This directory contains snapshots non-grey sunspot simulations at different resolutions that were derived from the models described in Rempel 2012, ApJ 750, 62. Refer to this publication for details about the setup of the model runs. Also read the discussion about which aspects of the photospheric fine structure are robust and which aspects still show a substantial resolution dependence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Acknowledgment *** Please cite "Rempel 2012, ApJ 750, 62" in manuscripts or presentations that result from the use of the data. So that we may acknowledge any use of the data in our own reports and presentations, please send any electronic preprints (or web links) of manuscripts which use the data to This may be done after a manuscript is submitted or accepted for publication. For all publications and presentations of results using this data, please add the following acknowledgments: We use data provided by M. Rempel at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data format: All data consists of single precision little endian binary files. Each variable is stored in a separate file containing an array for the size nx*ny*nz (see below). Here "y" refers to the vertical direction, similarly vely and magy are the vertical field components. All quantities are in cgs units. Positive values of vely indicate upflows. To read the data into IDL, e.g. velx=fltarr(nx,ny,nz) openr,1,'velx.float' readu,1,velx close,1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ spot_32x16x32km_ng: The size of the data cube is 1536x128x1536 with 32 km horizontal and 16 km vertical grid spacing. We make here only the top 2.048 Mm available, the full vertical extent of the simulation domain is 6.144 Mm (384 grid points). The total time elapsed since initialization of the simulation is about 6h of which 2.7 hours were performed in high resolution. The last 26 min were performed with non-grey radiative transfer using 4 opacity bins optimized for quiet sun conditions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ slab_12x8x12km_ng: This data set is derived from a (grey) sunspot simulation at originally 16x12x16 km resolution in a 49.152x6.144x49.152 Mm domain. The top half of that domain was regridded to 12x8x12 km resolution and evolved for another 15 minutes (10 min grey and the last 5 min non-grey). We make here a cut through the center of the domain available, the data cube has a size of 4096x256x512. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ spot_12x8x12km_ng: Same as before, but for the full horizontal extent. The size of the data cube is 4096x256x4096. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before using the data be aware of the following aspects: 1.) The luminosity of the quiet sun surrounding the sunspot is not exactly solar (off by a few %). 2.) Oscillations present in the simulations do not have solar amplitudes! This can introduce velocity offsets of a few 100 m/s! The global box mode can be corrected by subtracting / from the vertical velocity with <...> indicating horizontal averages over the whole domain. 3.) Due to numerical constraints the equation of state is switched to iso-epsilon (epsilon=e_int/rho) in regions where e_int < 5e-4 e_mag. As a consequence temperatures in those regions are not realistic! 4.) Please contact if any characteristics of this data puzzle the user (simulations may contain numerical artifacts that are not always easy to identify!) 5.) Refer to discussion on resolution dependence of results in Rempel 2012, ApJ 750, 62 before interpreting details! 6.) These simulations are continuously improved and higher resolution data may become available in the near future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------