Quiet Sun (small scale dynamo) simulation in 98.304x98.304x18.432 Mm domain with 64x64x32 km resolution (1535x1535x576). Total duration 30 hours, 120000 time steps dt=0.9 sec. The simulation was restarted from a previous run with 128x128x48 km resolution. There is initially some adjustment to the higher resolution. This has likely no effect on the helioseismic data, but you might want to skip a few hours in the beginning to be on the save side. A detailed description of the numerical setup of these simulations can be found in (Rempel, 2014, ApJ 789, 132). quiet_sun_64x32km_vz_tau_1.tar quiet_sun_64x32km_vz_tau_0.1.tar quiet_sun_64x32km_vz_tau_0.01.tar quiet_sun_64x32km_vz_tau_0.001.tar (binary, float(4) header, float(256x256) data): vz at tau=*** with 45 sec cadence from iteration 0 to 120000, 384x384km resolution quiet_sun_64x32km_eos3D.tar (idl save files): 3D T,rho,p cubes 4500 sec cadence, iteration 0 to 120000, 384x384x128km resolution quiet_sun_64x32km_vel3D.tar (idl save files): 3D velocity cubes 4500 sec cadence, iteration 0 to 120000, 384x384x128km resolution quiet_sun_64x32km_mag3D.tar (idl save files): 3D magnetic field cubes 4500 sec cadence, iteration 0 to 120000, 384x384x128km resolution quiet_sun_64x32km_mean.tar (idl save files): vertical mean stratification (T,rho,p,Gamma_1,v_rms,va_rms) 4500 sec cadence, iteration 0 to 120000, 384x384x128km resolution Higher resolution and higher cadence is available upon request