====================================================================== File TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_decsol_smin.nc netcdf TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_decsol_smin { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently) lon = 72 ; lat = 36 ; lev = 29 ; ilev = 29 ; mlon = 81 ; mlat = 97 ; mlev = 32 ; imlev = 32 ; mtimedim = 3 ; latlon = 2 ; dtidedim = 2 ; sdtidedim = 10 ; datelen = 24 ; filelen = 1024 ; variables: double time(time) ; time:long_name = "time" ; time:units = "minutes since 2002-12-11 0:0:0" ; time:initial_year = 2002 ; time:initial_day = 345 ; time:initial_mtime = 345, 0, 0 ; double lon(lon) ; lon:long_name = "geographic longitude (-west, +east)" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; double lat(lat) ; lat:long_name = "geographic latitude (-south, +north)" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; double lev(lev) ; lev:long_name = "midpoint levels" ; lev:short_name = "ln(p0/p)" ; lev:units = "" ; lev:positive = "up" ; lev:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate" ; lev:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: lev" ; lev:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-lev(k))" ; double ilev(ilev) ; ilev:long_name = "interface levels" ; ilev:short_name = "ln(p0/p)" ; ilev:units = "" ; ilev:positive = "up" ; ilev:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate" ; ilev:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: ilev" ; ilev:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-ilev(k))" ; double mlon(mlon) ; mlon:long_name = "magnetic longitude (-west, +east)" ; mlon:units = "degrees_east" ; double mlat(mlat) ; mlat:long_name = "magnetic latitude (-south, +north)" ; mlat:units = "degrees_north" ; double mlev(mlev) ; mlev:long_name = "magnetic midpoint levels" ; mlev:short_name = "ln(p0/p)" ; mlev:units = "" ; mlev:positive = "up" ; mlev:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate" ; mlev:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: mlev" ; mlev:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-mlev(k))" ; double imlev(imlev) ; imlev:long_name = "magnetic interface levels" ; imlev:short_name = "ln(p0/p)" ; imlev:units = "" ; imlev:positive = "up" ; imlev:standard_name = "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate" ; imlev:formula_terms = "p0: p0 lev: imlev" ; imlev:formula = "p(k) = p0 * exp(-imlev(k))" ; int mtime(time, mtimedim) ; mtime:long_name = "model times (day, hour, minute)" ; mtime:units = "day, hour, minute" ; int year(time) ; year:long_name = "calendar year" ; int day(time) ; day:long_name = "calendar day" ; int calendar_advance(time) ; calendar_advance:long_name = "calendar advance flag (1 if advancing calendar time)" ; char write_date(time, datelen) ; write_date:long_name = "Date and time each history was written" ; int iter(time) ; iter:long_name = "number of time steps from model time 0,0,0" ; int ntask_mpi(time) ; ntask_mpi:long_name = "Number of MPI tasks" ; int coupled_cmit(time) ; coupled_cmit:long_name = "1 if coupled with CISM/CMIT, 0 otherwise" ; double ut(time) ; ut:long_name = "universal time (from model time hour and minute)" ; ut:units = "hours" ; int timestep ; timestep:long_name = "timestep" ; timestep:units = "seconds" ; double f107d(time) ; f107d:long_name = "Daily 10.7 cm solar flux" ; f107d:units = "1.e-22 W/m2/Hz" ; double f107a(time) ; f107a:long_name = "81-day average 10.7 cm solar flux" ; f107a:units = "1.e-22 W/m2/Hz" ; double hpower(time) ; hpower:long_name = "Hemispheric power" ; hpower:units = "GW" ; double ctpoten(time) ; ctpoten:long_name = "Cross-tail potential" ; ctpoten:units = "kV" ; double Kp(time) ; Kp:long_name = "Kp index" ; double bximf(time) ; bximf:long_name = "BX component of IMF" ; bximf:units = "nT" ; double byimf(time) ; byimf:long_name = "BY component of IMF" ; byimf:units = "nT" ; double bzimf(time) ; bzimf:long_name = "BZ component of IMF" ; bzimf:units = "nT" ; double swvel(time) ; swvel:long_name = "Solar wind velocity" ; swvel:units = "km/s" ; double swden(time) ; swden:long_name = "Solar wind density" ; swden:units = "cm3" ; double al(time) ; al:long_name = "Lower magnetic auroral activity index" ; al:units = "nT" ; double colfac(time) ; colfac:long_name = "ion/neutral collision factor" ; double joulefac(time) ; joulefac:long_name = "joule heating factor" ; double dtide(time, dtidedim) ; dtide:long_name = "amplitude and phase of diurnal tide mode (1,1)" ; double sdtide(time, sdtidedim) ; sdtide:long_name = "amplitudes and phases of semi-diurnal tide" ; char ncep_ncfile(time, filelen) ; ncep_ncfile:long_name = "ncep data file" ; ncep_ncfile:data = "10 mb lower boundary for TN and Z" ; char gpi_ncfile(time, filelen) ; gpi_ncfile:long_name = "GeoPhysical Indices data file" ; gpi_ncfile:data = "Kp, f107, f107a, ctpoten, power" ; char saber_ncfile(time, filelen) ; saber_ncfile:long_name = "SABER lbc data file" ; saber_ncfile:data = "T,Z" ; char tidi_ncfile(time, filelen) ; tidi_ncfile:long_name = "TIDI lbc data file" ; tidi_ncfile:data = "U,V" ; char see_ncfile(time, filelen) ; see_ncfile:long_name = "TIMED SEE data file" ; see_ncfile:data = "Solar flux data" ; char imf_ncfile(time, filelen) ; imf_ncfile:long_name = "IMF data file" ; imf_ncfile:data = "Bx,By,Bz,Swvel,Swden,Kp,f107,f107a" ; char gswm_mi_di_ncfile(time, filelen) ; gswm_mi_di_ncfile:long_name = "GSWM migrating diurnal tides data file" ; gswm_mi_di_ncfile:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z" ; char gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile(time, filelen) ; gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile:long_name = "GSWM migrating semi-diurnal tides data file" ; gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z" ; char gswm_nm_di_ncfile(time, filelen) ; gswm_nm_di_ncfile:long_name = "GSWM non-migrating diurnal tides data file" ; gswm_nm_di_ncfile:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z" ; char gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile(time, filelen) ; gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile:long_name = "GSWM non-migrating semi-diurnal tides data file" ; gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile:data = "lower boundary perturbations for TN, UN, VN, and Z" ; double e1(time) ; e1:long_name = "Peak energy flux in noon sector of the aurora" ; e1:units = "ergs/cm2/s" ; double e2(time) ; e2:long_name = "Peak energy flux in midnight sector of the aurora" ; e2:units = "ergs/cm2/s" ; double h1(time) ; h1:long_name = "Gaussian half-width of the noon auroral oval" ; h1:units = "degrees" ; double h2(time) ; h2:long_name = "Gaussian half-width of the midnight auroral oval" ; h2:units = "degrees" ; double alfac(time) ; alfac:long_name = "Characteristic Maxwellian energy of polar cusp electrons" ; alfac:units = "keV" ; double ec(time) ; ec:long_name = "Column energy input of polar cusp electrons" ; ec:units = "ergs/cm**2/s" ; double alfad(time) ; alfad:long_name = "Characteristic Maxwellian energy of drizzle electrons" ; alfad:units = "keV" ; double ed(time) ; ed:long_name = "Column energy input of drizzle electrons" ; ed:units = "ergs/cm**2/s" ; double crit1(time) ; crit1:long_name = "critical cross-over latitude 1" ; crit1:units = "deg" ; double crit2(time) ; crit2:long_name = "critical cross-over latitude 2" ; crit2:units = "deg" ; double mag(latlon, latlon) ; mag:long_name = "lat,lon coordinates of S,N magnetic poles" ; mag:units = "degrees" ; double p0 ; p0:long_name = "Reference pressure" ; p0:units = "millibars" ; double p0_model ; p0_model:long_name = "Reference pressure (as used by the model)" ; p0_model:units = "microbars" ; double grav ; grav:long_name = "gravitational acceleration" ; grav:units = "cm/s" ; grav:info = "constant used in the model, independent of height" ; double TN(time, lev, lat, lon) ; TN:long_name = "NEUTRAL TEMPERATURE" ; TN:units = "K" ; TN:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double UN(time, lev, lat, lon) ; UN:long_name = "NEUTRAL ZONAL WIND (+EAST)" ; UN:units = "cm/s" ; UN:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double VN(time, lev, lat, lon) ; VN:long_name = "NEUTRAL MERIDIONAL WIND (+NORTH)" ; VN:units = "cm/s" ; VN:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double O2(time, lev, lat, lon) ; O2:long_name = "MOLECULAR OXYGEN" ; O2:units = "mmr" ; O2:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double O1(time, lev, lat, lon) ; O1:long_name = "ATOMIC OXYGEN" ; O1:units = "mmr" ; O1:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double N4S(time, lev, lat, lon) ; N4S:long_name = "N4S" ; N4S:units = "mmr" ; N4S:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double NO(time, lev, lat, lon) ; NO:long_name = "NITRIC OXIDE" ; NO:units = "mmr" ; NO:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double OP(time, lev, lat, lon) ; OP:long_name = "O+ ION" ; OP:units = "cm-3" ; OP:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double N2D(time, lev, lat, lon) ; N2D:long_name = "N2D" ; N2D:units = "mmr" ; N2D:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double TI(time, lev, lat, lon) ; TI:long_name = "ION TEMPERATURE" ; TI:units = "K" ; TI:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double TE(time, lev, lat, lon) ; TE:long_name = "ELECTRON TEMPERATURE" ; TE:units = "K" ; TE:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double NE(time, ilev, lat, lon) ; NE:long_name = "ELECTRON DENSITY" ; NE:units = "cm-3" ; NE:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double O2P(time, lev, lat, lon) ; O2P:long_name = "O2+ ION" ; O2P:units = "cm-3" ; O2P:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double OMEGA(time, ilev, lat, lon) ; OMEGA:long_name = "VERTICAL MOTION" ; OMEGA:units = "s-1" ; OMEGA:former_name = "W" ; OMEGA:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double Z(time, ilev, lat, lon) ; Z:long_name = "GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT" ; Z:units = "cm" ; Z:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double POTEN(time, ilev, lat, lon) ; POTEN:long_name = "ELECTRIC POTENTIAL" ; POTEN:units = "volts" ; POTEN:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double TN_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; TN_NM:long_name = "NEUTRAL TEMPERATURE (TIME N-1)" ; TN_NM:units = "K" ; TN_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double UN_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; UN_NM:long_name = "NEUTRAL ZONAL WIND (TIME N-1)" ; UN_NM:units = "cm/s" ; UN_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double VN_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; VN_NM:long_name = "NEUTRAL MERIDIONAL WIND (TIME N-1)" ; VN_NM:units = "cm/s" ; VN_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double O2_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; O2_NM:long_name = "MOLECULAR OXYGEN (TIME N-1)" ; O2_NM:units = "mmr" ; O2_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double O1_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; O1_NM:long_name = "ATOMIC OXYGEN (TIME N-1)" ; O1_NM:units = "mmr" ; O1_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double N4S_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; N4S_NM:long_name = "N4S (TIME N-1)" ; N4S_NM:units = "mmr" ; N4S_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double NO_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; NO_NM:long_name = "NO (TIME N-1)" ; NO_NM:units = "mmr" ; NO_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double OP_NM(time, lev, lat, lon) ; OP_NM:long_name = "OP (TIME N-1)" ; OP_NM:units = "cm-3" ; OP_NM:missing_value = 1.e+36 ; double TLBC(time, lat, lon) ; TLBC:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of TN" ; TLBC:units = "K" ; TLBC:coordinates = "LBC" ; double ULBC(time, lat, lon) ; ULBC:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of UN" ; ULBC:units = "cm/s" ; ULBC:coordinates = "LBC" ; double VLBC(time, lat, lon) ; VLBC:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of VN" ; VLBC:units = "cm/s" ; VLBC:coordinates = "LBC" ; double TLBC_NM(time, lat, lon) ; TLBC_NM:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of TN (TIME N-1)" ; TLBC_NM:units = "K" ; TLBC_NM:coordinates = "LBC" ; double ULBC_NM(time, lat, lon) ; ULBC_NM:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of UN (TIME N-1)" ; ULBC_NM:units = "cm/s" ; ULBC_NM:coordinates = "LBC" ; double VLBC_NM(time, lat, lon) ; VLBC_NM:long_name = "Lower boundary condition of VN (TIME N-1)" ; VLBC_NM:units = "cm/s" ; VLBC_NM:coordinates = "LBC" ; double LBC ; LBC:long_name = "Interface level of t,u,v lower boundary condition" ; // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ; :label = "tiegcm decsol smin control run" ; :create_date = "06/19/13 11:09:52" ; :logname = "foster" ; :host = "ys2562" ; :system = "LINUX" ; :model_name = "tiegcm" ; :model_version = "tiegcm1.94" ; :svn_version = "946M" ; :output_file = "TGCM.tiegcm1.95.pcntr_decsol_smin_001.nc" ; :history_type = "primary" ; :run_type = "initial" ; :source_file = "/glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.94/TGCM.tiegcm1.94.pcntr_decsol_smin.nc (initial)" ; :source_mtime = 355, 0, 0 ; :initial_file = "/glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/tiegcm1.94/TGCM.tiegcm1.94.pcntr_decsol_smin.nc" ; :initial_mtime = 345, 0, 0 ; :lev_to_hPa_method1 = "p0*exp(-lev(k))" ; :lev_to_hPa_method2 = "p0_model*1.e-3*exp(-lev(k))" ; :nhist = 1 ; :delhist_mins = 1440 ; :missing_value = 1.e+36 ; :potential_model = "HEELIS" ; :tuv_lbc_intop = 0 ; :contents = "02355 355 0 0 to 02355 355 0 0 by 1440 tiegcm1.94 primary" ; :contents_desc = "yyddd day hour min to yyddd day hour min by delta_mins" ; data: time = 14400 ; lon = -180, -175, -170, -165, -160, -155, -150, -145, -140, -135, -130, -125, -120, -115, -110, -105, -100, -95, -90, -85, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60, -55, -50, -45, -40, -35, -30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175 ; lat = -87.5, -82.5, -77.5, -72.5, -67.5, -62.5, -57.5, -52.5, -47.5, -42.5, -37.5, -32.5, -27.5, -22.5, -17.5, -12.5, -7.5, -2.5, 2.5, 7.5, 12.5, 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, 32.5, 37.5, 42.5, 47.5, 52.5, 57.5, 62.5, 67.5, 72.5, 77.5, 82.5, 87.5 ; lev = -6.75, -6.25, -5.75, -5.25, -4.75, -4.25, -3.75, -3.25, -2.75, -2.25, -1.75, -1.25, -0.75, -0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25, 4.75, 5.25, 5.75, 6.25, 6.75, 7.25 ; ilev = -7, -6.5, -6, -5.5, -5, -4.5, -4, -3.5, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7 ; mlon = -180, -175.5, -171, -166.5, -162, -157.5, -153, -148.5, -144, -139.5, -135, -130.5, -126, -121.5, -117, -112.5, -108, -103.5, -99, -94.5, -90, -85.5, -81, -76.5, -72, -67.5, -63, -58.5, -54, -49.5, -45, -40.5, -36, -31.5, -27, -22.5, -18, -13.5, -9, -4.5, 