! program glbmean ! ! Global Mean model, main program. ! use cons ,only: set_cons use input ,only: read_namelist use init ,only: init_run use restart ,only: read_source use guydat ,only: rdguydat implicit none character(len=8) :: | rundate, ! current local date | runtime ! current local time ! call datetime(rundate,runtime) write(6,"('Begin execution of glbmean at ',a,' ',a)") | rundate,runtime ! ! Read namelist input: call read_namelist ! ! Set model constants (after init fields for zp): call set_cons ! ! Initialize the run: call init_run ! ! Read source history: call read_source ! ! Read Guy Brassier data: call rdguydat ! ! Advance the model in time: call advance ! call datetime(rundate,runtime) write(6,"(/,'End execution of glbmean at ',a,' ',a)") | rundate,runtime write(6,"('NORMAL EXIT')") ! end program glbmean