function s_image, a_file, b, bkg=bkg ;+ ; ; function: s_image ; ; purpose: return a 2D array of an a_* file dumped by program "bite" ; expansions of *.bi files with the -x option. ; Structure b of data and directory must already exist ; and can be for unstretched or stretched images or ; non zoom azam structure. ; ; author: paul@ncar, 11/93 (minor mod's by rob@ncar) ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() eq 0 then begin print print, "usage: image = s_image( file, b )" print print, " Return a 2D array of vector file dumped by program" print, " 'bite'expansions of *.bi files with the -x option." print, " Structure b of data and directory must already exist" print, " and can be for unstretched or stretched images or" print, " non zoom azam structure. The structure has the" print, " directory path to a a_* data set. Input file must" print, " be the same length as an imageable a_* file." print print, " Arguments" print, " file - string variable with file path" print, " b - input structure of data and" print, " directory." print, " Keywords" print, " bkg - input background value (def=0.)" print print, " ex:" print, " a_path = '/hilo/d/asp/data/red/92.06.19/op9/a_1incl'" print, " b_1incl = s_image( a_path, b, bkg=90. )" print return, 0 endif ;- ;Read data file. a_data = read_floats( a_file ) ;Isolate directory path by finding ;last '/'. j = -1 i = 0 while i ne -1 do begin i = strpos( a_file, '/', i ) if i ne -1 then begin j = i i = i+1 end end dty = strmid( a_file, 0, j+1 ) ;Get file name. a_name = strcompress( strmid( a_file, strlen(dty), 1000 ), /remove_all ) ;Put local frame azimuth in range ;-180. to 180. if a_name eq 'a_1azm' or a_name eq 'a_2azm' then begin whr = where( a_data gt 180. or a_data lt -180., nwhr ) if nwhr gt 0 then begin print print, " normalizing file "+a_file print, "in range -180. to 180." a_data(whr) = $ (((a_data(whr) mod 360.)+(360.+180.)) mod 360.)-180. i = write_floats( a_file, a_data ) print end end ;Allocate 2D image array and install ;background. if n_elements(bkg) eq 0 then bg = 0. else bg = bkg image = replicate( float(bg), b.xdim, b.ydim ) ;Check if file is correct length. vdim = n_elements( a_data ) if vdim ne b.npoints and vdim ne b.nsolved then $ stop, a_file+': is wrong length' ;Set file name and length in structure. b.fname = a_name b.fdim = vdim ;Check for stretched images. if b.stretch then begin ;Check if unsolved raster points are in ;image. Expand data vector to right ;number of points and move data into ;2D array. if vdim eq b.npoints $ then image( b.pxy ) = a_data( b.vec_pxy ) $ else image( b.sxy ) = a_data( b.vec_sxy ) end else begin ;Move data into 2D array. if vdim eq b.npoints $ then image( b.pxy ) = a_data $ else image( b.sxy ) = a_data end ;Return 2D image as function value. return, image end