! subroutine swdot(un,vc,z,w,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1) ! ! This software is part of the NCAR TIE-GCM. Use is governed by the ! Open Source Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file ! tiegcmlicense.txt. ! ! Calculate omega for vertical velocity W (s.a., divrg.F): ! use cons_module,only: expzmid,dz use addfld_module,only: addfld use diags_module,only: mkdiag_WN use mpi_module,only: mytid implicit none ! ! Args: integer,intent(in) :: lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1 real,intent(in),dimension(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2,lat0-2:lat1+2):: | un,vc,z real,intent(out) :: | w(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2,lat0-2:lat1+2) ! ! Local: integer :: k,i,lat real :: w_divrg(lev0:lev1,lon0:lon1) ! ! Latitude scan: do lat=lat0,lat1 ! call addfld('UN_SWDOT',' ',' ',un(:,lon0:lon1,lat), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! call addfld('VC_SWDOT',' ',' ',vc(lev0:lev1-1,lon0:lon1,lat), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1-1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) ! ! W=DIVRG(V) ! call divrg(un(:,:,lat),vc,w_divrg,lon0,lon1,lev0,lev1,lat0,lat1, | lat) ! ! nlevp1 <- 1: do i=lon0,lon1 w(lev1,i,lat) = w_divrg(lev1-1,i) enddo ! ! W(K)=expzmid*(expzmid*W(K+1)+dz*S1(K)) do i=lon0,lon1 do k=lev1-1,lev0,-1 w(k,i,lat) = expzmid*(expzmid*w(k+1,i,lat)+dz*w_divrg(k,i)) enddo enddo ! call addfld('W_SWDOT',' ',' ',w(:,lon0:lon1,lat), ! | 'lev',lev0,lev1,'lon',lon0,lon1,lat) enddo ! lat=lat0,lat1 ! ! Filter W (3-d): call filter_w(w,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1,'WN') ! ! Pass omega (filtered w) to diags module for WN: ! (mkdiag_WN is expecting geopotential z in cm) do lat=lat0,lat1 call mkdiag_WN('WN',w(:,lon0:lon1,lat),z(:,lon0:lon1,lat), | lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat) enddo end subroutine swdot !----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine filter_w(wout,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1,name) ! ! Filter updated W omega: ! use params_module,only: nlat,nlonp4 use cons_module,only: kut use filter_module,only: filter #ifdef MPI use mpi_module,only: mp_gatherlons_f3d,mp_scatterlons_f3d,mytidi #else integer :: mytidi=0 #endif ! ! Args: integer,intent(in) :: lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1 real,intent(inout) :: wout(lev0:lev1,lon0-2:lon1+2,lat0-2:lat1+2) character(len=*),intent(in) :: name ! ! VT vampir tracing: ! #ifdef VT #include <VT.inc> #endif ! ! Local: integer :: i,j real :: w_ik(nlonp4,lev0:lev1),w_kij(lev0:lev1,nlonp4,lat0:lat1) real :: fmin,fmax ! #ifdef VT ! code = 125 ; state = 'filter_w' ; activity='Filtering' call vtbegin(125,ier) #endif ! ! Define lons in w_kij from current task: w_kij = 0. do j=lat0,lat1 do i=lon0,lon1 w_kij(:,i,j) = wout(:,i,j) enddo enddo ! j=lat0,lat1 ! #ifdef MPI ! ! Gather longitudes into tasks in first longitude column of task table ! (leftmost of each j-row) for global fft. (i.e., tasks with mytidi==0 ! gather lons from other tasks in that row). This includes all latitudes. ! call mp_gatherlons_f3d(w_kij,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1,1,name) #endif ! ! Only leftmost tasks at each j-row of tasks does the global filtering: if (mytidi==0) then ! ! Define 2d array with all longitudes for filter at each latitude: do j=lat0,lat1 do i=1,nlonp4 w_ik(i,:) = w_kij(:,i,j) enddo ! i=1,nlonp4 ! ! Remove wave numbers > kut(lat): call filter(w_ik,lev0,lev1,kut(j),j) ! ! Return filtered array to w_kij: do i=1,nlonp4 w_kij(:,i,j) = w_ik(i,:) enddo ! i=1,nlonp4 enddo ! j=lat0,lat1 endif ! mytidi==0 #ifdef MPI ! ! Now leftmost task at each j-row must redistribute filtered data ! back to other tasks in the j-row (mytidi>0,mytidj) (includes latitude): ! call mp_scatterlons_f3d(w_kij,lev0,lev1,lon0,lon1,lat0,lat1,1, | name) ! write(6,"('filter w after mp_scatterlons: lon0,1=',2i4,' lat0,1=' ! | ,2i4,' fkij(:,lon0:lon1,:) min,max=',2e12.4)") lon0,lon1, ! | lat0,lat1,minval(w_kij(:,lon0:lon1,:)), ! | maxval(w_kij(:,lon0:lon1,:)) #endif ! ! Return filtered array to wout at current task longitudes and latitudes: do j=lat0,lat1 do i=lon0,lon1 wout(:,i,j) = w_kij(:,i,j) enddo enddo ! #ifdef VT ! code = 125 ; state = 'filter_w' ; activity='Filtering' call vtend(125,ier) #endif end subroutine filter_w !-----------------------------------------------------------------------