pro tvasp, image, x0_, y0_ $ , bw=bw $ , min=min_, max=max_ $ , red_blue=red_blue $ , gray=gray_, center=center $ , yellow=yellow, white_nd=white, black_nd=black $ , wrap=wrap_, invert=invert $ , notv=notv, noTable=noTable, bi=bi ;+ ; ; procedure: tvasp ; ; purpose: perform special ASP scaling on an image ; ; author: paul@ncar, 11/92 (mod's by rob@ncar) ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Check number of parameters. ; if n_params() eq 0 then begin print print, "usage: tvasp, image [, x0 [, y0]]" print print, " Perform special ASP scaling on an image." print, " Use tvasp like TVSCL. Note that a special colormap" print, " is installed consisting of a grayscale followed by a" print, " colorscale. Images of both types may be displayed" print, " simultaneously." print print, " Arguments:" print, " image - image to display" print, " x0, y0 - lower left corner of image within" print, " window (pixels; defs=0)" print print, " Keywords:" print, " bw - set this keyword to get 0-255" print, " black & white byte image to" print, " be returned in 'bi' keyword." print, " With 'bw', tvasp will not change" print, " commons, open windows, load color" print, " tables, write to windows, etc.;" print, " it is primitive." print, " Keywords recognized with 'bw' set print, " are bi, wrap, invert, white_nd," print, " black_nd, min and max." print, " red_blue - if set, the colormap loaded" print, " is a grayscale table followed" print, " by a red-blue table" print, " (def=load grayscale table followed" print, " by a green-yellow-red-magenta-blue" print, " -cyan-green)" print, " min, max - range at which to scale the image" print, " (defs=min(image) to max(image))" print, " invert - if set, invert color scale for this" print, " image (def=don't invert)" print, " gray - if set, use grayscale for this" print, " image (def=use colored indices)" print, " wrap - if set, and if green-yellow-red" print, " -magenta-blue-cyan-green table" print, " is used for this image;" print, " use green portion of table for wrap" print, " around. For gray scale wrap top" print, " half of data so scale appears" print, " black-white-black." print, " (Ignored if using red-blue scale.)" print, " (Def=use yellow-red-megenta-blue" print, " -cyan; 2/3 of the color indices)" print, " center - percent of color map to fill gray" print, " or black; this in effect makes a" print, " red-gray-blue image or a" print, " yellow-red-black-blue-yellow image;" print, " 1% is about 1.2 color indices;" print, " it has no effect on color table" print, " (def=no gray|black region)" print, " yellow - subscripts of image to mark" print, " yellow, i.e., result of WHERE" print, " function where you want the image" print, " highlighted yellow (def=not applied)" print, " white_nd - subscripts of image where no data" print, " exists, i.e., result of WHERE" print, " function where you want the image" print, " displayed as white (def=not applied)" print, " black_nd - subscripts of image where no data" print, " exists, i.e., result of WHERE" print, " function where you want the image" print, " displayed as black (def=not applied)" print, " notv - if set, do not alter display" print, " applies only to X windows" print, " noTable - if set, do not set color table." print, " bi - returned byte image" print print print, " ex: tvasp, ii, 10, 10, min=-3000, max=3000, /gray" print return endif ;- ;Common area used by IDL library routines. common colors, r_orig, g_orig, b_orig, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr ;Common with information for tvasp. common