read the data with the idl routine in the directory. Example: IDL>file='slice_0110.dat' IDL>read_slice,file,nph,nth,time,ph,lat,br,bth,bph,vr,vth,vph the data read in are: nph: dimension in phi nth: dimension in latitude time: time in sec ph(nph): phi grid (in rad) lat(nth): latitude grid (in rad) br(nph,nth): Br in G bth(nph,nth): Bth in G (positive southward) bph(nph,nth): Bph in G vr(nph,nth): Vr in cm/s vth(nph,nth): Vth in cm/s (positive southward) vph(nph,nth): Vph in cm/s, note vph is relative to a reference frame rotating at the tracked rotation rate of 476 nHz I have written 101 snapshots at 3 hour intervals, tracking an area centered on the emerging region (tracked rotation rate is 476 nhz), with data (Br, Bth, Bph, Vr, Vth, Vph) written on a phi-latitude grid of about 68.8 degree in total widths. The emerging region itself is in the central area of about 20 degree widths, but I included the 68.8 degree widths for the slices so one can apodize and re-scale. The slice is at a raidus of r= 6.6605524E10 cm, about 30 Mm below the photosphere. A movie of the slices is at Note: the time (sec) is relative to some chosen time which is about the time the central main emerging region begins to emerge. Note: Feng Chen used this for the Cartesian MURaM code, which assumes periodic boundary conditions, and placed the data at the bottom of his simulation box with several different depths, so he did a lot of rescaling in space, and time, and also apodized the data on the slice to allow it to match onto the periodic boundary condition Let me know if you have any questions.