Preliminary Documentation for the GLOW Model Version 0.982 *** see Releasenotes.txt for release notes *** Stan Solomon, 9/2018 The GLobal airglOW (GLOW) model is a family of subroutines that calculates ionization and excitation rates, energetic electron production and transport, excited species densities, and airglow emission rates for the terrestrial thermosphere. Use is governed by the Open Source Academic Research License Agreement contained in the file Glowlicense.txt. Standards and practices are specified by the "rules of the road" adopted by the CEDAR and TIMED programs. Other than the example driver programs, the input files, Makefile, run script, and possibly the master subroutine glow.f90, it is inadvisable to modify the code. If any changes are required, please suggest them to: Stan Solomon, HAO/NCAR, Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: 303-497-2179 Email: Since this is a developmental code, there are bound to be problems which users will uncover. Please let me know about them. I will also attempt to accommodate any reasonable suggestions for enhancements or changes. By following this procedure, users will benefit by staying compatible with future developments, and from a more systematic elimination of any progrmming errors. Also, please upgrade to the latest version. Use of obsolete versions may lead to incorrect results. The main inputs to GLOW are: neutral thermopshere major species density (O, O2, N2), minor species NO and N(4S), the electron density, the neutral, ion, and electron temperatures, all on a 1D altitude grid, for specified time and geographic coordinates. Solar flux, and auroral electron flux, are specified or calculated from parameters. Outputs include electron density calculated below 200 km, ionized and excited species density, airglow volume emisison rates, and vertical column brightnesses. Various parameters used to calculate these are also available on output. GLOW does not perform any transport calculations, so above 200 km, the electron density must be specified, since photochemical equilibrium is only valid to ~200 km altitude. There are several other options for specifying ionospheric parameters. GLOW calculates dissociation rates, and will return N(2D), O(1D), etc., but not N(4S), NO, or O(3P), since they are subject to transport. Program glowbasic.f90 is provided to give some guidance in using the subroutine package, one profile at a time, similar to previous versions. It uses NRLMSISE-00 and IRI-90 to specify the neutral atmosphere and initial electron density profile, and the NOEM model to specify nitric oxide density. This program is intended as an example to be modified by the user to suit particular purposes. It is not necessary to use MSIS, IRI, and NOEM; any model or measurement that specifies neutral densities, temperatures, and high-altitude electron densities can be employed. The output statements at the end are just examples of a small subset of the calculated parameters. To get started with glowbasic: cp Makefile.glowbasic Makefile gmake glow.exe < > You don't need to use the Makefile or the input files, you can compile and link manually, and run with command-line input. You can also run glowbasic out of IDL using: spawn, '.glow.exe < input.file > output.file' Program glowdriver.f90 is a parallel processing program set up to use output from general circulation models such as the NCAR TIE-GCM and TIME-GCM to specify the neutral densities, electron density, and temperatures, and then calculate airglow emissions globally on the GCM grid. It uses netCDF files for input and output, and a namelist input file to specify input options. To run GLOW with TIE-GCM or TIME-GCM inputs, the GCM is run first, and a secondary history file created. This file must contain the output fields: Zg, Tn, Ti, Te, Ne, O2, O1, N2, NO, N4S, N2D, and optionally the auroral parameters: