pro srcftn_sgl,ipx, jpx, er, maxsz, un ; modified from for single profile ; purpose: Compute Unno forms having eta's & rho's. ; ; THIS VERSION PROCESSES ARRAYS OF FIT PARAMETERS ; INPUTS: ; ipx,jpx = first, last wavelength pixels to compute ; er = eta, rho values ; maxsz = maximum wavelength dimension ; OUTPUT: ; un = Unno Stokes profiles, [nwl,4,npix] ([0,3] = [I,Q,U,V]) ; size of arrays sz = size(er) ;nwl = sz(1) & npix = sz(3) nwl = sz(1) ;eipm = fltarr(npix) ;term1 = eipm & term2 = eipm & term3 = eipm & term4 = eipm ;stop ; Output arrays of Unno functions un = fltarr(maxsz,4) for iw = ipx,jpx do begin ; Auxiliary terms that frequently occur eipm = 1. + er(iw,0) eipm2 = eipm*eipm term1 = eipm2 + er(iw,3)*er(iw,3) + er(iw,4)*er(iw,4) term2 = er(iw,1)*er(iw,3) + er(iw,2)*er(iw,4) term3 = er(iw,1)*er(iw,4) - er(iw,2)*er(iw,3) term4 = term1 - er(iw,1)*er(iw,1) - er(iw,2)*er(iw,2) ovdet = 1./( eipm2*term4 - term2*term2 ) ;if iw eq 73 then stop ; Unno profiles un(iw,0) = eipm*term1*ovdet un(iw,1) = -(eipm2*er(iw,1)+er(iw,3)*term2)*ovdet un(iw,2) = -eipm*term3*ovdet un(iw,3) = -(eipm2*er(iw,2)+er(iw,4)*term2)*ovdet endfor return end