tvasp_only, r_tvasp, g_tvasp, b_tvasp, nColors, red_blue_com common tvasp_only1, firstX ;Get image dimensions. tmp = n_dims( image, xdim, ydim ) ;Set default to use colors scale. gray = keyword_set(gray_) ;Set default to unwrapped scale. wrap = keyword_set(wrap_) ;Set for special color where() arrays. haveYellow=0 & if n_elements(yellow) ne 0 then haveYellow = yellow(0) ge 0 haveWhite =0 & if n_elements(white) ne 0 then haveWhite = white(0) ge 0 haveBlack =0 & if n_elements(black) ne 0 then haveBlack = black(0) ge 0 ;Extract data where it exists and cast ;to floating point. if haveWhite or haveBlack then begin exstt = replicate( 1, xdim, ydim ) if haveWhite then exstt(white)=0 if haveBlack then exstt(black)=0 exstt = where(exstt) if exstt(0) ge 0 $ then bimage = float(image(exstt)) $ else bimage = 0. end else begin bimage = float(image) end ;Set min & max for scale. if n_elements(min_)*n_elements(max_) eq 0 then mn=min(bimage,max=mx) if n_elements(min_) eq 1 then mn=min_ if n_elements(max_) eq 1 then mx=max_ min = mn < mx max = mn > mx ;On bw keyword set byte image and return. if keyword_set(bw) then begin ;Scale image. if max-min ne 0. then begin if wrap then begin mddl = .5*(min+max) bi = 255B-byte(round( $ ((abs(bimage-mddl)) < (max-mddl))*255./(.5*(max-min)))) end else begin bi = byte(round( $ ((min > bimage < max)-min)*255./(max-min))) end end else begin if wrap $ then bi = 255B+byte(0.*bimage) $ else bi = 128B+byte(0.*bimage) end ;Invert color scale on keyword. if keyword_set(invert) then bi=255B-bi ;Recover 2D image. if haveWhite or haveBlack then begin tmp = bi bi = bytarr(xdim,ydim) if exstt(0) ge 0 then bi(exstt)=tmp if haveWhite then bi(white)=255B end return end ;Set default lower left corner to (0,0). if n_elements(x0_) eq 1 then x0=x0_ else x0=0 if n_elements(y0_) eq 1 then y0=y0_ else y0=0 ;Set default output to window. dotv = keyword_set(notv) eq 0 and ! eq 'X' ;Open window as needed. if dotv and !d.window eq -1 then window, /free, xsize=x0+xdim, ysize=y0+ydim ;Stop if there are not enough colors. if ! eq 'X' and n_elements(firstX) eq 0 then begin window, /free, /pixmap, xs=1, ys=1 ncidx = !d.n_colors wdelete, !d.window if ncidx lt 200 then begin print print, ' number availble colors is', !d.n_colors print, 'IDL abort recomended if less than 200' stop, 'Enter .c to continue' end firstX = 1 end ;Set number of colors. nColors = !d.n_colors < 200L ;Color indices devided into two halves. ;7 special colors are reserved at the end. ;See "special color indices" below. ;'half' is assured to be divisable by 6. nSpecial = 7 half = ((nColors-nSpecial)/12)*6 ;Ramp 0 to 255 to fit color scale half. ramp = round(findgen(half)*255./(half-1)) ;Allocate space for current color arrays. r_tvasp = replicate(255,255) g_tvasp = r_tvasp b_tvasp = r_tvasp ;Set gray scale in lower half of colors. ix1 = 0 ix2 = half - 1 r_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = ramp g_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = ramp b_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = ramp ;Set first color index used and number ;colors used. idxclr = half numclr = half ;Check if red_blue color table is used. if n_elements(red_blue) eq 0 then red_blue = 0 if red_blue eq 0 then begin ;Set variation in color scale. lgt = 255L tip = replicate( lgt, half ) tip(0:half/3-1) = findgen(half/3)*lgt/(half/3)+.5 tip(2*half/3:half-1) = reverse( tip(0:half/3-1) ) ;Set RGB scale with middle brightness ;shifted. red = shift( tip, 5*half/6 ) gre = shift( tip, 3*half/6 ) blu = shift( tip, half/6 ) ;Move colors scale to common