eflux, nflux, alfa, cusp, drizzle, ec, alfac, ed. He, un, and vn anre also optional, which are not used by GLOW, but are passed through to the output files. Program glowdriver.f90 can also be run globally using MSIS/IRI inputs. Solar and auroral parameters are taken from the GCM histories when running in GCM mode, and can be supplied by the user when in empirical mode, although there is no way to provide auroral spatial distributions when running in empirical mode at this time, so these would generally be omitted. To use glowdriver: cp Makefile.glowdriver Makefile gmake runglow.job You don't need to use the runglow.job script, you can use mpirun from the command line. The script is set up to use 6 processors, input from the file in.namelist, netCDF output to a file specified by the namelist inputs, and log messages to the file out.log. The script can easily be edited to change these. Subroutine GLOW is the master routine of the package. It receives input parameters from the calling program use associated through module CGLOW, calls the other subroutines, and returns results through use associatedvariables. Iti is not necessary to use subroutine GLOW to call the others - those particularly bold and well-informed users who desire to use some subset of the package may attempt to do so, using subroutine GLOW as guidance. The data files ephoto_x*.dat, ssflux_*.dat, and snoem_eof.dat are provided in subdirectory data/ of the working directory. Parameter files for IRI-90 are provided in data/iri90/. These files can put put in any directory as long as their paths are correctly specified in the driver program or its namelist inputs. The number of wavelenth bins in the ephoto and ssflux files must equal the parameter LMAX specified in module CGLOW, and the wavelength ranges must be the same in all input files. These routines are written in standard Fortran-90 and MPI, and should be compatible with most compilers. However, their performace has only been tested using the Intel ifort compiler with -O3 optimization running under CentOS Linux on 64-bit machines. The Portland Group compiler should also work but I haven't been using it lately since ifort is faster. I would be interested in hearing of experiences with other compilers and/or operating systems, but make no claims or promises. To use with the glowdriver program, MPI and netCDF libraries must be installed. However, glowbasic shouldn't require anything other than Fortran. Subroutines called by the example programs include: MPI* Message-passing interface utilities CGLOW_INIT Initializes array dimensions and shared variables in module CGLOW (This takes the place of common blocks previously employed) EGRID sets up electron energy grid PEGRID sets up proton energy grid READ_TGCM Reads GCM model history files and returns fields on GCM grid TZGRID Interpolates GCM fields onto H/4 altitude grid MZGRID Returns empirical model quantities on a default altitude grid GTD7 NRL Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter - 00 (NRLMSISE-00) model (Picone et al., 2002) TSELEC Set-up entry for MSIS-00 IRI90 International Reference Ionosphere-1990 (IRI-90) model (Belitza, 1990) (Note: a special modification of the original code is provided.) SNOEMINT Interpolates NO output onto model grid SNOEM Implementation of Nitric Oxide Empirical Model (NOEM)i (Marsh et al., 2005) GEOMAG Translates geographic to geomagnetic coordinates and vice versa MAXT Generates a Maxwellian electron or proton spectrum GLOW Master subroutine of the GLOW package CONDUCT Calculates ionospheric Hall and Pederson conductivities (McGranaghan et al., 2016) OUTPUT Writes global netCDF output files, similar to GCM histories Subroutines called by GLOW are: FIELDM calculates magnetic dip angle SOLZEN calculates solar zenith angle SSFLUX scales solar flux for activity level RCOLUM calculates slant column density of major species EPHOTO calculates photoionization