0, 4.5, 9, 13.5, 18, 22.5, 27, 31.5, 36, 40.5, 45, 49.5, 54, 58.5, 63, 67.5, 72, 76.5, 81, 85.5, 90, 94.5, 99, 103.5, 108, 112.5, 117, 121.5, 126, 130.5, 135, 139.5, 144, 148.5, 153, 157.5, 162, 166.5, 171, 175.5, 180 ; mlat = -90, -88.1238292398491, -86.2386359278657, -84.3344382773342, -82.4013318763435, -80.4295344892688, -78.4094552099168, -76.331796630125, -74.1876988925388, -71.9689341802758, -69.6681589022773, -67.2792279882741, -64.7975706790533, -62.2206194320588, -59.5482728298363, -56.7833601290164, -53.9320608459732, -51.0042204168578, -48.0134966005524, -44.9772754602266, -41.916313892128, -38.8540980954293, -35.8159497801506, -32.8279553674349, -29.9158266703621, -27.1038148776609, -24.4137889090065, -21.8645574169981, -19.4714697638694, -17.2462861630082, -15.1972697734841, -13.3294282264571, -11.6448185129562, -10.142824406667, -8.82031765103987, -7.67162666281269, -6.68827297583048, -5.85851734698832, -5.16689314460211, -4.5940469432968, -4.11722526306697, -3.71151170575937, -3.35148255039153, -3.01257883277328, -2.67136426606314, -2.3036287214954, -1.87754943767857, -1.32687203939232, -7.72840966450717e-08, 1.32687203939232, 1.87754943767857, 2.3036287214954, 2.67136426606314, 3.01257883277328, 3.35148255039153, 3.71151170575936, 4.11722526306697, 4.59404694329679, 5.16689314460211, 5.85851734698832, 6.68827297583048, 7.67162666281268, 8.82031765103987, 10.142824406667, 11.6448185129562, 13.3294282264571, 15.1972697734841, 17.2462861630082, 19.4714697638694, 21.8645574169981, 24.4137889090064, 27.1038148776609, 29.9158266703621, 32.8279553674348, 35.8159497801506, 38.8540980954293, 41.916313892128, 44.9772754602266, 48.0134966005524, 51.0042204168578, 53.9320608459731, 56.7833601290163, 59.5482728298363, 62.2206194320588, 64.7975706790533, 67.2792279882741, 69.6681589022773, 71.9689341802758, 74.1876988925387, 76.331796630125, 78.4094552099168, 80.4295344892687, 82.4013318763434, 84.3344382773342, 86.2386359278657, 88.123829239849, 90 ; mlev = -8.25, -7.75, -7.25, -6.75, -6.25, -5.75, -5.25, -4.75, -4.25, -3.75, -3.25, -2.75, -2.25, -1.75, -1.25, -0.75, -0.25, 0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25, 4.75, 5.25, 5.75, 6.25, 6.75, 7.25 ; imlev = -8.5, -8, -7.5, -7, -6.5, -6, -5.5, -5, -4.5, -4, -3.5, -3, -2.5, -2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7 ; mtime = 355, 0, 0 ; year = 2002 ; day = 355 ; calendar_advance = 1 ; write_date = "06/19/13 11:09:52 " ; iter = 255600 ; ntask_mpi = 16 ; coupled_cmit = 0 ; ut = 0 ; timestep = 120 ; f107d = 70 ; f107a = 70 ; hpower = 18 ; ctpoten = 30 ; Kp = 1e+36 ; bximf = 1e+36 ; byimf = 0 ; bzimf = 1e+36 ; swvel = 1e+36 ; swden = 1e+36 ; al = 1e+36 ; colfac = 1.5 ; joulefac = 1.5 ; dtide = 0, 0 ; sdtide = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; ncep_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; gpi_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; saber_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; tidi_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; see_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; imf_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; gswm_mi_di_ncfile = "/glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/gswm_diurn_5.0d_99km.nc ", " " ; gswm_mi_sdi_ncfile = "/glade/p/hao/tgcm/data/gswm_semi_5.0d_99km.nc ", " " ; gswm_nm_di_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; gswm_nm_sdi_ncfile = "[none] ", " " ; e1 = 1.59534372388185 ; e2 = 2.98 ; h1 = 2.35 ; h2 = 3.505 ; alfac = 0.1 ; ec = 0.07212 ; alfad = 0.5 ; ed = 0.012 ; crit1 = 17.2456046560449 ; crit2 = 32.2456046560449 ; mag = _, _, _, _ ; p0 = 5e-07 ; p0_model = 0.0005 ; grav = 870 ; LBC = -7 ; }