pro smear_sgl,stks,ntran,ffinst,iwstrt,iwend,mask1,mask2 ; modified from for single profile ; routine to convolve stokes profile array with instrument profile ; INPUTS: ; stks = Stokes profile array [nwl,4,npix] ; (npix= number of pixels in map) ; ntran = number of wavelength points to transform (>maxsz), ; i.e. for hinode, next power of 2 > 112 = 128 ; ffinst = fourier transform of instrument profile defined ; on [0:ntran-1] in real domain ; iwstrt = array of start pixels for synthetic profiles ; iwend = array of end pixels for synthetic profiles ; mask1 = ascending wavelength array mask function [ntran,nline] ; mask2 = descending wavelength array mask function [ntran,nline] ;!!NOTE: ; THIS ROUTINE ASSUMES ALL LINES ARE APPROXIMATELY AT THE SAME ; WAVELENGTH, AND THAT THE SMEARING FUNCTION IS THE SAME FOR ; EACH LINE ; ; OUTPUT: ; stks = Stokes profile array [nwl,4,npix] ccc = 299792.458 ; speed of light, km/sec ; first find dimensions of input Stokes profile array sz = size(stks) nwl = sz(1) nstk = sz(2) ;npix = sz(3) nline = n_elements(iwstrt) ; number of computed spectral lines ; begin convolution of profiles datm = fltarr(ntran) ; begin loop over profiles ;for kk = 0,npix-1 do for istk = 0,nstk-1 do begin for istk = 0,nstk-1 do begin datm(*) = 0. dat = stks(*,istk) ; select individual profile datsav = dat datm(0:nwl-1) = dat ; extend profile smoothly between computed line positions ; iwendd = index for end point of previous range iwendd = shift(iwend,1) for im = 0,nline-1 do begin datm = datm + dat(iwendd(im))*mask1(*,im) + $ dat(iwstrt(im))*mask2(*,im) endfor ; perform FFT on extended profile fftdat = fft(datm,-1) ; apply convolution in Fourier domain conv = fftdat*ffinst ; reverse transform ffterc = fft(conv,1) ; replace analytic profiles with convolved data stks(*,istk) = real_part(ffterc(0:nwl-1)) endfor return end