The 3 IDL save files in this directory are snapshots of the fields at 3 time
instances from the rising flux tube simulation case LNT described in
Fan (2008, ApJ, 676, 680). The simulated velocity fields are used in
Birch et al. (2010, ApJ, 723, L190) to estimate helioseismic travel
time perturbations that can be produced due to the flow associated
with the rising flux tubes.

Below is a description of the data after restored in IDL, using idlsave_018.dat
as an example:

IDL>restore, 'idlsave_018.dat'

IDL> help
% At $MAIN$          
B1C             FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: Br
B2C             FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: Bth
B3C             FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: Bph
DPRESS          FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: pressure change relative to the reference stratification
DRHO            FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: density change relative to the reference stratification
DTEMP           FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: temperature change relative to the reference stratification
PRESS_JCD       FLOAT     = Array[256]: reference pressure stratification 
RHO_JCD         FLOAT     = Array[256]: reference density stratification
TEMP_JCD        FLOAT     = Array[256]: reference temperature stratification
TIME            FLOAT     =   2.94586e+06: time of the current snapshot
V1C             FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: Vr
V2C             FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: Vth
V3C             FLOAT     = Array[256, 512, 512]: Vph
X1C             FLOAT     = Array[256]: r position of grid
X2C             FLOAT     = Array[512]: theta position (in rad) of grid
X3C             FLOAT     = Array[512]: phi position (in rad) of grid

All of the above quantities are in CGS units

If there are any questions, please contact Yuhong Fan at