pro dipoletrans,wavzm,d,s,nt ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; subroutine: dipoleTrans ; ; purpose: For input wavelength calulate zeeman shifts and ; normalized intensities for dipole transition. ; ; author: paul@ncar 12/95 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Input/output: ; wavzm ~ wavelength (A). ; Output: ; shifts and normalized intensities ; ( ( d(i,k), s(i,k), k=0,nt(i)-1 ), i=0,2 ) ; d(i,k) are in mA/G ; nt [i=0,2] is number of zeeman components for each of ; sigma (2) and pi (1) ; define output arrays d = fltarr(3,20) s = fltarr(3,20) nt = intarr(3) ; data for dipole transitions ldat = [ $ [ 3.,1.,1. , 1.,0.,0. , 4571. ], $; Mg I [ 3.,0.,1. , 3.,1.,1. , 5172.698 ], $; Mg I [ 3.,0.,1. , 3.,1.,2. , 5183.615 ], $; Mg I [ 7.,2.,3. , 5.,2.,2. , 5247.060 ], $; Mg I [ 7.,2.,1. , 5.,2.,0. , 5250.210 ], $; Fe I [ 5.,2.,3. , 5.,3.,2. , 5506.782 ], $; Fe I [ 3.,0.,1. , 3.,1.,1. , 6122.2 ], $; Ca I [ 4.,1.,0.5, 4.,2.,0.5, 6149.238 ], $; Fe II [ 5.,2.,0. , 5.,1.,1. , 6173.340 ], $; Fe I [ 5.,2.,2. , 5.,1.,2. , 6301.509 ], $; Fe I [ 5.,2.,0. , 5.,1.,1. , 6302.501 ], $; Fe I [ 3.,1.,1. , 1.,0.,0. , 6767.778 ], $; Ni I [ 5.,1.,1. , 5.,1.,1. , 8468.418 ], $; Ni I [ 2.,1.,1.5, 2.,2.,1.5, 8498.018 ], $; Ca II [ 2.,1.,1.5, 2.,2.,2.5, 8542.089 ], $; Ca II [ 5.,1.,3. , 5.,1.,3. , 8688.615 ] $; Fe I ] ; get size of array of possible lines sz = size(ldat) nline = sz(2) nparam = sz(1) ; wavelength is last parameter w3 = fltarr(nline) w3(*) = ldat(6,*) ; Isolate input wavelength. for kk = 0,nline-1 do begin ww1 = fix(w3(kk)+.001)-.001 ww2 = fix(w3(kk)+1.001) if(wavzm gt fix(w3(kk)+.001)-.001 $ and wavzm lt fix(w3(kk)+1.001) ) then begin ; Reset wavelength to hardwired value. wavzm = w3(kk) ; LS coupling parameters ru = ldat(0,kk) lu = ldat(1,kk) ju = ldat(2,kk) rl = ldat(3,kk) ll = ldat(4,kk) jl = ldat(5,kk) ; get zeeman pattern zeem,ru,lu,ju,rl,ll,jl return endif endfor print,'in, unresolved wavelength' stop end