function iris_ssw_l2_query, t0, t1, obsid = obsid, ds = ds, verbose = verbose,$ open = open, fits = fits, get_files = get_files, data_home = data_home ; IDL Version 8.0, Mac OS X (darwin x86_64 m64) ; Journal File for ; Working directory: /Users/mscott/Desktop ; Date: Tue Sep 24 17:13:12 2013 ; Send requests/bugs/suggestions to ; Purpose: Find IRiS Level 2 data URL and QL information by querying the timeline ; useage: ; obsid = 4182010156 ; t0 = '2013-08-20 00:00:000' ; t1 = '2013-08-21 00:00:000' ; fl = iris_ssw_l2_query(t0, t1, obsid = obsid) ; print, fl ; ; ; ; ; ; Adding the FITS keyword returns URLS for FITS files in the folder. ; t0 = '2013-08-20 15:00:000' ; t1 = '2013-08-20 16:00:000' ; fl = iris_ssw_l2_query(t0, t1, obsid = obsid, /fits) ; print, fl ; ; ; ; ; ; GET_FILES Keyword uses SOCKETS to download the FITS files from the Web ; DS Keyword allows the user to use different IRIS data series ; OPEN Keyword is experimental - open the web browser at URL ; DATA_HOME Keyword points to where you keep IRIS Level 2 data, default is './' base_url = '' data_series = 'level2_prelim03' if keyword_set(ds) then data_series = ds[0] if keyword_set(obsid) then obsid = obsid[0] message, /cont, 'Using IRIS DataSeries '+data_series tl = iris_time2timeline(t0, t1) if keyword_set(verbose) then info = get_infox(tl,tag_names(tl),/more) ntl = n_elements(tl) date = strarr(ntl) start = strarr(ntl) url = strarr(ntl) for ii =0, ntl - 1 do begin tmp = str_sep(tl[ii].date_obs,'T') tmp2 = tmp[0] year = strmid(tmp2,0,4) month = strmid(tmp2,5,2) day = strmid(tmp2,8,2) date[ii] = year+'/'+month+'/'+day ;help, year, month, day tmp = str_sep(tmp[1],':') start[ii] = year+month+day+'_'+tmp[0]+tmp[1]+strmid(tmp[2],0,2) url[ii] = base_url + data_series +'/'+ date[ii] + '/' +start[ii] +'_'+ strcompress(tl[ii].obsid,/rem) + '/' endfor if keyword_set(obsid) then begin best = where(tl.obsid eq obsid, count) if count gt 0 then url = url[best] endif if keyword_set(verbose) then more, url if keyword_set(open) then spawn, 'open '+url+'www/' if keyword_set(fits) then begin count = 0 array = strarr(100000) for ii=0,n_elements(url)-1 do begin sock_dir,url[ii], xx if n_elements(xx) eq 0 then begin message,'No FITS files in folder : '+url[ii], /cont goto, skip endif for jj=0,n_elements(xx)-1 do begin true = strmatch(xx[jj],'*/iris_l2_*.fits') if true then begin array[count] = xx[jj] count = count + 1 endif endfor skip: endfor array = array[0:count-1] url = array endif if count eq 0 then begin message, /cont, 'No L2 FITS files visible' url = -1 endif else begin if keyword_set(get_files) then message, /cont, 'Retrieving IRIS L2 FITS Files' if keyword_set(get_files) then iris_get_l2files, url, ds = ds, data_home = data_home endelse return, url end