pro voigt_sgl,aa,vv,hh,ff,ipx,jpx ; modified from for single profile ; Computes: h(i)=H(a,v(i)), f(i)=2F(a,v(i)); i = ipx,jpx ; COMPUTES COMPLEX PROBABILITY FUNCTION AFTER ; HUMLICEK (1982) JQSRT 27, 437. ; RETURNS REAL & IMAGINARY PARTS AS VOIGT FUNCTIONS ; compares well with Beckers, SP, 9 (1969) ; INPUTS: ; aa = ratio of damping to Doppler widths ; vv = wavelength array, displacement from line center, ; relative to Doppler width ; ipx = first wavelength pixel to compute functions ; jpx = last wavelength pixel to compute functions ; ; OUTPUTS: ; hh = Voigt function array ; ff = Faraday-Voigt function array sz = size(vv) ;nwl = sz(1) & npix = sz(2) nwl = sz(1) h = fltarr(nwl) & f = fltarr(nwl) ;hh = fltarr(nwl,npix) & ff = fltarr(nwl,npix) ;hh(*,*) = 0. & ff(*,*) = 0. ; begin loop over pixels ;for kk = 0,npix-1 do begin ;v = double(vv(*,kk)) ;a = double(aa(kk)) v =vv(*) a = aa h(*) = 0. & f(*) = 0. irun = ipx-1 ; begin wavelength loop for many = ipx,jpx do begin irun = irun+1 if( irun gt jpx ) then goto,jump60 istr = irun istr1 = min( [istr+1, jpx] ) absv = abs( v(irun) ) s = absv+a ; REGION 1 if( s ge 15. ) then begin ;print,'at region 1' for ii = istr1,jpx do begin absv = abs( v(ii,*) ) s = absv+a if( s lt 15. ) then goto,jump101 irun = ii endfor jump101: for ii = istr,irun do begin t = complex( a, -v(ii) ) ;t = dcomplex( a, -v(ii) ) t = t*.5641896/(.5+t*t) h(ii) = real_part(t) f(ii) = imaginary(t) endfor endif ; REGION 2 if( s ge 5.5 ) then begin ;print,'at region 2' for ii = istr1,jpx do begin absv = abs( v(ii) ) s = absv+a if( s ge 15. or s lt 5.5 ) then goto,jump202 irun = ii endfor jump202: for ii = istr,irun do begin t = complex( a, -v(ii) ) ;t = dcomplex( a, -v(ii) ) u = t*t t = t*(1.410474+u*.5641896)/(.75+u*(3.+u)) h(ii) = real_part(t) f(ii) = imaginary(t) endfor endif ; REGION 3 if( (a+.276) ge (.195*absv+.1) ) then begin ;print,'at region 3' for ii = istr1,jpx do begin absv = abs( v(ii) ) s = absv+a if( s ge 5.5 or (a+.276) lt (.195*absv+.1)) then goto,jump303 irun = ii endfor jump303: for ii = istr,irun do begin t = complex( a, -v(ii) ) ;t = dcomplex( a, -v(ii) ) t = (16.4955+t*(20.20933+t* $ (11.96482+t*(3.778987+t*.5642236)))) / $ (16.4955+t*(38.82363+t* $ (39.27121+t*(21.69274+t*(6.699398+t))))) h(ii) = real_part(t) f(ii) = imaginary(t) endfor endif ; REGION 4 for ii = istr1,jpx do begin absv = abs( v(ii) ) s = absv+a if( s ge 5.5 or (a+.276) ge (.195*absv+.1) ) then goto,jump404 irun = ii endfor jump404: ;print,'at region 4' for ii = istr,irun do begin t = complex( a, -v(ii) ) ;t = dcomplex( a, -v(ii) ) u = t*t t = exp(u)- $ t*(36183.31-u*(3321.9905-u*(1540.787 $ -u*(219.0313-u*(35.76683-u*(1.320522 -u*.56419)))))) / $ (32066.6-u*(24322.84-u*(9022.228 $ -u*(2186.181-u*(364.2191-u*(61.57037 $ -u*(1.841439-u))))))) h(ii) = real_part(t) f(ii) = imaginary(t) endfor ; end loop over wavelengths endfor jump60: hh(*) = h ff(*) = f ; end loop over pixels ;endfor return end