Sunspot simulation in 98.304x98.304x18.432 Mm domain with 48x48x24 km resolution (2048x2048x768). Total duration 100 hours, 800000 time steps dt=0.45 sec. The simulation has a penumbra with Evershed flow following the setup described in Rempel 2012, ApJ 750, 62. The simulation was initialized with an axisymmetric 9x10^21 Mx field concentrations, which leads to a ~6x10^21 Mx sunspot throughout most of the simulation run. We provide here a time series of 25 hours that starts from t=50 hours. spot_98x18Mm_48x24km_penumbra_az_mean.sav Azimuthally averaged sunspot structure (rho,P,T,gamma_1,tau,vz,vr,Bz,Br) at a resolution of 384x96 km (horizontal x vertical) spot_98x18Mm_48x24km_penumbra_phot_mean_tau_0.01.sav Time averaged photospheric structure (I, Bx, By, Bz) at a resolution of 384x384 km spot_98x18Mm_48x24km_penumbra_vz_tau_0.01.tar (binary, float(4) header, float(256x256) data): vz at tau=0.01 with 45 sec cadence from iteration 400000 to 600000, 384x384km resolution Note: A newer model with some improved numerics will become available soon.