and photoelectron production QBACK estimates background ionization QPROTON calculates ionization due to proton precipitation (Fang et al., 2010, 2013) ETRANS computes electron transport, ionization, excitation using Nagy & Banks 2-stream method calls EXSECT for cross-sections, first call only GCHEM finds electron/ion/metastable densities, airglow emissions BANDS calculates band-specific airglow emission rates (currently only LBH) Definitions: ! Array dimensions: ! JMAX number of altitude levels ! NBINS number of energetic electron energy bins ! NPBINS number of energetic proton energy bins ! LMAX number of wavelength intervals for solar flux ! NMAJ number of major species ! NST number of states produced by photoionization/dissociation ! NEI number of states produced by electron impact ! NEX number of ionized/excited species ! NW number of airglow emission wavelengths ! NC number of component terms for each emission ! Supplied to subroutine using use-associated data defined in module CGLOW: ! IDATE Date, in form yyyyddd ! UT Universal Time; seconds ! GLAT Geographic latitude; degrees ! GLONG Geographic longitude; degrees ! ISCALE Solar flux scaling switch, see subroutine SSFLUX ! JLOCAL =0 for electron transport calculation, =1 for local calc only ! KCHEM Ion/electron chemistry switch, see subroutine GCHEM ! F107 Solar 10.7 cm flux for day being modeled, 1.E-22 W m-2 Hz-1 ! F107A Solar 10.7 cm flux 81-day centered average ! XUVFAC Factor by which to multiply to solar flux 16-250 A or 16-50 A. ! ZZ altitude array; cm ! ZO O number density at each altitude; cm-3 ! ZN2 N2 " " " " " " ! ZO2 O2 " ! ZNO NO " ! ZNS N(4S) " ! ZND N(2D) " ! ZRHO mass density at each altitude; gm cm-3 (not currently in use) ! ZE electron density at each alt; cm-3 ! ZTN neutral temperature at each alt; K ! ZTI ion temperature at each alt; K ! ZTE electron temp at each alt; K ! PHITOP energetic electron flux into top of atmosphere; cm-2 s-1 eV-1 ! PFLUX energetic proton flux into top of atmosphere; cm-2 s-1 eV-1 ! Calculated by subroutine and returned in variables defined in module CGLOW: ! SZA solar zenith angle; radians ! DIP magnetic field dip angle; radians ! EFRAC energy conservation check from ETRANS, (out-in)/in ! IERR error code returned from ETRANS: ! 0=normal, 1=local problem, 2=transport problem ! ZMAJ major species density array, O, O2, N2; cm-3 ! ZCOL major species slant column density array, O, O2, N2; cm-2 ! WAVE1 longwave edge of solar flux wavelength range; A ! WAVE2 shortwave edge of solar flux wavelength range; A ! SFLUX scaled solar flux in each wavelength range; photons cm-2 s-1 ! ENER electron energy grid; eV ! DEL width of each bin in electron energy grid; eV ! PESPEC photoelectron production rate at energy, altitude; cm-3 s-1 ! PIA proton aurora ionization rate; cm-3 s-1. ! SESPEC proton aurora secondary electron production rate (not currently in use); cm-3 s-1 ! PHOTOI photoionization rates for state, species, altitude; cm-3 s-1 ! O+ states: 4S, 2Do, 2Po, 4Pe, 2Pe ! O2+ states: X, a+A, b, dissoc. ! N2+ states: X, A, B, C, F, dissoc. ! PHOTOD photodissoc. & exc. rates for state, species, alt.; cm-3 s-1 ! (1,2,J) = O2 -> O(3P) + O(1D)) ! (2,2,J) = O2 -> O(3P) + O(1S) ! (1,3,J) = N2 -> N + N ! PHONO photoionization/dissociation/excitation rates for NO, cm-3 s-1 ! (1,J) = NO+ from H Ly-a ionization ! SION electron impact ionization rates calculated by ETRANS; cm-3 s-1 ! UFLX upward hemispherical electron flux; cm-2 s-1 eV-1 ! DFLX downward hemispherical electron flux; cm-2 s-1 eV-1 ! AGLW Electron impact exc. rates; state, species, alt.; cm-3 s-1 ! O states: 1D, 1S, 5S, 3S, 3p5P, 3p3P, 3d3D, 3s'3D ! O2 states: a, b, (A+A'+c), B(SRC), 9.9eV, Ryds., vib. ! N2 states: (A+B+W), B', C, (a+a'+w), 1Pu, b', Ryds., vib. ! EHEAT ambient electron heating rate, eV cm-3 s-1 ! TEZ total energetic electron energy deposition, eV cm-3 s-1 ! TPI total photoionization rate at each altitude, cm-3 s-1 ! TEI total electron impact ionization rate at each altitude, cm-3 s-1 ! TIR total ionization rate at each altitude (TPI+TEI+PIA), cm-3 s-1 ! ECALC electron density, calculated below 200 km, a priori above; cm-3 ! ZXDEN array of ionized/excited state densities at each altitude; cm-3: ! O+(2P), O+(2D), O+(4S), N+, N2+, O2+, NO+, N2(A), N(2P), ! N(2D), O(1S), O(1D); cm-3 ! ZETA array of volume emission rates at each altitude; cm-3 s-1: ! 