;+ ; NAME: ; PLOTIMAGES ; ; PURPOSE: ; Makes image plots of UV airglow output from GOLDLOS ; Optionally saves images to plot files ; ; CATEGORY: ; Graphics ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; plotimages,ntime,plotfilepath,writeplots,nplots,date,ut,amodel,gmodel, $ ; satlat,satlon,satrad,scbo5s,scblbhs,scblbh30,rat,teff ; ; INPUTS: ; Output file path, legends, and fields from GOLDLOS ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Plots to screen windows and optionally to files ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Makes global images of O 135.6 and LBH emission, their ratio, and effective temperature ; ; ROUTINES CALLED: ; Uses IDL MAP_SET utilities and superimposes a scaled image using TV ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Stan Solomon, 2016 ; ;+ pro plotimages,ntime,nplots,plotfilepath,date,ut,amodel,gmodel,satlat,satlon,satrad, $ scbo5s,scblbhs,scblbh30,rat,teff,writeplots,nodisplay dm2=(!d.table_size-2) for plots=1,nplots do begin window,plots-1,xsize=900,ysize=900,pixmap=nodisplay map_set,0,satlon,satlat,/satellite,sat_p=[satrad,0,0],/nobo,xmargin=[9,25],ymargin=[10,10] if plots eq 1 then begin max=4 min=0 b = dm2 * (alog10(scbo5s+scblbh30)-min) / (max-min) < dm2 > 0 colorspec colorbar,min,max,(max-min),.92,.2,.015,.60 xyouts,.92,.88,'1356',/normal,size=1.5 xyouts,.92,.84,'(log R)',/normal,size=1.5 endif if plots eq 2 then begin max=4 min=0 b = dm2 * (alog10(scblbhs)-min) / (max-min) < dm2 > 0 colorspec colorbar,min,max,(max-min),.92,.2,.015,.60 xyouts,.92,.88,'LBHs',/normal,size=1.5 xyouts,.92,.84,'(log R)',/normal,size=1.5 endif if plots eq 3 then begin max=3 min=0 b = dm2 * ((rat-min)/(max-min)) < dm2 > 0 colorwind colorbar,min,max,max-min,.92,.2,.015,.60 xyouts,.92,.88,'OI/LBH',/normal,size=1.5 endif if plots eq 4 then begin max=1000 min=500 b = dm2 * (teff-min)/(max-min) < dm2 > 0 colorspec colorbar,min,max,5,.92,.2,.015,.60 xyouts,.92,.88,'T!deff!n',/normal,size=1.5 xyouts,.92,.84,'(K)',/normal,size=1.5 endif tv,rebin(b,800,800,/sample),0,50 map_continents map_grid,latdel=10,londel=10 xyouts,.03,.94,'Date '+strtrim(date,2)+' UT '+strtrim(long(ut),2),size=1.5,/normal xyouts,.03,.03,amodel,/normal,size=1.2 xyouts,.87,.03,gmodel,/normal,size=1.2 ; output plots to files if requested: if writeplots then begin if plots eq 1 then plotfile=plotfilepath+'.O5S.'+string(ntime,format='(i3.3)') if plots eq 2 then plotfile=plotfilepath+'.LBH.'+string(ntime,format='(i3.3)') if plots eq 3 then plotfile=plotfilepath+'.RAT.'+string(ntime,format='(i3.3)') if plots eq 4 then plotfile=plotfilepath+'.TEF.'+string(ntime,format='(i3.3)') image=tvread(filename=plotfile,/gif,/nodialog) endif endfor return end