arrays. ix1 = half ix4 = half+half-1 r_tvasp(ix1:ix4) = red g_tvasp(ix1:ix4) = gre b_tvasp(ix1:ix4) = blu ;Use smaller band for unwraped color ;table. Reset first color index ;used and number colors used. if wrap eq 0 and gray eq 0 then begin idxclr = half+half/6 ;numclr = half-half/3 numclr = half-half/6 end end else begin ;Set third quadrant to a red scale, ;bright to dark. ix1 = half ix2 = half + half/2 - 1 r_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = reverse( ramp( half/2 : half-1 ) ) g_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = 0 b_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = 0 ;Set forth quadrant to a blue scale. ix1 = half + half/2 ix2 = half + half - 1 r_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = 0 g_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = 0 b_tvasp( ix1 : ix2 ) = ramp( half/2 : half-1 ) end ;Set special color indices ;(c3 = center color). if red_blue then c3=128 else c3=0 m = nColors - nSpecial n = nColors - 1 r_tvasp( m : n ) = [ 128, 0, 0, 255, 255, c3, 255 ] g_tvasp( m : n ) = [ 128, 0, 255, 0, 255, c3, 255 ] b_tvasp( m : n ) = [ 128, 255, 0, 0, 0, c3, 255 ] ;Save special color indices in common. @tvasp.set tvasp.ix_white = nColors - 1 tvasp.ix_center = nColors - 2 tvasp.ix_yellow = nColors - 3 tvasp.ix_red = nColors - 4 tvasp.ix_green = nColors - 5 tvasp.ix_blue = nColors - 6 tvasp.ix_gray = nColors - 7 tvasp.ix_black = 0 ;Load color table. if keyword_set(noTable) eq 0 then begin r_curr = r_tvasp g_curr = g_tvasp b_curr = b_tvasp tvlct, r_curr, g_curr, b_curr end ;Return if everything is background. if haveWhite or haveBlack then if exstt(0) eq -1 then begin bi = replicate( tvasp.ix_black, xdim, ydim ) if haveWhite then bi(white)=tvasp.ix_white if dotv then tv, bi, x0, y0 return end ;Scale image. if gray and wrap then begin if max-min ne 0. then begin mddl = .5*(min+max) bimage = (numclr-1.)-( (abs(bimage-mddl) < (max-mddl)) ) $ * (numclr-1.) / (.5*(max-min)) end else begin bimage = numclr-1.+0.*bimage end end else begin if max-min ne 0. then begin bimage = ( (min > bimage < max) - min ) $ * ( (numclr-1.)/(max-min) ) end else begin bimage = .5*(numclr-1.)+0.*bimage end end ;Invert color scale on keyword. if keyword_set(invert) then bimage=(numclr-1.)-bimage ;Check for color scale used & middle grays. case 1 of ;No offset for gray scale. gray ne 0: bimage = round(bimage) ;If no middle gray colors, ;add offset to color indices. keyword_set(center) eq 0: bimage = round(idxclr+bimage) else: begin ;Number of indices extension ;for middle grays. grays = round( (center*numclr)/(100.-center) ) ;Scale image to half plus grays. bimage = bimage*(numclr+grays-1.)/(numclr-1.) ;Convert to integer. bimage = round( bimage ) ;Find where grays are to be set. whr_gray = $ where( bimage ge numclr/2 and bimage lt numclr/2+grays, num_gray ) ;Squeeze out grays by offseting blues. whr_blue = where( bimage ge numclr/2+grays, num_blue ) if num_blue ne 0 then bimage(whr_blue) = bimage(whr_blue)-grays ;Add offset to red-blue color indices. bimage = idxclr+bimage ;Set middle grays. if num_gray ne 0 then bimage( whr_gray ) = tvasp.ix_center end end if haveWhite or haveBlack then begin ;Recover 2D image. tmp = lonarr( xdim, ydim ) tmp(exstt) = bimage if haveYellow then tmp(yellow)=tvasp.ix_yellow if haveWhite then tmp(white )=tvasp.ix_white ;Display the image. bi = byte( tmp ) if dotv then tv, bi, x0, y0 end else begin ;Set yellow pixels on keyword. if haveYellow then bimage(yellow) = tvasp.ix_yellow ;Display the image. bi = byte(bimage) if dotv then tv, bi, x0, y0 end end