pro unno_sgl,isl,jj,scatlp,mefit_sgl,ifit_sgl,nounnofit ; modified to compute profiles on the run ; this routine generates unno profiles for a single point within ; a map ; starts moving ; purpose: Compute Unno Stokes profiles from MERLIN output ; parameters. ; Unno spectra calculated in same way as ASP inversion code, but ; modified for either scattered light/fill fraction formulation ; INPUT: ; isl - slit scan position in map ; jj - position along slit in map ; scatlp - scattered light profile ; OUTPUTS: ; mefit_sgl- Milne-Eddington fit profiles, [maxsz,4] ; ifit_sgl - full fit of Stokes-I, including scattered light ; nounnofit- set to non-zero of this raster point not fit ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; some constants ccc = 299792.458D ; light speed in km/sec ; common area for usage in common com_azamspectra, xllo,xuro,yllo,yuro,full_directory, $ iwstrt,iwend,dispers,wavlngth,basewav,etaratio,vbroad, $ maxsz,ntran,mscatt ; note: in com_azamspectra, mscatt flags the fill fraction/scattered light ; formulation ; mscatt - if nonzero, then use ASP scattered light formulation: ; I = alpha*Iscatt + Imagnetic ; default: use fill fraction formulation that is ; default zero: MERLIN output for Hinode data: ; I = fill*Imagnetic + (1-fill)*Iscatt ; common area for storing the inversion results and other parameters ; that will be used for the display of ME profiles common com_mefitparams, nlinr,nwave,ctrwav,fld,eta0,dmp,dop,bzero, $ b1mu,cen1,cen2,alpha,cct,delta,ffscat,cos2azm,sin2azm,csn, $ ffinst,mask1,mask2,isolv ; first, check to see if this point was fit nounnofit = 0 if isolv(isl,jj) eq 0. then begin nounnofit = 1 return endif nwl1 = maxsz-1 ; calculate the pixel ranges for wavelength cutouts nline = n_elements(iwstrt) ; nlinr = ranges of pixels for output array for each spectrum line nlinr = intarr(nline,2) ; nwave = total number of wavelengths to output nwave = 0 for kk = 0,nline-1 do begin nwlin = (iwend(kk)-iwstrt(kk) + 1) nlinr(kk,0) = nwave nlinr(kk,1) = nlinr(kk,0) + nwlin - 1 nwave = nwave + nwlin endfor ; initialize the full wavelength Unno profiles ifit = lonarr(maxsz) ifit_sgl = lonarr(maxsz) mefit_sgl = fltarr(maxsz,4) unno = fltarr(maxsz,4) unno(*,*) = 0. ; loop over the spectral line wavelength ranges for iline = 0,1 do begin ipx = iwstrt(iline) jpx = iwend(iline) wavzm = wavlngth(iline) disper = dispers(iline) etazero = eta0(isl,jj)*etaratio(iline) ; MERLIN line centers are given in km/sec with redshift positive ; required parameter ctr is line center position in mA relative to ; pixel 0 if iline eq 0 then begin ctr = ctrwav(iline) + 1000.*wavzm*cen1(isl,jj)/ccc endif if iline eq 1 then begin ctr = ctrwav(iline) + 1000.*wavzm*cen2(isl,jj)/ccc endif ; build appropriate Voigt functions dmpp = dmp(isl,jj) dopp = dop(isl,jj) fldd = fld(isl,jj) vgtv_sgl, ipx, jpx, maxsz, disper, wavzm, dmpp, dopp, $ ctr, fldd, hgen, fgen ; Eta and rho ;etaz = etazero(isl,jj) etaz = etazero csnn = csn(isl,jj) etarho_sgl, ipx, jpx, csnn, etaz, hgen, fgen, maxsz, er ; Unno functions srcftn_sgl, ipx, jpx, er, maxsz, un unno = unno + un ; end loop over lines endfor ; rotate Q,U profiles to field azimuth for iw = 0,nwl1 do begin qqqq = unno(iw,1) uuuu = unno(iw,2) unno(iw,1) = cos2azm(isl,jj)*qqqq-sin2azm(isl,jj)*uuuu unno(iw,2) = sin2azm(isl,jj)*qqqq+cos2azm(isl,jj)*uuuu endfor ; broaden the synthetic Stokes profiles ;!!!NOTE ; for now just smear the entire profile with the braodening ; function for the first line. If in the future we work with ; lines at separate wavelengths in AZAM, will be necessary to ; smear profiles individually ;smear,unno,ntran,ffinst(*,0),iwstrt,iwend,mask1,mask2 smear_sgl,unno,ntran,ffinst(*,0),iwstrt,iwend,mask1,mask2 ; add normalizations for muB1, offset for I for B0 for iw = 0,nwl1 do begin for istks = 0,3 do unno(iw,istks) = b1mu(isl,jj)*unno(iw,istks) unno(iw,0) = bzero(isl,jj) + unno(iw,0) endfor ; add scattered light profile ; first shift the scattered light profile according to parameter delta ; the parameter delta is the shift of the profile redward in km/sec ; scattered light shifts in pixels ;!!NOTE, ASSUMES ALL LINES ARE APPROX. AT SAME WAVELENGTH dpix = (1000.*wavlngth(0)*delta(isl,*)/ccc)/dispers(0) sh = dpix(jj) alph = alpha(isl,jj) sh_scat = real_part(fft(xshift_sbsp(ffscat,sh),1)) if (mscatt ne 0) then begin for iw = 0,nwl1 do begin ifit(iw) = unno(iw,0) + alph*sh_scat(iw) endfor endif else begin for iw = 0,nwl1 do begin unno(iw,*) = alph*unno(iw,*) ifit(iw) = unno(iw,0) + (1. - alph)*sh_scat(iw) endfor endelse ; outputs only the magnetic Stokes-I component ; save only those wavelengths to be plotted for kk = 0,nline-1 do begin mefit_sgl(nlinr(kk,0):nlinr(kk,1),*) = $ long(unno(iwstrt(kk):iwend(kk),*)) ifit_sgl(nlinr(kk,0):nlinr(kk,1)) = $ long(ifit(iwstrt(kk):iwend(kk))) endfor ; endfor ; end loop over slit positions ;endfor return end