3371A, 4278A, 5200A, 5577A, 6300A, 7320A, 10400A, 3466A, ! 7774A, 8446A, 3726A, LBH, 1356, 1493, 1304; cm-3 s-1 ! VCB array of vertical column brightnesses (as above); Rayleighs ! ZCETA array of contributions to each v.e.r at each alt; cm-3 s-1: ! ZCETA(*,1,z): N2(C) 2nd positive (0,0) band at 3371A: ! 1: electron impact excitation N2 + e* -> N2(C) ! 2: underlying N2(A) VK (0,9) band ! ZCETA(*,2,z): N2+(B) 1st positive (0,1) band at 4278A: ! 1: electron impact ionizing excitation N2 + e* -> N2+(B) ! 2: photoionizing excitation N2 + hv -> N2+(B) ! 3: resonant fluroescence N2+ + hv -> N2+(B) ! ZCETA(*,3,z): N(2D) line at 5200A: ! 1: photodissociation N2 + hv -> N + N(2D) ! 2: photodissociative ionization N2 + hv -> N+ + N(2D) ! 3: electron imact dissociation N2 + e* -> N + N(2D) ! 4: electron impact dissociative ionization N2 + e* -> N+ + N(2D) ! 5: dissociative recombination NO+ + e -> N + N(2D) ! 6: dissociative recombination N2+ + e -> N + N(2D) ! 7: atom-ion interchange N2+ + O -> NO+ + N(2D) ! 8: quenching N(2P) + O -> N(2D) + O ! 9: radiational cascade N(2P) -> N(2D) + hv ! ZCETA(*,4,z): O(1S) "green" line at 5577A: ! 1: electron impact excitation O + e* -> O(1S) ! 2: dissociative recombination O2+ + e -> O + O(1S) ! 3: energy transfer N2(A) + O -> N2 + O(1S) ! 4: atom-ion interchange O2+ + N -> NO+ + O(1S) ! 5: chemiluminescence N(2D) + NO -> N2 + O(1S) ! 6: photodissociation O2 + hv -> O + O(1S) ! ZCETA(*,5,z): O(1D) "red" line at 6300A: ! 1: electron impact excitation O + e* -> O(1D) ! 2: thermal electron excitation O + e -> O(1D) ! 3: dissociative recombination O2+ + e -> O + O(1D) ! 4: chemiluminescence N(2D) + O2 -> NO + O(1D) ! 5: energy transfer N(2D) + O -> N + O(1D) ! 6: atom-ion interchange N+ + O2 -> NO+ + O(1D) ! 7: energy transfer O+(2D) + O -> O+ + O(1D) ! 8: electron impact dissociation O2 + e* -> O + O(1D) ! 9: photodissociation O2 + hv -> O + O(1D) ! 10: radiative cascade O(1S) -> O(1D) + hv ! ZCETA(*,6,z): O+(2P) line at 7320A: ! 1: photoionization O + hv -> O+(2P) ! 2: photodissociative ionization O2 + hv -> O + O+(2P) ! 3: electron impact ionization O + e* -> O+(2P) ! 4: electron impact dissociative ionization O2 + e* -> O + O+(2P) ! ZCETA(*,7,z): N(2P) line at 10400A: ! 1: photodissociation N2 + hv -> N + N(2P) ! 2: photodissociative ionization N2 + hv -> N+ + N(2P) ! 3: electron imact dissociation N2 + e* -> N + N(2P) ! 4: dissociative recombination N2+ + e -> N + N(2P) ! ZCETA(*,8,z): N(2P) line at 3644A: ! 1: photodissociation N2 + hv -> N + N(2P) ! 2: photodissociative ionization N2 + hv -> N+ + N(2P) ! 3: electron imact dissociation N2 + e* -> N + N(2P) ! 4: dissociative recombination N2+ + e -> N + N(2P) ! ZCETA(*,9,z): O(3p5P) line at 7774A: ! 1: electron impact excitation O + e* -> O(3p5P) ! 2: radiative recombination O+ + e -> O(3p5P) ! 3: mutual neutralization O+ + O- -> O(3p5P) ! ZCETA(*,10,z): O(3p3P) line at 8446A: ! 1: electron impact excitation O + e* -> O(3p3P) ! 2: electron impact excitation and cascade O + e* -> O(3d3D) -> O(3p3P) ! 3: electron impact excitation and cascade O + e* -> O(3s'3D) -> O(3s3P) ! ZCETA(*,11,z): O+(2D) line at 3726A: ! 1: photoionization O + hv -> O+(2D) ! 2: photodissociative ionization O2 + hv -> O + O+(2D) ! 3: electron impact ionization O + e* -> O+(2D) ! 4: electron impact dissociative ionization O2 + e* -> O + O+(2D) ! 5: quenching O+(2P) + e -> O+(2D) + e ! 