;+ ; NAME: ; PLOTCUBE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Makes plots of UV airglow output from image cube files creaded by GOLDLOS ; Optionally saves images to plot files ; ; CATEGORY: ; Graphics ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Main program ; ; INPUTS: ; Input file path ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Plots to screen windows and optionally to files ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Makes global images of O 135.6 and LBH emission, their ratio, and effective temperature ; ; ROUTINES CALLED: ; PLOTIMAGES ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Stan Solomon, 2016, 2018 ; ;+ ; Specify directory and file codes: directory='/hao/tethysv1/data/glowout/msisiri/decmax/' filecode='decmax' ; Specify file number to process, and set switches for plots and output ntime=20 nplots=2 writeplots=0 nodisplay=0 ; Specify satellite location: satlat = 0. satlon =-47.5 satalt = 35786. ; km satrad = (satalt+6370.)/6370. ; Earth radii ; Read image cube file: cubefilepath=directory+'cube.'+filecode cubefile=cubefilepath+'.'+string(ntime,format='(i3.3)')+'.nc' read_netcdf,cubefile,cube ; Calculate 1356 / LBHshort ratio: scb1493=0. ; placeholder because cube files don't yet contain 1493 rat=(cube.scbo5s+cube.scblbh30)/(cube.scblbhs+scb1493) ; Make plots: plotfilepath=directory+'plot.'+filecode plotimages,ntime,nplots,plotfilepath,cube.date,cube.ut,cube.amodel,cube.gmodel, $ satlat,satlon,satrad,cube.scbo5s,cube.scblbhs,cube.scblbh30,rat,cube.teff, $ writeplots,nodisplay end