read the data with the idl routine in the directory. Example: IDL>file='slice_0100.dat' IDL>read_slice,file,nph,nth,time,ph,lat,br,bth,bph,vr,vth,vph the data read in are: nph: dimension in phi nth: dimension in latitude time: time in sec ph(nph): phi grid (in rad) lat(nth): latitude grid (in rad) br(nph,nth): Br in G bth(nph,nth): Bth in G (positive southward) bph(nph,nth): Bph in G vr(nph,nth): Vr in cm/s vth(nph,nth): Vth in cm/s (positive southward) vph(nph,nth): Vph in cm/s I have written slice_XXXX.dat from XXXX=0050 to XXXX=0150 at about 3 hour intervals, and from XXXX=0151 to XXXX=0303 at about 6 hour intervals, tracking an area centered on the emerging region (tracked rotation rate is 477 nhz), with data (Br, Bth, Bph, Vr, Vth, Vph) written on a phi-latitude grid of about 68.5 degree in widths. The emerging region itself is in the central area of about 20 degree widths (~250 Mm), but I included the 68.5 degree widths so you can apodize and re-scale. The slice is at a raidus of r= 6.6605524E10 cm A movie of the slices is at