6: radiational cascade O+(2P) -> O+(2D) + hv ! ZCETA(*,12,z): N2(a) LBH total band system ! 1: electron impact excitation N2 + e* -> N2(a) ! ZCETA(*,13,z): O(3s5S) doublet at 1356A ! 1: electron impact excitation O + e* -> O(3s5S) ! 2: electron impact excitation and cascade O + e* -> O(3p5P) -> O(3s5S) ! 3: radiative recombination O+ + e -> O(3s5S) ! 4: mutual neutralization O+ + O- -> O + O(3s5S) ! ZCETA(*,14,z): N(3s2P) doublet at 1493A ! 1: photodissociation N2 + hv -> N + N(3s2P) ! 2: electron impact dissociation N2 + e* -> N + N(3s2P) ! ZCETA(*,15,z): O(3s3S) triplet at 1304A ! 1: electron impact excitation O + e* -> O(3s3S) ! 2: electron impact excitation and cascade O + e* -> O(3p3P) -> O(3s5S) ! 3: electron impact excitation and cascade O + e* -> O(3d3D) -> -> O(3s5S) ! 4: electron impact excitation and cascade O + e* -> O(3s'3D) -> -> O(3s5S) ! 5: radiative recombination O+ + e -> O(3s3S) A few notes: Starting with version 0.98, GLOW now uses Fortran 90 conventions, including use-associated variables defined in module CGLOW instead of in common blocks. This was done for compatibility with parallel processing using MPI. Most of the routines were re-cast in free-form style, largely changed to lower case, and have a ".f90" file extension suffix. I am using a terminal column-width of 100 characters for editing and 132 characters for tabular output. There are some routines still coded in fixed-format Fortan-77 style, including exsect.f and fieldm.f. The reason for this is that these two are due for an overhaul and replacement, respectively, and it didn't seem worthwhile to re-format them at this time. (Subroutine exsect will ultimately be changed to tablular data-file inputs instead of analytic functions, and fieldm will be updated to IGRF/Apex coordinates). The parallel processing strategy adopted is to let main program glowdriver.f90 handle all MPI calls, so that the core subroutines can be used in either multiple or single-processor mode. The 0th task performs all I/O and empirical model calls, distributes variables to the other tasks, collects the results, and outputs them to a netCDF file. The domain decomposition is one-dimensional in latitude. The number of tasks (processors) must be an integral multiple of the number of latitudes. Since a typical 5x5 degree grid has 36 latitudes, 4, 6 or 12 processors are good numbers to use. Note that on the new NCAR Cheyenne supercomputer, one node has 36 cores! The number of processors is configurable in the job script runglow.job. Versions of NRLMSISE-00 and IRI-90 are provided for the convenience of users who do not have their own copies. Attribution to the appropriate sources (Picone et al, 2002; Belitza, 1990) should be made. The version of IRI provided is not the standard version, as I have modified it to work on various systems, particularly volatile memory systems. However, I cannot guarantee that the results obtained from them are correct. Caution: IRI occasionally writes messages on unit 12. IRI data files ccir*.asc and ursi*.asc are contained in ./data/iri90/ and this directory or a different directory can be specified in the namelist inputs. MSIS and IRI are old-style Fortran with common blocks, and hence are not appropriate for MPI implementation, so they are called by glowdriver using the 0th processor only. Since they are very fast (compared to, e.g., etrans) this is a minimal performance loss. When using GCM inputs, note that the TIE-GCM altitude grid doesn't extend below ~97 km, but electron transport calculations require a "sponge" layer, so densities are extrapolated from ~79 km to ~97 km using an assumed constant scale height of 6 km. Temperatures, Electron density, and nitric oxide density are assumed to be constant below the bottom of the grid. Therefore, results below ~97 km should be ignored. This is not a problem for the TIME-GCM since its altitude grid extends down to ~30 km, but note that GLOW does not