max $ , gray = clr.gray $ , wrap = clr.wrap $ , invert = clr.invert $ , white_bkg = clr.back eq aa.white $ , black_bkg = clr.back eq $ , whole = aa.pp(iprm).a_np eq aa.npoints $ , mm_inch_std = mm_per_inch $ , origin_xy = origin_xy, inches_xy = inches_xy, ABOUTxy = ABOUTxy $ , title = titles( pass ) $ ; FOR NEW AZAM, pass the tick flag , /frame, tick = tick, /xnumber, /ynumber $ , azm=aa_azm, psi=aa_psi, azimuth=aa_azimuth, zenith=aa_zenith $ , arrow = arrow_on $ , whrA = whrA, whrB = whrB, whrC = laluz0 $ , ref_frame = rframe ;Set scalers for origin and size. xorg=origin_xy(0) & xinches=inches_xy(0) yorg=origin_xy(1) & yinches=inches_xy(1) ; FOR NEW AZAM, STANDARD OFFSETS xoffst = mrg + 0.75 yoffst = yorg + yinches + 0.6 ; FOR NEW AZAM, do not print title, adjust offsets of annotations ; so that cropping can give: image alone, image with axis ; annotations, or image with axis annotations and color bar ; ;Print title. ; ps_xyouts, charsize=2.0, align=0.0 $ ; , mrg, ydev-mrg-1./4., 'HAO/NSO Advanced Stokes Polarimeter' ;Print xy scale. ;ps_xyouts, charsize=1.75, align=0.0 $ ;, mrg, yorg+yinches+3./32., 'Megameters xy' if (aa.stretch ne 0) then begin ps_xyouts, charsize=1.5, align=0.0 $ , xoffst, yoffst, 'Megameters xy' endif else begin ps_xyouts, charsize=1.75, align=0.0 $ , xoffst, yoffst, 'Arcseconds xy' endelse ;Print date. ;ps_xyouts, charsize=2.0, align=1.0 $ ;, xdev-mrg, ydev-mrg-1./4., dateStr ps_xyouts, charsize=1.5, align=1.0 $ , xdev-mrg-2.5, yoffst, dateStr ;Print mu value. ;ps_xyouts, charsize=2.0, align=1.0 $ ;, xdev-mrg, ydev-mrg-9./16., muStr ps_xyouts, charsize=1.5, align=1.0 $ , xdev-mrg-1.0, yoffst, muStr ; FOR NEW AZAM, do not print NSEW symbol ; ; N ; ;Print symbol E W. ; ; S ; ps_xyouts, charsize=2.0, align=.0 $ ; , [ .220, .235, .000, .400 ]+xdev-mrg-3./4. $ ; , [ .500, .000, .250, .250 ]+ydev-mrg-1.5 $ ; , [ 'N', 'S', 'E', 'W' ] ; FOR NEW AZAM, offset color bar by 0.1 inches to separate from plot cbxoffst = 0.1 ;Select color bar type. case aa.pp(iprm).bar of ;Do straight color bar. 'bar': begin ;Bounds for color bar. ; FOR NEW AZAM, offset color bar by 0.1 inches to separate from plot ;x0 = xorg+xinches+1./4. x0 = xorg+xinches+1./4. + cbxoffst x1 = x0+1./2. y0 = yorg+yinches/2-1.5 y1 = y0+3. ;Plot color bar. tvasp, lindgen(1,128), bw=bw, bi=tmp $ , gray=clr.gray, wrap=clr.wrap, invert=clr.invert tv, tmp, x0, y0, xsize=x1-x0, ysize=y1-y0, /inches ;Draw box about gray bar. ps_plots, [x0,x0,x1,x1,x0], [y0,y1,y1,y0,y0] ;Format color bar min max. case 1 of formats(pass) eq 'integer': mnmx = $ string( [ round(clr.min), round(clr.max) ] ) formats(pass) ne '': mnmx = $ string( [ clr.min, clr.max ], format=formats(pass) ) else: mnmx = string( [ clr.min, clr.max ] ) end ;Print color bar min max. ps_xyouts, charsize=1.20, align=1.0 $ , x1, [ y0-1./4., y1+1./16. ] $ , strcompress( /remove_all, mnmx ) ;Color bar title. if scales(pass) ne '' then $ ps_xyouts, charsize=1.20, align=0.5, orient=90. $ , x0-1./16., .5*(y0+y1), scales(pass) end ;Plot azimuth color scale. 'azimuth': begin ;Bounds for color bar. ; FOR NEW AZAM, offset color bar by 0.1 inches to separate from plot ;x0 = xorg+xinches x0 = xorg+xinches + cbxoffst x1 = x0+3./4. y0 = yorg+yinches/2.-3./4. y1 = y0+1.5 ;Plot color scale ring. tv, cbar_azimuth( bw=bw, /notable, min=clr.min, max=clr.max $ , gray=clr.gray, wrap=clr.wrap, invert=clr.invert ) $ , x0, y0+1./4., xsize=3./4., ysize=3./4., /inches ;Draw box about color scale ring. ps_plots, [x0,x0,x1,x1,x0], [y0,y1,y1,y0,y0] ;Draw color scale zero line. ps_plots, [ x1-3./16., x1 ], y0+5./8. ps_xyouts, charsize=1.2, align=0.5 $ , .5*(x1+x0) $ , [ y0+1./16., y0+1.+1./16., y0+1.+1./4. ] $ , [ '270', '90', 'Degrees' ] end ;Plot zenith angle color cresent. 'zenith': begin ;Bounds for color bar. ;x0 = xorg+xinches ; FOR NEW AZAM, offset color bar by 0.1 inches to separate from plot x0 = xorg+xinches + cbxoffst x1 = x0+3./4. y0 = yorg+yinches/2-(1.+1./8.) y1 = y0+2.+1./4. ;Plot color scale cresent. tv, cbar_zenith( bw=bw, /notable, min=clr.min, max=clr.max $ , gray=clr.gray, wrap=clr.wrap, invert=clr.invert ) $ , x0, y0+1./4., xsize=3./4., ysize=1.+1./2., /inches ;Draw box about color scale cresent. ps_plots, [x0,x0,x1,x1,x0], [y0,y1,y1,y0,y0] ;Draw color scale 90 deg line. ps_plots, [ x1-3./8., x1 ], y0+1. ps_xyouts, charsize=1.2, align=0.0 $ , x0+.03 $ , [ y0+1./16., y0+1.75+1./16., y0+1.75+5./16. ] $ , [ '180', '0', 'Degrees' ] end end ;Close PostScript file device, /close_file end end end ;Return to X windowing system. ;Restore !p system variables. ;Restore X window. set_plot, 'X' !p = p_sav if w_sav ge 0 then wset, w_sav ;Prompt for more files to output. goto, infinity end