pro ps_profiles, i_obs,q_obs,u_obs,v_obs,have_un,i_mag,i_fit,q_fit,u_fit, $ v_fit,nounnofit,xs,ys,encapsulated=encapsulated_, noImag=noImag_ ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; procedure: ps_profiles ; ; purpose: plot observed, fitted Stokes profiles from AZAM for one ; raster point. Plot to PostScript files. ; ; inputs: iobs,qobs,uobs,vobs - observed stokes profiles ; imag - i_magnetic fitted profile ; ifit,qfit,ufit,vfit - fit stokes profiles ; have_un - flag, if non-zero then unno fit profiles at this pt ; xs,ys - coordinates in (reduced) image ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;Check for encapsulated PostScript. encapsulated = keyword_set( encapsulated_ ) extd = (['ps','eps'])(encapsulated) ;Check if i-magnetic plot suppressed. noImag = keyword_set( noImag_ ) ; common area for usage in common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ axsz,ntran ; calculate the pixel ranges for wavelength cutouts nwrng = n_elements(iwstrt) ; nlinr = ranges of pixels for output array for each spectrum line nlinr = intarr(nwrng,2) ; nwave = total number of wavelengths to output nwave = 0 for kk = 0,nwrng-1 do begin nwlin = (iwend(kk)-iwstrt(kk) + 1) nlinr(kk,0) = nwave nlinr(kk,1) = nlinr(kk,0) + nwlin - 1 nwave = nwave + nwlin endfor ; set dispersion in angstroms disper = dispers*.001 ; calculate the wavelengths for the observed range based on ; the nominal wavelengths nwobs = n_elements(i_obs) ; number of observed wavelength pixels wobs = dblarr(nwobs) ; starting value of wavelength for observations wobstrt = basewav(0) - disper(0)*float(iwstrt(0)) ; below assumes that a continuous wavelength range is observed wobs = wobstrt + disper(0)*findgen(nwobs) ; correct the wavelengths for the remaining lines for kk = 1,nwrng-1 do begin for ii = iwstrt(kk),iwend(kk) do begin wobs(ii) = basewav(kk) + disper(kk)*float(ii-iwstrt(kk)) endfor endfor ; calculate the nominal wavelengths for the unno profiles wunno = dblarr(nwave) for kk = 0,nwrng-1 do begin for ii = nlinr(kk,0),nlinr(kk,1) do begin wunno(ii) = basewav(kk) + disper(kk)*(float(ii)-nlinr(kk,0)) endfor endfor ; get the original data pixel coordinates xp = xs + xllo & yp = ys + yllo ;Save system stuff. sav_p=!p & sav_x=!x & sav_y=!y & sav_z=!z & sav_o=!order tvlct, sav_r, sav_g, sav_b, /get sav_w=!d.window & sav_n=! ; Begin PostScript stuff ; set character, line thickness thick = 5. !x.thick=thick !y.thick=thick cthick = 3. charthick = cthick ; ; Set the device type to high-resolution PostScript. ; set_plot, 'ps' ; set for portrait mode device, bits_per_pixel=8, /inches,scale_factor=1.0, $ ;file='plotqvprofs.'+extd, scale_factor=1.0, /inches, $ file=strcompress(/remove_all,'profiles_'+string(xp)+'_'+string(yp)+'.'+extd), $ xoffset=0.0, yoffset=0.0, xsize=8.5, ysize=11.0, /portrait, color=1, $ /times, /bold, encapsul=encapsulated ; set the wavelength annotations and ticks ; get the central wavelength of the observed range to the nearest 0.5 A wavmid = double(round(2.*mean(wobs,/double))/2.) print,'mid wavelength: ',wavmid ; find ticks at lower wavelengths tkmin = wavmid & tkmax = wavmid ntmin = 0 for ii = 0,100 do begin tkmin = tkmin - 0.5 ntmin = ntmin+1 if tkmin lt min(wobs) then begin tkmin = tkmin + 0.5 ntmin = ntmin-1 goto,jump55 endif endfor jump55: for ii = 0,100 do begin tkmax = tkmax + 0.5 if tkmax gt max(wobs) then begin tkmax = tkmax - 0.5 goto,jump56 endif endfor jump56: ; set wavelength tick marks nxt = round(double(tkmax-tkmin)/0.499) tickx = wavmid - ntmin*0.5 + findgen(nxt+1)*0.5 ; get labels for ticks xtn = strmid(strcompress(string(tickx-wavmid),/remove_all),0,4) ; set middle of wavelength to full value in A ; This presumes the wavelength is 4 characters xtn(ntmin) = strmid(strcompress(string(wavmid),/remove_all),0,6) ;Load black & white color table. loadct, 0 ncidx = 254 ; set special colors black = 0 & tvlct, 0, 0, 0, black white = ncidx-1 & tvlct, 255, 255, 255, white yellow = ncidx-3 & tvlct, 255, 255, 0, yellow red = ncidx-4 & tvlct, 255, 0, 0, red green = ncidx-5 & tvlct, 0, 255, 0, green blue = ncidx-6 & tvlct, 0, 0, 255, blue ; some middle index sz = 300 ;;Set plot charsize. charsize = 1.0 ; specify wavelength range rangew = [wobs(0),wobs(nwobs-1)] ;Factor to allow margin. fm = 1.05 ;Plot unsolved point. if not have_un then begin ; ;Do plotting in pixmap window. ;wset, wp ;Plot i profile. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ] max_i = max(i_obs) mx = fm*max_i ;plot, [0,numx-1], [0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ plot, rangew, [0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt plots, wobs, i_obs, color=black ;Plot q profile. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 ] max_q = max(abs(q_obs)) > max(abs(u_obs)) ;if fix_q ne 0. then mx=fix_q else mx=max_q mx=max_q plot, rangew, fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt plots, wobs, q_obs, color=black ;Plot u profile. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ] plot, rangew, fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt plots, wobs, u_obs, color=black ;Plot v profile. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ] max_v = max(abs(v_obs)) ;if fix_v ne 0. then mx=fix_v else mx=max_v mx=max_v plot, rangew, fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt plots, wobs, v_obs, color=black ;Print some information. ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, 0.40, 0.49, color=black, /normal, 'Image Pixel '+ $ '['+stringit(xllo+xs)+','+stringit(yllo+ys)+']', charsize=1.3 end ;Plot profiles & Unno fit. if have_un then begin ;Plot i profiles with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ] max_i = max(i_obs) > max(i_fit) mx=max_i ;plot, [0,numx-1], fm*[0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ plot, rangew, fm*[0,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin ; plot fitted i_mag in blue if(noImag) then goto, jump66 plots, wunno(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), $ i_mag(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), color=blue jump66: plots, wunno(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), $ i_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), color=red endfor ; bypass magnetic only I-profile plotting plots, wobs, i_obs, color=black ;Plot q profile with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 ] max_q = max(abs(q_obs)) > max(abs(u_obs)) $ > max(abs(q_fit)) > max(abs(u_fit)) ; if twoComp then $ ; max_q = max_q $ ; > max(abs(q_1st)) > max(abs(u_1st)) $ ; > max(abs(q_2nd)) > max(abs(u_2nd)) ;if fix_q ne 0. then mx=fix_q else mx=max_q mx=max_q plot, rangew, fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin plots, wunno(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), $ q_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), color=red endfor plots, wobs, q_obs, color=black ;Plot u profile with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 ] plot, rangew, fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin plots, wunno(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), $ u_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), color=red endfor plots, wobs, u_obs, color=black ;Plot v profile with Unno fit. !p.region = [ 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 ] max_v = max(abs(v_obs)) > max(abs(v_fit)) ; if twoComp then $ ; max_v = max_v > max(abs(v_1st)) > max(abs(v_2nd)) ;if fix_v ne 0. then mx=fix_v else mx=max_v mx=max_v plot, rangew, fm*[-mx,mx], ystyle=1, /nodata, /noerase $ , charsize=charsize, background=white, color=black, $ xminor=5, xtickv = tickx, xtickname=xtn, xticks=nxt for iline = 0,nwrng-1 do begin plots, wunno(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), $ v_fit(nlinr(iline,0):nlinr(iline,1)), color=red endfor plots, wobs, v_obs, color=black ;Print some information. ; print out coordinates from start of full map xyouts, 0.40, 0.49, color=black, /normal, 'Image Pixel '+ $ '['+stringit(xllo+xs)+','+stringit(yllo+ys)+']', charsize=1.3 ; endif have_un end device, /close_file set_plot, 'x' ;Restore system stuff. set_plot, sav_n if sav_n eq 'X' and sav_w gt -1 then wset,sav_w tvlct, sav_r, sav_g, sav_b !p=sav_p & !x=sav_x & !y=sav_y & !z=sav_z & !order=sav_o return end