yet contain full D-region chemistry or mesopause-region recombination emissions. For empirical model inputs, MSIS and IRI provide full altitude profiles, but NOEM only extends from 100-150 km, so a constant value is used for nitric oxide below 100 km, and a scale height assumption above 150 km. For TIE- or TIME-GCM runs that will be used for input to GLOW, secondary history files should be employed. It is possible to use primary histories but not recommended, since no auroral parameters will be included. The following secondary history output fields should be specified: ZG, TN, TI, TE, NE, O1, O2, N2, NO, N4S, N2D, HE, UN, VN, EFLUX, NFLUX, ALFA, CUSP, DRIZZLE. Note that HE, UN, and VN are not used, but are passed through to output. The auroral parameters EFLUX, NFLUX, ALFA, CUSP, and DRIZZLE are optional but should be included. (CUSP and DRIZZLE are not yet used, but may be soon.) If ZG or N2 are ommitted, they will be calculated by readtgcm, provided that HE is included. The default electron energy grid extends to 50 keV and is adequate for most photoelectron and auroral calculations; the electron energy grid can extend (in principle) to 1 GeV. In order to extend the energy grid, simply increase NBINS in module CGLOW, but see the note concerning the altitude grid, below. The default proton energy grid extends to 1 MeV. The QPROTON parameterization is valid from 100 eV to 1 MeV so proton fluxes outside of that energy range produce zero ionization. The altitude grid may be altered to suit the user's needs, but with caution. The two biggest pitfalls are not providing enough resolution and not providing a deep enough atmosphere. There should be no significant flux of electrons out of the bottom of the altitude grid. As for resolution, a rule of thumb is about four points per scale height. The ETRANS error code IERR and energy conservation ratio EFRAC should be checked for normal return. IERR should equal zero; if it doesn't it means that the total inelastic cross section is near zero somewhere, which is usually caused by a near zero ambient electron density. EFRAC should be less than ~0.03 for photoelectron calculations, and less than ~0.1 for aurora. It can get up to the 0.1-0.2 range in the twilight, which is not good, but at present unavoidable. Electron density calculations can be made by GCHEM below 200 km but not above where transport/diffusion effects become important. Therefore, an electron density profile (such as from the NCAR TIE-GCM or from IRI) must be provided above 200 km. An initial non-zero electron density profile must be provided at all altitudes in array ZE because otherwise ETRANS will produce an error. Calculated electron densities are returned in array ECALC, with values from ZE included where calculations are not made. The switch KCHEM determines what ion/electron density calculations are made (see subroutine GCHEM). With the exception of KCHEM=0 (no calculations), none are foolproof. One irritation that may be noted when KCHEM=4 (calculate Ne below 200 but use provided Ne above 200) is a discontinuity in Ne(z) at 200 km. GCHEM attempts to deal with this by interpolating from the 200 km level to three grid points above it. Another caveat with KCHEM=4 or KCHEM=3 (Ne provided, ions calculated) is that if there is an incompatibility between the specifed Ne(z) and the calculated ionization rates, negative values for some ions may result. KCHEM=2 (electrons and major ions provided, minor ions calculated) and KCHEM=1 (electrons and all ions except O+(2D,2P) provided) should be fairly reliable. For daytime calculations, the parameter XUVFAC is provided to deal with the uncertainty concerning the solar spectrum from 18-250 A. When the Hinteregger et al. [1981] model is employed, a reasonable value for XUVFAC is 2.0, as suggested by Richards et al. [1984; 1994], however a value as high as 4.0 might be realistic, as discussed by Solomon et al. [2001]. When the EUVAC model [Richards et al., 1994] is employed, XUVFAC is only applied to the region still obtained from the Hinteregger model, 18-50 A, since longward of that point EUVAC has already increased the solar fluxes relative to the Hinteregger spectrum (by factors of 2-3). SSFLUX also now provides the ability for the user to specify a solar spectrum from other models or measurements, in which case XUVFAC is ignored. The number of bins in the solar spectrum input file must be equal to LMAX (specified in glow.h) and the wavelength ranges must correspond to those in ephoto_x*.dat. The upper boundary of the electron transport calculation by ETRANS is specified by the PHITOP array, which may contain a flux of auroral electrons, conjugate photoelectrons, or both. The initial electron density profile input for the call to GLOW can be replaced by the calculated profile below 200 km, and GLOW called again. This isn't really necessary, but gives an improved estimate of the low-energy electron flux (which depends on the ambient electron density), since IRI isn't really valid in the auroral regions. For high-energy calculations this second call may safely be skipped. A proton spectrum, either Maxwellian, monoenergetic, or user specified, can be imposed at the upper boundary (as of v. 0.982). This produces parameterized ionization (Fang et al., 2010, 2013), including ionization caused by secondary electrons, but it does not produce a secondary electron spectrum, and hence the only effects on airglow are from increases in ionization and recombination emissions, not from electron impact excitation. The purpose of this addition is to facilitate calculations of electron density and hence conductivity caused by proton precipitation. The example programs use the NOEM model of nitric oxide, based on data from the SNOE satellite, as an empirical input [Marsh et al., 2004]. When running from GCM fields the NO calculated by the GCM is used. Electron impact cross sections generated by EXSECT can be obtained from variables use associated through the CGLOW module. A note on units: GLOW uses cgs in its internal calculations. Wavelengths are described in nanometers in this publication, but Angstroms are used for solar and airglow emission wavelengths inside the code. Energies are in electron volts (eV), except for the input auroral total energy flux, which is expressed in erg cm-2 (equivalent to mW m-2). Other units employed for convenience are megabarns (10-18 cm2) and Rayleighs (106 photons cm-2). Conductivities are output in Siemens/meter (mhos). Kilometers are used in driver program altitude grids, but are converted to centimeters internally. Dates are in yyyyddd (4-digit year and 3-digit day) format, universal time is in seconds, and local solar time is in hours. The solar radio flux index F10.7 is in expressed in units of 10-22 W m-2. References/Citations: Nagy, A. F., and P. M. Banks, Photoelectron fluxes in the ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 75, 6260, 1970. Solomon, S. C., P. B. Hays, and V. J. Abreu, The auroral 6300A emission: Observations and modeling, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 9867, 1988. Solomon, S. C., and V. J. Abreu, The 630 nm dayglow, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 6817, 1989. Solomon, S. C., Auroral particle transport using Monte Carlo and hybrid methods, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 107, 2001. Solomon, S. C., S. M. Bailey, and T. N. Woods, Effect of solar soft X-rays on the lower atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2149, 2001. Bailey, S. M., C. A. Barth, and S. C. Solomon, A model of nitric oxide in the lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 107, 1205, 2002. Solomon, S. C., Global modeling of thermospheric airglow in the far-ultraviolet, J. Geophys. Res., 122, doi:10.1002/2017/JA024314, 2017.